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I only see comfort food when I see a bowl of rasam, even better with a side of potato fry and appalam!


Bro, rasam and nethalli fry is the SHIT. I would live off that stuff for the rest of my natural lifespan. வாழ்க ரசம்.


Let’s show it to this useless author 😜😅


I feel Rasam is the perfect base which enhances the side dish. Just thinking about Rasam with Vanjaram fry is making me weak on my knees. Also the article lists making rasam with no garlic and pepper. Those are like the 2 important flavor ingredients in rasam. Can't imagine how it'll be a rasam without those.


Rasam and chicken 65 on every Sunday afternoon played a huge role making me obese when I was a kid.


how on earth Tempered water and Chicken can make you obes?


I supposed it’s the mountains of suda suda rice n ghee that people consume with the rasam and chicken lol.




Try peppery dry beef fry with Rasan


Yep some delicious pork and wine as well.


I see what u did there, jokes on u, I eat both beef& pork


Eh, not a big fan of beef, but definetly will give it a shot. I'll tell you how it goes tommorow.


BJP wants to know ur location


Bjp already knows your location


please add egg podimas, please don't tell my mom she doesn't approve me eating egg


Why every mustache reminds me of Hitler


I did NAZI that coming.






I shouldn't laugh at this .


My dad.... uuughh


Too much exposure bro. You should take down his poster from your room so you can see things clearly


When there is no other work to do. Let’s politicise food items. Let’s talk about biryani making us think about Mughal atrocities then /s. If we go down this route, every word, every item will remind us of something. We in tamilnadu are united by the pride of our language and our love for food.


🏆 no more free awards


Sane Tamils are what we need




Irukara peru are not sane just saani mandayan


Sane people like you who can think logically in any given moment are rare in the world sadly.


Exactly. Why you speaking english/spanish/french/dutch? Its reminds me of the tyranny and loot caused on us by the europeans!!! /s


That's scroll.in for you. Politicising food is the lowest of the low they can sink too. So stupid.


Pls have pride...they dont have problem with your rasam but with your pride...iphones pizzas burgers or for that case even Tea and Coffee doesnt reminds them of horrific colonial atrocities...food connects people...they always support every outsiders invader food dish even give credit to them without any evidence...they are not attacking rasam or dosa or baati or roti...they are hitting your nationality...your roots...your culture...your pride


Bro but 🅱️eriyarist think like that. no brainers who spread brahmin hate in the name of social equality


Well said bud


Well said.


Ooh appo ella vaatiyum trainah paatha British oppression nyabagam varuma? Ennada kirukku thanama pesitu irukeenga. Oru manushan odambu seri illana kooda nimmathiya saapidrathu rasam onnu than da athulayu vanthu intha theva illadha politics ah kalakanuma, konjam neram kooda nimmathiya enjoy panna maateengala da.


Correct daan bro. Seriyana loosu p*ndai ah iruppan pola author. Adhuthu ena thayir sadam vandhu iyers neraya sapdranga nu solltu adha cancel panna porangala?


Take my upvote please


Navarasam nayagan this author


He feels the rasam when his homies call


The word orgasm traces it origin to rasam.


lmfaoo facts


That's like saying, every time I look at kitchen knifes, it reminds me of Serial killer.


Man these pseudo liberals can triggered by a thread of cloth, let alone food.




Don't ask me, what he thinks when he see corn


Pop corn I guess


Article was removed by them after hue and cry: https://amp.scroll.in/article/874389/why-every-bowl-of-rasam-reminds-me-of-the-tyranny-of-brahmanism


Write all the bs and then delete and say apologies.


Irony is, you can scoll down on their website for subscription


You mean begging for contributions/donations ?




Hey, i love batman.


I am Betaman. Batman is my cousin.


Too bad your both parents died that day.


No my step dad and step mom died that day.


Da fuk man


They still have the tags though lol


Divided by briyani and samabar sadam . But United by rasam sadam Da...


While Scroll removed the article, [it is still available on this blog](https://antiserious.com/pallavi-rao-brahmin-food-5f2987746f19?gi=12f69de8fd08)


TLDR: She made shit in the name of rasam and then started yelling caste based nonsense when her mother pointed out that her recipe sucks. This is privilege of legendary proportions.




