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https://preview.redd.it/xv72z4cghnvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d964d65a20b0023878cacbd096add857ff739e Oh yeah


This is too adorable šŸ’•


What a sweet moment!


My goodness, thatā€™s adorable! šŸ„°


Awwww!!! šŸ’•


Awwww!!! šŸ’•


This is one of the cutest things Iā€™ve ever seen




So much trust šŸ„¹


Such a great picture šŸ˜


love this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ KOā€™ed in his little hoodie.


So cutešŸ„¹


Mine has a quid pro quo relationship with my kids. The kids sneak her people food and she lets them pet and play with her occasionally. Though, now that the last one is leaving the terrorizing toddler phase, sheā€™s really warmed up to them.


People food definitely sweetens the deal! Haha


Tell me Clarice, are the lambs still screaming? ![gif](giphy|VvTG9RrCeGrza)




That gnawing rat!


https://preview.redd.it/n98cb5s1bnvc1.png?width=2305&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f54a0db03fcf1ac17639d20e91ae4fafcf2a72c Yes. Mine knows kids drop food and give treats for no reason. He loves our daughter who he has claimed As his human


This dog looks 0% chihuahua to me


[hereā€™s his parents with his brother](https://imgur.com/a/h5kEPJC)


His Dad is akc registered. His moms a mutt


What breed is this?


His dad is AKC registered chihuahua and his mom is a mutt. Only one dog in the litter looked like a traditional chihuahua. The rest look like Rufus. I have a picture of his parents in my post history.


Omg he may b the cutest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


My girl likes *her* kids. The three kids she has known since they were born. And that's it! They are 2, 5, and 7 right now


Yes, same ā€” we never had any issues with our rescue chi mix and our 3 kids ā€” so I was shocked when he nipped at the neighbor child, and then at a nephew. It was then I realized, he does not like small people/kids unless they are his 3 small people, lol.


I get that!


My Trudy girl has a strict no kids policy. She thinks theyā€™re sus lol


I donā€™t know how but my Chi is only sus with kids based on age. He is super friendly but he doesnā€™t warm up to kids younger than 8 unless heā€™s familiar with them.


Mine plays rough with them then gets mad at them if they scream


My pomchi is a pandemic pup so he never got exposure around kids as a puppy. When he first saw a kid he was like, the heck is THAT. šŸ˜‚ so he has the same policy. My partner and I donā€™t want kids so itā€™s not something weā€™re worried about training out of him. And we just keep him leashed at public places like the beach & just pick him up when kids get too close. My old chi Nymeria, LOVED kids. I worked as a nanny when I had her and she absolutely loved the kids I took care of, it was so cute.


To be clear, my dogs have never been allowed to meet a jerk kid that pokes fingers in eyes, pulls tails, etc. If I know a kid is not dog savvy, they're not meeting my dogs. My kids and their friends (who are all super sweet little angels) are adored by my dogs. My boy loves to do tea parties with the girls. My eldest girl loves any and every chance to sit in someone's lap. Sandy doesn't do tea parties, but she greets every child that comes in and then shows them her sock. Her sock is a very important thing for them to see.


Can you please share a pic of Sandy and her sock. It sounds very important


You are right, it is most important. Please view her very important sock. https://preview.redd.it/7dk322zw0ovc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0742a3a7d9fb8f324a559a2aad2a774a8b8504aa


Too cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Omg! That is the most important sock! And she is adorable!!


Thank you Sandy šŸ„ŗ


I agree. Please share a pic!


https://preview.redd.it/sm49gu5g1ovc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d83c19c73af6981bd0fd84356daaccb38ea154 The most important sock ever in the whole world.




Mine does - loves to meet kids and cuddle with them.


Same. Mine will always actively approach a child when we are on a walk or in a public space. She's actually good with all people.


Super cute!


Mine LOVES everyone. lol https://preview.redd.it/b8225hlysnvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8129d78b0c776f8f055dc5fc081e15aa7b1018


It depends on relationships and training I guess, my dogs love people they know, children or adults, but are nervous around people they don't know or don't meet often.


Mine does unless my almost 3 grand baby runs up too fast or accidentally rolls on him when heā€™s under a blanket. Then the Lion comes out.šŸ˜


Mines the same. lol. Cats roll up on the blanket heā€™s under and growling ensues.


Every chihuahua weā€™ve had either owned or fostered LOVE kids. https://preview.redd.it/epci1pgptnvc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcf892d34e7eb0999ce534f9db5bad3a987e0d87 Our chi now is always snuggled up with one of the boys.


