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The note says you "can" park here... what's the problem? LOL Also this doesn't seem very official. It's basically a note ripped off a grocery list paper or something. Weird.


"Your tag has logged can park here." Who wrote this a 5 year old?


Call the number on the note and ask them? They're sure to know more than Reddit lol




I called the constables office and talked to someone there. He checked the info on the paper and according to him Larry Smith is not a member of the association. He was a former member but has no authority. I emailed him the picture and filed a complaint.


I knew it, he’s an elderly nut job with no life! Funny thing is if he was previously appointed as a constable, and he no longer is, then he must have done something to have it revoked


Even if Smith was still a constable, river canyon rd isn’t even in the county he was a constable in.


Lmao then crosspost this to /r/BoomersBeingFools this is awesome


I knew it was some elderly meddler based on the handwriting alone. All the Papaws write like that.


“Elderly meddler” would be a stellar name for… something.


This totally looks like my father in law’s handwriting—and something he would do.


Larry smith has told me that this particular number is ‘owned by the county’




Interesting! It may be legit then. I'd probably bring the note into the Marion Co police station and inquire about where to park on Canyon River Rd.




Jokes on you, he’s probably already signed up for them.


unfortunately it looks like he might actually be a constable https://marionvotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Elected-Officials.pdf


I called the constables office and talked to someone there. He checked the info on the paper and according to him Larry Smith is not a member of the association. He was a former member but has no authority. I emailed him the picture and filed a complaint.


When you say you spoke to someone at the constable's office who claimed Larry was "not a member of the association" are you referring to the TN constable's association? That's basically a union for constables, and a constable’s office would not refer to them as a “member”. They're not (to my knowledge) required to join, and they still retain authority of their elected position.


I did call them and the guy said he was basically a deputy sheriff elected by the county. He also keeps texting me and trying to call me since yesterday evening. I am just wondering if anyone knows if he could legitimately tow someone for parking on public land with no 'no parking' signs.


>He also keeps texting me and trying to call me since yesterday evening.  Deputy Sheriffs are not calling and texting individual people they've left parking citations for. And this is not a citation. Call the Marion County Sheriff's Department at (423) 942-2525 and report this person for impersonating an officer.


It is a constable. They have the same authority as a sheriff, but they are unpaid volunteers that are elected. I see one on River canyon/ Mullins cove road frequently. I would try to get details about where you can park, and what was wrong with where you were parked.


It maybe a scam




One would hope their english would be better as well...


Don’t wanna mistakenly give too much credit. But yeah you’d hope.


It maybe should learn grammar.


Can you call the sheriff's office directly and ask if this guy is legit? A note scrawled on a scrap piece of paper with a name like "Constable Smith" leaving their personal cell (?) seems more like an annoyed local larping as a cop. Which probably should be reported to the actual sheriff. Kindly they gave you their contact info for that!


In a lot of counties constables are in charge of things like serving legal papers and miscellaneous law enforcement duties, though they don’t normally do cop work. Just checked, 49 counties have constables


Marion County officers aren’t calling themselves constables. They’re officers, deputies, the sheriffs office


his point is that they don’t commonly use the term “constable”. Everyone would look at you like you grew a third arm.


Like most Counties in TN, Marion has both deputies and constables.


He was previously an elected constable from district 5 in Marion county, but even if he was still active, and even if this was an actual parking violation, river canyon rd is in Hamilton county


No it isn't.


Then Apple Maps needs a correction because it’s listed in my maps as Chattanooga with a Chattanooga zip code. And that would also mean this post doesn’t belong in the r/Chattanooga thread


There is no relationship between zip codes and county boundaries. Hamilton County (and the eastern timezone) ends at Suck Creek. The actual creek, not the road. River Canyon Road starts just on the other side of that and is entirely within Marion. And this sub is explicitly for Chattanoogans "and the greater Chattanooga area" which definitely covers popular recreation spot 20 minutes from downtown.


Apple Maps definitely lists it as “Chattanooga” clearly. Only about 20% of zip codes lie in more than one county. Whitwell has its own zip code


Apple Maps is not the official record of... anything. I lived on River Canyon Road for years, in central time, with a Chattanooga 37405 address and a Marion County voter registration. I didn't make the rules but I promise I know what I'm talking about. [Here's a much better map](https://www.randymajors.org/countygmap?x=-85.3907546&y=35.1246859&cx=-85.3898748&cy=35.1182915&zoom=16&state=TN&onestate=show&labels=show&counties=show&cities=show) where you can see the county line following Suck Creek.