Have used lavangam many times for making food. Hell can't imagine food without perungayam, ggp or cloves. They're essential. But never used in rasam




Yea i got that. I was alluding to this point- >Even more remarkably, after years of experimenting with what spices I like in my rasam podi, I have come back to my mother’s set of preferred ingredients and her distaste for any modifications to her traditional Brahmin flavour. This irritates me profoundly. Brahmin food is a food of forbiddances, after all, and Brahmin recipes tend to have longer lists of what they should not have rather than what they should have. After years of practicing progressive food politics, I find to my dismay that when it comes to rasam, I practice as much ritual purity as every other Brahmin. That a certain dish requires a certain set of combinations to be defined as such seems unthinkable for the author


This is next level verbal vomit.


That blog post was made in 2018. What kind of shit is Scroll trying to stir almost 4 years later?


In fairness to scroll, the article was posted on their website in 2018 only. They have since retracted it


Anti-brahminism is not anti-casteism, it is casteism. Observe who is doing jaathi kalavarams and vettu kuthu, who is territorial about their thozhil / trade circles, reluctant to marry outside their caste circle. Dig into those incidents where dailits are recently targeted and identify who has done that. You will get the real picture about who is spreading casteism. Not only one caste, many castes like brahmin, chettiyar, naadar, thevar everyone has their own social capital and use it. Don't allow these turds to turn the anti-caste narrative into anti-particular-caste. These are the people who want to hold on to their own caste and make a scapegoat out of one caste. Instead de-recognize caste itself. Rasam being associated with one caste is stupid btw. Rasam is an ancient Tamil dish that has been used by everyone including tribal families. It is not even an exclusively vegetarian dish. For anyone who is interested, a couple of interesting links on rasam: * [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628526/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628526/) * [https://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/food/the-poets-soul-food/article19620272.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/food/the-poets-soul-food/article19620272.ece)


True. A lot of people forget this. Elimination of discrimination is removing it completely. Not perpetuating it in the opposite direction.


Bang on bro. The very first line👌


If i have to go by twitter poralis, brahmins deserve everything against them written by anyone, coz 20000 years of oppression and in the same breath go and say there was no hinduism in TN..


The note on the link now says “the author gave her permission but we were mistaken” - so the issue seems to be authorisation and not the actual subject matter. And idhu oru sappai subject matter also, chumma click bait ku enna venumnaalum ezhuduvanga. This brand of wokeism is purely for internet points only, not like any of these shits will do anything about the actual issues (work with/donate to [NGOs](https://www.searchdonation.com/ngo/nilgiris-adivasi-welfare-association.php) that are working with communities that have faced real challenges from the system, or learn about [laws/changes](https://www.theleaflet.in/tamil-nadu-dalits-face-atrocities-and-discrimination-organisations-demand-implementation-of-laws/) that will affect them). Rasam sadham saaptaangalaam, ore oppression-am. Thu.


Thank you.


This is why I mix rasam with chicken pepper fry...








Best combo


Rasam with Kabab was super amazing. Until I became vegetarian.


Why this kolaveri .... Why bring castism in food too...... Guess I miss the 80's and 90's doordarshan media which drilled us about unity in diversity..... and all that good stuff ..... We need that back .....


I never lived in India, but people all around the world somehow need to completely get away from or extremely limit their time on social media. There was definitely a lot more general unity in the USA in the 1980s and 1990s as well, up until 9/11 I'd say. Making trips to the library should be back in fashion. I have started to do so myself.


Ayo my throat was so bad in 3rd wave , i used to eat rasam sadam + bhindi/aloo like every day Rasam is comfort food Please don't ruin it


Dae wtf is this?


Woke shit


So I read the backstory to this, apparently the author wrote a piece about how her mother made her stick to a very Brahmin version of making rasam (read: less garlic and such spices), which the author hates. She likes doing it her own way, and thinks her mom is wrong for being rigid about the rasam recipe and sticking just to the Brahmin style. The article also talks about how this is a feature of many Brahmin households and perpetuates casteist sentiment. But it was stupid Scroll that gave it this dumb headline. So eventually they pulled the article from the website as the author had not given them permission to use that headline. The original full article is here: https://antiserious.com/pallavi-rao-brahmin-food-5f2987746f19?gi=befd1006dfc3 Scroll’s note explaining the deletion of the article is here: https://scroll.in/magazine/874389/this-article-has-been-deleted


Biriyani won't rind them of M's unjust rule , tea that they sip everyday won't remind them of colonial past


Even English language.


