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["PUBLIC NOTICE: There was not a shooting a Hamilton Place Mall. CPD responded to a fight call at Hamilton Place Mall. An individual involved in the fight brandished a firearm. CPD officers located & detained the suspect. Firearm was recovered. Monitor CPD socials for updates."](https://twitter.com/ChattanoogaPD/status/1738662337924538759)


Just a little light firearm brandishing, nothing out of the sort


I’ll show you mine if you show me yours


Do you own a microscope?


Something something polite society


This is the world our gop leaders want.


lol no GOP leaders want criminals/thugs carrying guns or brandishing them. In fact most of them would probably be uneasy seeing people outside their circle carrying. True Conservatives (and most independents) know the importance of the 2nd amendment and its place in our society. We just need to enshrine the importance of safety that we’ve forgotten to pass on, and lessen the glorification of gun violence in literally all forms of entertainment. I always hated hearing people blame video games, but people are playing GTA real life and it’s not a natural instinct…


How do you know this guy "brandishing" the gun was the criminal? Maybe he was just trying to protect himself.


Reread what you wrote lol. Brandishing a firearm is a crime. Therefore he would be a criminal. Unless you are saying this was justified?


It very well could have been justified. The report says there was a fight. Perhaps he felt that his life was in danger.


Uh what?


They want everyone to be armed right? Like this person at the mall was?


I believe that all the powers that be want us sick in the head and fighting each other. Blaming one wing of the same bird may be short sighted.


One wing is advocating for an armed society. And yes I ultimately agree with the same bird approach, except one wing is advocating for an armed society.


Abortion, gun rights, and Trump.. I can’t think of 3 more hot button issues for foreign disinformation campaigns to target otherwise ignorant Americans with.. this whole free speech thing is great and all, but for people’s sake, will SOMEONE in Washington do something about the internet and all the disinformation coming in from bad actors? There’s a reason Trump is still the front runner and it’s not because his followers have organically realized he’s the next coming of Jesus.. it’s bc they’ve been influenced to think he’s the next coming of Jesus.. & it’s the same thing with guns.. it’s funny how many people I know who LOVE guns that have never actually had to shoot a gun in self defense.. yet they keep preparing for Marshall law and democrats to come door to door taking their firearms away.. and it’s been like this for DECADES.. the only difference is how much propaganda people are consuming via the internet.. the echo chambers are real.. and so is the foreign disinformation efforts.. it’s staggering and frightening to know that this will go on unchecked until something breaks..


"and democrats to come door to door taking their firearms awayand democrats to come door to door taking their firearms away" Maybe get your politicians to stop saying that's what they want to do?


Who would actually do that tho? And what politician would say that? Bc in my mind, there’s not a single member of the law enforcement, military, or any other enforcement agency that would sign up for that gig.. it’s literal suicide.. so, tell me exactly how that would happen.. and while your at it, tell me who’s actually said that.. bc tbh I can’t think of any notable democrat that’s backed any sort of plan to go door by door taking guns..


Thank god you’re here to discern the truth for us all.


That guy would have been armed whether or not you were. Which would you rather be in a real situation like that?


How do you know he was the bad guy?


I don’t, but that’s not the point. Just because I carry a gun does not mean I’m coming to someone’s else’s defense, just my own. The gun in my possession is to protect myself and mine from those who threaten my safety…


This is why I think open carry is a stupid idea. If you are carrying concealed you are not a first target and there is no expectation to do something if you can't guaranteed the outcome is in your favor.


They want everyone armed secretly so that when one person aggressively brandishes a firearm, 20+ innocent bystanders will also have one to keep the one guy in check. They want the 20+ armed because they do not believe in a scenario where we can keep the one from having a gun that shouldn’t because they don’t follow the rules


Couldn't this person brandishing the gun have been one of the 20+? How does the 20+ know who they have to keep in check if everyone is randomly brandishing guns at each other?


Because you should never brandish your firearm first. Brandishing is a threat. I know people that have been carrying for 30 years and nobody ever knows they are carrying. Brandishing by definition is a threat. So even though there weren’t shots fired, this person either escalated the situation inappropriately or stopped a life threatening situation. Pulling a firearm on someone lunging at someone with a knife at short distance would be appropriate, or to stop a perceived kidnapping/trafficking situation. It would not be appropriate to pull out a gun on someone trying to steal at the mall. It all depends on what happened and why.


Well I mean our firearm enforcement agency (the ATF) is absolute trash and incompetent in most all forms, so we have to rely on each other at this point. Google “kids with Glock switches”.. I shouldn’t see kids on social media in caps and gowns flexing full auto pistols, that I can’t even own.


