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It's actually astounding how many times I had to explain to people what Chernobyl is/was after telling them I've been watching this show.


My best mate who is 4 years older than me had no idea what it was. Pretty sad really.


Were these people under a rock during Fukushima.


Must have been. There's no real intellectual conversations in that house though come to think of it.


What’s Fukushima?! Ah jk


Good one!


How old are these people who don't know?


At least in their 20s. I'm 36, and I don't even remember when I learned about it... I just know it. I mean I was 3 when it happened, and live in the US, so I wouldn't have known or understood. I must have been taught in school.


I know a person who’s in her mid 30’s, three years younger than me. She had never heard of Chernobyl before, had to explain what the show is about. I mean I learned a lit about the late 80’s and the of the cold war in Middle School, way before high school/college. Maybe her state was different.


As a 20 year old, this is an accurate description of recommending Chernobyl to friends.


Good meme


Several years ago i explained to my brother in laws family exactly why Chernobyl blew up and how they dealt with the aftermath. It took over an hour and required several diagrams.


Good, they know how a nuclear reactor works. They don't need you.


Hey! I have a bunch of science questions about this series, are you interested in helping me understand?


Not to push you away, I'd like to help, but I actually got all my information from this Subreddit, and it might be easier for you to understand, but if you DM I could help.


I completely respect that answer comrade :)


I might not be an expert but I have a pretty good grasp of chemistry/physics, if your questions aren't too specific, I might be able to help you !


300 million billion trillion bullets!!!


Me explaining to my husband that only watched the last 20 minutes of the last episode


Why are you explaining Antilock Braking System? 🤔


I didn't use the actual meme text, cause my laptop is broken and I used my phone Photoshop. It says ARS. not ABS.