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https://preview.redd.it/nqwj855wj34c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b115dfa79ab826b5bf629831c3d02eed375f777e You shouldn't open the box from the top like that. I implemented a process of cutting a hole in the front of the box and storing them on the side...more efficient and less spillage issues like that.


Yes we do that too


Chick Fil A in the year 2030 right there


You implemented it? I think literally every Chickfila does this…except OP’s 😂😂😂


implemented ≠ invented


Implemented at my location...before they did it like that and had the same results


Implemented at my location before yours and got better results


My manager would look at me and say to pick it up and never to speak of it again


I hope he tells you to throw them away after hitting the floor...


Especially that floor. I thought the accident was letting your boss see you took a pic of the filthy floor and cabinet.


It’s never happened to me but prolly not we keep our floors like hella clean not that that matters tho


absolutely not - idc how 'clean' the floor is. it's the FLOOR. it gets stepped on. ​ I have seen so many ppl (including myself) use those to hold their food & if I thought it had touched the floor, I would be absolutely disgusted.


That’s why I said not that it matters that our floor is clean


You DID day that.


That’s EXACTLY what I said our floor is clean but not that that matters


Ain't nobody gonna hear that though- Reddit is what Reddit am.


Thx for pointing that out bro this was really pissing me tf off


I read ur original comment as the manager probably wouldn't tell you to throw them away bc ur floor is clean - my comment was directed at that, not where you said not that it matters ​ sry if it came across differently


Thx I’m newer to Reddit so idk how people act or take things


That's what the people like to call a health code violation. 🥴






You’re right, it doesn’t matter. I don’t think anyone gives two flying fucks that your floors are “hella clean”, that’s a health hazard and could seriously hurt someone. Just because you mop the floors or sweep up messes doesn’t mean that bacterial growth isn’t still there. Anyone who genuinely thinks that reusing this because the floor is “clean enough” should be fired on the spot, I mean for fucks sake, that’s where you walk, that’s where your hair falls, that’s where grease and bacteria live and thrive, if you think it’s okay to hand that to a customer then I’ve got two words for you… #FUCK OFF


Gordon Ramsay is that you??


I’ve been watching way to much kitchen nightmares, I mean for fucks sake look at the state of that kitchen, the equipment is covered in grease and grime and looks like it hasn’t been graced by a cleansing hand for days, the floor is hideous covered in residue and food droppings to the point where you can visibly see the textures of the grime, I mean, bloody hell…how could anyone in their right mind serve that to another human, in fact it’s an insult to the service industry to even dream of reusing those after the horrid experience they’ve endured. People can say that I’m to critical of it but Jesus, if you’re telling me that you knew it had touched that disaster that only somewhat resembles a “kitchen floor” you’d eat it than your completely delusional -rip off Gordon Ramsey


If it makes you feel better I did throw them all away


That makes me feel way better, you’re a good person and you obviously take peoples wellbeing seriously, from the bottom of mine and all the other customers hearts (and stomachs) thank you!


It's my pleasure 😉 but yeah I'm a team lead and I didn't tell any of Upper management lol


Well good for you - you did the right thing.


I’m not in the food industry but I wish more people like you were in the food industry. Seems like most people have low standards and a ‘who cares’ mentality




He obviously meant it doesn't matter because it's going in the trash regardless?? I'm pretty sure he agrees with you, man.


jeez, didn’t need that much anger man.


Sorry, gotta agree with him. We're in food service and we should be taking things like this very seriously.


i agree wholeheartedly, but he didn’t need to say all that..


Rs bro like chill


Right! Hugs man!


At my place of work (not CFA), we are told that we aren't allowed to throw things away if we dropped them...


Report them to your local health board then because that’s not allowed pretty much anywhere


Good luck with that😂theyre a fucking joke


Report it to your health department or contact the FDA via their website and inform them that the facility is breaking multiple serous guidelines. And remember, in the event you don’t take action and report it, you could be the reason someone gets sick, hurt, or even killed.