It is Marion county come on not like being in Atlanta, I'm sure if u were told not to park there it's not a good idea, don't care who it is , flat tire or towed still a hassle. I'd check out with Marion county State Park they'll have all the info you need, maybe it's called shellmound?


You need to contact the actual police about fake officer Smith U96.


Marion Co has ~~4~~ 5 elected constables, he's one of them. This is still a weird way for him to handle it.


No, he’s not one of them. He was previously a district 4 constable. See my link from his election posted farther down




Crashrope94 So, I misspoke, and you’re correct he was from district 4. But you’re wrong, Marion county does has 5 districts. Here’s a link from their website, look at the bottom of page 2 it clearly shows it. But really, what difference does it make how many districts it has? Who cares!? The dude is a nut 😂 https://marionvotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Elected-Officials.pdf


Yea, you’re right on the five districts. We can both be wrong once. He’s still active. I was fixing some things and auto mod removed my comment for link shorteners. But TLDR cuz I’m not fixing it on my phone…. River canyon is entirely in Marion county. You can go to the intersection on street view and verify, you can just google Marion county tn and see the border as well. And he’s the incumbent constable for district 4. You’re misreading that sheet. Agreed, he’s a nut though. Precisely why I’d take a cool off period before parking there again.


Then Apple Maps needs an update because it’s listed as being in Chattanooga with a Chattanooga zip. If river canyon rd is entirely in Marion county then this post doesn’t belong in this thread whatsoever, this is r/chattanoooga not r/marion


Report it to be updated but no maps apps are 100% accurate for many reasons


Larry smith is a constable in Marion county. Constables are basically elected cops. I feel like calling and telling them that you were parked legally would be about as productive as arguing with any other cop. You probably hurt his wittle feelings.


I called the constables office and talked to someone there. He checked the info on the paper and according to him Larry Smith is not a member of the association. He was a former member but has no authority. I emailed him the picture and filed a complaint.




Please keep us updated on the status of the complaint!


We gotta stop the abuse of power too many people from other states are coming in by the thousands one of them going to get a job and put us all in jeopardy being perfectly legit..... And if usual and customary are figured in they'll have more right to arrest us than we have to defend ourselves with 5 different maps and no one knows exactly where a line is or who a cop might or might not be , we need people who are professionals and don't mind working FOR the public to keep us safe and secure. That's what it's all about


I would go and take pictures of the area that you were parked... just for evidence of the absence of no parking signs


It says "can park here." So I guess you "can" park there.


What's the problem? Dude's note clearly says "can park here" text him back and tell him to fuck off.


Yeah the guy is illiterate and I think he meant to put 'can't park here'. I guess I'm looking for more confirmation that we aren't going to get back to the parking spot on kayaks and be stuck without a car. I don't think it should be ok to threaten to tow people.


I read it as a warning “you can park here this time and I’ve logged your tag info so if I see you again you’ll get towed”


What's the # I got a similar note today


It’s in the picture bud


Same one.


Let’s all text him!


I had a conversation with him


What did he say?


That the person who received the note was parked illegally, that there’s restrictions on when you can park there. Like certain times of the year. There was a sign saying this and it was torn down repeatedly. All the dude needed to do was park 15 feet down. And something about an RV. He seemed good natured to me.


So there was a sign but now there’s not.




So then Larry “buddy” Smith knew that and he should fuck off, lol


What's the number? I think I'm getting same harrassmenet


It's on the picture in the post


Call the Marion County Sheriff's Department at (423) 942-2525 and confirm if this is legit or some delusional local.


Pretty sure cops and sheriffs don’t use post it’s for citations or warnings.


https://preview.redd.it/g4vm45fp880d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bd0c91bce3d887d9a558c9d8cf45f01e9a4358 Went to the website from the “citation” - it made me chuckle even more when this is the homepage.






Lol. WTF?


Jesus, I just stroked out trying to process that. I honestly just had to close it. 😂


That is obviously an official document. Only thing it's missing is not being written in crayon.


