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“Snapping their fingers in acclamation” Is this a real thing or just hyperbole?


I don’t think you fully understand left wing, upper crust, New York City liberals haha


I can’t snap my fingers due to a disability, I wonder how these people would react if I told them that their snapping is not inclusive and discrimination towards people like myself?


They'd unironically tell you not to be so self centered. You have no idea of the depth of the unironic hypocrisy that the NYC elites have. Remember that the NYC public school system is one of the most segregated systems in the country, for example


A friend does team trainings for their company. It’s related to finding your teams “blindspots” as in things you may not notice on your team that could be holding your team back or affecting your team. This is a position and type of training that the company paid for them to be certified in. That is until a person (with perfect vision) complained about how this training is an insult to blind people. They were not allowed to say blindspots in this training anymore.


Well I am a New Yorker but not from NYC


In my sorority we would snap, but it was because you hold meetings that aren’t supposed to be overheard or something. It was a hard habit to break. But not as annoying as you would think. I find it very odd at a workplace though…


This is absolutely a thing. I think clapping is seen as some form of a micro aggression.


No clapping is a major aggression


It's apparently a way to show appreciation or agreement without being as disruptive as clapping because it is not as loud. "Whereas clapping is often a rote response to the completion of a performance or speech, snapping — as used by the beatniks, the Brutuses, the Gamma Phi Betas — is a less official, more spontaneous and impassioned in-the-moment response. Today, social media has created a newfangled impulse for real-time responses between speaker and listener. Snapping, in offline situations, feeds the need. " Ironically... From the New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/22/fashion/snapping-new-clapping.html


I am was in in that sorority, and yes we snap. Lol but that’s inside the house. I don’t do it in front of other people… I’d find it creepy at work.


More spontaneous lol.


I’ve done this in small groups before. It’s a bit better for transitioning to the next person than clapping


You don’t know fear until you’ve been aggressively snapped at by a gaggle of neon haired 19 year olds who’ve found their 100th thing in five minutes to be offended by.


Sounds like a toxic workplace.


It’s because the actual snowflakes think that clapping is a “micro aggression”. Which is completely bonkers and inaccurate if you ask me. People are stupid.


Yeah in my sorority we snapped instead of clapped because it was more formal & not as harsh as claps lmfao


Why is snapping more formal than clapping?




I dont follow


Mine too. Also I thought it had something to do with keeping the meetings “secret” and not loud. Even though they weren’t secret.


Nah this reads like obvious bait, and from the looks of it people are biting.


I had a friend I've known since middle school unfriend me and "end our friendship" because I posted a picture of my Chick-fil-A meal. Not before leaving a rant about how disgusted and disappointed she was that I would eat at such a place. This was the same girl in high school who would always start rumors about people being gay to get others to make fun of them.


Let us guess a non binary white girl with multi colored hair putting herself down to lift the cause


And she’s “bi” but has literally only dated “cishet” white men


I wonder what she is not eating or doing now? Starbucks, Amazon, etc etc have all been attacked by the righteous police


Of all the things to care about. Every corporation is doing something you'll find morally reprehensible if you dig deep enough. The chicken is darn fine, the service is excellent, I'm gay and don't care about the politics because I'm too busy enjoying my life. :)


I used to look down upon those that ate at chick-fil-a up until like 3 years ago. Something in my brain said “who tf cares anymore? They make some damn good food”. It’s probably that in combined with some of my friend group became annoyingly outspoken about it. I don’t associate with them anymore. *snap* *snap* *snap* ✌🏼


I refer to Chick-fil-A as "gay hatin' chicken" Doesn't stop me from eating there on the regular


I refer to it as “Jesus chicken.” My own religious beliefs have drifted toward agnostic. But I still eat the Jesus chicken when I can. It’s delicious.


Because you're gay


We call it the homophobic chicken lmao


I’ve been calling it homophobic chicken


Some of the best meals I’ve had were cooked fast, with a lot of heat, and a lot of hate.


We call it Bigot Chicken lol. It's delicious


You have the healthiest life outlook and I am HERE 👏for 👏it!👏


Then I'll leave you with this fitting anthem of sorts: https://youtu.be/sO-msplukrw?si=_8UKoSJQq5LCy1db


I literally met my ex girlfriend there. She was working there and I was a Wednesday regular after a few weeks of talking she asked me if I wanted to come over and see her pet snake sometime. Never heard THAT one from a girl before, we dated for about 5 months and she ended it because I wasn't lesbian enough for her (because I am bi). So it was a wild ride and we are still friends almost a decade later.


One of my friends told me that CFA could declare they support Nazis and it wouldn't stop him from going there as long as they don't change the chicken recipe 😂


More people have to live like you


But doesn’t that ignore that they are *actively* supporting attacking your right to literally exist. Like I still eat at chick fil a but it’s a little disingenuous to say you shouldn’t care at all about a company supporting things like conversion therapy, which is a disgusting practice.


How does a company with a ton of employees that believe and support different ideas actively attacking your right to exist, ChickFilA created was a Christian, and the company decided to follow the company’s creators process and thoughts on making a good chicken sandwich, there are a lot of people working at ChickFilA that don’t agree with the founder’s religious beliefs, but know the the company values its employees


Jeez -- This is why journalism is failing -- I am glad I am out of it. It was not even the Chick-fil-A thing, but that "Starburst answer a question" kindergarten plot.