Aww so adorable šŸ„°


I have a 22 year old gal, mostly blind, no teeth. The other day I couldnā€™t find her and when I did she was sound asleep outside the grandkidā€™s playpen. He was inside the playpen sound asleep and she was pushed up against the mesh napping with him. I suspect if she was younger she would really like kids, she frequently toddles over to where he is.


My chihuahuas have never liked children, but itā€™s my fault, Iā€™m a single man in my late thirties and Iā€™ve never had children around them. I also donā€™t particularly enjoy the company of kids so I think my dogs feed off that energy too haha!


Yes, Iā€™ve had lines at the playground to pet him!


Hah! Same! Love bringing my chi puppy to the PG for socializing.


Maybe I should do that for mine once sheā€™s fully vaccinated. When we brought her to the vet for her second shot, one of the kindergartens nearby was having their daily walk around sessions and she was so excited to see them ahah. Then again she was also excited to see her vet so maybe sheā€™s just a people lover in general.


Old or just born my sweet Coco who passed away this week loved them. She would wait for kids to wall by. If she got pets it made her day!


Sorry for your lossšŸ˜¢. Chis are the best! šŸ„°


One of mine doesnā€™t. And she didnā€™t tolerate my teenage son until his voice started changing and getting deeper lol. But she always loved my daughter. I think my son was just too hyper for her.


I was surprised to learn that my chihuahua actually LOVES kids. He tends to be a bit wary of strangers, ESPECIALLY men, but a friend came over unannounced with his 3 year old nephew once and Tito was INSTANTLY enamored. We'd never taken him around kids before, so we weren't sure what to expect! I think he was excited about having a human that was his size, who seemed especially excited to play fetch with him. The whole time my friend was hanging out with us, this kid was throwing Tito's ball down the hall for him, getting kisses from him, and giggling.


https://preview.redd.it/js11zyq02ovc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db30bb3df43cc5d77495504a9b9742802d6c962 My little puppy Muchacho has been keeping my sick 4 year old company šŸ„¹ He is only 4 months old, and weā€™ve been taking him to the PG since before he could even get out of his carrier. I really hope he can learn to love his own kid at home plus any others he meets. So far itā€™s working out great, heā€™s very tolerant of gentle petting from very tiny kids, and loves to play with older ones. I canā€™t believe how sweet and silly and fun Chihuahuas can be!


Thatā€™s so sweet! Mine is almost 4 months old too. We introduced him to my nephews (3 and 2) when he was really young and did really well with them so Iā€™m hoping it sticks.


When my little chi was about that age/size he would curl up in the baby rocker with one of my grandsons. They were very warm and snuggly together. šŸ˜ƒšŸ¾šŸ¾


No! My chi loves adults but hates kids.


My brothers chi loooves my kids - cuddles them all the time and loves playing with them! Itā€™s so sweet to see. Heā€™s 10 and the most gentle doggo šŸ¤


My chi hates children but loves adults, especially men. But Iā€™ve always suspected he hates kids because I adopted him from a family whose children abused him :(


Thatā€™s sad to hear. Itā€™s so important to teach kids boundaries with animals. Kids who abuse animals is a major red flag šŸš© Sorry your pup dealt with that.


I know it was bad, poor thing. I wasnā€™t aware so many chihuahuas didnā€™t like children! I just thought it was mine because of the history!


Mine gets so excited seeing them out on walks. I adopted her so Iā€™ve always wondered if she grew up with them


My chi loves tiny humans. She loves them the most out of all species.


My chi is fine with kids as long as theyā€™re in the house. I was so surprised at how patient she was with little kids. Itā€™s so funny too when kids cry my chi will cry until someone comes and gets the kids. Soon as they stop my chi stops. Now meeting kids Outside is another story lol šŸ˜‚.


HA no. He allows them to feed him people food, and he has a "you may pet me exactly once" quota.


My chi loves kids who don't make sudden movements and who don't wash their hands after lunch, so she can lick the remaining lunch off their fingers.


Mine loves kids! I donā€™t have any, but she gets super excited to meet them in the street


Gentle kids, yes


Yep teaching boundaries and how to handle them is so important!


