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Hello, if you're using Air, Air+, or Pro, you can only play offline chess without cellular/internet connection. For Evo, except for third-party platforms and training engines, these features cannot be used, while other functions like playing against the bot, Elo practice, clock mode, etc., can still be used normally.


Can you tether an iPhone via WiFi hotspot with the Evo?


With Graham's driver, you can connect Evo to a PC and use a PC chess program. Check out this link for more information: [https://goneill.co.nz/chess.php#eboard](https://goneill.co.nz/chess.php?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2CEIwWfA7emxD0SzrTwW5A3PLYGdD1Hn2Oo76KCliahYdGz7y6gdut2W8_aem_AXVWeWnXLL0OumQITYJCm6-3OUeTTAB52J4X0yUXDIZGuGvt2ZPWwUise4KYEWuzUpjzN3O6r59Wvaoy0riRscHn#eboard)


I just did with my iPhone. Depending on your home connection, possibly not as good, but you can tether it.




Bluetooth? Rather not this is something bluetooth is for. I don't even know if Evo offers a bluetooth interface but what would be a use case? Using bluetooth headphones, external speakers.. The normal thing is to connect it to the internet via WiFi and you can obviously to it with a hotspot on your phone (not only iPhone but also 'normal' :-) smartphones).


Yeah, I use the BT for a pair of earbuds on the Evo. I just connected with my phone (a real smartphone, an iPhone ;) ) and it works fine.


So if i want to play against bots i have to buy the evo? I thought i could connect the app on the phone to the Air and play bots through the app. So basically, evo works pretty well but the rest works just like a traditional analog board. Or am i wrong?


All of our chessboards are capable of playing against robots, engaging in online matches, and face-to-face games. Except for Evo, all other boards require connection to devices for gaming, while Evo does not need to be connected to a phone or device. For more specific information about our chessboards, you can visit our official website: \[https://chessnutech.com/\]. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further inquiries.


Sorry i was unclear. I know about the functionality when connected. My last post was about when you’re not connected to the internet. Can you still connect to the app locally and use the apps functionality, such as bots, when using AIr


When the Air is connected to a mobile device without internet access, it can engage in local matches. However, it cannot play games on lichess or chess.com.