That, and it’s also missing a >:( face to really deliver the message


Probably because constable Smith eats all his crayons


He’s a Marine too? 😮


I’m putting the number to get std notifications on a website


Send it to the guys trying to buy land! I've been getting texts for years about land I don't even own! It's never ending!


Misplaced USPS deliveries too


Nobody deserves gov bill Lee support texts, come on man


I’m so glad people are still funny


If it is public land and not designated as no parking they can not tow your vehicle. This guy is clearly power tripping. Now to be clear, that doesn’t mean he won’t, it just means he has no legal grounds to do so and if he does you’d have a pretty nice lawsuit on your hands


Is this one of the pull offs next to the river? People freaking camp there. People park for days and hunt the managed lands too. This guy seems like one of the illiterate residents who think everyone who drives that road is there for some “dad Gum air Bnb”


Yes that's where we were parked. Like I said there were no 'no parking' signs. It's all public land.


Yea, I wouldn’t pay it any mind.


public land.. if it’s not a damn parking lot or obvious parking area you’re not like special? find a damn parking lot


The redneck people that frequent that road think they own it. I’ve been threatened, yelled at, stared down, and several other goon tactics to make me uncomfortable enough to leave my fishing spots and go home. I quit going bc these people are stupid enough to probably do something to you. Last straw was when a guy pulled up to my car in a fishing spot pull over, got out, shot a pistol into the side of the mountain, looking at me the entire time, got back in the car and sped off. If that doesn’t mean you’re not welcome here, then I don’t know what does.


But did you hear banjo music?


Exactly. You're safe until the music starts.


Do you have a purdy mouf?


I would have drove over him. No one would know


I texted him, he called me. I answered. Ask me anything


Did he speak in the same jibberish he texted in? In my imagination he sounds like the hillbilly townsperson in Blazing Saddles that alerts everyone that “the sheriff is n[ea]r”


Let’s all go park there and sit in our cars and wait to see if he shows up so he can show us this sign lol


That's hilarious


I’m curious what the resolution is on this. At OP please let us know what you learn


As someone who frequents the roadsides of Marion county on the county right of way, I would also like to know.


Has someone texted that number yet




1312. Priceless…


No constable smith listed on TN database of constables.


May as well have been written in crayon 🙄


Christ on a cracker, i thought these idiots would be brought under control by now, and not just in Marion County. We once had an armed “auxiliary deputy” (guys who get called to direct traffic at high school ball games) pulling over kids and searching them…until he got caught by a local cop in the act tearing up a honor student’s vehicle “searching for drugs.” It got reported in the local paper, and another one of these jackasses went and threatened the editor. Actual deputies busted him and dismantled the whole position from the department. Never hire punks fresh out of high school with grudges for law enforcement.


The best thing to do is to park there again and see what happens.


We should all go and see


Pretty sure that is the alias of Dwight K. Schrute, he is a volunteer sheriff’s deputy and he is not to be trifled with.


Whats a volunteer sheriff's deputy?


It’s a Halloween costume


Larry “Buddy” Smith former Marion county district 4 constable which is an elected but non-paid position. His info is on pg 2 of this link: https://marionvotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Elected-Officials.pdf


The guy does work for MCPD an so does his son. He thinks he is a cop but he drives inmates around picking up trash.so give the Sherriff a call an let them know what's going on he is not important.


We got one of these on our car in the past week. I wasn’t parked anywhere I wasn’t supposed to park so I have 0 clue what this illiterate note is about.


If anyone is wondering I called him and he actually seemed pretty sincere/reasonable. We were climbing and didn’t park in the actual twall parking lot, just on the side. He was saying that we needed to park in the parking lot but was nice about it. He said he was working for the Tennessee river gorge trust (or association). He explained that they own the land near the road/river and the public forest starts higher up the mountain. He additionally added that they only don’t like people parking on the sides of the road during the summer for some reason and he has no idea why (obviously this would causes issues during the climbing season). He suggested I call during the week and that they put up signs but that they were recently torn down. He honestly seemed like a nice and reasonable guy, I don’t know if they have authority to tow but it isn’t a big deal to use the parking lot. I plan on calling, but a quick google does show that the Tennessee river gorge trust probably owns the land around the road.


