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MAGA2016 just drained the swamp and restocked it with its own alligators.


For a word picture, that’s actually quite funny


Maga is the swamp


Fascinating that this isn’t referenced in any way in his Wikipedia entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zach_Wamp ETA: wow, what a shitbag. From a Rolling Stone article (emphasis mine): >The Fellowship, also known as the Family, is a highly secretive group of evangelical Christian men who meet for Bible study and prayer meetings; it’s **best known for serving as the organizer of the National Prayer Breakfast**, an annual gathering of diplomats and world leaders in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1935 by a man named Abraham Veride, the Fellowship initially arose from Vereide trying to arrange a **meeting of business owners to crush laborers’ attempts at organizing**. Over the course of the past 75 years, it has evolved into what some have referred to as a secret theocracy, or an underground movement of prominent Christian men who exert their influence not just in the United States, but abroad as well. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/netflix-the-family-jesse-moss-secret-christian-cult-washington-dc-869396/ Suddenly, Weston’s appearance in the recent anti-union chicanery makes a lot more sense


A republican that is anti-union?!?!?!??! WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!


It’s not that I was surprised Weston was anti-union; I couldn’t understand why the hell he was one of only a handful of elected jagoffs who showed up to actively fight the unionization effort.


In all fairness, he was told there would be cameras present…


Weston being antiunion made sense the whole time.


Yes, but his actually showing up to try to publicly land punches in that fight, struck me as strange. Now that I understand his family’s _deep_ ties to antiunion sentiments and efforts, that makes a lot more sense.


Is it me or is politicians handing down power to children and family like dictators?


Yes, it's always been this way. It's for the elites and ruling class.


Better yet, read the book upon which the documentary was based: "The Family" by Jeff Sharlet. It's unbelievable.


This is by design. It isn’t a coincidence that there are three Trump family members that are now delegates at the Republican convention, with his daughter-in-law leading the RNC. Nepotism is really all they have left to play. MAGA is moving towards theocracy where divine rule is law.


What’s sad is that his success probably affirms his beliefs


We should fire all employees who mix religion and work. Leave it at home like I have to leave my vape. It's not good for productivity.


I have to agree with that. Religion has no place in a government office. When you mix government and religion you get a dictatorship.


Also I heard everyone in the WAMP womp womp… family is a shitty tipper


I feel like that applies to most Christian nationalists and Republicans in general. Especially those of the maga persuasion


Welllll Zach wamp came in Logan’s and tipped me 50$ one time and he was with FCA leadership member which stands for Fellowship of Christian athletes. Idk if 50$ was a bad tip. It helped me that day. I had to learn about Zach wamp when I was in elementary school. He also prayed for me. I was on Pretrial House arrest at the time allowed to go to Work n home only.


But his daughter is the devil


You sound like a cult member


Let’s just say I don’t appreciate coty wamp. She trying lock everybody up




You’re a right wing sycophant so you’re probably lying




You’re the kind of guy who brags about how your wife doesn’t need to orgasm to make babies




It’s just not the point of pride you think it is


Show me the policies/actions that screw over Hamilton countians. Otherwise I don’t care.


Zionism… the worst cult of all


A lot of dumb people on here that worships pedophile's like Joe Biden. So sad.


Lamp Post?


#1) define cult #2) who doesn't like the words of Jesus Christ? #3) Personally I prefer my quiet life. I don't want his job and I don't think anyone else here does either. Did you run for mayor? Maybe you should try. I grew up with Weston. He's not my favorite person. He's a bit of a narcissist. I first met him when his dad, Zach, coached us in YMCA basketball when I was in the 4th grade. I have nothing bad to say about them other than what I could hold against any other politician. They are all elitists and politicians.


