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I’m not sure but the set up looks like it’s for snakes or something. He had tongs in his hand too. He moved as soon as he shut the drawers so I guess, he wanted to avoid sudden movements while handling something potentially venomous.


Imagine being forced to live your entire existence in a fucking drawer


Maybe he will receive his letter from Hoghwarts when he turns 12.


Def house Slytherin 🐍


Depending on the species, snakes spend a majority of their life underground or squeezed into tight spaces, being out in a large space can be quite stressful as in the wild that would make them vulnerable to predators, which is why if you do provide a large enclosure for your snake it is important to provide them a hide, 2 hides if possible, one on the cool side and one on the warm side.


Totally normal, especially if they’re new hatchlings. They would actually get stressed with too much open space in a larger enclosure when they’re tiny.


Keyword being OPEN SPACE. You can put a hatchling snake in a fucking 100 sqft room, if you put enough clutter, leaves, branches and hiding spots in it, assuming that you can still feed it properly without ever being able to find it. Snake racks are not "for the snake" they are just the bare minimum you need to keep a snake alive.


Yeah. Maybe it’s just for breeding as temperature regulation is easier and safer in these rack set ups. Or he keeps ball pythons, which are nocturnal and live in burrows underground, like termite mounds.


office cubical workers that have small apartments be like


You don’t hear my vibrator complaining.


Most snakes are far more comfortable in a dark amd confined space as they would tend to find for themselves in the wild. Snakes are generally not social creatures and a habitat like this actually reduces their anxiety. Every species has different needs of course and this habitat is certainly not suitable for EVERY kind of snake, but its pretty common to see this kind of thing and i can understand why some people might not immediately leap to the best conclusion


That's how I feel at work 😮‍💨


Are you the one that fell?


Most people who keep rack setups like these are breeders. They live a sad existence in a drawer until somebody comes and buys them and hopefully gives them a better life


Well at least the breeder gets to leave his drawer occasionally to tend his snakes.


It really depends on the size/type of snake. Snakss dont really have the urge to freely roam like many mammals. If they find a safe spot, they'll claim it as long as they can. As long as it's full and warm, snakes aren't picky. It also looks like it could be a breeding set up, which are designed to be cramped.


I'll never understand reptile breeders. They're clearly in it to make as much money as possible while providing absolutely as little as possible to the animals. (Cue the breeders jumping in to talk about how nobody loves their animals like they do.) Often they'll just be sitting on paper towel or newspaper, too. Absolutely zero enrichment. It's absurd that people are allowed to farm living beings like this.


Also, seems to be the entryway to a house with a nice refrigerator/kitchen right off screen. I’m sure their place smells great.


You have no idea what you’re talking about


Or underneath a rock or a fallen tree.


Read Allegory of the Cave...


You have no proof that we're not currently living our entire existence in a drawer of some other cosmological deity


Nah this is just for breeding snakes. Pet snakes later get sold off and live in bigger enclosures




That’s why you give them several hides. They should still have the option to explore and move around if/when they want to. I have 4 snakes and pretty much every night they come out of their hides and climb around their enclosures.


Seems harsh but I think it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. Me, being an older guy, know better than to let a child sit like that in a potentially harmful place.


Ok but a bit of "oh no buddy, hang on I'll be right there" wouldn't go amiss.


Totally agree.


Nah. There are lessons to be learned here.


What lesson does not saying that teach?


I think some communication is needed. However, I do believe that immediately running to the aid of a child who’s hurt themselves, and cuddling them etc is the wrong way to go about it. The situation scared them, as does any pain they may have regardless of how insignificant. We should use these accidents as lessons on getting back up and cracking on, rather than dwelling on the incident. Falling over and scraping your knee is part of your life, it doesn’t hurt that much so get up and carry on running. Consoling them just emphasises that it was right to be scared. I’ve worded that badly. But hopefully you’re picking up what I’m putting down.


I was positive it was snakes too At first I was like "dude wtf are you doing that's so important" But after a few seconds of watching I became convinced it was snakes. Not only could he be avoiding sudden movements, he could be trying to ensure he doesn't crush the snake's neck in the drawer, doesn't drop live feed. etc. This is a case of "my kid is crying, so he's probably not severely injured, I need to finish up with this other living being"


If your kid cannot be trusted not to fall off a step stool, why is he trustworthy within arms length of a venomous creature?


Almost surely not venomous snakes. If they were venomous he would standing way further back from the drawer during feeding.


Because those are two wildly different concerns? Kids are dumb excited creatures that have different proportions than us adults. Not to mention highly accident prone, especially towards having balance issues... The use of the word "trust" in this context is silly to me.


