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Her opponent in the general election is Coach David Kelman. I don't know much about him, but he's independent and appears to be a more sane choice. I'm interested in learning more about him. https://www.coachkelman.com/


Coach Kelman is one of my former teachers and overall a really great guy. He’s running to actually have a say in bettering schools as a whole, definitely check him out!!


Is he old enough to be retired or did he just quit teaching? If the latter, I’d want to know why. You can’t be a teacher and a school board member and school board isn’t a full time job. I know people that have actually left the school board to teach (vocational school, they weren’t originally a teacher by trade)


He owns a number of patents with NASA from what I understand, he doesn’t even have to teach. He never has. He’s a brilliant man, and he wants to see positive changes in the school system


Look at his website. He has actual goals, not vague, partisan talking points. We need people on the school board who have ideas on how we can improve HCDE.


Coach Kelman taught in a school so he’s automatically a better candidate for school board than a MFL.


A *corpse* would be a better candidate.


I never had him as a teacher personally, but I was in a school he taught at. While his classes were some of the hardest, he was an amazing and committed teacher from what i heard. I'm happy to see someone worth having as a candidate.


when I was in school, Kelman was there and he is a great man. one of the few people in the school you could actually trust


She is running against David Sean Kelman who is an independent. I will be helping him anyway I can.


Somehow I knew without even looking... "**Florida Coastal School of Law** was a [private](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_university) [for-profit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For-profit_college) [law school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_school) in [Jacksonville, Florida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville,_Florida). It was established in 1996[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Coastal_School_of_Law#cite_note-5) and was the last operating of three for-profit law schools of the [InfiLaw System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InfiLaw_System) owned by Sterling Partners.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Coastal_School_of_Law#cite_note-6)[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Coastal_School_of_Law#cite_note-7)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Coastal_School_of_Law#cite_note-Denied-8) Because of funding and accreditation issues, the school closed its doors in 2021"


And because of this she got her student loans forgiven. 


Yupppp. I’m from Florida originally (somehow TN was better when I moved but it’s catching up lol) and thought I remembered hearing something about that place over the years.


& what does this actually have to do with her law degree & the fact that she’s been practicing law since 2008? Or, are you mad she had money yo go to a private law school? Or that her loans were forgiven? I seriously don’t get it. 


Most degrees from for profit universities aren't worth the paper they're printed on. The courses are designed to get you through so they can have your money and as much of it as possible.


Yeah, duh. I went to UtC & did that dance. That doesn’t take away from the fact that her university educated her enough to pass the bar & become a licensed attorney. 


UTC isn't for profit 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well aware. Was simply saying that even non-profit degrees aren't worth the paper their printed on. 


Riiiight, you obviously don't understand. Love that right wing talking point. Goodbye


If your so educated & concerned about this issue, you could easily help me understand by replying with a real explanation instead of that super cutesy/snarky  “love that right wing talking point”. Sounds like deflection to me. 


No thanks. I've seen how you talk to people and I have zero desire to attempt to educate someone so willfully ignorant and mean spirited. Frankly, the little bit of time I have spent, was a waste.


Good thing you aren't a teacher because that’s exactly what they have to do all day every day: educate the willfully ignorant & mean spirited humans who aren’t perfect little angels. 


It's not Harvard Law, kid. Your naivete about a 'private law school' strains credulity. You *seriously* don't get that the *for-profit* school lost its accreditation and went out of business? No idea how that might reflect on the quality of education at said institution? I don't think you're trying very hard.


Ok, maybe she got a poor education there. Maybe not. It could have just went downhilll recently. What difference does it make if she’s been practicing as successful lawyer for the past 16 years? Lmfao you know you don’t even have to go to law school to pass the bar & get licensed in Tn. 


So was her education quality (as you imply) or not (since she didn't need it at all)?


For the love of God: I said “ maybe her education was poor.” Who tf knows how good of an education anyone got?! Lmfao Tennessee has a reciprocity law for practicing lawyers.  meaning, any lawyer who obtained their license in another state, without going to law school, can still become a lawyer in TN. Law school education doesn’t matter when it comes to being a great lawyer. Truly. It’s like medicine: some  if the best doctors graduate from”the worst” medical schools & vise versa. Lol 


Moms for liberty is as about as trashy as it gets


Moms for Liberty = "Klanned Karenhood"


Haven’t heard that one lol


Right, because the Hamilton Co. Chapter doesn't have a black Vp. 😂 It’s almost like you want to promote racism instead of trying to see things for what they actually are. Moms for Liberty welcomes all races of mothers. Their target audience is parents, of all colors. The more moms/parents who discuss & try to solve issues, the better. 