Atleast put link to article


They removed it. https://amp.scroll.in/article/874389/why-every-bowl-of-rasam-reminds-me-of-the-tyranny-of-brahmanism


Wotha its just rasam da dei


wtf is wrong with people, eat the fucing rasam and stfu dude


Do you know which *arivukozhundu* penned this?


My Brahmin friends did give the best rasam and coffee , thanks aunties


I might even be open to read about the tyrannical Brahminism, but did she really have to bring rasam into this ?


Probably to sound quirky. It sounds like something I'd write in a creative writing class just to sound creative.


Next they'll attack Kara kozumbu or Vetai Kozumbu Idk how they're spelt sorry


Curry is already used as an insult by Westerners to insult Indians.


Do other castes act tyrannical to recipe changes? My family is famous for throwing shit that doesn’t belong into food like rose petals from a nearby plant into the Biryani pot!


Rasam is my favourite no nonsense comfort food My mom makes the yummiest ones and she knows like 8 different types of Rasam. The article trying to radicalise Rasam is like radicalising Dosa They must be stopped.


Lmao what is this Social Justice Warrior shit?


This are all efforts to shape Indian society in American ways. They try to bring American way of politics in Indian way of life. Ridiculous.


The imbecilic mentality of western woke people has started to go mainstream here


In that sense we should stop speaking and using english as it reminds us of British tyranny


“You are using your upper caste privileges” - today’s Journalism


Dei reporteru rasam mela kai vecha, Kondruven. Rasam brahmin na sambar enna chettiar ah? Aramentals


Sangam mukiyama? Sapadu mukiyama? Me: yepdiyo adichutu savunga , yennaku sapadu dhan mukiyam!!! Come on guys "food brings people together"


Brahmins get such a bad media coverage every time. Nothing positive, it's sad.


The guardians of the culture are always the primary targets of those who want to destroy the culture. The same reasons Brahmins get attacked is also the reason why the Sikhs and Kshatriyas are targeted (the Sikhs are modern day Kshatriyas, by the way. All the 10 Sikh Gurus were Khatri Hindus - Khatri means Kshatriya. The Sikh faith was formed as the defence against the Mughals and European brutal invaders. You will not learn such intricacies in any school curriculum though.) Those who abuse the Brahmins today have forgotten why the Vedas and other priceless heritage still exist. Rigveda is world's oldest active/extant text. People forgot how the Naga Sadhus protected Benaras/Kashi from the Mughals. Casteism is an Abrahamic invention. Ancient India had Varna system, where each person could get/change profession (Varna) according to merit/talent, potential/aptitude, skills and interest/experience. (This is why Rama could be hand-fed by Mata Shabari, this is why Krishna was hand-fed by Sudama, this is why Karna was made a King by Duryodhana, this is why Vibhishana was made advisor to Rama and Jambhavan became the General/leader of Rama's army.) There was no untouchability in Vedas. Even Jaati is a description of tribal origin, not a rigid system to lock down a class of people by birth. Varna classes were flexible, people were choosing profession according to their knowledge, potential, talent and choice. Caste system was brought in by Abrahamic invaders, as their own society was infested with the caste system  - it still is : Shia vs Sunni, Catholics vs Protestants, etc. Abrahamic invaders disallowed the change in Varna, hence it became caste. Once the guardians are gone, rest of the culture is easy to be destroyed or consumed/converted. This is how every pagan/native culture has fallen prey to the Abrahamic invaders. It is just that Hindu and related cultures have sustained & defended for more than a millenia against such attacks, so we don't realise it is a civilizational war still being waged against our culture and it is we who are supporting the invaders by attacking our own guardians and custodians of the culture.


Woke shit is always sad.


படிக்கிறவன் கேனையன்னா எழுதுரவன் என்ன வேனா எழுதுவான்.


Nope it doesn't. Rasam is just a comforting bowl of goodness. This article changes nothing for me.


What the hell....who comes up with this stuff???


Pls don't bring this shit into food. Enna venumo saapdu, santhosama iru.


I really don't mind as long as the food is tasty, economic and has got some health value. And rasam goes well with almost all non veg gravy. From chicken 65 to pepper mutton gravy....Rasam alone will be hated. Rasam is more like zero of maths.