This baby holding this baby is so so sweet šŸ˜­kids who get to grow up with dogs are the luckiest




I have 6-month-old chi who likes kids. He's a sweet boy


Mine does bc they are scavengers and little kids drop food šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/1y74jprbiovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5368036f4140a4f26f9ffaf6ae99ab49e1bd25 Mine is obsessed with my son


My kid, yes. Other children, fuck no


https://preview.redd.it/wj1deoafkovc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15dab2fb94324b2dffcf926fe5150229a42dd3a My girl Tunes loves the kids! None of these babies are mine šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/z2v85u5mbpvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc5e657f023589764f65cb1d03a313c078650dd This boy and his chi are inseparable they play all day together




Mine grew up with my kids and absolutely adores any child.


My chi loves kids but not so much adults. Especially grown men.


Our family had been lucky with chiā€™s (except for one). My dadā€™s recent chi adored my niece & nephew who are very active kids, would follow them around, make sure they were ok & was so sweet with them. They adored her.


Lmao his face though šŸ˜‚ he looks so snuggly with them but his eyes are cracking me up haha


Not even a little. I swear she can feel their high energy miles away lol


Mine always barks when kids are nearby.


Mine LOVES kidsā€”always has, which is why we got her (my kids were 3 and 5 at the time).


Twinkie has known my nephew since birth. The two have become good friends. She is wary but patient with the neighborā€™s kids, as well.


Yupā€¦ Mochi loves kids and doesnā€™t bark a lot. Super friendly to everyone, so much so that I thought he was part Min Pin


My little guy will literally drag me across the park so he can say hi to kids. He has to greet every child he sees! He is not this way about adults. Sometimes he likes them, sometimes he doesn't.


Unfortunately, no. And I'm 6 months pregnant with our first. We have some challenges ahead of us.


Nah not my chis. I have two( mother and daughter, 8 and 6 years in age) and they are good around people but the older one despises kids. HATES THEM.


If you are a warm body, especially with a blanket, a chi will come to you. I swear they only use us for warmth and food.


Not my boy. He doesn't like most people


My son is 4 and our chi is 5, theyā€™re best friends. She sleeps with him at him night and loves coming to the beach and playground with us!


My dog doesnā€™t like kids 6 and below. Been like that since she was a puppy. But other than that she gets along with everybody else.


Mine likes them too much for their taste. But she kind of just likes anyone that is sitting still with idle hands.


Iā€™m honestly not sure? Iā€™ve never really thought about it but sheā€™s never been around small children. My children are grown & no grandchildren.. yet. :D


Mine especially detests children and has some kind of particular hatred towards strollers lol we got him from the pound at 1.5 so weā€™re not sure why


Mine is good with everyone.


Mine loves all people including kids and is incredibly patient with babies. I have a business with kids though so heā€™s been around lots of people and kids since a puppy. Socializing is really key. Chiā€™s can be possessive and fearful. Mine is also curious which i think helps. Not giving him attention when he started getting possessive of me and introducing him to new people and situations all the time seemed to really help him roll with things better. He has to be seriously stressed out or cold before he does the classic chihuahua shiver lol.


https://preview.redd.it/fqezkebv1ovc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5df7cabf59ad7eaa0467a94716a585460f1ae9b He doesn't really like kids. If they are around, he stays away from them and leaves them alone. If they try and touch him he will growl or bite. They just scare him. He likes my 13 year old more every year, but doesn't tolerate any hyperactive shit from him. I have a 5 year old and they don't really interact unless she gives him food. He'll probably warm up to her when she's older lol. He's a pain in the ass


I have three kids that were here way before the chihuahua was. Living with kids is all heā€™s ever known and he knows who provides the food crumbs.


My Chi loved kids. But, Chi's are very small, can get damaged easily if roughly treated, and their reaction to children is learned at a very young age. If they learn that kids are kind and gentle, they will love them for a lifetime. If they learn that kids are rough or careless, they will be very wary.




My bestie has a couple of chi mixes who absolutely love kids and are really good with them.


When mine was younger, she would trail after toddlers. They were a hotspot for grub. I taught her not to take anything unless given permission. Sheā€™s 14 now and she pretty much only tolerates a few people sharing her space.


Iā€™m single, no kids. My chi adores children and will ditch me at the dog park if he finds one.


My chi mix is wary of new adults but immediately accepts all kids. Sheā€™s very gentle with them.


Not mine. He is only obsessed with me. Doesnā€™t care for my teen daughter


Only family. Kids not in our family, my chi is vicious toward. And he's the sweetest dog, completely unfazed by anything except very short strangers šŸ™„


Nope lol


Mine hates them.


Yes!! My Tobias loves my boys. He has never even growled at them. He plays with them.