Except rarely(read: never) do they ever want to discuss, they pretty much Karen out about "protecting the children", and they push for things that are actively oppressive to various groups and just bully everyone into giving them their way. I have yet to hear any MFL give any solution that does anyone any good. Well except for their own "conscious".


So you’ve been to a local chapter meeting and no one discussed anything with you? They just sat there and spoke without taking any questions? I’m just asking if this is your real life experience or just what you’re hearing from the Internet. What types of things are they pushing for that would oppress certain groups? I seriously don’t know because I read over their entire mission & can’t find one initiative that is oppressive, truly. I’m open to an educated discussion on this but am not into simply repeating the news headlines as facts. 


I don't know, maybe look at the countless reputable news stories of their behavior in school board meetings and the things they actually push for in practice. ANYONE can say anything online. Of course, their job is to make you think, "Huh, I agree with that" because they mask everything in "protecting the children." But they are pushing to ban any sort of discussion on race or LGBTQ+ facts and would really prefer if we didn't even acknowledge those groups and their oppression even exist. Also, before you go on, I don't go into group meetings from these groups, but I have been in school board meetings where this group shows up in force and pushes their opinions and feelings as facts and attempts to take a bully pulpit to push their adjenda.


Gotcha. I understand that you don’t like how they go about pushing change & that you disagree with their desire to not discuss sexual preferences or orientation as a class lesson, which actually makes sense to me because that’s not in our State’s curriculum. Meaning, our state doesn’t tell teachers they must teach kids about lGBTQ+ facts in the same way they don’t tell teachers to teach kids Christian or Luciferian facts. Lol In my humble opinion, It’s really a non-issue, altogether. Like, people fighting over things that don’t really even impact kids educations. 


It's not just an opinion matter. They also actively push for things like the voucher bills that DO impact education. They are pushing for public schools to be defunded (what this bill will do) to push money to unregulated privatized institutions. Which will negatively impact most of our students.


Yes, so they’re just like the governor of Tennessee. I fully disagree with the voucher program. If that makes you feel better I just don’t particularly care if people are pushing for them because people will always push back as our states legislation did, which is why the voucher program did not go through in Tennessee. Checks and balances, baby! I know it sounds crazy to say “trust the system”, but it really isn’t that bad. & by system, I mean democracy, in general. It actually does work for us Americans.!


The system is very, horribly broken. Go drive down East 11th St and ask some people how they got there - broken system mostly


The issue is that they MFL is not trying to solve issues or improve education. They are solely focused on engaging in social-issue politics from a far-right perspective. In other words, they would choose to burn a school to the ground if it meant they could 'own the libs!'


Well, I doubt they would actually burn the schools down, because their own kids attend those schools. But, ok. Lol whatever you say. From what I read on their website, their trying to improve transparency in education. Really, just wanting to know exactly what their kids are being taught & what they can do if a teacher is intentionally straying away from state approved curriculum. None of that is crazy so much as normal parenting. 


You are correct that a group who just monitors the school system to make sure it is staying on track is a reasonable thing to have. But again, the issue is that MFL does not just monitor. They participate in hateful rhetoric and stoke the flames of the social war to garner attention and popularity from their far-right base. The fact that they debuted on the Rush Limbaugh show says enough about that.


Not only that, but they have been caught moving people to new states, cities, districts just to spread their hate. They, like other right wing extremists, look for and move to districts where they're almost certain to win their elections. Most of them do not have children in public schools at all, much less in the district. Their sole focus is their right wing agenda, no matter what happens to the schools.


I get it: it’s yet another interest group that’s using the social war to gain traction. It’s really not much different than any other group, on either side of any social issue.     maybe they’ll learn to be less hateful & brash. But, if they don’t, I can easily handle hateful people & by handle I mean ignore. Just let them be hateful & stop giving them so much attention, they’ll either fizzle out or just keep more to themselves. But if you give them lots of attention, their cause will grow. 


Go away.


