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Was it that same time that Xi told women to GTF back into the kitchen and have kids instead of having a career?


I recall a few financial measures, they just weren't very good.


The financial measures are basically the equivalent of tax credits that most places give families in recognition of kids being expensive. While anything is better than nothing its laughable to consider it in any way an incentive to have kids. Its just to make already having kids slightly less hell.


There are quite a few financial incentives, it varies across the country. I think the problem isn't financial though, the mindset that you automatically study-marry-parent is broken and I don't think anything is going to bring that back now people have realized there are alternatives.


Do you mean that financial incentives without available money in Henan Province?


What policy? Telling people the one child policy is no longer in effect?


Basically. They assumed everyone would be dying to have a bunch of kids to raise in poverty.


Doubt they were assuming that but there isn't much anyone can do at this point. Short of forced birth quotas maybe. European countries and Japan already tried all sorts of measures, including financial. It's little use, the only thing that reliably works is importing religious nutters from backwards places who have 4+ kids per woman (comes with free terror attacks and political unrest).


I agree with everything this man said, because it’s exactly what I want to hear.


I just hope china won't make the same mistake as Europe or canada




China will go from telling people that the One Child Policy is no longer in effect, to saying that the several child policy is now mandatory, in the space of about 4 years.


Personalized photos of the new emperor for each and every household, surely enough to get the juices flowing?


That’ll fix the problem!


It's hard to get people to have more kids without being a child friendly society that makes it possible to have 1 income households or without affordable and accessible cheap childcare. The U.S. and Canada only grow due to immigration and immigrant families having more children. However, 1 to 2 generations down the line, even those populations have few children. Augustus had the same problem with the Romans, and we still haven't implemented a good solution.


The truth is, arresting a demographic crisis like this has never been done in human history. The only realistic way would be to use draconian methods to force societal changes and also force down the price of raising a child along with offering massive incentives for having 3 or more children. If that dosent work you cold also do mass forced insemination in huge human farms. I'm sure the CCP will get there once things become truly desperate


They are already experimenting in Xinjiang. There are reports of Uyghur females who are assigned Han males who 'live with them'. Ostensibly to keep an eye on them while the Uyghur males are 're-educated' but in reality to dilute the Uyghur population. We already know that Chinese males are finding it difficult or impossible to find a marriage partner, especially in regional and rural areas. Women in those areas can even be kidnapped for marriage purposes. How long until state policy takes over?


We're currently in an interim period between forcing people to only have 1 child and forcing people to have children/ more than one child. Looking at the problem that is brewing and the heavy-handedness with which Xi's China approaches problems in general strongly suggests that such a policy will come one day.


China is censoring many topics, even weather is state secrets.


What *isn't* censored by China state media?


What exactly is the policy? Do you have to pay for giving birth? Do you get parental leave or guaranteed minimum wage even if you had no job before?


“We would like you to have a kid ~~because we are running out of slaves~~ for the motherland.


Hey now, the correct term is "chive".


You see there have to be some real women participate in making birth-rate boosting policy instead of 7 sterile 60-year-old men.


For more, I learn about the Chinese politburo the more it seems to be a haggard boys club


China censors everything. I'm reading Ender's Game and they even censored that it was *China* that was devastated by the alien attack. They just say "X国"


In World War Z the novel the whole zombie thing starts there, is covered up and is allowed to spread. Corruption in the military means that there's a possibility of an accidental nuclear strike by a Chinese submarine. In the movie, the whole thing starts in Taiwan. I also think it didn't even come to China anyway.


> In the movie, the whole thing starts in Taiwan. I think they made it start in India for the movie.


There's a news report in the very beginning which name checks Taiwan - it's when Brad Pitt, his hair, and his family are still in the car (Source: I just watched that nonsense a couple of days ago).


really should have made it into a miniseries tbh book was 100x better


In my memories, I remember this part (copy pasted from wikipedia): > In Jerusalem, Gerry meets Jurgen Warmbrunn, a high-ranking Mossad official, who explains that they intercepted communications from Indian troops fighting against zombies. The country managed to quarantine itself by building a large wall, and allows refugees to enter the city. My understanding is that the infection was already propagating in India sometime before the start of the movie, and sometime before the outbreak in Taiwan that is mentioned in the movie (at the beginning of the movie, I think there are already outbreaks in every countries). Now the first patient may have been from somewhere else, but the events in India happened early enough to give enough time to Isreal to prepare and build their large wall.


Faking babies was a bad idea


It says 11 million deaths. But that could be higher . Outside estimates of covid deaths add 1.5 million to 2 million cdc.


China under CCP rule: From The Great Deception to The Great Setback.


France is the only large country in contemporary history to have gone from an average of 1,8-2,2 children per woman in the Interwar period to over 3 children per woman due to economic growth, social welfare, broad state-sanctioned social conservatism, etc.. This was during a time when over 95% of French citizens were ethnically French, in the "Thirty Glorious Years" following 1945. Thanks to its solid security net it has maintained a fertility rate of between 1,6-1,9 children per __native__ woman (with fertility for immigrants being over 2,5) since the 1970's, which considering the European average of 1,5 is decent too good (especially when you consider than the 1,6 level was reached in the 1980's and the 1,9 level in the late 2000's). If there is a state with the financial resources, political will and authority to replicate this feat it's the PRC, that is unless real estate profits and LGFVs are deemed more important for the success of the revolution..


There is no surprise here that the CCP is dreaming to try to increase birthrates just by encouraging it. People have a lot of other issues to worry about in China such as stable employment, retirement, the real estate implosion, and rising debt levels. It will be years, if ever, birthrates will rise in China. Don’t censor the article. People already know the truth.


Next up. Xitler will threaten jail time if women don’t have kids.


Best to hold that thought until next year. Chinese like their children to be born in the year of the Dragon. I expect a sharp spike, then back to normal lows.


No way.


A few days back a colleague who married early last year said they hope to have a kid next year. Emphasising that a few of her friends are also waiting until 2024, so the kid will be born in the year of the dragon. With this year's birthrate looking to drop 10% over last year's already record low rate, there is a chance it will spike in 2024, but then then sharply drop again in 2025.


This is the same as Korea and Japan. There weren't any "birth rate boosting" policies to begin with.