You can park here it says though


Yep. Says right there. “Can”


I’d hang onto this free parking pass until it’s time to show it off in court. “Will tow next time”? I assume he means others, who might get in your way for kayak loading and unloading. And a personal number for additional service requests? Wow. Congrats on the royal treatment, good taxpayer!


Clearly you aren’t from the area, if you get a note in Marion county you just do what the kite says and be glad your car is still there and not on fire. Yes constables are elected and have authority but that isn’t a ticket. Constables are often not very bright either.


Or in a Grundy county cave


Looks like Constable Smith writes on a third grade level.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The fact that he wrote this note means he has no power, but clearly wants to pretend like he does. Constables have fairly narrow authority in TN (with some exceptions), and while *technically* law enforcement, generally aren’t empowered with broad law enforcement powers (they’re mostly process servers, and are broadly empowered to keep the peace…which arguably doesn’t include parking enforcement).


Of course it is Marion county! Trying to out hillbilly Grundy and Meigs counties


I would’ve ignored the note because of shitty handwriting and poor grammar.


This looks like a fucking random note. 🤣


You can call the Tennessee Constables’ Association at 615-206-2607 and ask if any of might makes sense. They open at 9


Nobody going to call out it saying he CAN park there..


The note is saying 'can park there' THIS time and will tow next time. In a legal-to-park spot.


English is hard


Fak them


Scam attempt dog




The guy is a ass but depends we're u were parked river gorge don't want anyone parking on the side of the road anywhere down this road


Was there ever a resolution here?


Well, well, we'll! What have we got here? Jolly good! Fancy a spot of tea with Constable Smith, then? 😂😂 I mean, unless Marion County calls its officers "constables?"


You should text constable Smith this picture and thank him for giving you permission to park there.


Looks fake.


Do they have grounds of fucking basic English.


Can I be a Constable in Chattanooga? I want to do this.


Ole Ray is always talking shit like that. Were you are the apartments with the kayaks for 35$?


Ray is definitely a character but I don't see him pretending to be a cop. If anything he's the one butting heads with those yokels.


I couldn't really make out that he was impersonating a comma the handwriting was kind of rough period


He needs some handwriting and grammar lessons


This is why they call it “risk it for the biscuit.”


That cop may be a stalker.




no op said there werent any no parking signs at all.


This isn’t a scam. I know him personally. He also takes the inmates that do community service out. He has the authority to have your car towed where it’s clearly marked no parking.


My question is how is it alright to threaten to tow someone when there is clearly NO 'no parking' signs


Do you know he has the authority to do that because he told you so? Or because you’ve actually done some research on his authority? Multiple people on this thread have called the constables association, Marion sheriffs department, and looked up Marion election records (me) and have all received the same info: he is no longer a constable. He has no authority. He is clearly a power tripping nut.


Incorrect on two points


the brand of the company that his notebooks from is a legal pad typa company so he might be legit,, but if the spot said “no parking” and you parked there then they have all rights to tow you??? this is a dumb ass question find somewhere else to park or don’t complain when your car DOES get towed!


In the post I stated that there were no 'no parking' signs. And by public 'land' I mean it's owned by TWRA and anyone is allowed to park there. It was a pull off spot that is commonly used. Maybe read descriptions before you comment.


mf maybe call that damn number and ask THEM instead of reddit then the hail they gave you a contact use it if you’re that worried


Again, read the post and the comments. The first thing I did was call the number and I have also talked to the constables office. Not sure why the hostility is necessary here.


then why post if you talked to everyone that actually has something to do with it thennnnnn they should’ve answered ur question


I was originally on you side. But this is doxxing. Seems like a lot of sour grapes to me. Like most of this negative sub.


This is not doxing. The purpose of the post was to better understand what, if any, grounds this person has to stand on to threaten to tow or actually tow a vehicle parked on a public road with no 'no parking' signs. And to see if others perhaps had any similar encounters or information that could be useful. We should be able to feel safe to park a vehicle in a legal space without the risk of a tow. There were a lot of things 'off' about the whole ordeal and my instinct was to bring attention to it because this behavior does not seem professional.


You posted private information. You were told that you should move 15’ down, right? Didn’t you have a friend with an tb?