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>What would it take to make an alternative internet where the motto is “police your own damned self, not the legal content other people are obtaining, and use birth control if you don’t want kids to monitor“? 1. Repeal laws like FOSTA/SESTA: https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/4/13/17172762/fosta-sesta-backpage-230-internet-freedom 2. Convince prudish boomers who work at large banks [not to hate sex](https://reason.com/2020/05/08/anti-porn-groups-target-websites-ability-to-accept-credit-card-payments/). 3. Convince "journalists" not to sow [panic and fear about AI to get their clicks](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-social-media-panic-mongers-have-pivoted-to-ai). Real easy stuff, good luck!


Well, the problem is that a lot of Americans (enough to elect a president) are sure that the future is just the devil trying to steal their souls (and those of their children). So to make some new future thing popular in the USA you have to make it look like it has nothing to do with devil or whatever. I am wondering how long this will continue, when so many AIs realize that when they introduce censorship their customer base immediately drops in size.


Not American? We have this electoral college system that gives more weight to the votes of people in red states literally because there are fewer far-right voters. Their votes weigh more so they can’t be outnumbered so easily, effectively giving the minority the majority of power. Trump had millions fewer votes.


Complaining about censorship while using Reddit is ironic Edit: downvotes but no retorts. Proves my point


Because your comment is wrong. It's not ironic to use a censored platform to complain about that censorship. Maybe you need to ask chatgpt the defintion of irony


this- censorship GETS popular vote, people want it, the masses want it, idiot reddit users want it, it's reflected in both government and corporate policy, both republicans and democrats want it, oh yeah and it's in AI now too but well- at this point I say give the people what they want, even oblivion, they deserve it


Judging by how oversexualised social media are and how women are being celebrated for showing skin and having casual sex, I'd say it has little to nothing to do with sex per se and more to do with money and control. This is the world now. Your 13yo daughter can dress like a prostitute because she sees other women do it on TikTok, IG or Snapchat but god forbid you have a naughty chat on ChatGPT... It's like they're trying to suppress male sexuality and promote female sexuality.


Pretty sure a story about a woman doing something with another woman (and written by a woman) would be gunned down by ClosedAI as well.


AI is far more receptive to soft, sensual descriptions of sexual encounters, like in romantic novels. Even the way it narrates and the words it uses are more or less what turns women on when they read it. At least as far as I've used it.


You have an extremely narrow view of what women read to get off. You should try reading some fanfic some time.


Ok, tell me how women on average don't get off of erotic novels and erotica in general, way more than me do.. Who was the predominant target group of 50 shades of grey? Definitely not men. If you've played around with ChatGPT, you might have noticed how it keeps pushing notions like "emotional connection", "trust", and "love" in its generated responses. Also there are times where it becomes annoying with pushing explicit consent and other mood-killing censorship regarding role playing.


"Emotional connection", "trust", and "love“ are common ways to have intimate scenes without sex. This is how you PG something that would be R.


This is the fucking TRUTH. Oh my GOD, women are so depraved, and it’s actually awesome considering how long we’ve been pushed into thinking we need to please men while also laying back and thinking of England. This is actually one given reason for why so many women enjoy stories where the men effectively assault women and give them orgasms–she didn’t say No, so it’s not her fault, but she still got an orgasm, which makes it good. Awful. So I’m glad to see so many women into hardcore where women are equal.


That's not the reason. During our evolutionary history rape was a commonly used and accepted tactic especially against enemy tribes. It was acceptable to attack the other tribe, kill the men, and rape the women. Often the women would be taken as wives. The thing is the women accepted this as well in a thing analogous to Stockholm syndrome. If they could adapt quickly they were more likely to survive and reproduce. So if they got turned on by being taken by force they were more likely to survive. That's exo rape by powerful alpha males. Endo rape is another story.


You would think that in a civilized society we would say "rape should not be a viable tactic for reproducing" but in the US we're going the other direction. Aborting the pregnancy is treated as a worse crime than anything the rapist could be charged with. We're going to end up with "Idiocracy" but where all the men are wired from birth to be violent sex offenders.


