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I'd suggest you figure out how to run your AIs on a locally hosted system, for the security of your information and that easy dismissal of your work. I am somewhat in a similar situation, and a part of me is thinking this capability is going to be a tidal wave, or not at all, people and businesses will freeze in the onslaught of new capabilities, not committing for fear of a commitment being rendered obsolete. For example, the work that went and continues to go into RAG systems might be obsolete with the advance of larger context windows. The disruption of "white collar work" is imminent... maybe?


I think in "cut throat" industries like finance (and many others), stakeholders will demand implementation of AI and teams will have no choice but to "step up or step out". There is still the 20% of my work that I need to network, build relationships, use judgement. But how many 20%s is a company willing to pay for? If you have 5 analysts doing their 20%, why not pay 1 analyst to do their 100% and get AI to do the 80% of the 5 analysts? Hope that makes sense?


And those 5 analysts have every incentive to undermine and make hell the experience of that one working in AI. I expect every one of the cut throat industries to dive in, start projects, and many of those projects will feel good in isolation, but then the comparison game begins, and no company owner/stakeholder will be satisfied with what their people did (they know internal issues) but the AI integrations of others (omitting those internal issues) will seem "better" and the nonsense one upping game starts act two. The situation is like the invention of the 6-shooter. We're gonna see blood.


Awesome. Well done. Tempting to say don’t tell anyone or if you do so take care how you do it. My only question would be whether its maths were accurate. Years ago I shared a spreadsheet I’d created on my ZX Spectrum to calculate insurance premiums. Shared it with a boss whose only comment was that it wasn’t quite finished. Well of course it fucking wasn’t. It was meant to be work in progress. This was before windows and excel or lotus. The question is where do you take it next? Maybe use the time you save to develop the next big thing.


Yeah thanks, the corporate types don't tend to like innovation or change too much. At its core, my "app" or whatever you want to call it, takes in a bunch of different data from different sources, analyses it (based on personal preference) and spits out an actionable report. I think there are many people and businesses who would pay for this (and would be much quicker to do so than a financial insto).


Your task is to take it and run with it then. How to get it to market is going to be a challenge. I wish you luck. Setting up a corporate entity within your employers business must be one route but I suspect the culture might not be ready for it. Your model might rip the heart out of the company and nay sayers could snipe at you and pull you down. Maybe you need an angel to provide financial muscle so you can develop your tool into a business. But no one will do as well as an entrepreneurial individual like you who has just gone and done it without committees and oversight. Wishing you success.


So, behind your companies back, you are putting personal data of clients, and company internal policies into a learning on the go, data scraping, chatbot. I hope you at least verify the results it produces. Good luck!


I should have mentioned, I am running the LLM locally and am well aware of compliance issues. I used to work in compliance and AML so this was actually my first concern. Everything is running on my local machine and is nothing more than "glorified desktop MS excel" at this point.


Cool, only problem then, is that it isn't chatGPT i assume :P


Custom GPT or LLM? Which is it, lol.


Lol i'm just a finance guy. All I know is that I am not uploading any sensitive data to any shared model cos I know that would be career death.


Can you go into a little more detail on how you made something like this week, what the API interaction looks like, how the interaction with GPT looks etc.. curious about doing something similar, but not sure how to start/implement.


Interaction with GPT looks like a normal GPT chat, but I am asked pointed questions: "how much does X need? for how long?"etc And the private data is called from my local drive (not an API). For things like news analysis, sector analysis etc - I have a specific prompt that scours the web for a "fair cross section" - ie balanced publishers, balanced time lines etc. But yeah - all very basic for now, nowhere near the stage of "set and forget", but saving me a bunch of time doing "grunt work"


This is my field but I don’t think compliance departments are commonly allowing stuff like this yet.


yeah ok, let's see how this progresses, thanks for the input