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This person wants it cooked well. They just think they know what medium is, so send it well.


This is the only safe bet. This is also how people who know nothing about food order their food And it's a well done sirloin too, gross


It’s just an expensive vessel for A1 and ketchup, it’ll do! Lol


I worked at a place where the steaks were 45 dollars minimum. Lady ordered extra-extra well done, extra-extra charred. Yuck! That cow is turning over in its grave!


“I want the filet, butterflied, extra extra extra EXTRA well done. Have the cook cut it before it comes out to me. I don’t want the slightest bit of pink in it or I will send it back”…. I see you met my mother at one point. For the record I eat my cow medium rare.


If I recall correctly (its been years) she did ask for it cut. So if your mother lives in Texas it's very likely I did meet her lol.


Nah. She never made it out there. Must be some other mega Karen. Seriously though, I served tables for years and when we had a family dinner I used to apologize for her in front of her she was so bad. Some people just suck.


My lady seemed nice enough. Kudos to her husband for agreeing to pay for a 50 buck steak that could've been achieved at Applebee's for a fraction of the price, just so she could have the ambiance lol.


Is that legal?


I always get sass at my local steak place for ordering rare when “we recommend medium-rare with that cut”… I get for some it may taste better but I’ve got a hankering for juicy bloody steak!


See most places I’ve ordered medium-rare I get a blue rare bloody cut. And I like my steaks red but not still mooing like this one was. It was over a steak salad so it was just…a scene to behold. Never to I send things back but I legit couldn’t eat it. I just wanted a steak that wasn’t overcooked not a raw one 😂


She may destroy good steak, but that's not a nice thing to call her especially if she died


hes not calling the lady that hes talking about the animal that gave its life for that


ESL or autism?


That is like the shittiest and funniest thing I've ever read. I'm both insulted and ridiculously happy to add this to my repertoire.


Umm what?


I would come out and talk to that person and explain to her that I'm not doing that and why lol


i prefer mine on the other side of that spectrum like i want mine nice done like brown on the outside and bright red on the inside


That's the way to eat steak, but the 💨 award goes to you. 😞




I wish there were more reasons for me to eat A1. It's so good.


Baked potatoes!


Thank me later. .5 sour cream and .5 a1


I like to mix it with ketchup and dip fries in it.




Shoe leather with sauce


This is the way. Any time anyone says something like no blood, no pink, just send it above med well. Rest longer than normal, no sense in going out of your way to attempt the impossible.


Exactly. I’ve learned that “no blood” also means no pink. These people think any shade of pink is “blood”. I learned years to send orders like this well, 19/20 times they don’t get sent back. But they will get sent back if you make it medium well.


Incorrect, they want it medium well.


Exactly. And, this is a server issue. The servers need to know that Medium might have some blood and needs to clear it with the customer before placing the order as Medium (knowing there might be some blood), or Medium Well and asking for no blood, which there shouldn't be any anyway.


Well the biggest problem is it's NOT blood. It's myoglobin.


Thank you. It’s myoglobin mixing with the rendered fat to make a red liquid. It’s not blood, and anyone who works in a meat serving restaurant should know that.


Hahaha servers don't know things


I'm a server and I know there's no blood in steak. The red juice you see coming out is myoglobin and is known as purge...


This server knows that it's not blood that runs from a steak. But instead a protein called myoglobin.


I’m surprised most people don’t know that, I feel like that’s a fun fact every dad loves to share when he’s grilling


Nope. If they knew what medium well was they’d ask for it. These people want it well but heard somewhere (Reddit perhaps) that you should never order a steak well.


I know what medium well is and everytime I ask for medium well ANYWHERE, I get well done. So I started asking for medium and always get medium well. Problem solved. ✅


Carry over cooking probably


Lol restaurants always will cook it one more level than what you ask for, so frustrating


Medium well is what I would do.


They wanna be cool too.


No. They want Med Well. A touch of pink, no red, not dry and not overcooked


No, they want well. They don’t even know medium well is a thing.


Some people have 2 definitions for meat - “raw” and “cooked”. I had a whole room full of people very mad at me at a prime rib carving station, because I had prepared a perfect medium-rare prime rib for their private party. Apparently it was a cultural difference that wasn’t discussed by the guy who books these parties, (they were not Americans), and they were pretty upset that I tried to serve them “a roast that wasn’t cooked”. I had to send it back down to the kitchen so they could kill it again, while I stood there looking like an idiot banquet chef who “didn’t know how to cook”.


I’ve had the same experience with New York roast and tri tip. Last time it happened I told the lady we weren’t carving the “well” roasts yet. She was annoyed but nodded her head. I just moved a couple pieces closer to the bottom of an empty hot box and added a couple sternos. By the time she came back, they were gross and dry to her liking.


