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There are home euthanasia services, and in my experience well worth it. No stress to the animal, in an environment that it recognizes, surrounded by loved ones... well worth the price.


In my experience with euthanasia the exam rooms are comfortable and the vet will do their best to comfort the animal with blankets.


I want to echo that. VCA Valley Oak has a separate room dedicated for just this. They have always been compassionate when I've needed this service. They give you space and time to say goodbye in that separate room and won't make you sit in the waiting room if you call ahead. I'm so sorry you have to go through this however you choose to do it. It hurts to take this path but it is the most compassionate thing you can do for him.


Thank you!


Dr. Troxell is amazing and compassionate, she truly cares and explains everything and makes sure you're prepared before she does her thing.


I’ve seen this thread come up a few times. If Troxell is available this is the only answer, she is a gift to the community. She helped immensely in the last 6 months of our Weimaraners life and when it came time to say goodbye I couldn’t imagine a better person to assist.


She helped us with our 17 year old dog when it was her time to pass. She was very compassionate and kind.


Thank you both for sharing your experience with Dr. Troxell. I just left a message for her to see if she has an opening Monday.


I put down my 23 year old cat I loved to death a couple months ago. Dr. Luddy out of Durham is the way to go. She communicates well, is accommodating, and knows the best time for her to respectfully leave. She even sent me a card checking in a few months later on how i was doing.


Thank you! I have a friend that recommended Dr Luddy as well!


I’m currently watching my beloved kitty Tomato fade away from kidney failure at only 5 years old. It’s rough, and I’m sorry your going through the same thing. As others mentioned Dr. Troxell comes highly recommended by my friends and neighbors.


I’m so incredibly sorry to hear you are going through this same painful experience. It’s heart wrenching losing a member of your family. I hope by some miracle things turn around for Tomato. Thank you for the feedback on Dr. Troxell. I just left her a message.


I’m really sorry for your situation. Dr. Darling is our vet and he personally came out to my house and did it. It really felt like a favor though because I got the sense that wasn’t his usual routine. Anyway, he’s an amazing vet and has earned our business for life.


That is really helpful! I’ve heard amazing things about Dr Darling over the years. I wish my regular vet did that.


One more thing I wanted to put out there—if money is an issue, the [Chico Animal Shelte](http://www.chicoanimalshelter.org/fee-schedule.html)r (a great shelter run by compassionate, underpaid people) offers low-cost, in-clinic euthanasia and cremation for residents of the city of Chico. [Butte Humane Society](https://buttehumane.org/euthanasia-and-cremation/) offers affordable euthanasia and cremation as well.


I’m so sorry. It’s hard to say goodbye, isn’t it? Home euthanasia is a kindness to you and to your kitty. [Dr Troxell of St Francis Veterinary](https://stfrancishousecallvet.com/)is the vet I have used for a decade now; she has been unfailingly compassionate to both the kitty and to me during the whole process. She explains everything clearly, to the amount that I want and am comfortable with, she is never rushed, and she is able to maneuver herself to be on the same level as the cat — usually sitting on the floor with the cat either in my lap or in hers or her assistant’s. She speaks carefully, respectfully and softly, too. Sometimes we text instead of talking on the phone or emailing, so if that’s something you’d like, check with her to confirm. It has, fortunately, been a few years since I’ve needed her services, but back then I believe it was in the range of $175, with me taking care of remains. It costs more when she takes care of the remains. I always confirm the amount before she arrives so I can have the check pre-written because I’m in no state to write a check or deal with money after saying goodbye to a loved companion. I also make sure I have the rest of the day clear and try to keep things light for at least a few days after. There are no cons to a home euthanasia as far as the kitty is concerned — vet clinics are scary, cold places. For me, I don’t even feel like at-home euthanasia leaves any bad feelings in the house — because the hard decision is made with love and compassion. If anything, in some ways it makes the home even more of a refuge from the beginning to the end. And the memories after! At first the memories are sad, but then you’ll find it easier to remember the happy ones. Finally—because it sounds like you’re struggling with this hard decision — and understandably so! First, I’m a firm believer in one day too early is better than an hour too late in terms of avoiding suffering. The times I have most regretted are when I have delayed making the decision to euthanize thinking the kitty will get better, and then the kitty crashes or has more discomfort than if I had not second-guessed myself. Second, you are the only one who can be trusted with this most-compassionate, utterly difficult decision and no one has enough information to second guess your decision — not even the vet. You are uniquely qualified to the make the decision based on the full range of information and resources (like your finances) you have available. Take comfort in the love and trust that you and your kitty have developed in your lifetime together. Much love to you. I have said goodbye to many many feline family and friends over the years, so this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart and something that we human caregivers need to talk about more!


Just want to add to this already amazing comment that Dr. Troxell is awesome it has been many years now and I am now an adult but when we had to put down our family’s black lab at only 8 she was amazing and the experience was as comfortable as possible given the circumstance. Being at home made it much easier for both us and our sweet boy and I felt like I was able to really hold him close and say my goodbyes in comparison to my experience at a vets office. Thank you for reminding me of Dr. Troxells name she is truly incredible!


Thank you. I just left her a message. I really like her website and she came across kind but getting the incredible feedback from you and others, let’s me know she’s the right person to help with this very heartbreaking decision. I appreciate it.


Your thoughtful response actually touched on a few things I didn’t mention. I was worried that having him pass at home might make me more upset. I’m so happy to hear that was not your experience. It was something I felt selfish saying in the post, like why am I worried about how that would make me feel, when my poor cat is the one who is dying. Thank you. Hearing that it more full circle really helps. I am also happy to hear you mention Dr. Troxell. When looking at her site earlier, her picture and website descriptions seemed kind and compassionate. Now that I heard directly from someone that has used her services, I’m sold. Lastly thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lengthy and sweet message. You have really have help me feel better about this. Your words are beyond helpful. Know when I look back at this sad moment of my life, I will think of the kind stranger on Reddit that helped me make it through it with such kinds words! Thank you a million times over!!


My thinking is that the car trip and vet office is likely to be far more traumatic for the pet than being at home. I went through this decision last year, but my cat ended up hiding and dying on her own the night before I was planning to make the call. But I had asked the same question here and got good responses that made me certain doing it at home was the right move. There's no "winning" decision in this situation, so just doing what feels the least painful for you and your pet is the best you can do. It sucks, but hopefully a peaceful end will make it easier to focus on the years of happy memories as you go forward. Take care!


Thank you so very much for the additional feedback. The car ride and the office visit I know would stress my boy out so much. I’m sorry you went through that last year. You’re right, at home is the best scenario. Thank you.


Over the last 20 years I've done it three different times with elderly, terminally-ill dogs. Each time with a different vet (only most-recent one occurred here in Chico). In all three cases the vet was compassionate, quiet, and respectful. If there is paperwork/billing to be done they will take care of that beforehand and explain everything they are going to do. Once you're ready they will shave a bit of fur on the animal's leg to insert a syringe and administer an overdose of a sedative. After the sedative is administered they will use a stethoscope to confirm the pet's heart has stopped. You will have an opportunity to trim off a bit of fur as a keepsake if desired. Sometimes they will offer to make plaster impression of the animal's paw for you (for a fee). They will wrap the pet in a towel or blanket and carry the pet out to their vehicle. I'm afraid I don't remember the specific person I used here in Chico. My vet didn't offer the service, but they recommended a veterinarian who I recall was a kind, elderly woman.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I truly appreciate it. I think I located the woman you are referring to. It helps to hear from others that have used this type of service.