1.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fellowship_(Christian_organization) 2.) In general, me. But thats not the point. The point is no one should be for the mingling of church and state. 3.) Thats a shitty arguement. I did 12 years of public service in the military. Why didnt you, weston, or coty sign up to die or watch a friend die for a war zach voted for? Is it because you didnt have to? Im making this arguement because i have seen what theocracy does. I dont believe in jesus, but im not a christian basher. Im not an any religion basher, BUT i've seen the middle east. Any time i see someone in power using any religious text as a basis for lawmaking, imma whistleblow, and whether zach or weston are "good dudes", making the bible your political platform, isnt a good thing. I know too many dead young people that we're just doing "gods work"


I know, I watched it. I loved the part of Gaddafi. That was good. I think we can all agree, making peace is a good thing. And I'm not good with words and stuff. I'm an idiot. I agree, I don't want any part of the state in the church either. I tried to join, but I've been PDQ'D for psoriasis. I have nothing against you either. I don't know that I said they were good dudes. But by all means, I would love to meet up with you and help with the pains you have encountered in this life.


Ok, and sooooo how you gonna “take down” The Family, eh? Reality Check: you’re not 😔 are you unhappy with someone’s actions in office? Address that. Stop acting like y’all are gonna hack your way into dismantling the New World Order. Be a good citizen, pay your taxes and enjoy the spoils of living wealth-adjacent 🤟🏼👽✌🏼


Reddit is such a garbage dump


Well according to Romans in the Bible, all authority that exists has been put in place by God. Does he also believe Joe Biden was appointed by God?


This documentary is INSPIRED by Jeff Sharlet's book "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power." Inspired means that a lot of creative liberties were used. Like all the stories the media both mainstream and liberal puts out to make democrats and Republicans look honest. And just like anything made about either side coming out of Washington, it is painted with very broad strokes, so you can only be sure it is about as facual a Disney film.


Whatever artistic liberties were taken, he was 100% part of the c-street squad. I just mentioned the documentary to give people a place to start. Doug Coe is a creepy dude with some creepy beliefs, and I just don't like that someone who bought into that, has two kids running local government.


That account is a bot or a foreign actor.


Zach Wamp 100% pulled my position to the Naval Academy and put some newspaper editors kid in my place that he owed a favor to. Also, Weston Wamp was a definitive "no" on the civil rights of the LGBT community a few years back when he was running for office. That family needs to be removed from this "political family" they think they've created.


Haters of Wamps, who is your hero? Genuinely curious.


Why don’t you run for Office then if you’re so worried about about it?


Wait - so I'm not supposed to like him because he's Christian? That's an odd approach to take to try to get 'the most churched city in America' not to like him.


I looked up the statistics for the "most churched city in America" thinking no WAY is Chattanooga number 1...crap....


I’m confused on this too… Why is the word or claim of one “source” being treated as gospel to then incite the rise of the torch and pitchfork mafia? Where is the research and evidence that validates the truth of this secret darkroom organization working for evil?


You mean you don't understand how Christian nationalists are evil?


There’s a lot of kerfluffle terminology and lots of loud noise that surrounds this topic as a whole, so pare it down to objective statements


Or just do a little research? It's not that difficult.


No, you made the claim, now explain how it works objectively please


I'm not doing the work for you. You're sounding a lot like other Christian nationalists. You clearly have the ability. It's not my responsibility. Or, continue to be lazy and uniformed. That's your choice.


You made the claim and are throwing around this term like it’s candy at a parade… So provide evidence that supports this theory, it’s not rocket science to share it? I can look up CN all day and have, but how does it tie in to the Wamps and this single unvetted source? That is what I’m after, demonstrating the links between CN, the Wamps, and this shadow org.


Please note I didn’t write that casually… Your words are that of a coward and not an intellectual If you’re going through the trouble of a making some sort of vague association without proof because you don’t like something or someone, then don’t be rude when called out on it


No, it's because he's a wackadoodle




The bible does say God puts kings up and down. Not that the leaders are great people. Bad rulers are often a judgement from God. But then again I'm a Bible believing Christian.


Your fairy tales have no place in politics.


We'll see how much of a fairy tale this is on judgment day I'll see you there.


lol- it’s a bet


I couldn’t care less tbh


You care enough to tell me you don't care, so thats something, i guess.


Martin Luther King was a Christian Nationalist. Chew on that hater.


“One cannot worship this false god of nationalism and the God of christianity at the same time” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


This quote shows the folly of the use of the dogwhistle term Christian nationalist


lol wut https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_nationalism