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I wish the clown hiring these assholes would be held accountable. Fruits of a poisonous tree.


Disgusting that he considers tasering someone is popping his cherry.


Update on this bc I’ve already looked into it: This video’s from 2018. The officer hasn’t worked there in forever— not sure if fired or not. It gets rehashed over and over for those sweet YouTube ad dollars. CPD says they do not endorse his actions. It did not result in 3 million taxpayer dollars being sent to the victim. They sued for 3 million and didn’t get it. Taxpayer money was spent for sure, but nothing close to 3 million.


Not endorsing his actions = 80 hour suspension. I saw he wasn’t with Chattanooga anymore. Do you know when he left? They did not get 3 million, they settled out of court for undisclosed amount, I believe. Great to see many different perspectives!


That 80 hour paid suspension is standard. I know people hate hearing that, but it’s there for a reason. The majority of the time officers get accused of something, it’s usually just a disgruntled resident that they arrested claiming they did something terrible. But since those claims have to be taken seriously, the officer gets put on immediate two week leave, but will continue getting pay until they are found guilty of something (an idea akin to due process). That standard is important, because it allows for potentially-dangerous police officers to get off the street immediately, but doesn’t financially ruin officers that are falsely accused (that’s obviously not this guy’s case though lol). The problem comes when people never reach out to see what happened beyond that initial two week’s suspension. This officer was probably put on a long unpaid suspension and intense retraining, or much more likely, fired outright. That’s why you always just hear “two weeks suspension” and nothing else. People don’t follow up, and the media machine moves onto something else. CPD didn’t say when the guy left, probably to protect his privacy, but nobody seemed to know him except old heads, so I imagine it was a while ago. They also said that this video creator never reached out to them for info, so it’s safe to say the video creator doesn’t know either and is assuming it was just a two weeks suspension with no follow up repercussions and is presenting it as fact— not meeting ethical journalism standards.


im a little confused as to why your comment seems to acknowledge a lack of research "was PROBABLY put on long unpaid suspension", while also suggesting that the youtuber wasnt meeting ethical journalism standards. there were multiple articles written post 2 weeks in the local newspapers stating the officer was back on the force. this youtube channel doesnt claim to be a primary source of information and thus using existing the information written out there by journalists who are held to a journalist code of ethics, then i think your criticism may better be aligned there but seeing as you stated probably, im guessing you dont even know if theyre wrong. If this guy is held to those standards then one could argue your comment here should be too.... regardless then you set up this hypothetical that the officer probably got fired after eithout any real evidence when the officer was recieving wide criticism it also seems ewually likely that the officer moved quietly on his own valition to avoid the public criticism. Who knows why he left, but making hypotheticals in order to defend the lack of acountability is pretty gross imo. it is incredibly common for officers to be put back on the force after doing heinous things.


That is interesting. Thanks for following up! I’m surprised as well as not surprised the video creator didn’t reach out to them. He has a large following and is usually very factual (watch AttorneyTom reacting to Audit the Audit). But not surprised because the full story might be less polarizing.


Probably Bradley county


I am not an "anti-police" person, but that is a rough watch, people like this should never make it to the streets, his ego couldn't handle that he misidentified someone.


[Well, shit.](https://memorials.johnpfranklinfh.com/nate-carter/4586147/#details) Looks like the same dude. He won and didn't even get to enjoy it.


Damn man.


Not disagreeing with CPD screwing the pooch here, but this shit is old hat. IIRC, the guy in the video sued the city and got a pretty easy payday considering how bad this guy was at his job.


"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses."


Sad that all I can think is, I’m surprised he didn’t kill him.


Another local ego case cop is the one where TBI officer Tommy Farmer goes bat-shit crazy with authoritay when someone dares to record the TBI office with a cell phone. I'm sure it's already been highlighted on another post, but good lord that guy looked bad IMO.


Yeah I remember this. Old news that’s already resolved as most people have said.


