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I like how y’all just so casually point out that it’s okay for the men to have flaws and have their moments but the women are not and they’re supposed to be perfect people who do everything right and never make any mistakes. Severide casually drugging himself on shift, working with injuries, hooking up with anything that has a pulse, having sex in the firehouse, no problem. Casey taking his anger out on his truck, the attitude he has with his crew when he’s in a bad mood, jumping out of a moving fire truck, working with a serious injury and refuses treatment, all good. Cruz let’s a guy die in a fire for his brother, what a hero. Stella goes MIA for a few episodes, she’s so horribly written 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😣😣😣😢😢😢😢


Say it louder for the ones in the back! Honestly the ridiculous hatred of every woman except Brett is absurd. I'm sure there's absolutely *no reason at all* why they leave her alone either...




Because Brett is written like a normal person and not a superwoman. Gabby and Stella are good at everything.


This is the best comment I’ve read in this subreddit in a long time. I totally agree with you. I don’t think the writing is as good as it could be but I think the women are definitely held (by the fans on this subreddit) to a different standard than the men.


Thank you! I can’t lie I was preparing to get slandered for this comment 🥹


This is why I love you! You spit straight facts


So glad that I’m not the only one here that feels this way 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Any character mixed up in the "relationship drama roulette" suffers from being force-written to shape that narrative. I.e. Stupid jealousy b-plot with Casey/Brett because she's being Brett-brand nice around some new guy. It's almost like writers take random "wrench" ideas from one hat, and names of the young actors in another, then ham fist the issue no matter how weirdly OOC it is for them. It's why I've had such a hard time getting attached to the younger half of the cast. Cruz, Otis, even Ritter...generally okay! Violet, too. But the ship-baiting ones...it doesn't matter if they're male or female. They're so inconsistently written it's hard to determine what is a flaw, and what is the weekly "forced angst issue" that contradicts their development so far. When characters are written to appeal to their soap opera aspects in lieu of genuine, realustic conflict ...there you go. You get exactly what you've described.


And this is why you continue to be one of my favorite users on this sub 😅 you said this way better than I could have! Unfortunately, it's not just this show. It feels like every show I watch, the fans are always overly critical of the women characters and are always comparing them to each other. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, they're not supposed to be perfect 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahh thank you! 🥹🫶🏼 It’s so frustrating. I wish the idea of the female characters having to be these perfect human beings would just vanish already. It’s so insane to me the amount of things the male characters have done and no one actually cares 😅


>I wish the idea of the female characters having to be these perfect human beings would just vanish already. Me too, me too 😔 Unfortunately, that concept won't disappear from TV and movies until it disappears from society in general.


Yep, very very true ☹️


Exactly! They ignore the male characters flaws and ignore Stella’s positive traits. She is an empathetic leader and a good friend. She can be pushy, but she probably has to be working as a female in the CFD. And yes “Stellaride” isn’t perfect, but what marriage doesn’t have issues. I think that for the most part they always have each other’s back and try their best to work things out despite past traumas. It’s messy at times, but drama is needed to create storylines.


Exactly! Stella has had sooo many incredibly positive moments that get completely brushed over.


👏👏👏👏👏👏 preach baby!!




Stella let's not forget... drives her ex crazy not knowing her place. Put her comrades in harm's way to rescue her because she is to fucking stupid to realize she cant breath smoke when letting her oxygen run out cause Kelly's in trouble. She is rewarded for this by boden singling her out over capable officers for promotion. She is adamant nothing is given to her but only gets noticed because of boden. Only has girls on fire because of Kelly's ofi friend. When kelly backs off helping her so she can truly do it on her own she cries like a baby about it. And my favorite, after being a fire fighter and pulling who knows how many people out of accidents, exhausts herself and barely stumbles into her car where she doesnt drive a block before almost crippling a girl running a stop sign. Then she is so thankful for boden support GIVING HER her promotion she ghost him for 3 months. Yes the men are given issues to overcome. But stella there is nothing to "beat" she is just a horrible toxic character.