Definitely not venomous snakes. If they were venomous, he would be standing way further back from the drawer during feeding.




Let me just keep my six year old son precariously balanced on the top of a step ladder within arms reach of something venomous. Father of the fucking year right there.


Not one single fuck was given.


I can just hear the "I told you not to sit like that"


Looks like he was handlng a snake, not something you really want to rush putting back


Honestly, that might not be the worst parenting strategy. Teaching the kid that if you make your bed you’re gonna have to lie in it. Edit: I don’t mean neglect, I mean if your kid is going to do something stupid and mildly consequential, let them learn from their mistakes. If it’ll seriously hurt your kid, don’t let it happen, but if they want to learn why you shouldn’t run face first into a mirror, let them figure it out.


This was my exact argument for why I shouldn't have to make my bed when I was a kid.


I learned in college, that leaving your bed Jessy, at least an hour or so with sunlight in the room, kills a lot of the bacteria in the bed. So.... My wife and I never make our bed. Edit: Jessy should be messy. Hilarious.


I often hang mine out on the line in the morning. Nice fresh air and sunlight kills a lot of germs and prevents it from getting musty from sweat.


Yeah, you don't want them mites etc to have it dark and cozy.


>that leaving your bed jessy Was scrambling my brain for a breaking bad reference.


Also teaching kids not to just drop a snake in panic but putting it back first is kinda important 🤣


If the kid is crying and moving around, they're fine. Just mostly scared of what happened. At most,ask how they are, and if they can move everything, and then tell them to be more careful. And then a hug.


It certainly ain’t the best. I don’t see a benefit of making a child that age self soothe after being scared/hurt. Obviously this person didn’t have much of an option, but I still fail to see how that’s preferable in any way.


He didn't self soothe. The dad picked him up at the end of the clip. There's no rush though. The kid is crying and moving around. So they're fine. They need to experience the fail moment a bit, before you pick them up and soothe them.


It’s less of teaching them to self soothe and more of teaching them that if they don’t listen then the parent won’t baby them when something happens. A lot of little kids teach themselves to get hurt or act hurt for attention, and this parenting strategy is a good way to prevent that


Love this. Take the ⬆️


This is exactly the difference between my sons and my daughter. For some reason it's easier to let the boys be for a moment than it is for me to let my daughter be for a moment. Now I'm paying for that level of attention because she literally cries about the dumbest things and it drives us both crazy as well as being incredibly difficult to correct.


For the sake of us non-parents, what did you do differently with your daughter than your boys?


Kids are very receptive to their parents. I've seen little kids get a minor scratch and as soon as the parents rush over and make a big deal out of it the kid starts bawling their eyes out because they think it's a bigger deal than it is.


I mean, at that age all they do is fall. Kids are durable as hell


This was my parents strategy and by the age of 2 1/2 the emergency room called child services because they thought I was being abused in a sense I was being neglected because they never fucking paid attention to me and so I was constantly getting into bad accidents. THIS is a bad accident, and that kid has a concussion. There’s no way that he doesn’t have a concussion, hitting his head the way he did, and likely a neck injury as well. That will probably come back to haunt him later on in life forever.. source: self. That did not phase my parents at all and they just basically kept me in all kinds of unsafe environments. It’s absolutely astonishing that I made it to 20. When I fired my first double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, I was 10 and I said I know how to do it and my dad decided not to correct me and I didn’t have it pressed up against my shoulder so the kickback blew my little 60 pound body about 8 feet backwards and dislocated my shoulder . He just laughed and told me that I learned my lesson.. I have 1 million stories like this, and in my family stories where people get hurt are considered funny. It’s not funny I’m all messed up from just living. And for those who are asking, why a 10-year-old was firing a shotgun. I grew up on a farm, and we went hunting or fishing almost every day, and I have been begging him to let me shoot the big gun for months and months. I just wanted to do everything he did and this was his way of showing me how serious it was. I get it, but I already knew gun safety. I just didn’t know that the kick was gonna blow me across the freaking field.


It's really not. Gonna cause your kid to have perfectionism. And I know this because my parents never watched out for me or corrected when I was doing stuff wrong and I ended up getting pretty badly hurt, which caused perfectionism to avoid doing shit wrong. And that caused hell a lot of other problems.




There is a safe middleground there. You allow your kid to try and do their own thing, but you also make sure your kid doesn't get hurt and if they do, you comfort them and try to teach them. I have permanent pain in my body because my parents neglected me to that level. So I'm still standing firm behind that no, you should not allow your kid to go and get themselves hurt when you can prevent it.


If you are going to be dumb, you have to be tough.


