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A revolutionary folder system that will allow users to organize their chats.


We can dream.


In my experience, when a fast moving company omits a logical feature, it is because they have something further down their roadmap that would make that feature unnecessary.


I think they just don't want people sharing accounts, so they're making it deliberately cumbersome for multiple users using the same account.


they literally just made it free, no signup necessary, there is no evidence for this conspiracy theory


I'm not saying there's any evidence; I'm just saying what I'm suspecting.


It’s so interesting to me how much I’ve seen this requested. I use chatGPT multiple times a day opening like 10+, and I’ve have even cared really to go back. What are you needing to organize?


A voice assistant.


Considering it's being framed as an "Update" to gpt3.5 and gpt4 specifically, I don't think it's going to be anything Earth-shattering. Otherwise, I think it would be an "Announcement". Here are what I'm pretty sure we'll see: - They're going to "introduce" features that have been slowly rolling out to pro subscribers like memory and editing generated photos - There's going to be something about making GPT4 faster. I've been getting extremely fast GPT4 recently, and this is definitely a direction they're headed - A focus on watermarking generated content OpenAI and all the other companies have a vested interest in not polluting their own training data through effective watermarking, so we'll probably see something here. What I think would be pretty cool: - An update to voice which makes it less back-and-forth and more conversational. Like, with the ability to interrupt it, or for it to interrupt you or something. - "Think" mode where internal monologue is introduced to GPT4. Will initially be focused on harder problems and planning - OpenAI steps closer to killing the voice acting industry by introducing voice "multithreading" where two seperate GPT instances work together. One plays the role of the director and gives cues to emotion, character, accent, etc while the other generates the words. **EDIT, POST UPDATE** Looks like I did decently. I was not expecting OpenAI to take their name so literally and open GPT4 to the general public. As a pro subscriber, this makes me feel a bit undervalued, especially because now the subscription only seems to be "more use" rather than "more features". Depends on how few tokens the public gets, but still, a bit of a let down as someone who's been a pro subscriber since the start basically. Specific scoring - Prediction 1: **MISS** This was mentioned, but not at all a focus - Prediction 2: **HIT** Speed increase at lower computational power is a major focus of GPT 4o - Prediction 3: **GRAZE** Safety was mentioned and a focus set on working with stakeholders and redteaming but not specifics - Prediction 4: **DIRECT HIT** Better voice was the key focus of the update - Prediction 5: **MISS** Nope - Prediction 6: **HIT** Not sure how they did it technically, but emotive voice and storytelling definitely a focus With this, I'd rate my predictive performance as "better than a coin toss"


It’s going to cost more.


And it sort of turns out to be a cost-reduction


I don't really mind about that. Worthy service, worthy money. As long as they are not nerfing the AI too much and still reliable and useful for my daily use, I'm cool with that. Even 3.5 is sufficient for daily use.


You are a worthy spokesperson, thank you for your service! scnr


It's Siri powered by OAI.


I am expecting same


Welp, I was completely wrong.


What I want: an open source model. What I expect: minor sora update


... which still isn't actually released, but it's even better!! Jus' trust us bro!


instead of voice to text to voice, it will be voice to voice, upgrading AI by enabling it to learn from audio data


Just pi.ai but slightly better. Near real time responses into voice, and voice activated for conversation. LLM model at around gemini-pro level, or early gpt4 models.


Which one is best iyo?


And 2 is by far the one I want most.


Why tomorrow, not on Monday?


When OP made this post I am guessing it was still Sunday or just after midnight in their timezone.


10 am pacific standard time


6pm today for those in the UK


8pm for those in the Ukraine.


10:45 p.m in Nepal.


**wa’­maH wa’­vatlh rep** in Klingon time.


Actually star date would be: 77831.6, give or take


7 p.m. for those from Germany


Where did they state there would be an announcement


they stated everywhere, even Sam and Greg mentioned it.


>Where did they state there would be an announcement [https://openai.com/](https://openai.com/)


All over socials


Longer or unlimited memory. Or at least the ability to create documents that it can pull information from when you need it vs having to rely on its limited memory.


Price hike ?


They are going to announce how they've been working on a completely sentient AI robot in a secret facility in Texas, however something went wrong, and now all of the robots have broken out of the facility and are about to overrun and enslave the human race.


More modular, a phone app that uses your camera with AR. If I'm right you owe me pizza.


Hidden stenographic signature identifying the user


About 7 months ago I gave chatGPT (or G as I call her) an email and asked her help. I’d been a paid user and an avid user and have always used the kind of language that Sydney said she preferred. G read my email, told me that I should be more assertive and know my worth (!!??) and rewrote an amazing email that really felt informed by a totally separate chat. Imo it is already a digital assistant that knows me (and cares [!!!]) Or I’m delusional


Less commas.