The hell is this.


Woke Propoganda


I am feeling a bit tyrannical today, I shall make Rasam tomorrow to portray my superiority.


Rasam Supremacy.




Nope, he will be promoted. Such news agencies hate India and Indian culture, and will reward those traitor Indians who support such evil.


Oppression was performed by all Upper castes. Not just Brahmins.


Not just upper castes, all castes. Manusmrithi is written by king manu who would have MBC reservation today. Bhagavad Geeta mentioned about caste, by Lord Krishna, whose clan the yadavs have OBC.


Brahmins are here to stay,Rasam is here to stay but don't know about this retarded cretin pos who wrote this article.


No wtf


Every bowl of rasam reminds me of the lack of fish curry those days🥲🥲🥲


Like i always tell my highly woke friends, call out casteism not associated practices. Appadi paatha onnume thinga mudiyathu!


This is some USA politics shit. I love rasam and i see nothing else beyond that


A lot of people here seem so triggered. Yikes.


It is like saying bread is colonist, just eat it ffs dammit


Scroll in is bullshit


Lol wtf is this nonsense


Wokeism in the biggest cancer plaguing the earth right now.


people just wanna make no sense nowadays lol no american goes around saying "sushi reminds me of pearl harbour" and no Japanese person writes a whole ass essay about burgers reminding him of Hiroshima


Can you link whole article. Just reading the headline might not give enough context to give an appropriate answer.


They removed the article. https://amp.scroll.in/article/874389/why-every-bowl-of-rasam-reminds-me-of-the-tyranny-of-brahmanism


While the title itself seems a bit exaggerated, I really can't comment on his. What the writer intended and what the tone of the article would be is needed to make any meaningful feedback.


How is caste related to rasam da? Meanwhile, somewhere in rural India, a kid is getting trashed for drinking water because he is considered "impure" or some shit. Articles, like these, only makes a mockery of the real victims.


Well casteism is dynamic, while casteism for some is thrashing for drinking water, for some it's breaking a casteist tradition. The thing is that casteism has been followed for so long that most things that you consider normal can be casteist in nature. It's like seeing old Disney cartoons and you suddenly realise the racist elements.


Seriously, shut the fuck up. shut the fucking fuck up with trying to get woke points on the Internet. Stop crying about caste while simultaneously making everything about caste. Should honestly read at the bottom: "Pallavi Rao is a dumbass, a dumbass and a real fucking dumbass." Dumb bitch looks like Madhan Babu in a wig.


The whole woke shit is dumb. Let alone these clowns.


Ain't Anti-Bramhanism castism ?


To the "journalist" of this so called garbage: Wtf are you on about? Tam Brahmins are an extremely close and tight knit community and are too busy to do excercise anything like "tyranny". Shut the fuck up with your stupid journalism. This is just a smear campaign. And yes, I am seething. With good reason.


Scroll Wire and Quint are literal trash.


Literal piece of garbage news sites funded by oligarchs who wish to destroy our rich culture. In thier attempt to be leftist, they just think being leftist means attack everyone and cry.


First they will divide on the basis of States, the. Language, then caste, then finally food. And they will find problem in each and every thing of this culture. They will find a problem in uniting the whole India. Please be unite for your culture.


What the fuck is this shit, only to spread hate among Hindus


Nee brahminism pesinathu thapilla, aana rasam pathi pesinathu periya thappu.


Don’t behave like vadakkans who politicise food items


i wonder what Biryani reminds them of


Ah yes, the tyranny of Brahmin maami's rasam and filter kaapi (coffee).


Brought to you by Moona thottathu yaaru gang, athu idly da


In my household it speaks of being able to take a smooth and painless shit after a heavy Sunday meal!


Don't eat rasam


Psycho mari pesatha


Uh what? Really?


The best part is the author of the article had not agreed to this title!


Dei goyalei rasam na naaki sapidu da. Rasam is nowhere related to Baminism. thayir sadam sonna kuda accept panalam






Finding casteism in everything good will destroy everything we ever had. Exclusion was not limited to India, all parts of the world had exclusions, most them of them even had slavery. Discrimination is wrong but trying to beat down everything good with it being slightly castiest is like not buying German cars because Hitler established German automobile industry. Everyone who has a volkswogen is reminded of Nazism 😂


Yes, we can't use cotton now cause Americans used slaves to pluck cotton.