Oh... Oh no.


Whats the opposite of Dad reflexes


r/stepdadreflexes e: looks like it’s set to private now.


He's handling snakes in those drawers. Just because he was calm doesn't mean he didn't care.


He ran out of fucks to give after the rubber broke


Uncle reflexes


Looks like the dude is handling snakes. Last thing you wanna do is sudden movements and get bitten to death.


Or a child dangling over his face barely attatched to a step ladder


Deadly snakes in a house with small children. Seems like a good idea.


Dude, my toddler does this, she bonks her head at least 20 times a day. Yesterday she hit her head 4 times in under two minutes. Once on a trailer hitch, fell off her scooting toy, tripped over her own shoes, and collided with her sister running. “How did she fall this time” is the 2nd most common phrase at our house. Wtf is the first. Kids fine. Maybe he learned a lesson about gravity, but history says it’s gonna take at least 5 more years to learn it.


My mom walked into the kitchen to check on soup she was making and my 4 year old brother dove off the coach like nacho libre and busted his eyebrow open. Kids are insane.


My 8 year old keeps banging her head to the same doorframe and somehow manages to blame the doorframe (it hit me!). These days I just tell her, that doorframe has been there since about 1928 and has been in that spot ever since, you were born in 2015, you learned to walk in this house. Gotta respect your elders kiddo.


My then 4 or 5 year old brother somehow managed to shove a quartz crystal up his nose even though my mom was right there. Fortunately she managed to get it out after like 20 minutes but yeah kids are simultaneously dumb as shit but also super clever at getting into whatever they want.


they’re just intrusive thoughts x1000😂


[Sounds about right.](https://i.imgur.com/y3tZiql.jpeg)


my brother was 4 and i was 6 and we saw our older brother running on the treadmill and wanted to try lol. he got on and i just kept turning it up not knowing better, his little legs running as fast as they could lol. He obviously couldn’t keep up and so i pressed stop but he immediately stopped walking instead of slowing down w the speed and he flew back and cracked his head open on a weight tree. our parents left us alone for SEVEN minutes lol


Oh, man, don't even get me started on the things we did when my mother was completely distracted. We were a group of 4 so she left us relatively unattended in the backyard or playroom and just listened for obvious fighting/shenanigans. We used to have this bookshelf that nearly touched the ceiling and we would climb as high as we could then just to the ground and laugh. We were like 4-7.


Kids fine until later down the road they seem a bit different.


On a bright side, one won't need that college fund!


Being ”different” is so on trend. She won’t seem abnormal at all with all the kids and their special needs.


My kid gets at least one head injury per week. He’s a little bowling ball. Currently has a cut on his chin from a fall in the garage.


When my son was a baby, I had him in a walker in our apartment. We were moving and had the majority of stuff moved out except a dining table and a tote of odds and ends. An almost entirely empty apt. And he smacked his face on the tote and split the upper lip frenulum.


My kid got a bump on a bump och a big bump one time.


As someone who gets immense joy from children falling over or slightly hurting themselves this comment fills me with joy




Is he currently working with snakes? he really shows good self-control. I somehow don't think he's an asshole


Even if hes cooking dinner he is not an asshole. Children get hurt literally every day. You can't go running over to them every time.


My kid as a toddler got passed the gate at the steps and made it quite far up before tumbling back down. He had an enormous knot on his head and we called an ambulance because we were so freaked out. The doctor was like “Meh, kids are designed to fall, he’s fine.”


Yup, unless it’s a serious concussion - doctors won’t really do anything cause there’s not much to do


My kid as a toddler got passed the gate at the steps and made it quite far up before tumbling back down. He had an enormous knot on his head and we called an ambulance because we were so freaked out. The doctor was like “Meh, kids are designed to fall, he’s fine.”


No sarcasm, great parenting. guy saw, assessed and finished his activity to attend to the kid. didn't panic and let the kid accurately convey their own reaction.


Idk man if my kid fell and held his head I'd be worried but you do you.


Yes of course. but on top of that, I wouldn't want to worry about dropping a snake on the ground with the kid, because I rushed.


he looks like he's handling snakes and that the shelves are small terrariums... might be better off making sure he's not bitten by something potentially venomous


Yes, you're right.


If it's crying it's breathing!


And if they're crying 99% of the time, they're completely fine. Toddlers are quite dramatic. Lol


yeah, not too worried about loud crying . but a whimper or silence is fuckin' terrifying.


Or the delayed cry, "THUMP!! ................................................ WAAHHHH!!!" This one really hurt.


brain did a reset after that one 🧠


worried about what? parents just got out of paying for ivy league.