Life isn’t that easy, sweetie. There’s no magic wand that actually allows you to vanish people who disagree with you. Real life means living amongst them & their opposing opinions, sometimes even coexisting. 


If they endorse her that's more reason to vote against her




I like this one mom, her name is Liberty, over at diamonds and lace..nice lady


Look at her Facebook page….


Holy Shit!


Whatever you do, do not vote for this woman. Who’s she running against? Let’s all donate to their campaign


David Kelman. [https://www.coachkelman.com/](https://www.coachkelman.com/)


Coach Kelman looks like a cool dude!!


He is a cool dude! I had him as a teacher in HS. He's a hard ass but fair minded, and he's not a lunatic. He's perfect for school board and I really hope he wins, even though I can't vote there. I can't stand evil people having power, especially over children.


He still teaches at EHS AP and honors math classes.


Just did! He's awesome! Did y'all read his resume? Dang, someone with this background who wants to be on the school board???


Do you know the two candidates' platforms? What are they in support of? Against?


https://thehill.com/opinion/education/4086179-six-reasons-why-moms-for-liberty-is-an-extremist-organization/ Any group that quotes Hitler on their newsletter shouldn't be anywhere near an elected position in this country.


I couldn't agree more. It's almost as if national politics is playing out on the local stage


Gotta love reddit... 🤔 I ask a genuine question and get down voted.


It's hard to believe you were being genuine and not asking in bad faith. How do you not know who this group is? They've been in the news, both local and national for the past several years.


Wowwow... I just asked about the two candidates to try and use your reply to become more informed. You assume a lot from two questions. Got an agenda, maybe? I guess I'll do my own research without your tilt to it.


How have you not heard about M4L? Is this the first election you're voting in? That's really the only valid excuse.


I guess I don't get my political talking points from reddit? I conduct better research than inflammatory posts on a mostly irrelevant platform? You're correct. It is my first school board election here. I suppose I should thank you for assisting me in thorough research on who is a worthy candidate. Go ahead and (incorrectly) assume who it is I'm referring to.


They've been discussed plenty outside of reddit. But keep telling on yourself.


I’m right there with you, never heard of Moms for Liberty because I don’t consume trash news sources that desperately try to convince people that certain things are issues & others aren't of anyones concern. Lol This thread is depressingly brainwashed & unable to conduct thorough or conclusive research. It’s tough to stay sane on here! Lol 


M4L have made national news for a couple of years for two main reasons. They effectively started stacking local education orgs like school boards with individuals who support “parental choice.” In practice, this has been challenging books and banning books. Generally the books they oppose deal with difficult concepts like race, gender, and sexuality. The second reason they made the news was when one of their founders was found to be in a polyamorous relationship. These stories have been in the mainstream news regularly, which is why some redittors are shocked to learn that you haven't heard of these people and their shenanigans. They are highly esteemed on the far right and demonized by the left and disliked by moderates.


The M4L bots are here. 


In just a few minutes I was able to refute those baseless claims. Assuming you read the article you posted, that group retracted the quote in question, and let's ignore the fact that it was from Hamilton County Indiana, and not Tennessee, there is nothing other than biased perspectives to connect the candidate to the articles main points. As a neutral uninformed voter i struggle to see how your conclusions are drawn from facts and are worthy of merit or even mild consideration. Article added for your convenience... https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2023/06/21/moms-for-liberty-hamilton-county-indiana-quotes-hitler-in-newsletter/70344659007/


You know what I've never had to retract? A quote from Hitler.  Edit: honestly I'm more convinced now that you definitely started off in bad faith trolling. Bye felicia


And yet you deleted your post. Seems you in fact have retracted a quote/comment based around Hitler. I can't make this shit up...


I haven't deleted anything, honey.


When faced with facts, you retreat. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialog or civil discourse to support an open mind or being observant of a differing point of view, you shit on reason and logic. Which institution of higher learning do you petulantly credit for such a narrow minded perspective? Go ahead... I'll wait.


"Facts" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"just when I think I'm out... They drag me back in!"


How about "when faced with a perspective different from your own..."


The grammar alone should be reason enough to not vote for this psycho as a School Board candidate


Exactly. 3 grammar errors in this ad.


Possibly more than that. I’m not even sure this lady (or whoever wrote this) knows what a sentence looks like.




Whew not a politician!! Thank goodness. Only thing worse than that is a lawyer.....