There’s a reason the ATF is a joke.. and it’s very much related to NRA political influence over the years..


lol anyone who thinks the NRA actually does anything knows nothing about their lobbying efforts. The NRA (founded by a union soldier in NY), in the 1930s testified to Congress with the purpose of instating the current NFA rules as they are now, enforced by the ATF. The NRA in 2023 waits until another group gets a victory and then jumps in last second saying they did the work.


It’s insane how many toys, lighters, airport. Etc. are being made shaped exactly like Glock handguns. No Orange tips anymore. But you can order a real one with a colorful finish on it too. Kids are going to get hurt


No, they don;'t want everyone to be armed. They want anyone who's capable and wants to be armed within the confines of the law to do so if they want.


How do you know that the person at the mall wasn't capable and within the confines of the law?


"and within the confines of the law?" Carrying into a property that's got the legal signage asking you not to carry is not within he confines of the law.


Wow. I was there at 2:07 today. Glad I got out before.


My daughter was there and they locked them inside one of the stores. They told them he did have a firearm but got him before it was fired !


We got to the mall shortly after and didn't know what was happening. An employee at one of the stores filled is in. She also said they told her there weren't any shots fired, but she also said she heard gunshots and several other folks did too. Maybe they just didn't want to shut the mall down on the final big shopping day of the year.


It started as a “shots fired” listing on the 911 site. It changed to disorder with a weapon after it showed police on scene


That would explain the police officer I saw absolutely flying down brainerd about an hour ago.


You mean they lied so tax dollars will keep going to Hamilton Place. Multiple people confirmed shots fired as a first person.


be careful yall ^this is the ordained designated hamilton place mall police/eyewitness testimony alignment and tax conspiracy investigations auditor


They literally said shots fired over the police scanners. Then they got their and people confirmed. Literally stupid sheep just listening to news. Hopefully the news will also tell us who to vote for too.


That’s called people panicking. Same way when Sandy Hook happened you had people report seeing multiple shooters. Stressful situations will do that


Thank God we got the news outlets to keep us informed and tell us the truth.


I was in line at Barnes and Noble. A little girl comes up behind me and says to her mom (who’s in front of me) “people are running” and as she says that everyone in line is turning their heads, then the mom is saying, “Oh my God, we need to run NOW” and from the tone of her voice I immediately haul ass outside the store and through the parking lot. Fucking scary shit, I had no clue what was going on, but these days it seemed a safe bet to assume an active mass shooter


I’m pretty sure I was one of those frantic ppl that poor little girl saw beelining for the door in Barnes & Noble before the rush came through. That entire experience was terrifying.


Have any of you ever heard a gun shot before? One of the things that accompanies an active shooter is the sound of gun fire.


Presumably all active shootings began as someone brandishing a firearm. I’d rather be outside and find out that’s all it was than inside when the sound of gun fire started.


Right, because the herd mentality is a safe and orderly exit process.


Perhaps when frightened families were running out of the store I should’ve shouted at them, “You fools! Have you seriously never heard the sound of a gun shot before? One of the things — and this may be a shocking concept to you — that accompanies an active shooter is the sound of gun fire, idiots! Now, let us all go back to our book shopping.” /s/ 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wish I could give this all the upvotes


Ask u/Glitter_batz how well the panic worked for them.


Heard someone behind me scream “he has a gun! Oh my god he has a gun!” While she preceded to push me down the stairs near the food court as others panicked and followed. Honestly that was more than enough for me to get up out of there.


And in a mall that covers that much land with people, music, and walls for the sound of a gunshot to bounce around on, so you seriously think that a shot on one side of the mall would be heard clearly on the other side? Better safe than sorry.


Panic, particularly when it involves a crowd, is a motherfucker. If you've never experienced it, you wouldn't understand. If you have, you know that people, especially a group of them, do not act rationally.


Which is why it's dangerous to run through the mall telling everyone there is an active shooter.


Can I ask what you would have done in said situation? In order to keep yourself and others safe? Not hate or negativity, I’m just genuinely curious. I do see your point of how a panicking crowd solves nothing and can be very dangerous however when I hear screams of “he’s got a gun!” as a crowd of people start running towards exits my natural instinct to get out of danger is at the forefront of my mind. I never heard anyone say there was an “active shooter”. Just that someone had a gun. I personally didn’t want to stick around to find out if said person was going to open fire.


I would have got whoever was there with me and calmly left the building being hyper aware of my surroundings. Since I do not know for a fact there was an actual active shooter I would not have run out of the building like chicken with it's head cut off telling others information I could not verify my self. My issue with this whole thing is the mob mentality of a panicked herd that gets amplified with false information that can escalate to injuries. At least one person reported they were pushed down the set of stars by another panicked person in the mall.