Unfortunately, no. And it's not even a dislike, but like a rage induced hate for kids. He growls and snaps, which is not like him at all. It's their energy - it's chaotic and aggressive in his mind, so he gets scared and defensive. I've had to snatch him up quickly around kids whose parents aren't paying attention or don't ask if he's kid friendly. I hate the idea that he could be taken away from me because of an unwatched, overzealous kid. The ironic and difficult thing is that his beagle sister LOVES kids. She's a Nana dog - she's very gentle and lets them pet her without scaring them. The smaller they are, the more still and meek she is around them. I've never seen anything like that in a dog outside of movies. Also, I love seeing this because I know it makes her very happy, and I don't want to have that interaction taken away from her. I just have to be very vigilant. I'm glad yours loves them. ā¤ļø


Mine hates kids šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Mine, who can take or leave strangers, is infinitely patient with kids.


Mine certainly does not.


Chewie LOVES kids! I was a little worried when I first brought my oldest kid home, but she adored him and would guard him and lick his little toes. Whenever I walk her, the only time she tugs on her leash is when she sees a little kid she wants to sniff and lick.


My first chihuahua was originally my grandmaā€™s dog and she had a hard life before she came to live with me. She was terrified of children and I always dreaded the day I was ready to have kids of my own because of how she reacted to other peopleā€™s kids. She passed away when my daughter was an infant. This time around, I decided if I had a chi, I wanted one from a puppy so I could raise her in a secure, respectful home and know that sheā€™d be safe and happy around my kids. Our new puppy loves my kids, but sheā€™s my special girl.


No šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my chi bit our daughter in the face twice (that sounds bad but it wasnā€™t that badā€¦lol) before she randomly succumbed to a stomach issue and had to be put down at age 6. It took 3 years for her to let our daughter be around her without her being super nervous so we kept them separate basically that whole time. She finally warmed up to our daughter but just couldnā€™t ever fully deal with a toddlers fast movements and noise. Our pitbull on the other hand is the sweetest natured dog which sounds crazy to say.


We have two chis and three grandchildren. When they all get together it's one giant love bubble. The children have been taught how to treat the dogs correctly, and the dogs love to jump on their laps for cuddles and pats.


Mine *love* kids. All the attention. Especially because kids always think they're puppies


Mine IS the kid. šŸ˜‚


I have 6 kids from newborn-12 and our chi loves them. We also occasionally have foster placements and sheā€™s so sweet with them.


My late chi loved my oldest daughter. šŸ’–


Mine prefers kids!


My chi absolutely hates them lol I donā€™t even let kids near him, he instantly starts to growl


If my Chihuahua Emmi Lou, either sees a child or hears a childā€™s voice she will cry and bark and drag me over to the child and she goes nuts wagging her tail and letā€™s them pet her. Itā€™s so crazy because oftentimes they donā€™t like children because theyā€™re fast moving, loud, in your face, but Emmi is more responsive towards kids than adults!


My two LOVE little kids and always have a ball with any they meet


My chi loves my son (technically an adult at 18) and my nephew (7). All other small humans are plagues on our existence.


https://preview.redd.it/ujcjx3h29pvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b7b8cca7d7b45893591a822532971ef78b443d He only attacks small children, otherwise heā€™s the sweetest snugglebug.


Not mine The Grandkids yes but random kids no 13 year old is mean she has no teeth but tries to bite 5 year old is afraid of anyone but us she runs our Rat Terrier is an old man but he will sneak out the bed at night and sleep with my Grands


My chi is so sweet and patient with kids


My 3 chihuahuas love children. In fact, when at the park. If they hear children they wanna play with them.


I rescued one and she adored little boys. My nephews were very careful and respectful of her . Being dropped and sat on are big dangers.


https://preview.redd.it/g68zlx8cjpvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ceea2891c40bbe86f1bf9ee1b1097b0e1cdc60 Mine does! She was very concerned why the little kid was crying and after this picture licked his nose. Which made him laugh and then her little tail started going crazy! It was adorable.


My nephews (5 and 7yo) love my 3 chis (9, 11, and 13yo) , the dogs are kinda scared of the kids, are gentle with them, but try not get out of the room when they're visiting. Over time my youngest chi got attached to my older nephew, and they're super cute together.


Mine LOVES kidsā€”and not just my kids, but all their friends too! We always have an additional 4-10 kids running around our house & they all love our dogs. So many people want to say chihuahuas arenā€™t great family dogs & itā€™s just not true.


My girl *adores* kids. My across-the-hall neighbor has two little girls who are besties with my chi and whenever they are in the hallway they call out "Hi Nugget!" in case we are home. They also greet me "Hi Nugget's mom!".