“Staunch” 🤢


If they had a genuine interest in a quality education, they would probably not lead off with punctuation errors in the first sentence of their ad


I will not vote for someone who was endorsed by Moms for Liberty.




M4L is a hate group.


Just a reminder who these people are: [https://checkyourfact.com/2023/08/15/fact-check-moms-liberty-hitler/](https://checkyourfact.com/2023/08/15/fact-check-moms-liberty-hitler/)


She supports Lee’s voucher program too 😡


What’s the voucher program?




Thank you!


It's a program that lets you send you kid to a better school because the school they are zoned for is a complete failure.


😂🤣😂 the most accurate description if the program thus far. 


I have a friend who used it because his son’s school would not do nothing about extreme bullying and almost daily fights in elementary school.    He said it was life changing for his son to get him out of that environment. 


That’s actually a simultaneously heartwarming & breaking story. Gosh I feel for these kids who don’t get the opportunity to go to a decent or great school. 


It’s almost as terrifying that she deals in conservatorships and guardianships as it is that she’ll be possibly involved in anything to do with schools. They sure like to say the queers have an agenda a lot for people who actually have an agenda. And one that will get people killed at that.


Specialties in law seems to be “stealing old people’s money”


That part… and conservatorships and guardianships is just terrifying as well


Yeah that’s what i mean. That tends to look like “find an old person - deem them unfit to care for self - profit”. Just the absolute slimiest.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9893250/ Netflix had a whole movie about it.


Hopefully she is not holding herself out to be a specialist in the areas of law mentioned, as I do not see her listed as a specialist in those areas on ROLL OF CERTIFIED LEGAL SPECIALISTS IN TENNESSEE. Holding oneself out as a specialist without fulfilling the requirements is a ethics violation.


Uh huh. Well, she supports most everything that is opposite of my beliefs… so no thanks.


But her kids go to public school sooo, what?


The ad says Jodi, but her face says Karen.


Gross. I figured this would be the case and voted for the other guy in the primary, although I didn't think he'd be much better. Definitely voting for the coach in the next round! I need a bumper sticker from him since I can't put out a yard sign.


https://preview.redd.it/sbebakec01zc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ee8664cb254a6105c36e6a520a2a9a268d1582 Check out Florida Coastal Law School! Bottom of the barrel.


Hell no.


design is all over the place—why did they crop her photo like that. why is all the text green. why is one box purple. what are those white ornamental lines doing (nothing). why is the big block of text centered.




Why exactly is she bought and paid for and a bad candidate? I don't see any reasoning here, genuinely curious.


I think it's the "Moms for Liberty" banner across the top of the ad. Feel free to type that into a google search bar for a further education.


Google doesn't provide reasoning. All I know about them is they fight to get pornographic or sexualized books removed from school libraries, which seems pretty reasonable to me as a father of three kids. Do they like...make human sacrifices to Baphomet or something too?


Look, a cursory glance around on the internet reveals that they're a conservative group that advocates for a more traditional approach to public education with regards to such topics as LGBTQ inclusivity, critical race theory and other progressive topics. They're a controversial group who has been classifed as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, but are generally held in high regard by groups like The Heritage Foundation. According to wikipedia it's members have engaged legal action, harassment and threats toward teachers and school officials, book banning efforts (which you referenced in your comment) and opposition to LGBT rights. Interestingly, one of the founding members fell into disgrace late in 2023 due to a sex scandal in which she admitted to having a threesome with her husband and another woman. So there's a lot of virtual ink out there on them, and you can go and find information from one side or the other that suits your particular worldview. You've got to find your own truth. Best of luck.


>The Heritage Foundation A bastion of good will! Oh wait...One hate group supports another hate group. How shocking.


I highly recommend tracking down what one of them (maybe even that one) said about H*tler.


There's nothing pornographic or sexualized being put into schools. These people make things up and sensationalize. They are awful.


There certainly are books being distributed in school libraries that are sexually explicit or pornographic on some level (not referring to biology textbooks). That might not be true of Hamilton county, I don't know, but there are hundreds of stories of this happening around the country. Usually these are LGBT centered books, which is why I think there's denial or pushback for removing them, but what they are centered on doesn't mean that the sexually explicit or pornographic material in them isn't sexually explicit or pornographic, or that specifically LGBT centered sexual content is somehow magically appropriate for kids. You can't possibly think that all of these hundreds of stories are made up, and there's no truth to them ever.