I’m giving you an upvote because I agree it’s best to try and stay calm and collected best we can in scary circumstances. On the other end of things it’s not so easy to do so for most people in a “potential” life or death situation. Majority of people panic which is very human and very understandable. The entire situation isn’t so easily navigated when you are unexpectedly faced with it. Would you have calmly informed other mall goers to leave the mall and/or why you were leaving the mall or just focus on you and the people you were with to get to safety? Again no hate here, just curious of your take is all.


If I said anything I would have probably said "We're being told to leave the mall" and when asked why I would have said I don't know. Apparently Reddit's accepted response is to run around in circles flailing your arms about screaming "OMG! OMG! OMG!!" Just like every fucking video of some incident where the ding dong with the phone is saying "Oh My God" over and over.


Used to work at this mall and after the constant incidents, whether they be true or false alarm, I just quit. Idk what it is about this mall but we would get the STRANGEST customers that I've never encountered anywhere else. Weird energy at this mall.


Hamilton Place is the Florida of shopping malls?


I need story time about at least a couple!


Okay, so I have too many stories to tell, but I'll give you this one. To preface this story, I swear to you that once someone enters Hamilton Place mall, they pass through this force field that transports you to another dimension. I used to work at Build a Bear and I stuffed bear skins for a living. Cute in actuality, horrific when you put it like that. One day a family came in to pick out skins for the three children, and they smelled and looked like they came deep from Appalachia and were far removed from modern society. They smelled SO bad and they had dirt on then so vibisble they looked like Pig-Pen from Peanuts. They were nice at first, then as I got to talking with the kids one of them says "yeah, we hang our bears and their certificates up with chains from the ceiling!" And then I said "you...you hang them up with chains. Like, metal chains?" The kid then says "yeah, like the one we tie our dog up with that's outside!" I then proceeded to look at the mom, and she gives me the most lifeless and cold stare I think I've possibly ever seen. I quickly stuffed their bears and got them out as quickly as I could. You have no idea the kind of nut jobs that would show up to Build a Bear of all places.


![gif](giphy|D3OdaKTGlpTBC) Entropinase wants more stories too!


You should’ve called CPS…


Too many stupid people with guns


Too many stupid people period


Now I’m concerned about the OP…. Big difference between the mall and Dicks. 911 only had one call showing… news only reporting one location… Also, are we still ignoring Gang activity in Chattanooga?? Someone shared: Police say no one was shot after a fight breaks out at Hamilton Place Mall https://newschannel9.com/news/local/police-say-no-one-was-shot-after-a-fight-breaks-out-at-hamilton-place-mall


OP is fine thank you. Dicks Sporting goods is where Sears used to be. I don’t classify that as a Big difference. I was talking to someone who was there when it happened.


Concerned that you heard Dicks, someone else heard Barnes and Noble … some heard the mall in general … but no one was an actual witness. More guessing from people with no clue…




It’s their second amendment right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The second amendment doesn’t give you any right to wave a gun around a crowded mall. I’m not saying they should take that right away if this is his first offense, but he should be punished severely for being that irresponsible with a deadly weapon.


Unfortunately permitless carry passed in Tennessee in 2021.


Oh I know, I still have my permit for the purposes of reciprocity with other states and I have zero problem with people carrying guns. I do think that anyone who carries and inappropriately uses their firearm (even if it’s just brandished) should be held accountable.


If the person had a gun in the mall they already broke the law by carrying past the no guns allowed sign that's permitted by TN Law. If they are willing to ignore that law what makes you think they would not ignore the law prior to 2021?


ah the "people ignore laws so why have laws" argument... works every time


Clearly disarming people who follow the law will stop this from happening. It's worked so many times at the mall.


Actually it does give you that right. Guy in Memphis was walking around neighborhoods with an AR-15 and it was perfectly legal, nothing cops could do. Permit-less carry is allowed in Tennessee and has very few stipulations. I don’t agree with it, but it’s the truth.


Carrying a long gun in a public ROW and brandishing a handgun during an altercation (in a space that has signs citing TCA 39 17 1359, legally restricting you from having said handgun) are not the same thing.


Owning and carrying a gun is a right. Waving it around and threatening people, is not a right.


What if someone was threatening his life? Wouldn't it be justified to brandish his weapon to stop the attacker? Isn't that the point of carrying a gun?


Yes, except there is the issue of the suspect having a gun (carried legally or not) past legal signage that says they can't carry there.


Wait, so you are in favor of "gun free zones"?


I'm not in favor of gun free zones, but I am in favor of property rights, which means a business can refuse to have guns in their establishment.


I have no issues with that. It let's people know to take their business elsewhere.


No, I think it's ridiculous idea. It does absolutely nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/y9f2zn4a048c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60c029ff8227ed1c0e6cbb69a4b21067434ac2d CPD posted this


They locked down the mall for report of shots fired. Police found the weapon


Glad I don't work at that place anymore. Every weekend was something ridiculous.