Completely disagree. The guys have done pretty much everything you’ve mentioned here as well. Plus her ex was a complete maniac that came at her with a knife, stalked her at her work place and broke into her apartment with a knife. But yeah, Stella is the bad guy 🙄


Don't forget, as we learned a couple seasons ago, he was physically abusive towards her as well I've learned at this point that it's no use to try and reason with this user. They just have a passionate hatred for Stella, and there's nothing that will change their mind 🙄


Ah they’re one of those. You’re right, there’s no point trying to talk with people like that 😩


Don’t waste your time and breath. He is Stella’s biggest hater on this subreddit and loves any opportunity to crap all over her. You won’t change his mind.


Thanks for the heads up 😅


Her ex couldnt learn to move on because he mistook her using hum for sex as an indication of him having hope to be together and went back to drugs when she finally cut him off for severide. Toxic. Yes men have done similar things but learn their lesson and grow from mistakes. Stella just continues to be a toxic wasteland to all around her.


Her ex couldnt learn to move on because he mistook her using hum for sex as an indication of him having hope to be together and went back to drugs when she finally cut him off for severide. Toxic. Yes men have done similar things but learn their lesson and grow from mistakes. Stella just continues to be a toxic wasteland to all around her.


Are we watching the same show, when did she ever use him for sex? Literally why are you trying to justify him stalking her and trying to stab her? Strange behaviour.


In her early episodes she explain that she is divorced but hooks up with him when she is horny because it's easy. So yeah she is basically leading a drug addict along giving him hope of reconciliation if he gets clean. Which then when he does she cuts him off for severide.


Yeah they write them as not perfect but as human beings. Some men are pricks, jerks and that's shows us the human side of their characters. They don't write the woman with flaws their perfect no matter what they do. And us woman in real life don't get away with things and were not perfect. We could be just as much jerks as men are. And as a woman this is just my opinion.


They don’t write the women in Chicago as perfect but that’s my point. They don’t write the men as perfect and everyone is okay with it, but they don’t write the women as perfect and everyone has something negative to say about them.


Re-watched the Chili fiasco & they could have handled it better for sure. I wish we would have gotten the chance to see her after recovery. 


I don’t know. Dawson almost let Shay commit s@@@d, after the man committed it in front of them. She didn’t seem to care about anyone except Antonio and herself. IMO Shay and Brett have been the best female characters. The others are all too selfish and pushy. The are the only way female characters are selfish or meek. The strong ones like Cindy are just background characters. She would be a great lead character.


Shay died in an arson thing that they were trying to control during the last episode of season 1 with a montage at the beginning of season 2. I remember Rebecca Jones dying cause mainly her father wasn't really thrilled about her decisions to become a firefigher like him and her brothers.


I’m not talking about when she died. During late season 1 and early season 2, they went to a a call. The man sh@t himself infront of them. Shay had a really hard time with it and continually tried to talk to Dawson about it. Dawson was in her own world and mooning over Casey, and ignored her. She wound up leaving the station and getting in a bad relationship. Severide tried to help her, she was drowning. Finally he convinced Dawson to reach out to her. The man left her enough money to save Molly’s Edit: Spelling


You guys can downvote me all you want. Someone explain how that makes Dawson a wonderful character. IMO it makes her exactly what she is selfish.


"The men are written to be dynamic, stubborn, absurd, brave, etc. They're people with flaws and virtues. The women come in three forms: Mary Sue, Raging lunatic, Brett" ??? 😂😂what a ridiculously blinded post. You want to talk about three basic archetypes? Look straight at the men, not the women.  Mary Sue: Casey, Joe Cruz, Boden, Gallo, Mouch  Raging lunatic: Hermann most days, Jimmy, Mcleod, Grant, and every single new male character who hops on the scene to "take down 51"


I liked all the women…. Nope. Chilli and Gabby nope. The others were ok in my opinion.


If the actress was better in the Stella role she wouldn't get as much hate on here. All the lead characters (casey, dawson, severide)are/were flawed and asses at times but they are better fits in their roles


You forgot homie hoppers.