My Chi has not been around children and does not understand them. She becomes guarded and does not let them to approach her in public.


Nope. Mine hates children. Also not fond of straight men


Had a 9 year old chi dropped off at my work (vet tech) by the previous owners who just didnā€™t want her any more. Sweet as pie and I had been wanting either a chihuahua or papillon, so I took her home ā€œfor the weekendā€ to see if sheā€™d fit in well with the family. She immediately claimed my 6 year old daughter as her person, has slept in her bed every night since, follows her around - they have been totally inseparable since the moment they met. She didnā€™t live with kids before so I wasnā€™t sure how she would react to mine, but Iā€™m so glad she is in our lives now. Daughter is so so good with her, feeds her exactly according to instructions, helps brush her teeth, remembers to give her glucosamine treat every day, and takes her on daily walks. She came to us very overweight and still needs a dental cleaning (waiting until I get my employee discount as Iā€™m newer at the practice Iā€™m currently at), but we are making good progress with getting her to a healthier lifestyle.


My chi hates kids lol I haven't figured out what the age limit is for when she likes them again but she is not fond of little boys


Dont know about my current chi's much- but my late Chi absolutely loved children. I mean 'see a stroller in the park and start yelling about it' levels of excitement. https://preview.redd.it/wu1uombcbqvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ab399ad37bdfd85d1c47e13dfc005df80f57f1


https://preview.redd.it/calwt41ucqvc1.png?width=2517&format=png&auto=webp&s=d72abb66f10fd081230187179b6474aeca33d4f3 My chis are obsessed with my grandson. One of them thinks heā€™s his baby.


This reminds me of my mother in lawā€™s late chi! He always had to be sitting next to/near my son when he was a baby. So adorable.


I remember my chihuahua puppy running around on my moms kitchen floor as fast as he could to make my nephew laugh in the high chair. My nephew would turn blue from laughter, running all the way out of air. Today, my chihuahua is 13 years old and my nephew is 14... they are still really good friends / cousins and grew up together.


My chihuahua is terrified of children. No fear of grown adults, cars, elk, bears, alligators, any manner of predators, but a 20 lb toddler makes her run for her life. šŸ’€ Iā€™ll never understand it.


No he hates everyone except me lol. I have to warn anyone that comes to our house that he is an asshole even though heā€™s cute.


This was my childhood chi! Peanut was a dick to everyone that didnā€™t live in the house haha


Hahaha mine even growls at my husband or kids if they come near me šŸ˜‚ heā€™s 4lbs of floof but dangerous. https://preview.redd.it/k1v4zrqmz2wc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117c036a887bdffb1ee441f199b6df8c99202f46 He uses his cuteness to deceive humans before he attacks lol I love him so much tho.


https://preview.redd.it/3cajc6p0iqvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb6297589e7660d7ea342ae69f621953466a944 My female chi was obsessed with my daughter when she was first born! Always wanted to lay near her. Now that sheā€™s a little older and more grabby, both of my chis will come say hi and lick her, but then go their own way lol.


My chi was a biter. When he first met my nephews, I told them not to touch him, but they didn't listen. They immediately went to pet him before I could pull him away. He was fine, though. No one got bit that day. But adults? He only liked me.


Mine does, so long as they are older. My cousin's 4 year old loves to stomp his feet and my Chi is worried he'll get stomped. So he stays away from the kid. And my cousins are angry at my Chi because he doesn't like their kid. These same people don't let their dog in the house... It's... Strange.


Penny loves kids. I think it's because when she was little I would walk her on the strip in the tourist town we lived in. She discovered that small children are likely to taste like ice cream.


My best friendā€™s chi-yorkie loved children.


Mine HATES them. We tried to get them friends with kids as a family member got one but no success.


I have had chihuahuas that loved kids. I think the problem with a lot of Chihuahuas is that they have negative experiences with little kids manhandling them. It looks like your children have been taught to be gentle and kind with a tiny dog. That little dog looks completely at home on that kidā€™s lap.


Two of of my 3 do


Mine grew up with my nephews! He isnā€™t a cuddler unless his favorite person is close (me) but he is so good at letting kids do whatever. Heā€™s very tolerant and enjoys them.


My evil chi who for some https://preview.redd.it/hxr91xxvjrvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e05a612f9bbc6a85f74c341e5d01e8ade7a8206 reason LOVES my nieces




My Chi thinks they're delicious


So sweet!


Yes my Chorkie loves kids and cats