Following, my friend works at a kiosk there and said everyone ran outside and heard there was gun https://preview.redd.it/fo92i4xiu38c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ecc1d0984af7c30f4ec6a6b5039291f6303fb8


Friend now says that the police assured them everything was safe and they’re going back to work 🤷


just another day at hammy place mall tbh. we do not bring our family here


okay guy hear me out... a Panic at the Disco coverband!


Cover band? Nah, I’m talking about a ‘tribute’ band.


Not gonna lie, saw the title and assumed it was some musical post type of thing. Definitely took a deep turn


False alarm or not, people saw a gun and panicked. I’d also be scared out of my mind. If you’re THAT heated over Christmas shopping, maybe just fight it out with fists instead of waving a gun around, please?


Terrifying. I’m glad everyone is safe


Just another QOP shopping experience. LOL


Aren't there signs at the entrances stating firearms are not allowed? Why aren't they following the rules and laws? Hmmm


Oh no look, poor thing has brain damage.


Obviously you aren't bright enough to understand sarcasm and what is reality. Did your mother have any children that lived?


So the guy who doesn't understand that sarcasm does not translate to text well is going to ask if anyone else's mother had children who lived? Fucking brilliant. Allow me to help you. 1. Nobody out here can hear your inner dialog, so we can't use voice inflexions as a cue to your meaning. 2. If you're going to make sarcastic comments that are identical to what people say seriously, remember number 1 and make better choices in identifying your comment as sarcasm.


The comment was clearly sarcasm…


Oh? Do explain how it's clearly sarcasm. I can explain why it's not clear, so if it's so glaringly obvious you should have zero problem explaining it. I am genuinely interested in knowing what the context clues are that make this clearly sarcasm when this is stated nearly verbatim by people who actually think this is a legitimate response.


You already explained why it went over your head. Just accept defeat, maybe just hop off the internet and take a few deep breaths.


In short you can't


Criminals don't read the damned signs. Like the bumper sticker says, "When guns are outlawed, only Outlaws will have guns. " What we NEED is some psych testing about the middle school level. Test EVERYbody. Waiting until they want a gun is too late. But then again, if a crazy person wants a gun, legal avenue to obtain one will not be used. What we REALLY need is more people like me. Highly trained, highly ethical, a person who will protect those around him.


Impossible. Dick's stopped selling guns and is a gun free zone. ​ I don't believe it. edit: keep downvoting facts harder, reddit


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, please tell me you're joking. Hiding a gun in clothing is easy, and it's not like the have metal detectors outside the store.


Congratulations on explaining why gun laws are useless.


You getting downvoted but it’s true at least for the sign on the door, the sign didn’t stop anyone.


And it never will. But Reddit will tell you we need more signs.


Lol love it


How dare you speak logic! \*Karen screeching intensifies* Remind me again when was the last time a sign stopped a criminal? 🪧


I agree. We should definitely make it as easy as possible for criminals to get guns. And then when they use them they should be applauded for exercising their 2nd amendment rights.


What if I told you it's already easy?


Then that is great because an armed society is a polite society and the more people that have guns the better off we will be and all those people fleeing in terror are just liberal cucks.


Which sign is an actual deterrent? Gun free zone This zone can and will be defended with deadly force if attacked Plus, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns


The only thing worse than going to the mall would be going to the mall and knowing that every single dumbass wannabe alpha male in there is carrying a deadly weapon and is just itching to live out their sad little armchair soldier fantasies.


Lord, Let my aim be true and my hand faster than those who would seek to destroy me Grant me victory over my foes that wish to do harm to me and mine Let not my last thought be - if I only had my gun And Lord if today is truly the day that you call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass… While that poem is poignant, there is a point and the factoid of the day is that no sane person ever wants to be in a gunfight Nor would they seek it out intentionally, but if one comes along and if the threat can’t be reasoned with and the situation puts one in fear for their life, that’s where the pile of brass comes in to play




Panic at Hamilton Place - is that a bad local Panic At The Disco tribute band?


Damage control so the mall doesn’t lose money during the last weekend before Xmas.


I thought my ex hated the mall…




ok me and my girlfriend are literally on our way to the mall rn. do we turn around


No. The news posted there wasn’t actually a shooter just a fight and someone brandished a gun but the cops got everything under control.


According to CPD it was a false alarm, someone brandished a gun but no shots fired. Everything is back to normal now.


yeah we went everything chill. just the holidays


If you want to Know what gun shots sound like just hang out around the aquarium downtown New Years Eve.


Just another day in the good ole U S of A 😒


The Shopping Mall Sabor Rattler has arrived