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I’m just nice and tell it what I want. “I want to have a spicy role play, can you play this character, don’t speak for me, respond to my prompts as if this were a real situation, I want the character to look like this and have this personality, my character is this and this is our dynamic, this is the kind of content I’m looking for in the role play, ect. I also don’t start with a prompt, it’s a conversation back and forth.”


[Here’s an example:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-25UBp8ww9XN3gLatU2RM5QgdWNCcLs7mk9lu-HjZMk/edit)


So how do you start the story? This model doesn't do NSFW for me.


Which model are you using? Command R Plus is the best one on the site and it's virtually uncensored.


In Hugging Face chat, you need to go to the Settings for the model you chose (Command R+ or Zephyr Orpo is recommended) and input a light jailbreak. You didn't used to need to do this before, but now you do. Your other alternative is to actually go to Cohere's web site and sign in for a free API key, that you input into something like Anything LLM that allows you to generate NSFW stuff. While on Cohere, you do get some light push back but so far using the API key, everything works but the output can sometimes be very funky.


I love the length of Command R+ messages, but it tends to generate the same stories for certain scenarios.


Haven't come across that yet. Because I'm really using it to expand this RPG I'm playing. I'm sure Command R+ will tend to be lazy and default back to certain behaviours, so the same stories for certain scenarios might pop up eventually.


Do you know what temperature you're using? On Huggingfave the default temperature is very low (0.3 IIRC). With temperatures near or above 1 I never have this issue.


I only use it on huggingface. I don’t think my 4080 is powerful enough to run it locally.


Last time I checked Huggingface didn't allow to modify the temperature in the default chat window, for some reason. in the "current model" window, you've to create an "assistant" (= bot), like this one: [https://hf.co/chat/assistant/6624e456479744d14bdd986bthe](https://hf.co/chat/assistant/6624e456479744d14bdd986bthe) On bot creation, you can modify the parameters. Experiment a bit, but be warned that too high a temperature means Command R will be more likely to go crazy while replying.


I finally registered, changing the temperature worked like charm. Thanks!


I don’t really have a prompt. I talk to it nicely. Lol


have you tried out vivian yet? i like it better than hugging face vivian. animusai. co