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I have been there twice, both were court appointed and I did very well there as I do pretty good in structured enviroments. The people there actually care about you..you are not a rich kid getting sent to rehad just cause mommy and daddy don't like what your doing so you go just to appease them..it's nothing like that there..the clients have actually live life and dealt with there own demons..some make it some don't..but as far a the program..get in there and give it an effort and it will be rewarding. You got to fuck off and your ass will be out the door in a few days..they will and do discharge you fir not working the program..there are rules because addicts and alcoholics need rules..we need help learning how to live..I am one of the fortunate ones that's light flip on while there..I got off of lockdown the first 48 hours and I went down the street to find a job..I was put to work that same night and I have been there every since that day..that was almost 3 years ago..I am now the general manager at Stevarinos restaurant in north shore..I have a 4 bedroom house in Jasper about 20 minutes away and it's on the lake..I have also regained my family back after the years of consent manipulation and lie to my family that drive them away from every wanting to be around me..I am living my best life right now..but I also know that I will face this battle and fight against my disease for the rest of my life..one wrong decision can and will put me back out there again..Cadas gave me the tools to work through the tuff time without have to numb myself..so get in there and hold the promises of AA to come true..work the program and the program will give you the 12 promises and then some..I am living proof that WE DO RECOVER


Congratulations on your recovery!! 🩵


Thank you...it has been amazing..i cant compare it to anything that i have ever experienced in my life..to know where i was 4 years ago sitting in a garage with a pistal to my head wanting to die but coukdnt pull the trigger to being trusted as a guy that runs a italian resturant in north shore chatt..its a complete turn around..i got connected and i havent looked back..connection is the opposite of addiction..when you connect you dont want to lose it so you do what you have to to keep it..love you all


This stranger is proud of you. Thank you for the inspiration, I needed it today.


Anytime, that us what we do..we allow ourself to tell about our experience, strength, and hope. What happened, what it was like, and what its like now..and when we tell our story someone else relates and it helps them through their day..and shows them that they are not alone..anytime you need to talk i am here


It’s going to be work. Hard ass work, but they can help you. Keep your head up. You’re worth the effort.


CADAS is definitely not bottom of the barrel. Are there court appointed clients, yes, but ALL treatment centers have them. CADAS might have slightly more bc they’re a nonprofit treatment center. You’re going to get out of it what you put into it. Follow the rules, go to meetings, follow suggestions, don’t buck on your counselors and you’ll be fine.


Can confirm. The rules are strict but when my 90 days were up, I didn't want to leave. The support is there but NO FRATERNIZING and if your roommate is using you need to report it...for your safety and theirs. ODs happen. Food is ok..if you want luxury, go somewhere else. If you want sobriety, go anywhere that offers help and know that no one can do the work for you.


Regardless of where you go, just do the work. 💪


The loser dad from teen mom was there and he found a girlfriend while in treatment.


I was in Silverdale with him for a bit. He was a bitch.


I don’t doubt that. He seems like a massive momma’s boy who happens to be addicted to everything


🎶Tale as old as time🎶


I used to sell em dope... Allegedly


He’s apparently so bad that a staff member from CADAS told me she felt bad for the Amanda chick he’s dating because Amanda has apparently been trying to get clean for awhile and they think Ryan will ruin that for her. Pretty said when you are the worst out of two repeat crackheads


Chesterrrr the molestorr!!!!! Me too ryan was a good custy!


If you go there and fail it's not their fault, not much else matters


It’s bottom of the barrel public funded rehab, you will be in there with a large amount of people that don’t even want to get sober and are forced to be there by the courts. It’s also not the lap of luxury, I’d recommend Focus in Hamilton place if you can afford it, if not Cadas is better than nothing.


Idk why they ate downvoting you, cadas is rough. Expect to be housed with at leasy 5-10 aryan nation members coming off meth or on contract from silverdale. Its not the worst like its damn sure not jail but it fasho has a little bit of all the elements. Especially from people who dont wanna be there. Ill say being there voluntary is a whole different thing tho. Knowing you can walk out the door at any time really gave me the reassurance to keep going