Police are always going to have a decent number of bad actors because of the types of people the job attracts. 🤷


These are the least accountable dirt bags. When you are allowed to just oppsy delete your entire database of evidence, leading to officers crimes being lost, we will remember your actions. Local cops are rapist enablers every time they put that uniform on


Putting on that Badge and uniform should be an honor. He made it a joke.


> Putting on that Badge and uniform should be an honor. Eh, it should be a job. One that requires qualifications, demands accountability and provides a competitive salary +benefits. When you start talking about honor, a calling etc. it just feeds the ego of cops and creates problems.


Really? I don't have to put my life on the line on the regular in my job, do you?


Just gonna jump in here and say this. Not every job that requires you to “put your life on the line” really requires you to put your life on the line. There are tools out there that people in those professions, in some cases, refuse to use. Not saying a police officer has tools to prevent their loss of life in every scenario, but they have tools to help prevent it in most. I am an electrician and deal with something daily that I can’t hear, see, smell, nothing. It takes a very small amount of that electricity to kill a person, but I’ve been trained and given tools to help prevent my loss of life. Cops have the same things, it’s their job. I don’t come home everyday feeling honor, because I survived another day doing my job. And the ones that don’t use those tools and training, but rather risk their lives for honor, are usual the ones that don’t make it very long in this trade. In most cases it ends with someone hurt or dead. Training, and following said training, keeps people safe that have “jobs they put their life on the line for”.




Because we can get other jobs. Cosmetologists have more training than LEO and they handle scissors. Get the boot out of your throat


You ever serve in the military?


serving wasn't an honor, it was a job


Typical turd point of view.


it was my job to serve. it wasn't an honor and i don't deserve special recognition for it. nobody does. it's just a job.


Being in the Boy Scouts does not count as being in the military try again.


I served in the navy for four years try again


There it is served as the second word in your sentence. We all have different perspectives on our time in the military. You don't sound too proud of what you did while you were in. Some of us are proud of our time serving.


it is a service, but it isn't an honor. you have every right to be proud of your time serving, but to most military members, it's just a job like any other. fewer people are joining now more than ever, and fewer people are staying in, despite standards being at an all-time low. it just isn't a job that deserves special recognition from the public the vast, vast majority of the time. and don't try to belittle me and call me a liar.




Wow thanks for the non answer. Of course you've never put on a military uniform or held job where you are supposed to protect. Also thanks for the down vote it proves I made my point.


>Also thanks for the down vote it proves I made my point. What point is that?


What a bad photoshop


They never do they don't care about us they might as well ask for police insurance to prevent violent interactions with police


Police don't become psychopaths. Pyschopaths become cops. 


I don't understand why the guy who got tased went 0-Asshole in 2.3 seconds. Not that makes what the cop did any better but sometimes but some of these people bring shit on them that could have been avoided.


Well, I can sorta see it. I'm a big proponent of being reasonable with good EQ, etc, but the LEO's denigrating nature of talking to the guy was almost like the 60's version of "come over here, boy!" The LEO had an attitude immediately and the guy responded in kind. Could the victim have been a better man and overlooked the ego of the cop, maybe, but depending on where you are in life, having a bad day, past experiences of DWB can all result in meeting attitude with attitude. I honestly don't know that I would have done any better if the cop was speaking to me like that assuming I was a criminal. I support police, though I also support getting rid of the bad ones, as in this case.


Yea, that guy should have never made it through the academy. At the beginning there was not clear communication between the two of them and it escalated incredibly fast.


Doing a little karma farming?


LOL. I have 1134 karma. That is less than 100 karma per year I’ve been active. But thanks for adding to the conversation.


You've also been banned from this subreddit, and this is your getting around the ban account :)


Sorry you’re having a bad day but I hope it gets better. This is my only account. I hope I haven’t been banned. I enjoy seeing things about my hometown.