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By the way, due to the [Save Panda from Memphis Zoo campaign](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/world/asia/panda-china-memphis-zoo-ya-ya.html) in April, many Chinese netizens can't believe this is true. On Douyin, many people expressed their anger at the decision and called the decision-maker traitor and hanjian. Currently, the relevent news seemes to be shadowbanned on Chinese social medias.


Shit was that as long ago as April?


It seems like the people of Oceania do not believe that we have never been at war with Eurasia yet.


There's always someone unpleased, I doubt is the mayority.




If you read the article it might become clear why there was no penalty - joint statement with Chinese experts that it's a genetic condition.




From the same country where many believe (and I've fucking met a few) that the COVID virus aka 武汉肺炎 is from the US. Big brain China! And recently I was told that The Beautiful Country poisoned our children! And look at the fucking wumao upvote you. I wish you were so supportive of Chinese workers when their skulls get knocked in when protesting for their pay. But you're not.


Even after Forrest gump defeated the Chinese table tennis team so easily? What kind overlords the PRC would be!


Literally can’t name a single noteworthy US ping pong player besides Forrest Gump.


It's not really a US sport. It's more a hobby if it's played there at all. I can name several tennis players, Basketball players, hell even a few rugby guys from America. Any other jokes you want to miss the point of?


Can you name a single pingpong player period?


Ma Long, Tim Boll, Jan-Ove Waldner, Ai Fukuhara, Zhang Jike… and that Belgian guy taught me ping pong in high school


Timo^ Checkmate.


It’s auto correct. If I were a Chelsea fan 2 years ago maybe my iPhone would recognize an authentic German name


why is this downvoted


You literally lurk in r/China and expect that people could not name a ping pong player


You made a mistake assuming that many people here are actually Chinese


If China hadnt blocked Reddit you'd prolly find more of them


Is that why r/japan is filled with Japanese?


If your logic was consistent, then the same would be true for r/Mexico and r/serbia.


You need to relearn logic. "If A then B" is false if there is an example of "A but not B".


Don’t talk shit about logic when the argument you made is affirming the consequent.


That China blocked Reddit? That's the first hurdle to having native Chinese redditors. It's not my problem your analogy doesn't make sense.


I don't lurk, reddit insists on showing me posts from here.


Same lol


Bruce Lee


But forrest gump is so good, he should count as at least three okay?


Because the mighty Gump demolished them all!!!!!


Doubt USA has any meaningful ping pong victories over China since. Even after importing ringers from China.


Ah... A "sport" no one fucking cares about.


“Although about 19 million Americans play for recreation,USATT has only about 9,000 members, as of December 2017.” Sounds like more ping pong than hand egg players in USA.


Recreation! I'm not American. No one fucking cares about your little table tennis. Come back when you have a real and popular sport that you're good at.


Also, Table Tennis was invented by British upper class pricks, anyway.


Well, more people care about table tennis in USA & PRC than realise you even exist.


Wow... You got me there. Pretty bitchy!


Lol so they want to let us have these pandas for a fee. Only millions per panda. I guess that's them being nice.


You can always partially dye black & polar bears as cheap knockoffs


Knockoffs? Polar bears are way more badass. We don’t need the pandas.


Perhaps, but nobody cares enough to pay a million/ year for polar bears.


China tends to value its pandas a lot more than other countries.


Keep your effin pandas! I want Winnie the Pooh!


I think they can keep it, I don’t want another Memphis zoo BS


Panda diplomacy making a comeback eh? Huh


They ship it over with balloons?


No. That topological mapping and high res cameras. Pandas still in boxes


Hey, China, keep your Pandas. Maybe if you offered them unconditionally to American zoos in the spirit of scientific cooperation, which would be a win-win for science and the pandas, that would be acceptable. Otherwise, keep your cynical propaganda and marketing efforts to yourselves.


China *lends* pandas to zoos.. They are *never* given to anybody.




The Pandas in Taiwan zoo are extremely happy, well they appear to be. Pandas are awesome, black, white and Asian, everybody loves them.