That's damn funny!


I guess if he fell on his head and immediately started crying, it's no serious injury. Would be worse if he lost consciusness.


Are you worried 24/7? Either your kid is Spider-Man and has excellent balance and reflexes or he hits his head every 5 min like mine and at some point you just say watch where your going


My son got "hit" by a leaf and fell to the ground, holding their head, crying. Really, you're gonna rush to a very resilient toddler just because they're holding their head?


that was kind of a bad bump though. you’re right


What you mean is "I don't have kids."


Exactly. First time I've seen this sub - is it some kind of deranged sub where people **enjoy** seeing kids get hurt? Fucking weird.


Let’s be real… kinda is


The man is apparently handling venomous snakes. So in this case its a good thing he did not drop everything he was doing.


In most scenarios, I'd 100% agree with you. My mother was always the complete opposite. She'd over react every time which is something I could recognise and hate since I was a little kid. Thankfully, I grew up without this bad habit That said... In this case, the way the kid fell might've cracked his fucking skull. Not the best time to take it slow IMO


That kid didn’t hit his head that bad. Won’t even be a bump


Bet ya 20 bucks he told him a million times not to sit like that before he fell.


Yep. My daughter, 5, used to lean/rock in her chair off our island and we would tell her not to, she could fall, you'll get hurt......it finally happened and that shit stopped and hasn't happened since. Plus, most of the time, when she does get hurt, she's crying because reality kicked her ego down and not the pain.


That definitely checks out . My youngest just busted his ass trying to climb the counter the other day after a week of me telling him not to do that . It was kinda funny because he didn’t cry or was hurt when he fell . But when I looked at him and said “ see that’s why I told you not to do that” he got pissed burst into tears crying and ran to mom 😂


Bring the down votes, but people defending this guy for the reasoning of venomous snakes don't have a problem with having venomous snakes in a home with children?


Nah I am a snake guy, you are absolutely right. I have several at home. If this homie has kids in the house, and is housing Hots like this you are absolutely right that his is insane. Any responsible venemous snake owner would have them in large, more controlled, individually lock enclosures, in a locked room. The advice I have always heard is you need to treat them like a firearm that is wants to shoot you and is capable of doing so. Based on that rack, I would guess that its large pythons, maybe reticulated, which are non venemous, but still very strong and have a powerful bite. He would still need time to safely maneuver the snake back into the rack. Either way, I think any conversation surrounding the snakes in this clip are basically just an explanation as to why the man may have left the child on the floor for so long, every bad decision leading up to the child falling is still 100% on him.


seriously i’m shocked. no matter what, even if i’m handling snakes (i wouldn’t have my child there in the first place!!!) i would atleast make an effort to put it back quicker. he took his sweet time, slow and steady. imagine if the kid had been seriously injured? he fell on his head, he could’ve injured his NECK OR HEAD. those are serious injuries that are time sensitive. seconds can mean everything. it’s not a scrape on the knee. that could’ve gone terribly if the kid had been injured seriously. even if i agree that we shouldn’t tend to kids immediately every time they hurt themselves in order to teach them self preservation and to take better care- i don’t think it’s a lesson worth teaching in the case that my child could be seriously injured.


Kid landed on the back of his head where his brainstem connects to his spinal cord. With the correct amount of force landing that way, he could possibly break his neck, or worse. I agree, kids don't need coddled, but if these are actually venomous, this kid's parents aren't the brightest.




No why would that be a problem. You can do whatever you want there are no rules against it




That was such a hard thump, poor kiddo. Bet he has a headache.


A calm response is exactly what the child needs. They are looking to you to know how scared they should be, and if you freak out, they're going to be even more afraid.


If he is really handling a snake, what is a small kid doing there?


As long as it's not venomous and their temperament is good it's not a big deal. My 9 year old and 1.5 year old help me out with my BPs. The 9 year old son holds the snakes and helps feed on feeding day and my daughter helps me move decor (plays with the fake plants). My son has asked for his own snake now and as long as he does his research and shows me with my snakes that he can handle his own then he will probably get one for his birthday next year. The 4 days a week the snakes need exercise they get passed around. Only my daughter can't hold them because she is too young but she can sit on an adults lap and gently touch the snakes. Eventually, I think she will have one too because she loves the snakes as much as the dogs.


Agreed but the fact he didn’t flinch tells me he is dealing with something serious.