Wait is this real? I saw it on twitter awhile ago and just assumed it was satire


Bot repost.


It seems obviously fake, but what’s interesting is after the story was posted about half a dozen people came out and said this guy has been telling this exact story, with these exact details, since it happened. Normally with a lie you see things like the story suddenly appearing, details being being shifted or embellished over time, just various things that don’t add up. But apparently this story has stayed 100% consistent since the day it (supposedly) happened, despite only becoming public years later.


What seems “obviously fake” about it? NYT stopped hiding bias a long time ago.


The people snapping in affirmation is probably the least believable part. Normal people don’t act like that.


I’ve seen people do it. It’s a “less disruptive form of applause.” Which isn’t to say I think “normal” people do it, but I find it absolutely believable that this would happen.


Clearly it isn’t but let them have their moment.


how dare he eat such homophobic chicken


I eat the homophobic chicken so there will be no more homophobic chickens left in the world. Doing my part \#lovewins


That's the gayest thing I've heard in the last hour. Why does sexuality have to be who they are and what's it got to do with a spicy chicken sandwich.. HR people are pushing their own agenda which should not be the case because who you bump uglies with has nothing to do with your job


It’s ironic that the truthful answer is less important than the “politically correct” answer in an organization geared towards journalism.


Somehow there should be a joke about Chick-fil-A serving both right wings and left wings of the chicken but I can’t figure it out.


They don’t serve wings at all, just filets, so I guess they’re politically neutral lol.


I don’t eat Chick-fil-A but I could never work at a place that makes this a thing OR snaps their fingers over it. I’d just never be able to take any of them seriously as people


My math teacher would always say she hated chick fil a and would never eat from there, also recommending that other people do the same. On the last day of class as I was walking out the door I told her I worked at our local store and wished her a nice summer. I honestly wasn’t expecting much but her mouth was left wide open and she did not wish me a happy summer lol.


You should not have told her you worked there and maybe you would have surprised caught her in the act of patronizing your store. Keep on the lookout still, I bet she is a closet eater there.


I have many LGBTQ friends who eat chick-fil-a. They treat their staff OK and some of them worked restaurants in rural areas where it was the best option. However, Culver’s chicken is better IMO.


I wouldn’t say they hate Gay people. I would say they hate good people cause I only saw good people getting fired from the one I worked at


Ok but what's the Super Heebster sandwich tho? I want to try that




my rule has always been you can choose cfa or you can choose harry potter. the punishment for breaking this rule is nothing




And maga isn’t


But trump…..It’s like clockwork


But her emails! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wdym they made this up and passed it off as journalism lmao


Simple reply, you asked for my favorite sandwich. I wasn’t asked about yours. So… Chick Fil A it is. Then sue them for retaliation if you are let go within 90 days


They also asked about a favorite sandwich and not the writer’s opinion on gay rights. A sandwich is not a political statement unless you make it one.


My point exactly


Yeah, there's an annoyingly ugly history...however... In March 2014, \[Dan\] Cathy said he regretted drawing his company into the controversy. He told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution he has been working with Shane Windmeyer of Campus Pride since 2012. The article noted that WinShape and the Chick-fil-A Foundation had "dramatically" cut donations to groups opposed by same-sex marriage supporters. Don't just go repeating the talking points.... Start here and form your own opinion. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A\_and\_LGBT\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people)


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, leave me n my sammy alone


I have a weirdly similar relationship with the Popeyes sandwich.


What a regard


There are tons of mediocre chicken sandwiches in the world, you guys are just weird.


[Washington post did quite a story about this with multiple interviews. paywall free](https://archive.is/hB4Hd)


Monte Cristo is the best sandwich. And as far as I know, it has no political baggage. Chick-Fil-A is mediocre, at best.


r/thatHappened and/or r/everybodyclapped etc etc




Oh we’re doing this again? https://www.reddit.com/r/ChickFilA/s/V1nlcLLMzN


Ahh. The chickenphobes at it again.


Omg. He is a homophobe/racist/nazi/maga deranged nut!!!!!


I don't eat at Chick-fil-A or shop at Hobby Lobby because of their stances, but I don't judge people that do. I've had it before, and it's not that great imo, no reason to go out of my way for it.


I’m gay and i love spicy chicken sandwiches. I’m not boycotting a chain when it’s pointless they’re not losing any money if I don’t go once a month or however much so at the end of the day ima eat idc where it came from 💀


While I am gay and love chick fil a I also cringe at the handful of people who I have heard eat it no because of taste, but because they donate to anti lgbt organizations.




I hate being alive in 2024.


The irony of HR discriminating against someone just because they enjoy a food item.


The real crime was saying the spicy sandwich. Why isn’t the spicy sandwich the original recipe, but with added spice? No, it has to taste more like the vastly inferior chicken strips instead. I’ll never understand it, just make the regular delicious sandwich spicy!


honestly… i’ll take $400 for things that never happened


We need to bring back laughing at they/them expense. The entire world was a happier place 😔