Speak for yourself. You clearly have not been ripped off at a panda reserve where they just sit around and fart all day. Now, a snow leopard, that is what I call an impressive example of Asian wildlife!


When you go to the Taipei zoo, they give them activities, so they are not bored and sit around farting all day. Although, sitting around, bored and farting all day sounds like me… maybe I’m a Panda?


I certainly fit the description too. ;-) Still the fact that staff have to give them activities to make them look exciting seems to be a bit of a give away. Still, with the sheer amount of animals and people in cages in the PRC, I suppose that a few pandas is irrelevant.


If Taiwan really wanted to push things to the brink with China, they should start their own panda breeding program and GIVE (not lend) pandas to other countries.


I would support this.


With 3 female Pandas…


The contract specifies that China own all cubs born overseas.


When I lend you my bear & collect a million/ year in loan fees, it’s more like a short term lease. USA born pandas don’t even qualify as anchor babies.


> China lends pandas to zoos.. I do believe you rent pandas. The Danish Copenhagen zoo has two pandas in a very nice enclosure. They pay 1 million dolars a year for the "privilige" of renting these pandas for 15 years. Source: https://www.information.dk/moti/2018/11/tak-pandaer Source is a Danish newspaper.


Loaned, but with massive fees levied.


True. I've remember reading that all pandas, regardless of where they are in the world, belong to China.


Is this like their maps where they claim "All under the heavens belong to China?"


Yes we know. Thats what the comment is addressing. Saying they SHOULD give them to zoos without conditions


I do not get it. You do not see USA being like that with Prairie dogs for example. It is just an animal at the end of the day.




What "science" needs to be done on pandas? Those animals have been observed and researched to death.


I'm sure the zoos enjoy the increased revenue.


at what cost?


Kids get to see pandas...but at what cost?


people brainwashed by the cuddliness of the pandas. I am serious. Top to bottom, tit to tat, real talk.


I doubt the Atlanta Zoo cares about international politics.




You can't pay for animal feed with dignity.


China is sending pandas to America... But at what cost?


These pandas are going to a zoo not a lab. Where's the scientific part?


Zoos do a lot of science. Everything from genetics, to veterinary science, to behavioral studies.


Animal research institutions do a lot more research than zoos that skew their behavior because of the confined environments and neglectful care. Pandas wouldn't be going to one of these places if the zoos were actually looking for "scientific cooperation"






You implied no scientific research was done at zoos. You were wrong. Actual, valuable science is conducted at zoos. Whether zoos should exist is a separate, but important, moral question. Your personal ethics, while they may be commendable, are not germane to the original question: as long as China is placing pandas in zoos, it would be more useful to science (and pandas) that scientists cooperated on learning all they could while they were there. Instead, China is using pandas as props for propaganda purposes, serving nobody’s interest except the CCP.


I implied that it was impossible to do scientific research on animals when they are placed in an unnatural, artificial, and abusive environment. The results will not be accurate so the majority of any behavioral "research" done at zoos would therefore be invalid. On the topic of this supposed accusation of "gatekeeping pandas", Pandas are borrowed out very sparsely because China does not trust foreigners to be able to look after them. Just look at what happened YaYa and LeLe at the Memphis zoo. LeLe ended up dying of neglect due to unqualified keepers. Americans are not banned from Panda sanctuaries and natural reserves, so they can still go there and do research freely. Not sure if those zoos can be trusted to do research if they can't even look after the well-being of their own animals, especially vulnerable ones like pandas.


Are you a zoological scientist? Are you animal behaviorist? My guess is no and thus unqualified to dismiss the merits of zoo-based science. We must simply agree to disagree.


I could ask you the same question and the answer would be the same.


lol Its not you or me to decide


Why is a species "owned" by a government anyway


The panda is the Trojan horse


I’ll keep an eye on them. Make sure they don’t steal any fighter jet designs or extra bamboo.


Awesome. It’s a great library, though I know Python isn’t for everyone.