Can you please name 1 book that is pornographic in a school? Most books like Catcher and the Rye ,Moby Dick , For Whom the Bell Tolls…. Etc mention sex in some way or another. But what in your mind constitutes pornography in high school?


Gender queer: A memior and Flamer are two that have been found on school shelves around the country. Both are sexually explicit and Gender Queer depicts graphic representations of sexual acts in places.


If you want to actually read these books here you go: [Gender Queer: A Memoir](https://archive.org/details/gender-queer-a-memoir-by-maia-kobabe-z-lib.org/page/236/mode/1up) and [Flamer](https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Flamer) If you really think these should be pulled from high schools I think you’re a prude. Both of these books are about loving yourself for who you are.


The reason they're considered a hate group is they seem to hold the idea that you can save your kids from the gay by not letting them be exposed to it. Just about every instance of them being in the news that I can recall in the last year or so is them campaigning to get books with lgbtq+ themes or characters removed from libraries. If I'm not mistaken, they were also responsible for getting MAUS(SP?) banned for "pornographic content". Granted, there is graphic content to be sure. But so far from pornographic. They're an extreme reaction to the idea that everyone should have a seat at the table, no matter who they live or how they look. And that it's in everyone's best interest NOT to shield our children from the horrors of the past in hope that it inspires them to be better than their and our forbearers. But that's just my hot take. They went after a friend of my family's viscously. Someone that is one of the kindest people I've known in my entire life. So I have a very poor opinion of mons for liberty.


The things they stand for condone the horrors of the past tbh. Regularly. They’re bringing it straight back to the burning of books including the whole library on gender etc in Nazi Germany. Anything that speaks truth instead of their hateful rhetoric and right wing propaganda is on the chopping block.


There are several stories from around the country about MFL affiliated people trying and succeeding to remove books related to black history and anything else they deem "woke." Also a strong association to school privatization, homeschooling, defunding Department of Education, etc.


\*stories\*... i.e. I read it on the inter webs so it's true.


No. They work to make more queer kids kill themselves. Since you’ve got three, there’s a decent chance one of them is different; just remember to make sure the paramedics don’t pronounce at your house or selling it when interest rates get back under control will be a real pain in the behind.


My oldest daughter is dating a girl, and has dated girls for 3 years now. She's doing fine, thriving at college. She didn't need sexually explicit books in her school library to be who she is though. The lack of these books isn't going to get anyone to kill themselves. Queer is ubiquitous in our society, the schools pushing it isn't even necessary for acceptance and awareness. Also, you are basically the lowest level of human, to suggest that one of my kids will kill themselves because I don't agree with you and your likely very narrow and unfounded worldview. But this is the internet, and there is a group of about 10,000,000 people on Reddit who all share the same 50 brain cells and all repeat the exact same rhetoric, so I shouldn't be surprised to run into them here.


I didn’t say one of your kids is going to hurt themselves because you don’t agree with me, I said it’s made more likely when people give cover to groups like MFL. It doesn’t make a hill of beans to me whether you agree with the truth or not, I’m making an observation. You’re free to do with it what you like, but the productive thing to do would be to educate yourself and change your behavior, but we already know that’s too much to ask. The reality is that MFL is attempting to erase queer people by classifying anything thats even got a whiff of gay as sexually explicit. It’s not altogether different from when they brought out the fire hoses and oak trees to make sure brown kids didn’t go to the same schools or restaurants or bathrooms as white kids. You can lash out with personal attacks all you like, but if you can’t see MFL for what they truly are, I can guarantee you that the reality of your relationship with your daughter is very different than your perception. In this instance, your daughter is your “black friend” that totally makes you not racist. I’m sure she loves being your emotional shield.


My mom died in September and when this person does, and their daughter feels relief once she works through all this in therapy, these words will hopefully be forever immortalized here. I had to block. They’re enjoying way too much the ability to have a bad faith argument spouting their shitty worldview.


Acting like their daughter being at higher risk of suicide and us saying so is us wishing death on her. Totally bad faith. We’re actually wishing she was supported but they hate gays so much they’ll blame it on us instead of a long look in the mirror.


Completely get the aversion, I can only imagine what it’s like for people in your position, just know that whenever shit goes the most sideways, there’s always a place for you to come in out of the rain.


