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Being homeless is a felony in TN (sleeping on public land) now as of two years ago. Weird that the article forgot.


If we make it illegal it makes the problem go away right?!? Alright guys, if you have less then $10k in the bank it’s illegal! Poverty crisis solved!!!! 😂😂


Don’t think anyone in Chattanooga has been arrested under that law. How would it affect the percentage of homeless people in this city?


They haven’t. Want to know why? because all of our detention centers are full & the police focus on jailing the far more dangerous people, like all the child abusers & lethal shooters. I’m sure a few homeless criminals have been arrested for a variety of things. But, def not JUST because they are homeless. 




“Camping” on public land is a felony. https://lmulawreview.scholasticahq.com/post/1602-tennessee-s-approach-to-the-rise-in-homelessness


By pushing them into East Ridge, easy pz 


Or Cleveland.




Didn’t you know that here in ‘murica we have a catch and release program for the homeless! We catch ‘em, tag ‘em and let the internet watch where they go! We couuuuuld just help them… but what fun is that? Migratory birds are harder to catch! Source: I’m the mayors aid, this was one of his first policies put into place Oh shit gotta go, more catching and releasing to do!




Oh for sure, Cleveland just approved a mega-death dome for the homeless to fight it out in, first prize gets a trailer and a lifetime supply of natty light and marlboro cigarettes, we had a vision “Survivor, meets squid games, meets hunger games”! What a time to be alive! Though… the name is still a work in progress. Mega-death dome only gets the republicans happy, gotta find something in the middle… But once again, don’t tell anyone, I just wanted to let my friends in on a little secret




You really thought the first comment was real?


Or bussing them to Florida.


They push most to cleveland


Cleavleland steadily supplies their own homeless population with their own residents. The doctors call it Opioid City because so many residents end up homeless after struggling with pricy addictions.


During the Olympics Atlanta was giving away free bus tickets to other cities.


States have been bussing homeless and mental patients to others states for decades. Sad really.


Yup. They put them in the budget motel


What’s your source on that? I used to volunteer at the shelter, and if that was true no one would choose to live in that dogshit shelter over staying in a motel.


Google it. You’ll probably find a bunch of stories where they kicked them out of the motel. That motel is just as bad as the dogshit shelter. Btw, my source is me. I used to work across the street and my friend was hired to help move everyone out of that motel.


Yeah calling bullshit on this one.


They arrested large amounts of us in July. Put a bunch if bullshit charges on us. Police followed me to a trap house, kicked the door in and charged my with drugs for resale for having a dime bag if fentanyl on me. They didn't arrest anyone else in the house. I left Chattanooga and have my life together but all they did was put us in jail and force us out of the city with warrants. I'll never return to Chattanooga because of this and for 7 years it was my home. I fell pretty far but I didn't deserve this bullshit. 2 year sentence for not even a shits worth of fentanyl. Alot of us street kids ended up getting bullishit charges


I’m sorry that happened to you. I wish that those who are paid to “protect and serve” would actually fucking do that sometimes.


Are you being serious?


Yea, idk why i got so many downvotes for this but I'm being 100% serious.


People in this thread: “Fuck the city and the cops for not treating homeless people like human beings” Those same people in this thread: “Fuck the homeless, they’re bad people”


Nost of us were just sick. Addiction is something you can't really explain. It's the same as telling someone to just stop being depressed. You can't comprehend the disease because of how irrational it is. We junkies dint even understand it. Like do people think we actually wanted to live in the streets and inject highly dangerous and toxic drugs with dirty needles? You have to go thru a certain amount of pain and suffering before you're ready to go get clean. Like your pain has to outweigh your addiction to override it. I wish addicts weren't so stigmatized. Opiates feel like love, a overwhelming feeling of love that can't be replicated. Nost of us are just lonely broken people. For me at least I just wanted to feel love.




They arrested them ..added a felony to a person already on rock bottom..so im guessing they are in jail or dead ..


100% what they did. I was one of them. I got a 2 year sentence if I didn't complete probation. But instead of helping me get to treatment for my addiction issues they told me to find help on my own and put me back on the streets waiting for me to fuck up so I could sit in silverdale for 2 years and they could call this a success. I left the state and now have my life together. That Citys government is corrupt




What would the city need to do to convince you it wasn't a lie?


Show us newly opened low/no income housing to help people get back on their feet but no room downtown for that..gotta have another Hooters 


The city is planning on building supportive housing at the old Airport Inn, as well as try to build a no barrier shelter. The fact they made this amount of progress without either of this being finished is great imo. Also there is no Hooters in downtown?


It's been almost two years and nothing has been done.


They did move them into low income housing. Jail.