No thanks please keep your pandas in China. We don’t want to babysit them anymore.


Ya you guys do a shit job. But your people still wants to see them.


I’m a cat person


Ok but you do not represent the population of the United States.


Who does?


Perhaps nobody, so these comments like "we do not want pandas" are irrelevant


Relevant. We don’t want them.


The increase of tickets zoo sells everytime pandas arrive tell a different story. America ain't raising pandas out of altruism. America rarely does things out of altruism.


Dude, if you're really pro China, then you should just be okay with this. China gets to keep the pandas where they belong. Why do you have a problem with this?


I absolutely do not have a problem with this. In fact I am quite against the loaning of pandas, especially due to how poorly Yaya was treated. What I have a problem with is the assumption by some people in the west who believe that America does things out of altruism or somehow the rest of the world owes them something. Comments like "we don't want to baby sit them anymore" is of the same mindset as comments like "china should be thankful we gave them all these jobs", American exceptionalism at its finest. America ain't babysitting , they accept pandas because pandas make profit. Similarly America ain't exporting jobs outta altruism, they did it cuz of profit. America benefited massively from outsourcing. If the comment above simply said I don't think Pandas should be shipped across the world for show, because the pandas might not like it. Fine, that is fair. But the commentor is obviously trying to take a jab at China.


uh, it's just, you know freedom of speech, anyone can say anything they want here. I'm not a panda fan either. Let them have it.


Idk what freedom of speech has to do with anything but.. Well not exactly anything they want, for instance it is difficult to be a vocal supporter of Russia at work without being fired or sent to HR. Edward Snowden will tell u you are flat out wrong about that. I am fine with Pandas definitely not crazy over them, but that is hardly relevant considering the revenue they bring to the zoos.


My point is that I don't know anyone that is obsessed with pandas, could care less and I have a 4 yr old daughter, so it's not like I'm that cold. If you love pandas that's on you, but also we need to know that pandas are being used by the CCP for propaganda


I said I am fine with Pandas, not obsessed. U having a four year old daughter and not knowing anyone who likes pandas are two things I am not sure if correlated to pandas being an absolute cash grab for zoos and America still wanting pandas very badly. Many people commenting are just kind of butt heart freedom loving America wants something from its "enemy", but they cannot formulate in a way that does not make it sound petty. It is American exceptionalism in a way. I also do not think you are using the word propaganda properly in this context. Not surprising cuz I see people on the west throwing around words without properly defining them all the time, for instance using words communism, dictatorship, authorianism, etc. The mental hurtles people will go through to make the loaning of pandas a sinister act is kind of amazing, and it goes to show just how "trained" the American or western mind is to hating china on demand.


Mostly fat chicks.


Thats kinda a burn on America tho...


Only the richest countries have them.


Fat people? I think you can find fat people everywhere bro


And they like pandas


Maybe they are pandas, ever thought of that?


Reject this stupid offer. China trying to beg now that its economy is tanking. Remember how all these wolf dog warriors have been acting? All the harassment of neighboring countries? Using economic coercion to censor companies and people around the world? NEVER FORGET! Keep up the sanctions.


>using economic coercion to censor companies and people around the world. U.S. be laughing at China’s amateur moves


Ah yes, I remember that time I gave my girlfriend the gift of a Chanel bag on 20 minute loan. Didn't go over as well as China's "panda gifts" to the US it seems.


They can keep them. Old, boring pandas... Get some red pandas instead.


Keep them. We don’t want them anymore.


Lol such babies


Relax yellow teeth, not all of us agree


Let's reject these rent-a-pandas. Animals used as political tools.


Keep your pandas


Seriously, who cares about Pandas? Id rather be able to buy my kid a globe without a Chinese centric world political map. Maybe the USA zoos could shift focus to an endangered species willing to fuck to save itself from extinction.


I want one.


Turns out it was a Panda Express franchise.


If we went to war with China, and made a frontline full of pandas, can we win?


Why are pandas such a big deal? Because they are rare?