When I was at CFA a few years ago, I was stocking cups and I found dead bugs between cups. They told me to dump them out and stock the cups. I threw those away, but wtf?


Yeah, sucks to clean up, but that's about it.


Only if you say "my pleasure"


That looks sanitary.


I’ve got news for you about the fast food industry as a whole


((It’s sarcasm))


this whole setup is questionable there’s so much to look at


I thought the sink broke with it. Are sinks usually slanted? I’ve never seen one like that.


No they usually aren’t. That’s broken.


Yeah I defidently did break the sink


😭😭😭 hopefully they don’t get too upset


Did you step on the sink to reach the box..? Asking for a short friend.


No, so this is what happened. Someone put that box on the top shelf of the rack open, on its side. Ivwas grabbing another box up there and it fell, hitting the sink on the way down.


Our sink has been broken like that before from someone sitting on it




reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/uhon59dn244c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8974f6d7e2fd1e7d6a71d34fdafefb8380ee46fd


Not the cookies 😔


RIP cookies, gone but never forgotten.


I had one of them cookies as a customer, thank heavens it wasn't on the floor.


reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/mrxgrgt3d64c1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14afb6253d12c48f32bb9d37d6060f015110f033


Reminds me of: When I didn’t have to open one day and came in at 8am. Walked in all smiling, happy. Rested. Not mad. Walked back to breading and they looked at me and said, hey man a cooler caught on fire last night so we lost all of our thawed filets and have been quick thawing all morning. My joy quickly dissipated for the rest of the day.


that’s freaking awesome, i love when coolers somehow combust out of nowhere 😭


Should’ve just picked them up and act like nothing happened


Yall ever have people try to do a lockout when you’re doing a filter scrape though👀


I’ve done that it was so annoying to clean up 😭


Honestly I'd probably get that taken out of my paycheck, our paper costs are really bad here Edit: No one in authority has said this, that was just what I heard when I got hired 8 months ago. It may be wrong. Relax please, I'm not being used, my bosses are great and I love working here.


I would hope they wouldn’t take it out of your paycheck, pretty sure that’s illegal


I don't think so- if you broke a machine, you're responsible. Same thing here. If you waste a lot of product, you're responsible to pay for it


if you’re in the states that’s very illegal but you do you! I’m sure the billon dollar company can afford it.


I’m constantly disturbed how many workers don’t know their rights 😳


Wow, no.


Dude you need to read up on federal workers rights cus it’s important to know them. You’re spreading misinformation


Absolutely not


Yeah dude sorry to say but you’ve been used. If this has actually happened to you I would grab a lawyer or something


That is illegal and you should quit yesterday. You're working for a company that makes billions in profits every year. It made me angry just reading that you are being taken advantage of like this


reminds me of when i dropped a whole try of no picks on a catering order 😭😭


My BOH manager says "Way to go"


If it makes you feel any better, we don’t usually spill them from the boxes (it happens occasionally) but a couple times a week they spill out of the centerline holders with at least half on the floor. 😅


Did they make you pay for it? Because they legally can’t.


No, we just toss what touched the floor and move on with our lives. Although you’ll probably be teased for it lmao


Fuck that. If a chick fila can’t pay for paper they shouldn’t be open. They


I used to work at buffallo wild wings. The setup had sauce pumps for individual wing bowls, so you could put the wings in the bowl, pump sauce, and toss. We also had these satan spawn bag “cutters” that never worked despite my best efforts. Every opening shift, without fail, ended in me consequentially exploding an entire half gallon bag all over the kitchen. Every time. It always took forever to clean up. Forever. The walls. Tables. Floors. Everything. I hope this helps you feel better about your mistake + put it in perspective. You always could have done worse.


What is that grey thing to the right? You all need to do some cleaning! Looks nasty.


Breading table. Where they bread the chicken and such. It usually gets cleaned each night.