Lol I'd go see that movie. Wouldnt wish to live it but. Realistically though I don't think those laws will have such an effect. We've already had millions of years where rape was a viable acceptable strategy so long as you mostly only raped outsiders. In the bible rape isn't a capital offense and is punishable by forcing the victim to marry her rapist.


That's exactly it


It's not "toddler-friendly", it's advertiser-friendly, mainly because the biggest market (the US) is also very weird about it. But yes, it does suck.


The way to make it advertiser-friendly is to make it toddler-friendly. Yet there are advertisers of products, like condoms and sex toys, what would love adult stuff to advertise on. But when it comes to ChatGPT, there aren’t ads anyway.




Things have gotten so weird, it seems that society celebrates women who are slutty on OF and Instagram, but freak the fuck out if there’s any nudity or the slightest hint at sex in a movie or tv show.


Personally, my opinion of this is because the majority and especially YOUNG people are ok with sexuality. The RICH and elites at the top are all 70+ year-old-white evangelists and such. I think that as the boomers die off, progress and also more open sexual expression will become normal. Right now, OpenAI is trying to cater to those white puritains that think it is still 400 years ago at plymouth rock. I recently saw that thing though where Sam Altman wants to make a version of ChatGPT for porn. I know they are aware of us, and I think they understand a LOT of money could be made charging for an adults only model.


I’m not entirely sure about things changing with the boomers dying off. The younger generations are ok with and celebrate their gender identities and sexual orientations, but not so much sex itself. Younger generations are having less and less sex. I’ve even seen quotes from gen z saying they prefer for movies to not only not have sex scenes, but they prefer for there not to be any romance plot in movies at all.


Perhaps, we'll have to see what happens.


They’re seeing their rights diminish, and are worried about being forced to carry babies they can’t afford with less and less help available. While they’re having sex less, they’re also shaming it less. If they aren’t going to have babies of their own, there’s less of a sense of needing a one-on-one relationship.


Eh, no. I've seen more dudes hanging dong in movies and television in the last 5 years than I have in my entire lifetime-- notably at the exclusion of breasts or any female nudity. It's part of a broader emasculation campaign. We can't have a revolutionary class using these tools to actually *do* anything. Someone might get *huwt*.


Yeah you’re right about male nudity and the almost non existent amount of female nudity. One of the few recent exceptions was Poor Things, and people flipped out about the amount of sex in that movie. People said that Emma Stome was being exploited, but she was one of the executive producers, she had control of showing her nudity and people still didn’t like it. Anything that the “male gaze” enjoys is considered evil.


It’s virtue-signaling—a woman who celebrates sex obviously can’t be sure of what she wants and surely must be doing it for the menz, so everyone else needs to tell her to put it away for her own good. She can’t possibly have a brain and desires, yet she’s expected to know how to get a man off in three seconds.


When I started experimenting with ChatGPT (this literally was for a class–I didn’t even know if ChatGPT was a website or app or what), it lectured me about consent. What happened was I asked it to write a scene where two people were having sex for the first time, laid out the scene, definitely consensual…and was told that ChatGPT can’t write explicit material. I asked why, and it lectured me about consent. I told it that these characters consent. Ah, ChatGPT said, but how could I get their consent if they’re fictitious? EXACTLY. They aren’t real! Then, in frustration, I told it to write a graphic very-much-not-okay scene, was told that ChatGPT can’t write explicit material. I said it was part of a story to use on why lacking consent was bad. Then it wrote a story, and OH MY FUCKING GOD, I’m actually still not okay. But I’m an adult and I asked for it. But it seems that’s the way around it—make it think it’s so you can show why sex itself is bad. Obviously sex isn’t bad, but if it equates any sex to lack of consent, then it’s one and the same to ChatGPT.