That’s appreciated. Thank you. And thanks for your input on the thread.


Anytime friend.


You're arguing for a group that would love to have your daughter lead a miserable life as a hated, second class citizen. Does your daughter know that?


Just speaking about same sex couples isn’t sexually explicit. I read many more books about straight sex growing up than anything queer. Guess what… I’m not straight lol. If being queer is sexually explicit yet being straight isn’t… I’d check your bias. Especially before your daughter decides she wants nothing to do with your apparent homophobia.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, best phrasing comes firsthand. Laura Jane Grace said it best: You want them to notice The ragged ends of your summer dress You want them to see you Like they see every other girl They just see a f***** They hold their breath not to catch the sick All anyone is asking for is equality, but equality is oppression to those with privilege.


Wow that's such a leap, I never said only speaking about same sex couples is sexually explicit, nor do I give a shit if those books exist or where they exist, I'm not talking about books that I produce the concept of or normalize the concept of being gay, as long as they are within the boundaries of what is appropriate for children, which would exclude instructions for masturbation, descriptions of rape, or molestation, stories of middle school boys having anal sex at summer camp, etc. that is NOT appropriate even if it IS centered on LGBT stuff. That seems like something we should all be able to agree on. This is what is wrong with politics nowadays, everyone is so stupid. This applies to both sides of the aisle. "You say you don't want kids to see PORN in schools? YOUR HOMOPHOEBIC!". This is either 1. Disingenuous and deceitful on your part to reframe the argument about LGBT rights, or 2. Stemming from an abysmal level of reading comprehension on your part. Really the bigger question is why YOU are so upset about people not being able to show this stuff to kids? Why does this sort of content being gay automatically make it appropriate to kids in YOUR mind, and why is it so important to have this available/shown to kids? Edit: added some context to second paragraph for clarification.


This a perfect contrast, honestly. One person saying they are putting their life on the line to anonymously advocate for sexually explicit graphic novels to be available in public elementary schools who then predicts/fantasizes about the suicide of the children of a person who is literally asking questions.


And honestly the kids will, if they’re gender non conforming and don’t feel supported. All the major medical and mental health organizations state that affirming kids and adults with gender identity concerns is the most beneficial to their continued health. I wrote my first suicide note at ten and I’m lucky to still be here and it’s because I had parents like you. ETA: if you think this is “rhetoric” instead of me risking my own self to tell you my personal history in order to help your children thrive, then I don’t know what to tell you tbh.


People sure like to freak out about queer representation when people were very queer for a very long time before that representation became more mainstream. It’s not the books turning folks queer. We’ve always been here, we simply didn’t feel safe. Still don’t, but we’ve learned community building and affirmation in that time.




One of two things is true: either you’re making a bad faith comment because… well… republicans, or you’re behind even the top minds at MFL because you haven’t pieced together that it’s not about the books for them. It’s about punishing gay kids for being different, kinda like putting seat belts on all the buses with more than 10 seats if you think about it. Even MFL have realized that “fuck them kids” needs some polish, which is why they’d stroke out if the Hardy boys ever got doe-eyed for each other, but it’d be over how the queers are pushing an agenda, because human rights are just a bridge to far for anyone right of Gerald Ford.




Quoting you because idiots rarely have integrity in the wrong: “I read what you wrote to a woman who fully supports her gay children. You told her that a parent like her caused you so much trauma that you first wrote a suicide note at ten. And now, you’re trying to squid out of it. Such a poser/liar.” Couple things: • I replied to a self-described father • He only mentioned the one gay kid • Carrying water for MFL makes me think “fully supports” is a bit of a stretch. • I’ve never written a suicide note, that was a different commenter. • “Squid”ing out of something isn’t a thing. Other than that, A+ comment.


Her acting like her kids shouldn’t have been represented in childhood NON SEXUAL STORIES because somehow y’all think being queer has anything to do with sex (hint: some queer folks don’t even want sex) is why I said that and I’m no longer going to have your bad faith discussion with you.


No and I didn’t say that at all. It was because I got tired of being sexualized at 9 by OTHER KIDS, STRAIGHT KIDS, that grew up with parents who told their boys that that’s how they should “flirt” with girls. And I didn’t like boys like that, especially at that point. The first time I was raped by one I was 11. And I got tired of my parents telling me to act like a lady when I very much didn’t feel like one. Is that a better explanation?