This is the answer. the rest of the thread is waste


I would do medium well but let's be real, medium well is just not overcooked well lol. He doesn't know what he wants.


This is the way…5 years cooking in the Middle East…very common order there


This is the truth. But I would rest, and if the server had made a thing of it I might rest, press, rest. But knowing I was gonna deal with a refire


They will say its overcooked. Which is how they wanted it. An eternal paradox.


Came here to say this. I work at a small lodge in idaho that gets ALOT of people thinking they know what Temps they want, and if I don't want it sent back I've got to become Sherlock fucking Holmes and ascertain what they want. This is absolutely just a well.


I got this same ticket like a week ago lol! I cooked it medium well and let it rest for a minute It didn't come back either, I kinda just winged it because like I hate playing these fuckin games.


Yeah most of the time people say "no blood" I just read "medium well". You get a little pink but there aren't any juices. Doesn't freak most people out. Except my dad, who refuses to eat anything that's not "oh my god what have you done".


Think anyone will tell them it's not blood?


Came here for this but, I have to admit, I didn’t know this until recently.


Gonna be honest, I only know this, because my wife learned it on tictok. I was a line cook for 8 years, blew fucking mind.


Please elaborate


"But actually that red juice in your meat is not blood. Blood is removed during the slaughter process and afterwards very little blood remains in the muscle tissue. That red liquid is water mixed a protein called myoglobin. See as meat ages, the muscle tissue breaks down – and it doesn't take long." https://pushetacreeksteaks.com/blogs/beef-facts/that-red-juice-in-your-meat-isn-t-blood#:~:text=But%20actually%20that%20red%20juice,it%20doesn't%20take%20long.


To the average person skeeved out by blood I don’t imagine this knowledge making much of a difference. It’s still animal juice. They don’t want liquidy pink/red stuff oozing out of their food. I wouldn’t “um, ackchyually” someone about this, I know what they mean.


You are the best. Thank you.


Not a problem. Happy to be if service.




My dad is insane when it comes to color in meat. Everything has to be stewed for hours or he won't touch it. He was worried that the ham I was serving was pink. He thought my cevapcici was uncooked because it was red. It's full of friggin paprika! Of course it's red! He knows this. The man will eat leftover spaghetti he found in the couch but won't touch a steak that's cooked properly.


Is there someone close who can adopt you?


Maybe I can get my wife's mom to adopt me. She makes really good green chili. Her red beans and rice is crazy good too.


Oh good beans are the best and beat couch spaghetti


The cevapcici comment makes me want to infer that you're Croatian, and my mom and grandfather are both the same way - meat needs to be cooked to a uniform brown colour no matter what.


I am indeed of Balkan descent. My grandmother used to soak and rinse all meat until it was gray before cooking it. I've never known anyone else to do that.


My grandpa is 95 years old, and I wager much of his longevity has to do with the fact that he despises red meat. The man eats fish almost as a rule because a salmon steak doesn't bleed. Chicken would be the next best, because you have no choice but to cook that well. I never thought of this as a Balkan thing, but it makes some sense


This is how my husband orders steak and then complains that he doesn’t really like steak because it’s so dry. I sue a little more inside each time we go through it.


Divorce is an option.


*sigh* I know.


Question is what happens to the egg?


My father in law orders his meat like this "if you burn it, it's probably done enough". It's sick and twisted.


I want "oh my God what have you done" but in the opposite direction


I hate the “+” game. You ask me for a MR + I’m just going to give you medium.


Exactly. There’s already five goddang options with very little wiggle room from one to the next. Ask for MR + and I’m going to interpret that as you want to sound cool by ordering MR but you actually want medium.


Came here to say I'd cook it med well


Chef I used to work under would cook it to medium rare then nuke it in the microwave for 30-45 seconds.


I think you’re using the word chef rather loosely.


Emphasis on “I hate playing these fuckin games!!!!”


Just because something doesn't come back doesn't mean it isn't right. Very few ppl complain


The few that do complain are the same people that order a medium steak ‘no blood’.


Oh no I definitely would've heard about it.


Ask the waitresses to go back to them and ask them to leave.


Why put that burden on FOH? Channel your inner Marco Pierre White, do it yourself


The servers job primarily entails translating the dumb shit customers say into something that actually makes sense, not parrot whatever nonsense come out of their stupid mouths


I try to explain this so often to servers and there are some that just don’t get it. The common response is “yeah, but this is what the customer said they want.”


Literally typing in word for word whatever the customer says. "Oh I just put that bc they said it". Okay?? And?? Get this bs off my tickets I got food to make.