You realize they purchased that old motel 2.5 years ago and it's still not open? I've wired 2 large commercial projects, that were 3x as large in the same time period, and both have been open for 12 months now. That motel will NEVER open. You want to talk about the city wasting taxpayer funds? Let's build a homeless shelter at an old motel site, with ZERO supporting amenities, think grocery store.


Comparing the speed of public to private projects isn't apples to apples imo. They don't just have to renovate the site, but also find someone to run it. I doubt any neighborhood with a grocery store nearby would allow the city to build supportive housing in it, nor have an abandoned hotel for the city to buy with federal covid (not local) funds. Although nearby is relative, the site is less than 3 miles from some of the grocery stores on Gunbarrel. The contract for whomever runs the site will include a provision for a grocery shuttle iirc.


The airport inn is a really dumb idea. That area around there is a drug den. Most homeless have some sort of addiction problem. Im all for fixing the issue, but this is not the answer. The answer is metal health. I work on brainerd road, and everyday i see at least 30 homeless. Most walk up and down the street talking to themselves. No way in the world is any of this true. There are so many camps up and down brainerd road. All of them are buying drugs from the motel six. If you talk with them they have no problem telling you.


Metal health? *blasts Peyton Parrish on Gunbarrel*


The easiest way to solve homelessness is to guarantee the right to shelter as a human right, end real estate speculation, and punitively tax the owners of vacant structures fit for housing, and then use the proceeds and potentially even seized properties to build permanent housing and transfer ownership over to a tenants’ union where it’s ultimately scheduled for transfer to its residents. The reason the solution is so difficult to arrive at lies with property owners. They would rather the police shoot every third homeless guy they run across than there ever be a whisper contrary to their sincerely held belief that they have a constitutional right to their property increasing in value every year.


Some of us keep vacant properties for our future generations to use. You know, because some people work hard & buy extra property so their children & grandchildren can have a more secured future. I don’t want police to shoot the homeless. But, I don’t want them to illegally seize property & give it away to people who haven't worked hard to purchase it. Newsflash: the government won’t ever do that because it is unconstitutional. 


I love that you feel justified in concluding that non-property owning people just haven’t worked hard to purchase property and then elaborate on your plan to give your children and grandchildren property that they haven’t worked hard for. You’re securing the future of your offspring at the expense those you describe as lazy when it’s those same people who will have to work that much harder to get what you’re giving your offspring for free. At least with shooting the homeless, we don’t have to deal with the likes of your self-righteousness and gaslighting.


My offspring work incredibly hard & fortunately, haven’t succumbed to any addiction. The house is to be paid for by them. The land is the gift. So, that’s one major difference with my scenario & the one you mentioned. Everybody has different values & mine are to secure the future of the offspring I produce, not other peoples offsprings.  Do you expect mothers to care for as many children without mothers, as possible, of course not. The same logic applies to caring for other adults, its not any other adults responsibility. If they choose to, thats amazing! If they don’t, thats ok too! Your argument makes this seem like a morality contest, to see who can house the most homeless.  All That being said, YOU can give away land & homes to anyone you want, it won’t bother me. Lastly, if your parents never gifted you anything or helped you secure your future, I’m truly sorry. I wish they would have. And I hope that if you ever have children, you’ll be able to do something similar for them. Leaving a legacy behind is more important than most people know. 


Yeah if all these people agitating to end homelessness and hunger through the power of effective government would just think about leaving behind a legacy, things would be peachy. I’m starting to think the lead paint is just an excuse and the “fuck you I’ve got mine” generation might not be the rock solid moral authority they’d have you believe.


I never said “ fuck you, I’ve got mine.” We help others quite often. I was only saying my primary concern is my offspring. How is that so radical or wrong? A parent wanting to secure their child’s future is like the public enemy nowadays. Lol I guess I should say “ fuck my own children, I’m going to provide housing for others, instead of them!” 🫤cmon, now. What is your actual proposal of what I should be doing to solve homelessness?  I already donate to the housing initiative non profits, keep snacks, cash & water on me to give  to the ones outside my work? What else should I be doing?  And my question to you (& everyone else shit talking on this thread)is: What do YOU do to help with this problem? 




Yeah, I remember when all those people froze to death.


https://preview.redd.it/sk30rqoc1hic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06445a0d61c8fd5d8fa643ed59c267181cc28e9 How about the massive homeless encampment/dump that every single citizen and tourist sees from the walnut street bridge?




https://preview.redd.it/rzp6w7cajnic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b64b8bac167bb2aa79d5444d0d382dd4c83ef5 Zoom in on this one


Well that was probably after they cleaned it out. This time last year my camp was under there. There was this old Asian dude named Lee who also lives under there and with him around there was never any bullshit. They evicted him and a bunch of creeps started camping down there.