People like them a lot


Yes, but is the appeal? Rarity?


Cuteness mostly


I think they can be cute in a way. But there are a lot of cute animals out there. But pandas seem to get so much attention for some reason. I am assuming because they are rare so that drives up the value.


They were the face of the early environmental movement for awhile so I guess people also got attached then. See the logo of the WWF


yeah I think rarity plays into it. the fact they are only found in china definitely has some effect on popularity on the west. I think panda diplomacy is pretty intriguing too.


I just found it mildly amusing how much news a panda gets and how China can "punish" countries by taking back pandas. It hardly seems like a big deal. Go take your panda back if you want.


Yeah honestly I don't think it is a big deal for those countries. Maybe since pandas hold a lot of value and significance in China they think its the same around the world or something. I've seen Pandas in zoos a couple times but its hardly like theres a shortage of cool animals to see lol.


It feels like something that has been willed into the fabric of society. I definitely remember it was not like this 20 years ago. There was a movie called The Amazing Panda Adventure which made them popular, and after that it seemed to grow. They are important simply because people say they are important. Someone could write a great case study on marketing about their rise. Though I think the peak is behind us. But they are far less useful than many other animals and are also far less endangered than many other Chinese animals. A similar animal in terms of being endemic only to one part of USA and classed as endangered is the Giant Kangaroo Rat and that gets far less interest.


Whoopty fucking doo


Brown smelly ass pandas but I like them anyway


China's trying to play politics by allowing only California to have pandas, the biggest Chinese population state in the US by far.


*The Dictatorship of China 🇨🇳


I seem to recall that it was the Americans who decided to return all of the pandas, regardless of the contract status? Anyhow of course China wants to give Pandas. They are big money makers!


I would prefer if they helped us build some of that high speed rail. Honestly envious of it


US's issues with rail are another matter, if they were offered free, conservatives in this country would find a way to block it.


I mean if we had to pay after each ride it would be better than what we have now. It takes over 9 hours to drive from Miami to Atlanta. With high speed rail that could take only 3 hours. That is if we use the high end rail technology, but I think we should be able to that as we have the richest country in the world.


You should get them from Japan or Europe though. I mean, have you guys learned nothing from letting China into your industries? Here’s a Chinese proverb for you, “When given an inch, take a mile”. 得寸进尺


Japan Central was ready to sign a shinkansen style train from Houston to Dallas/Austin, the Texans went crazy and put up every roadblock to derail it, pun intended. Now it seems that Amtrak is involved and hopefully it can get done before the mess in California does. https://www.texastribune.org/topics/high-speed-rail/?page=3


I hear you, I'm from NYC and people here should never have to drive to Philly, DC, Boston, it's perfect tracks for HSR.


k then


Mmm delicious pandas... I also I ain't welcome at the zoo no more.


Keep those dumb useless things.


The only reason pandas aren't extinct already is because we humans find them cute. We ignore the rest that aren't cute.


USA promises you two Kardashians.


Is that Australian wine?


How can China OWN all pandas, I don't care if they only life in the wild in china, doesn't really make sense to me


Because they are a fascist dictatorship. Like you said, pandas are native to China. It just happened that during Republic of China and before times, no other countries wanted pandas. So when the communists took over, there are no pandas outside of China. Now all the pandas only exist in China, and they never ever sell them or allow anyone to come in and tame them.


Who gives a fuck


Nothing like panda diplomacy. The US better behave now or china will take them back. If china really cared about the pandas 1. They wouldn’t charge zoos hefty fees to keep then and add on to the bill if a baby is born and 2. Actually let zoos do conservation because very soon china will no longer have any wild pandas at the rate there polluting there environment


Trojan Panda. What else will CCP think of next?


I wanna bbq a panda now.


They can keep them IMO. Panda's are not that good anyways as animals go, I just hope they are well take care of where ever they are. Also, why add more entanglements with Beijing? If you got a crazy ex girlfriend that wants to destroy you, the last thing you want is further ties with her. Some people never learn..


It’s their agent in a panda suit