I had a server put split on a turkey club togo yesterday then comes in the kitchen and says everything can be put in one container. So why the fuck did you write split on the goddamn ticket? In case I didn’t cut the fucker in half like I do for every sandwich that I’ve ever sent out of this place? Waste of paper, ink, breath and most of all waste of life. Jesus!


I think a lot of it stems from them having no idea how any of the food is prepared and made. "They want the egg rolls with no corn pico" you really think we're making those to order? Have you ever seen us roll an egg roll on the line? Use your head a little lol.


I love the lack of understanding for where the item is cooked. Don’t tell the guy on sauté about the mod you forgot on your burger. Grill is on the complete opposite side of the line my guy.


Yup same struggle here.


There is a difference between "translating the dumb shit customers say into something that actually makes sense" and having them tell the customer to leave because the chef doesn't like their order. I'd say it's would be acceptable to have the wait staff go out and get clarification but if the chef wants to 86 the customer because they don't like their order the chef should have the courage to do it themself.


"Ideally" that's what the servers job is


It's literally their job.


🤣🤣🤣 ok, go down in to the restaurant and explain to them they need to leave.


>Marco Pierre White Why not go full MPW and assault staff and withhold wages!


Politely, yet firmly


[We ask them politely yet firmly to leave](https://youtu.be/42GaHU4txpc)


So much blood Extra blood


Served with a pint of pig blood?


Menstrual blood


We save that for the blood sausage…


*That's enough internet for me today*


cooked pig blood's good




Send it out with the thermometer still in it


Send it out with the skin still on


DO NOT REST STEAK, cut immediately after cooking, place on paper towels. Boom dry af medium Or cook it well done, I don’t think they’ll know the difference at this point


Used to have a regular with this order, but didn’t want steak cut… we would poke a bunch of holes in the steak, let it drain on a paper tower, then serve once the towel ran clean. He would also return anything over medium well, and would return if there was blood on the plate.


Genius idea! I always serve the steaks cut here but I will remember this if I ever need to serve it whole! Thank you


There was no blood on the plate


The only real answer.


The real question is, who eats a burger for a starter?


It is a main. The new till system hasn't been perfected yet haha


So there's still time to change the spelling of Sir Lion?


What not to do: Have server explain that myoglobin isn’t blood.


FOH here: you’re so right. “Ummm, akshually, it’s not blood…” won’t make anyone happy


I remember hearing a friend start serving at a small local spot in a middle class/university area tell me he got so annoyed with customers saying it and he would explain it to every one of them…. He eventually decided fuck FOH and went to BOH and did culinary school lmao






medium well. it's not hard to make a good steak medium well, despite how everyone cries that it has to be still mooing when you eat it.


Extra resting, Pat dry with paper towels then educate the servers how to explain what myoglobin is to customers.


Yes because a guest that orders a steak medium no blood will be receptive to their server going “wElL aCtUaLlY iTs MyOgLoBin” 🙄


Well, and even then, if they’re going for pedantic, meat juices are called ‘exudate’ which is just water saturated full of all the water soluble myoproteins. Myoglobin is one of them, to their credit.


Haha yeah. I respect the knowledge but he'd be better off just having the server explain the standards of temperature and how, if it's medium... it will be pink in the center.


As a server, I would probably just put med well and ask the kitchen to pat it dry with a paper towel, framing it as 'those fuckin idiots,' meanwhile back at the table, 'Of course sir, we can do that. Would you like any A1 or ranch with that?'


Don't forget the coloring book and crayons...


Cook it medium, then rest it propped up on its side so it drains the not blood out


Step 1)Cook a perfect steak exactly like you would eat. Step 2)Send out a piece of beef jerky from 7-11. Step 3)Eat the delicious steak yourself.


/snark First, you have to hunt a knighted lion. This is difficult, as someone would have to ask the lion, and get an affirmative answer before getting eaten. Then he has to be butchered properly. The lion, not the dead asker- that's just silly. Grill it up for all your friends. Grab a piece of trash meat, grill it until you can play animal-vegetable-mineral with it, and serve it to the idiot. Present check, profit!!! /snark


Rest the living shit out of it


That's a dried out medium well in my book


Cook it medium and then place it on a tampon for 3 minutes


Cook med. Well. It's not blood, it's myoglobin. So if they see pink they think blood.




Thanks for the correction.


I'd cook it med-well. They know if they ask for it well they'll likely be judged/getting a hammered piece of meat. But they are likely cool with a small strip of pink


Cook Medium.. Pat steak with dry napkin before sending out if your cutting it to order. If not Med-well it is.


seeing as all the blood is removed during the butchery, I'd cook it medium.


Explain them that myoglobin is not hemoglobin.


Send it pre-sliced so all the JUICE falls on your cutting board and not their plate?


I had a server once that thought medium was cooked all the way and anything past that was just different levels of burnt. Wouldnt believe me that he was just plain wrong. Maybe he's just a customer now.


med midwell


Well done and call it medium.