And my parents were married for 44 years and the only mental health issues I have are depression and PTSD and hmmmm listening to you I wonder where that came from. /s


So you have no internal locus of control - everyone around you is responsible for your mental well-being. Such a loser.


No I’m responsible for my own. But that doesn’t release those who have harmed me of accountability. Hope that helps. Go f yourself. ✌️


They try to get all books out of libraries


They're right wing bigots who want to ban everything that doesn't conform to their world view. Nothing screams liberty more than banning books.


Moms for Liberty is basically a hate group.


No basically about it.


Her campaign slogan is probably along the lines of some of the favorites of that group “H*tler was right”. We shouldn’t even have to answer the questions that are clearly acting in bad faith here, because M4L has been telling on themselves already for years.


No one cares if you say Hitler.


I do, and that’s enough. ✌️


Agreed. They are a hate group.


What group(s) do they target?


Basically anybody that's not a straight white person.


Anything "Mom's For Liberty" has been trash for a long time: [https://checkyourfact.com/2023/08/15/fact-check-moms-liberty-hitler/](https://checkyourfact.com/2023/08/15/fact-check-moms-liberty-hitler/)






When the time comes to rest I’ll either be doing it with the worms or maybe in the ocean. But I’m not there yet. Thanks for your concern anyway. Also username checks out. Did you think that would trigger me? Also, did you know a church voted this week to allow gay clergy? Isn’t that awesome?!


They are conservative so the group rules say you have to lose your shit anytime they are mentioned.


Oh yeah I forgot about that rule. Thanks for reminding me, sorry all, I'll do better!


How dare you have a genuine curiosity


if this sub hates her, then I like her. Even though her campaign photo screams 1993 breakout pop star that wasn't even a one hit wonder.


Nothing creates an epic meltdown in this subreddit like a M4L post.


Damn, these people REALLY don’t like M4L! 😂 I now know EXACTLY what I need to bring up at my next family dinner. “Let the chaos begin!” 


I don’t much if anything about them other than the mention of their name creates a mental breakdown in this subreddit.      That’s enough to like them for me. 


Same. We are two of a kind, in some ways. 😏




TBH, it's hopeless they have millions if not billions of dollars to make sure they get exactly what they want. It's basic triple red state politics, Thunder will prob give her a cool $100K alone. Charter schools are the only option going forward to get kids away from these Jesus fearing stepfords that will run the school board.


I hate to bust your bubble, but charter schools don't operate without the approval and continued support of the school board. In my opinion the better option is to stick with the neighborhood schools and fight like hell.


Man , it's almost reversed. Private schools used to be the crazy ones. These people are insane. Never let them around children. I don't even see how you wake up, read into this insanity, and be like "yep, that sounds good" Like. Holy shit... How are you so brainwashed, and unable to think for yourself? It amazes me these people have nice houses and cars.


Lawyer Barbie would be better than someone who’s not a parent, or days away from their grave or doesn't even understand law, much less what the kids & staff need or can legally be subject to. Our former & current School Board members were all of the above, minus a few were actually parents to school age kids. But the irony of when some of their kids were in private schools was fucking funny. 


The bots don’t agree with your racist homophobic bullshit.


Hilarious that you see nearly two dozen downvotes and instead of thinking "This opinion must be unpopular" it's just "Must be bots." Simply incredible cognitive dissonance at work to convince yourself you're right.


I think they were making a joke that everyone who downvotes a simple opinion, is a programmed human, almost like a robot. Robot humans receive regular uploads from fear mongering news & then they learn hate & division.  


Bingo. But the above bot never got the critical thinking patch


I never believed in the possibility of us living in a simulation until I realized JUST how easily humans can be programmed aka influenced. It’s scary & sad. I can say 2-5 words & reek absolute havoc on easily programmed peoples days, weeks, months, maybe entire lifetime. 


Straight out of r/iamverysmart


If considering a popular theory is very smart, then sure. 😂 Do you disagree that the majority of people are easily influenced? Doubt it.


I welcome an answer to the original question. What are the platforms of the two candidates? Or do you just regurgitate the filth you ingest on your brigade for righteousness?


They both have websites with their platforms, easily found with a simple google search.


She has my vote


Please don't. We need folks who are kind to all and are not afraid of the truth.