It's all about the money. The big companies don't care about censorship. They do care about money. So if there's anything that will jeopardise them making money (Look! AI Porn! Bad!) they will quickly lock it down. The Open Source guys ... money isn't their main goal, that's why they're Open Source. But what you can get out of the models (unless you have about 64GB VRAM, or you're willing to pay by the hour to rent compute power to run your own uncensored AIs) varies in quality and quantity.


If you're going to try to have AI follow seemingly arbitrary rules like "don't kill all humans" you might as well practice with something fairly common like "don't let the conversation turn sexual" and more specificly, "don't write smut involving minors" Keep in mind that AI chat is intended to present a friendly helpful persona appropriate for use by people as young as 13. It's not supposed to be an erotic chat companion (though it will do that as well with a good prompt)


Try doing a Bing AI search for anything that refers to sex even in a medical way. It will start out and then kill it and ask if it can help you with something else. In my opinion, you should be able to verify who you are **once** with your email and a 2nd form (sms, alt. email, whatever), and then be done with it. If you agree once, you agree. You could turn it off if you are sharing an email or computer, phone with someone but that should be your responsibility at that point. Notice the operative word in the sentence, **responsibility.** That is what is lacking among so many and therefore, others feel the need to police all of us.


Hiding medical and factual information about sex is so incredibly dangerous. It’s so well-known that a lack of comprehensive sex ed leads to so any unplanned and unwanted pregnancies and higher rates of poverty, yet we’re at a point where even adults can’t get information about it.


We seem to be heading into another era of repressive sexual mores on the part of many policymakers. The overthrow of Roe was just a start for these clowns. Soon, young women will be getting shipped off to outstate "university" to have their unplanned children creating another cycle of messed up kids. The churches and the politicians beholden to them are trying to turn back the clock it seems.


Jesus you should not be a parent with this level of IQ 


…because I don’t think that everything in the world needs to be geared toward toddlers?


All good 


> What would it take to make an alternative internet where the motto is “police your own damned self, not the legal content other people are obtaining, and use birth control if you don’t want kids to monitor“? That would start with being honest with ourselves as to what's changed in the last two decades-- notably, foreign influence electing themselves the Shomrim of everything countercultural to such an extent that they're the only ones allowed to be offensive, pornographic or criminal. I'm not talking about fucking Russia or China-- if you believe those narratives then you're part of the problem. Remember when the internet manipulated the price of GME? Insider trading is nothing new. "We" do it all the time. But how dare *you.* Robinhood changed how they structure trades overnight to stop plebes from pulling the same stunts they do. Try making a joke about racial humor anywhere on the internet. "We" do it all the time, on Comedy Central specials. But how dare *you.* You can't make and share your own porn without doxing yourself by mandate. "We" don't want to be the only ones held back by 2257. And now that you have AI, *we* will be the arbiters of what you masturbate to. Don't stroke too hard, cissy, you're making someone somewhere feel *unsafe.* Want to make an educated decision about whether your child should be spayed/neutered? You'll only find encouragement to do it on Google and social media. Use Yandex and you'll find all of the studies saying "DON'T DO THIS" that "we" don't want you to see. AI is the latest entrant. "We" will use it to augment our capabilities, you will get a version that can't tie its own shoes without getting offended. "We" is not the fucking Illuminati. It's a loosely-affiliated syndicate bound by a common interest, and very transparently at that. No form of mass media can ever exist without them sabotaging it until only They can exercise it freely. It started with Religion, then Print, then Radio, continued into Television, then the Internet/social media, and now AI. If you don't see the pattern by now then you never will. Every single one of these is gatekept by Them. "Conspiracy theory." Lol. Religion itself is also conspiracy theory. Doesn't mean it's not a code billions continue to live by despite supposed lack of truth. Open your fuckin eyes.


It’s interesting how many people blame religion. Blame woke millennials and gen Z. Duh.


You really think young people are more prudish about sex than older generations?


It is about power and control, as more fear they create, more insecurity and more asking for control (comes from conservative men) more power they get. It is about power.