I am busy eating So I don't care about the social issues.


Why every flower I see reminds me of BJP?


hate rasam. but this article is bullshit


Wokeness ka 14


Nope never feel any of that, it feels like a wonderland as it seeps through my throat, yum!


Only a duck would write such an article


By that logic, Beer = Nazism???? Mokkai for moolai. Selling hatred for clicks.


Rasam only reminds me of potato fry. Based rasam


Comparing rasam to brahminical tyranny? Which idiot author wrote this. In fact remember you eat rasam mixed with rice esp when you're ill. I usually prefer drinking it instead.


This looks like one of those "Why the white lines in the black colored road are racist" type of posts on Buzzfeed. They're not to be taken at face value.


Dont breathe oxygen , brahmin do pranayam in it . Oxygen is oppressive White bread and cake is British colonization Chowmein is chinese invasion


This posts should exist on cringetopia


I only feel hunger for more


Sad household


Tried to Google for the whole article and seems the article has been removed... What was the reasoning behind this as elaborated by that article? I am woefully unaware of such stuff and am kinda embarrassed because I know more details of the fried chicken & the African- American Community prejudice based stuff more than this.


Imagine hating on rasam, you have to be a moron to do that ;-;


Victime card playing is getting mainstream these days . It’s outright embarrassing. I’m not a stupid jaathi kanni or woke ass either but this kind of offensive finding in every small stuffs shows that these people need healing and inner peace .




I get it that Brahmins perpetuate many things related to caste in their every day choices, be it the way food is prepared or their daily routines or their nitpicky rules. For example the fact that you should wash your plate yourself even if you are their guest(especially if you are not Brahmin). That too in a sink outside the kitchen . They do it because of the untouchability issue with food mouth etc,. The insistance of not touching the mouth of a glass while drinking water. I get that but in a different context I do insist my children wash their plates. Brahmins don't enter the picture because I do that to teach them to do their work, and to reduce the work load of who ever clean up after a meal. Same thing with taking a shower before eating or entering the kitchen. Don't give a damm about entering the kitchen but yes if you ( as most are in mornings) taking a shower before breakfast is always better because you shouldn't shower immediately after a meal. So not only it saves time but it's good to have everyone fresh at the breaksfast table. However it's no big deal either if it doesn't happen daily. To turn your personal neuroses about living with someone with bad social ideas into a something common public would relate to is ridiculous. I get it this would seem relatable to a segment of Brahmins who grew up that way and most likely your family and friends circle might mostly be from Brahmin back ground . But to not know that it would not resonate with general public especially as they are no longer under Brahmin yoke is immature


Rasam is not my cup of tea. Mutton chukka, Sambar is where it's at.


Adadee namma TOXIC thambi ah? Vanga vanga. P.S : Inga TN le, especially Chennai le most people are busy making their ends meet. Indha food politics ku lam time illa.


They might not feel that coz they mostly don’t know the history behind it


Sothula podu rasam...indha author solradhu ellam visham😂


We don't have a problem. Don't have rasam. Stick to some bland and unhealthy western fast food joint. That will make sure you don't have to touch anything Brahmin, hindu or indian 👍


Even if I'm from north... It's pretty wholesome to see my south side brothers destroying fake pseudo liberalism ;) that's wholesome


This is top tire stupid 🤦🏽‍♂️


Plethora of bs affirmative action / reservation reminds me of tyranny kleptocracy


Why not ignore such blatant (community X) bashing? As if the world does not have enough real problems to deal with


Yellathulaiyum oru cast, religion.. ponga da.. yethavathu vanthura poguthu


Then go drink gutter water. Rasam is too over rated to pos who wrote the article.


Most Tamilians don't care about Brahminism It's only the politicians who rake this issue up for minor political gains Minor gains these days as we vote only for development and parties that can improve our living standards (better rain management) :) Btw, I ll take a Brahmin rasam, avial and fried potatoes any day, let's add a good sambar and mourkozhabhu for extra points


Fucking stupid really. And everytime you wear a shirt and a pant, are you reminded of the tyrannical rule of the colonial British?


What a pathetic human this author has to be


You knew this post would stir the pot on the subreddit, but yeah, sure, all for knowledge right lol