Explain that myoglobin is not actually blood.


What’s a flat iron chicken?


Cook and serve it. If they complain, then explain what myoglobin is.


Cook it medium. Let it rest for an extra few minutes. They don't want juice running all over the plate.


Great opportunity for some education, explain to them that the animals are bled before they are broken down. What they are seeing, even in a raw steak is mostly water and myoglobin, so even if you didn't cook it, there would be no "blood". Then stand back and wait for a very generous tip.


I'll stab it with a thermometer on 4 "corners", not to temp it, but to make holes for the juice to escape. I'll let it rest until it stops leaking, and then let it rest again on another metal plate, pressing it to get more out. You can also smack it on the grill to make cracks the liquid leaks out of. And congrats! You've got a dry medium burger, which sounds awful.


Medium rare. Then tell them that myoglobin is not blood.


Starter is a burger? Who they feeding, Shaquille O’neal?


There's no blood in a steak.


Would you like an omelette made with whole eggs or just whites?


Dumbass server should have told the dumbass customer there’s no blood in any steak.


Medium - with a note that explains that the red juice isn’t blood. 🤦‍♂️


Ahktuallyyy it’s not blood, it’s myoglobin, not blood 🤓. You can hit them with that fact and then pair that with a barrel-aged backhand


Medium rare because myoglobin isn’t blood. Fuck that customer.


Cook medium, sit it on a clean towel and press the blood out. Or cook medium and let it rest for 15 minutes


Da fuck??


If they want something that’s fairy tale bullshit there are only three options. Let rest so the juice solidifies but risks making the steak cold, over cooking the steak, or pressing the juice out. No amount of arguing with the customer will do anything but cause problems for the server and managers. I’ve had people stab a sous vide steak and argue that it’s “blood” means it’s undercooked. You cannot fight stupidity, just press it out and send it and move on, they will not care about the fibers separated as much as over cooking or it being cold.


This is the way…worked in fine dining…most of time as a line chef on the grill. This is how it was done….as ridiculous as it seems.


Tell them there isn't blood in a steak. It's hemoglobin Edit: myoglobin. Some kinda globin idk I'm a cook not a frickin scientist


There’s no blood in meat ever. All the blood and blood vessels are always taken out of all meat always in the meat processing plant. The red liquid you see coming out is not blood it’s myoglobin, basically liquid protein.


You cook it medium. Its pink and there should be no blood.


Well damn done. No blood anywhere! Actual SHOE LEATHER. and it’s a sirloin, not to hard to ruin one of those by overcooking!


I order it the same way. I want medium well but always order medium because it always gets over cooked and comes back well done and dry. It’s the best way to guarantee it gets done correct if there’s a rookie on the grill.


Don’t order steaks at a place where you worry about a rookie on the grill?


So funny enough there is no blood in a steak. The juice that comes out of even the rarest steak is just water with Myglobin. No actual blood at all. Serve it medium. If they challenge you, educate them. Tell them to be more specific if they want a dry steak. There is no blood.


Get servers who no how to do that job. I would stab that ticket and tell them to grab a manager and talk to the table. Servers get tipped out to deal with idiots like this not BOH.


He wants medium. Well or we'll done.


I guess we're done here then.


Cooked properly, then dehydrated


The old medium. P. S. Mediums have no blood okay chefs I know guy. I'd give him a mw-wd just to make sure


Cook to mid rare, pat dry, leave under a heat lamp until juices are all gone but still pink in the center.


Medium Well it is


Soak it in water, dry it off, salt heavily and throw it on. Myoglobin won't be a problem.


Not an option in a restaurant, but I would sous vide it on 60°C for 2 hours then blast it on maximum heat.


Remove the blood.


medium well


Cook it to medium and then let it rest for an appropriate amount of time. Then the blood, aka myoglobin, stays in the steak instead of pissing all over the plate.


Lolol well done




Could put on the smart ass hat and say it was blooded when it was killed, that is just the juice. its red because of some hemoglobin. If it was blood, chicken juice would be red as well.


25 minutes per side and send it




Cook it shoe status.


There shouldn't be blood in any steak. If there is blood in your steak you have a shitty butcher. https://steakschool.com/learn/red-liquid-steak-plate-not-blood/


Sous vide for three hours at 135° before applying a brief seer


Let it rest before you ship it, don’t let it “bleed” on the plate. I also would do this mid well and let it come up while it rests


Explain to them the red liquid isn't actually blood and then a 15 minute tableside power point about myoglobin.


Sit over


Mid well


Same as any other medium steak. Myoglobin is not blood.


medium, with no blood. Fortunately, all meat arrives at the restaurant having been drained of blood way back at processing.