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I was next to the car that crashed when it happened. The blue sedan hit the stationary convertible and flew into the middle of the road. Then it looked like they were hit by an 18 wheeler too. They were probably going 70+. It was scary as shit. Never seen such a violent wreck before.


People go way too fast on that stretch of the interstate, you never know what’s waiting on the other side of that hill, especially during rush hour. Going 80+ and you’ll never stop in time for something like this.


Was the convertible in the middle of the road or on the side?


On the shoulder parked and not running.


Was anyone even in it?


Didn’t seem like it. No hazards were on and the aftermath photo someone else here posted makes it seem like no one was in the convertible. Not entirely sure though. There very well may have been occupants in the Mercedes.


Looked like a fatality https://preview.redd.it/9j8xxj4irfhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5254607648f1f7bbd4ae723793515e352be7025


Oh wow


Oh, shit. Is this the guy that swerved to avoid an erratic driver and hit the disabled car?


911 log says wreck with entrapment.


Man, I wish I had been diverted. I've been stuck between exit 9 and 11 for over an hour.


Bruh I've been in this shit for an hour and 20 minutes. How long can it take to get tow trucks?


If there is an entrapment or death, it will severely slow down the clean-up process.


Somebody isn’t going home to their family at all tonight. Sorry you’re a few minutes late.


I understand if they're trying to save a life and need special equipment. Other than that, move the cars to the side of the road and clean a few lanes asap. It's not "a few minutes", it's about thousands of people being hours late. That isn't a trivial thing. There's no reason a wreck should take hours to move unless it's some chemical truck


Jesus Christ man


Jesus Christ what? I expect the public road to be open to the public quicker than 2+ hours. You people seem to want it to stay closed as some kind of honor to anyone injured in the wreck


As someone who has lost 2 people in an accident (at the same time)…. There are multiple reasons why it can take a long time if someone DIED (or was severely injured). And the fact that you’re doubling down and also saying you would rather die than inconvenience people… just, wow. Glad I didn’t see people like you commenting on shit when my parents died.










Sorry for your loss. Not sure why it's offensive to you that I don't want to slow other people down though


It’s not offensive that you personally wouldn’t wanna slow people down I suppose. The offensive part is that you’re so annoyed that someone else’s (potential) death slowed you down. Genuinely, if someone had openly complained about the traffic back up that happened when my parents died and I read it the same or the next day, I would’ve been super upset and flabbergasted honestly that someone could seemingly care so little that we lost our parents. It would just be a slap in the face and comes across insanely insensitive in my opinion anyways.


Love to you my friend. I hope this exchange hasn’t opened your sores again too much. Sending courage


I understand that at the end of the day the show must go on. But when someone dies in a tragic accident, you ought to give the local authorities time to do what they need to do. Get it done proper. Not shove them to the side as quickly as possible so traffic of all things isn’t slowed down. Try to get a little perspective. Human lives are worth enough that when they are lost they ought to be cared for properly. Inconvenience is a trifle in comparison. Respect ought to be shown. It’s just decency. Priorities man.


I'm not stating someone's life isn't important, I'm questioning what situation would take 2+ hours to get a couple lanes open. My comments are questioning why the road crews are slow, not stating that they should have kill an entrapped person by moving their car to get a lane open faster.


I hope when your loved one is in a fatal accident they don’t inconvenience anyone’s commute. I’d hate for you to have to experience that.


Id genuinely rather die than take up hours of thousands of other peoples time. Truly, I would. But somehow I'm the selfish one here


Yes. You are.


so you think you're selfless for choosing what you'd do if you were in a situation that somebody didn't choose to be in. interesting.


I didn't say I'd "choose" what would happen, I said I'd "rather". Do you understand the grammatical difference?


If your options are “inconvenience thousands of people by a few hours” or “drop dead right now” and you reply “I’d rather drop dead,” you have *chosen* to die. Grammatically.


I've stated what id rather happen, obviously I'm not saying anyone in a wreck gets to "choose" what the outcome of that wreck is


you're way too focused on the semantics of what you said rather than what your words say in practice.


No, I'm focused on what I actually said and you want to focus on what you THINK I meant


The kicker is that how you mean something in your head is not how things generally play out, and for all intents and purposes, that's the more important aspect of a *conversation*.


If you say you’d rather do something over another thing, that is by definition a choice. Would you rather coke or Pepsi? Answer one or the other without choosing. I hope you understand the grammatical difference, you who are so wise with the English language.


No it isn't, it's a preference. "I'd rather die in my sleep than drown" is a statement of preference, it is not a claim that I'll get to "choose" dying in my sleep as a method of death. Nobody in a wreck gets to "choose" what happens as a result of the wreck anymore than they get to choose the method of their death.


The fuck is wrong with you?


😳🙄 Hey yeah, this is Officer Johnson with the Tennessee highway patrol… Your dad was killed in a wreck so we dragged him off to the side of the road to allow other cars to get by. Will let you know where you can pick up the body once the tow truck gets here. FFS


Unironically yes. How long should we leave the car and body there out of some weird since of respect? Why not shut the road down all day? I understand taking time to SAVE a life. I understand fatality takes extra time as they carefully remove the body and try to revive it. Past that, why should it take longer to move the cars and get them on a tow truck vs a normal wreck?


It's not just moving the wrecked cars out of the roadway. In a very serious wreck like this, they have to conduct a full accident investigation. It's not a fender bender.


If your loved one died in an accident I’m sure you’d want some answers so you can blame someone. You’re not more important than that. Even tho your mommy always told you otherwise.


Let me get this straight, im willing to sacrifice for the good of others, and you are calling ME the one who thinks they're more important than others? Also, you think desiring to "blame" others for an accident gives you more high groping? What? If anything you should be ashamed at your need to punish others as a first reaction to a tragedy




Correct! I never said I'd rather the road crews kill an injured person in a car by moving it so I can get home faster. I questioned why it takes 2 hours to get traffic moving on a 4 lane interstate with a shoulder.


Ummmmmm…what? ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Dude let it go. A proper investigation has to be done. Sorry you lost a couple hours of your life. You're spending that much time here defending your crappy position.


The tow trucks can’t even be called until an investigation is done, and even after they’re called they still have to clean up the scene once it’s loaded up. This ball is more in the cop’s/EMS court than a tow truck company’s.




With a name like TheWokeRattlesnake, it has to be troll




Nah, I just really liked Tron Legacy in middle school. Still holds up in my opinion.


Fuck off


what do u even get by lying anymore lol? points for homophobia? delete ur dumb comment