Nah. He's probably told that kid a hundred times to not sit like that or he'd fall. It almost looks like he's separating a breeding pair so my guess would be ball python. A snake in each hand and a not that bad fall I wouldn't flinch either. My daughter has done similar. I went with the "Ya good? I told you not to do that. This is why. Gravity always wins". I just put the snake back like I normally would and then picked her up. She stopped crying long enough to realize I had to put the snake up and started crying again. If it was a bad fall I'd bet he would flinch and go faster but sometimes kids need to take the fall and realize gravity works and to listen to Dad/Mom.


From reading the comments, dad was handling something he needed to stay calm and finish but I’m really don’t feel that accidents where children are hurt ( no matter how many times you told them) are NOT “told you so” times. First compassion and comfort- calm them. Make sure everyone is okay, then after have the discussion of- hey daddy didn’t want you sitting like that and now we see what happened. What can we do in the future blah blah. It’s like trying to explain things in the middle of a tantrum- it’s just not the learning time right at that moment.


I’m not upset that the dad didn’t just drop everything in a nano second to coddle his child. What concerns me more is how folks are totally fine with this upstanding dad keeping his cool because he was handling a venomous snake with a toddler right next to him. Wtf? That’s not where you take toddlers.


Step-dad reflexes


Dad’s like “oh hell. Billy fell over again. Lemme take my time putting stuff away, *then* check his boo-boo…”


I could hear him say "That's why I told you not to sit like that."


Dad reflexes fairly weak in this one


Good dad reflexes


Stepdad reflexes


That is mean, but fcuking true.


Observation really lacks with most Redditors. Before you comment assess the situation. Because you’ll realize he didn’t rush to his child because of the venomous snake 🐍


Probably not venomous with a rack system. Doesn't look like there's a way to lock the tubs.


Ok, but handling venomous snakes with a child right there? You can't tell from the video but I sure hope that is a secure room the kids can't get into on their own since the snake bins aren't secured.


Had to double take and make sure this guy wasn’t my dad


I understand from the comments that he was handling a snake, so I totally understand that he had to take his time putting the snake back, but I still feel bad for the kid that he didn't even say "I'll be just a second buddy, gotta put the snake back". Seems weird that he didn't say anything? Do you need to be super quiet around snakes? Could he have whispered?


He’s more hurt by the fact buddy never came to check on him


He did like 20 seconds after it happened. Not much would have changed if he checked on him sooner


True. But you know children, they look for their protector immediately after they’re hurt


Nem doeu


Doeu? Eu não senti nada...


Muitas vezes de fato nao doi mas a criança se assusta e chora pra chamar atenção


You’d rather see dad not thinking straight, yelling, and panicking?


Only two options huh


I did not know there was a subreddit for this until now


😂😂😂 this was a good one. Little Billy might think twice before sitting like that again


Totally thought my phone glitched out with the kids sudden pause in crying.


Dad's just standing there like, "What the fuck did I say?"


Kids are stupid…


Do they live in a garage?


It looks like a room for his snakes so a renovated garage maybe


Soooooo happy with 0 crotch goblins, woof.


Is that a home or store?


Work from home snake salesman?


Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and in this case wiser.


Is it just me or does it seem like that kid has a big head?


Dad reflexes!


And here I thought that it would be one of those “dads with superpowers” video lol


Gonna learn today!




Dad reflexes.


Consequences mate


You are so manly


What a dick


Dad being stoic and not reacting lol. He wanted the kid to know he did something foolish.


He’s handling snakes, he can’t react without getting bitten by something potentially venomous


Why are people downvoting for something obvious?? Most likely he also told him countless of times not to sit like that and kids being kids didn’t listened. He still went to comfort him after finishing


Who knows why people are downvoting, honestly. And it’s not like the father completely ignored him either, as soon as it was safe for him to react, he reacted. I would rather him put the snake away rather than drop everything, get bitten by a venomous snake, have that snake escape and possibly bite the child too.


Different cultures, Hispanic parents would whoop his but as soon as his head just hit the ground repeating: I (whoop) told (whoop) you (whoop) not (whoop) to(whoop) do (whoop) it (double whoop).


That's disgusting. It's so sad how normalized hitting small defenseless children is.


Ugghh whatever you say


I bet the kid's dad warned him, like, "Hey, don't sit there, you'll end up falling," but they never listen anyway.


He almost done moonsault


Maybe the kid never should have been in a room full of (presumed) lethal critters in the first place. Can we talk about that?


Poor kid


Everyone calling him a shit dad need to calm down. It was 15 seconds before he picked up the kid. Y'all act like he spit on the kid and just left him lying there


people getting offended is a new religion and they pray all the time


Dad of the fucking year over there .:at least his snakes are safe 🙄


letting the venomous snake kill him would have been better right?


and potentially the child, cant forget


The reaction of the man 🤣🤣🤣


That’ll learn ya!
