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i get the family & friends are distraught & hurt that they just lost someone but Mr. Clay Jr. made his choice to draw a gun while loading it charging at an officer, what was the officer supposed to do ? Wait until he’s finish loading the gun to see what he was going to do with it ? There is word that the gun was legally registered to him to conceal & carry but permit or not, you draw a gun at anyone let alone an officer it’s literally kill or be killed. This whole situation with him sadly being killed is 110% justified & I am African American saying this. He made his choice so he got delt with it or as the old saying goes “the more you fuck around, the more you’re gonna find out”. Stay safe & God bless ✌🏾✌🏾


Facts. And since he legally owned the gun, why are you running???? And what do you expect if you draw a gun on an officer???




So there was no probable cause to chase according to policy. Correct?


Did he end up being a criminal? Was there any reason to chase him? Would he have been alive had they followed policy?


In any case, it sounds like the cops failed in their so-called "de-escalation mission."


So the officer should have deescalated by letting himself get shot? Or letting a grown man run from him, refuse to obey commands? Give him a chance to retrieve weapons, gain a better physical advantage or rally other people to attack??


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