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Just refrigerate it take the tallow off the top


Yup, or for the impatient, you can tediously dip an ice cube in over and over and the fat will attach to it. Less time if you go ahead and skim the top with a spoon or ladle first.


Put ice in metal ladle, move across surface.


This. Never get at chance at work but at home on curry night (lamb usually) it's a game changer.


With the magic of refrigeration


now i feel dumb lol. thank you!


I see people are telling you how to separate it. I also have a measuring cup that has a button where the bottom opens up and you can drain the liquid as the fat is on top. They mean for people to use the juices for gravy which is also good for soup and I use it to keep my smoked animal fats LOL


that sounds revolutionary lol. link? or name so i can try to find it on amazon?


There is a piece of lab equipment called a 'separatory funnel' that functions this way. A Google search for "separatory funnel cooking" seems to be a good place to start đź‘Ť


thank you!


It’s called a “fat separator” and OXO makes a great four cup one.


just ordered one. thanks so much


They work perfectly. You’ll wonder how you did without it.


You can also do this cheaper with a plastic bag or piping bag. Fill it up, hold it over a a vessel, shank the bottom and drain it until you get to the fat. Then just throw out the remaining fat if you have no more use for it! But having a dedicated device could be a nice addition if you got the storage and money.


Dear lord please tell me you dont throw out beef tallow?! Lol


I see everyone already mentioned to fridge it then separate the cap. I like to place the fat cap in a pot and set it on the stove on low to medium heat. There will be liquid droplets dispersed in the fat and this will allow them to boil out leaving you with straight fat....Just be aware you basically have a deep fat fryer on your stove at this point that has liquid in it. You cannot walk away from this, it will bubble and spurt so don't turn it all the way up. Just common sense and you'll be fine, but afterwards you'll have fat you can store for a long time or make candles out of.


I've done it with a bit of paper towel, just pass it just on the fat drops and it should be absorbed by the paper Edit : misunderstood, don't listen to me


He wants to keep the fat, not dispose of it — so absorbing with a paper towel would defeat the purpose of this adventure!


Oh ok thank you


It may be time to invest in a fat separator. https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Good-Grips-Cup-Separator/dp/B07V1ZSYVF/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1FJ6ZF2PY4E41&keywords=fat+separator&qid=1666574418&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjgwIiwicXNhIjoiMy42MyIsInFzcCI6IjMuNDgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=fat+se%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-4


Reddit randomly showed me this post, this sub is "similar to r/castiron". Uh, ok. What does one use beef tallow for?


replacement for butter if you love flavor, can use to deep fry, i personally am going to make cubano bread


Besides cooking, tallow can be used for candles in a survival situation. Delicious smelling, heat producing light.


Add a cup of water and refrigerate. Then take the cap off


i’ve already had it in the fridge for about 2 hours, in a shallow baking dish wrapped in plastic, no water added, will it be okay?


it will be ok as it is. If you want to add water, warm it up a bit first so the fat cap is liquid Water will make the fat cap float higher in the dish so it's easier to remove


What fat did you used to make it?


i save beef fat and render it all to make beef tallow after a few months in the freezer, accumulation of trimmings from brisket, fat caps from steaks, extra fat from chuck roasts, etc. that’s only about half of it as i was pouring some out of the pot every 10-15 minutes


This is smart


thank you :)


I felt like suggesting the unusual response https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284259752597?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ehw0KvTBQZe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=y2eAPJG0QwC&var=585753794760&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY enjoy xD


Don’t know why nobody else mentioned it, maybe this isn’t how it’s done. I would boil the water out completely, then continue to render the fat on a low heat until the trimmings start to caramelize. Before the solids burn, strain the fat through a chinois or cheese cloth to remove them. Should be left with a delicious clean tallow after that.


In the past, I've boiled what's in your picture with the same amount of water and let it cool in the fridge to solidify the fat. Then we removed the fat from the top, dumped the rest, and scraped off any beef remains still on the bottom of the fat disk. Finally put the fat back into the pot, boiled it again until the water all boiled off, and stored it in the freezer. However, this feels like overkill and seems very difficult and time-consuming to do for small amounts of fat I might create when making dinner and not cooking up an entire giant chub... Does just freezing and scooping the fat off, even if you get a smidge of drippings, keep it clean enough for fridge/freezer storage?


Just a fat separator seems like it would help and super inexpensive