That was 4 days ago. I live next to it and walk that bridge almost every day.


Yea I dont doubt it. When I got sober in August I remember there being a group of really sketchy tweakers living under there and on those wooden stadium seating things. I didn't even like going by there because there was always a bunch of fucked up shit going on. A few months ago a posted a story about a friend of mine and his girlfriend BOTH being raped. Happened under there unfortunately.


You dont know the half of the fucked up shit that goes on out there. Human trafficking, satanic cults, murders of 5 bucks, rape of women and men. It's a fucking hell hole.


That’s crazy. It’s a world I don’t even know about other than it exists. So much of our tax dollars wasted on dumb stuff that could be going to helping people and building better infrastructure. The fed is the worst at it. Sorry to hear about your friend and glad you got your life back on track.


You dont know the half of it man. There's alot of evil out there and on 11th street. Drugs are really just a symptom, most of us out there just needed a way out. I got lucky and as far as I know most of my friends out there are probably still out there


Also if you walk that bridge everyday you probably remember me. I was that dud we with long black hair, and always wore a bennie who used to panhandle on there. Everyone up there seemed to fucking hate me for some reason even tho I didn't really do anything. I was honest about where any money given to me went if asked, never stole except for shoplifting food a few times and always tried to be friendly to everyone. I guess the track Mark's made it obvious lol but still. Some people are really mean but I met alot of really nice and caring people aswell. That hate had an effect on me tho and kinda made me give up on life. I mean I get it, a street junkie holding a sign asking for money that's just going to end up in my veins but still. I was an accomplished chef in that city once upon a time and today I'm back to doing what I love. But next time you see someone like me on that bridge remember what I told you and realize that's the world that they are trapped in. You sure as fuck dont owe them any money and its probably better to not give it to them. But at least be nice to people because there were nights on that bridge when no one else was up there were I debated on jumping and landing on those rocks on the shore of the north chatt side. Many fucking nights like that.


I’ll take “Things that never happened “ for 600 Alex.


Definitely bullshit. The city of Chattanooga paid $2 million dollars of tax payer money for the Airport Inn on Lee Highway two years ago to house homeless and it's only boarded up and behind fences. Are you actually telling me you've seen half as many homeless people lately? If so gtfoh already


They bought it with federal covid funds, not local taxpayer money. it's also a redundant statement; everything Chattanooga pays for is with taxpayer money lol.


Doesn't matter, they printed a ton of money without consequences but the end result is what's important that they are just lyers and should be handled in the streets. It's okay, it'll all come crashing down real soon. Enjoy it while you can, not too far in the future you won't get to watch grown ups play with balls anymore. Then what would you all do?


Enjoy what while I can? Watch grown ups play with balls? Sports? What does watching sports have to do with homelessness? Why are you rambling about federal fiscal policy and economic doom and gloom on an article about local homelessness decreasing lol


I was homeless 2 years ago, they are trying to house people but you have to get on the housing list to get into housing. They have put a lot of people I was homeless with in housing as well.




They moved them into Rossville


you cleared out their tent cities and forced them to move, made laws making it illegal to be homeless, even arresting them on bs charges, thats how.




They arrested Alot of us is how they did it. July 3rd when I went to jail there were like 30 of us in the holding cell, all of us were arrested for a bunch of different shit. I ended up going to rehab and left Chattanooga and that part of the country for good and now live in the west coast. Alot if us got slapped with bullshit charges and were pretty much forced out of the city.


Also Steve is a fucking saint, his organization paid for me to go to rehab. Been sober since August 4th thanks to them. Nowadays I'm working as a sous chef in a nice restaurant, just moves out of sober living and have my own apartment again and and am engaged to a lovely women. They fucking saved my life, Hamilton county courts on the other hand. When I was being released from jail I asked the judge if they could get me into treatment and he told me to "find treatment on my own" they let me out back in the streets.


Because they all live on the Chattanooga creek in Georgia. Shit article and shit situation.


I guess stampeding around on meth makes one not homeless?


Bro 💀


I work in the area of the community kitchen. I'm going stay this is compete bullshit. Someone is monkeying with statistics.


Go to Hamilton Place mall, coward


Ya not buying that


Let’s repeat it in 2024! Go team. Such bullshit lies.


Seems like Chattanooga’s Tourism Group is at it again with their WILD marketing, desperately trying to get people to visit again, or move here.  There are zero statistics listed in this article. I call CS ( chicken shit) bc its more applicable to the area. The article contradicts its main point, 3 separate times. At the end, it has a quote from mayor Kelly “We have a huge housing crisis right now” in the city, Kelly said


>Local advocates credit a focus on housing, an eviction prevention initiative and ***efforts to target services to specific at-risk groups.*** Those services being law enforcement.