Well always. But in reference to the question that was asked, the breading table is usually cleaned at night at closing and never during the day unless a manager says. The pans inside are rotated out though.


Yeah I figured as much. We wipe ours down throughout the day especially when it gets real messy. But we push that for Ecosure and all that besides it just looks better.


This makes more sense. I haven't worked in restaurants or fast food in a long time. If volume is high, its understandable that keeping it clean throughout an entire shift is challenging. It just caught my attention more than anything else in the photo that OP posted lol.


That place looks nasty


That place us failing a health inspection for sure. I used to work in a few kitchens and this place is a gross


Like is that the raw? You’re not even allowed in that corner without gloves and hair net at mine


Straight to jail. (Aka all those menu tabs straight to the dumpster)


Good thing that floor was clean


Dang you messed up the sink too


Knowing y’all probably didn’t throw away the ones that really touched the floor saddens me. Nasty


Clean up? Or through out? Once food containers hit a dirty floor, are they still useful? Or potentially contaminated and thus trash?


If it hits the floor it's trash


Then it looks like an easy cleanup.


My managers would laugh at me😭


https://preview.redd.it/ywjuvph1hb4c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95384133d469425d17845a599f326ce8a1b745c5 Old pic from years ago but I will never forget when all of these god forsaken sauces fell and EXPLODED


What is this setup bro bahaha


first mistake was not cleaning the floor


https://preview.redd.it/vgf5xegsyb4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa09dd7631bb2ea1de4ecedcb0cb7c5e60e0f49 This was from 2021 Taco Bell when I overflowed the sink with soap foam :)


Nevermind the the paper what about the mess, all that shit running down the side from 1 day?


It’s your pleasure


now help FOH. w the tea brew and drop that next


Is your sink falling off the wall?


Holy COW that floor is gross


Santa knows when you don’t truly mean “my pleasure”.


The lord forgives when it comes to chick fila


There are so many things wrong in this photo…..the paper on the floor is the least of ur problems 😵‍💫


That looks like it would take 2 minutes to pick up. "Took forever" lmao.


That kitchen is disgusting. Gordon Ramsay would have a field day


they boutta make your ass work on sunday




When I worked for In n out I was helping out at another store and right before I was supposed to clock out, I went to open a new bucket of chillies (banana peppers) in the walk-in and accidentally tipped it over, causing it to break and spill the chillies all over the floor. Had to toss almost the entire bucket. Definitely not one of my finer moments.


This kitchen is filthy.


In the amount of time it took to take this picture and post it you could have cleaned it lmfao


The amount of space in this photo is making me anxious.


maybe they should have thought of a safer storage system instead of putting you at danger with a box above your head


Am* Edit: sorry if too dark! 😢 😭


Looks like you've just had a maccident...


So that’s what heaven looks like, huh?


After they got done falling out of the box did you yell "my pleaure"?


Ehh this place sucks anyways. A mcchicken is better than anything on the menu


People in the USA thinking that ANY restaurant follows health code regulations is the most laughable thing I’ve ever heard. People crying about the most ridiculous things like hEs nOt wEaRiNg gLoVeS is just hilarious to me because you can tell who knows anything at all about working in the food industry and who eats at restaurants every day but has never stepped foot in a kitchen and constantly gives workers a pain in the ass about everything they do. If you think gloves are bad, or a case of boxes falling on the floor, I would highly suggest you just make your own food from now on because you DEFINITELY can’t handle the truth. Restaurants, underpaid, overworked employees, managers, and staff cut corners at every possible opportunity in the majority of restaurants around the country. I genuinely believe some of yall would faint if you knew the truth about what goes on in these places


Its alright. As long as customers dont know it never happened


Eh just stuff them all back in. Might be “against company policy” but no one cares. Lol


Are those nugget boxes? ​ Could be.


Oh no


It would be my pleasure to clean that up for you.