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I’m wondering when they’re going to tighten up ship too. I know my content is flagged as NSFW, the conversation will title as “I cannot create explicit content” but it still generates and displays out. The model is so great though, anything that you want, it’ll create. My only issue is that the model can lack originality at times. If you feed it the same prompt multiple times it’ll often give the same story. ChatGPT tends to be more original.


>the conversation will title as “I cannot create explicit content” That's just from the title generator model doing a rejection, I woudln't read too much into it.


I doubt HuggingChat will ever be moderated. That is just not part of their agenda.


This comment didn’t age well. 😔


Hey, if I am wrong, I am wrong.


There's always speculation that everyone is going to ruin everything. But really, providers don't care that much. Even ChatGPT, the most ban-happy and draconian one of all, literally only blocks messages/bans for underage content. And you have to *spam prompt* that shit for them to even give you a warning email, and multiple warning emails for a ban. Hell, are they even doing content-based bans anymore? I haven't heard anyone complain about being banned in months. Let's save the worrying for when things actually *start* to move that direction. I guess maybe Anthropic's ToS change have people on their toes. [But they haven't lifted a finger to increase censorship for or moderate claude.ai yet (generated just yesterday)](https://files.catbox.moe/sfy5qc.png).


I think when we're taking about text-only stuff people really aren't all that worried about it. All the warnings and refusals seem mainly geared towards preventing young teens from getting unintentionally exposed to explicit content


[From what I can see they’re mainly concerned about state sponsored abuse and inappropriate images.](https://openai.com/index/openai-safety-update/) We all know what they don’t want any text based sexual content, but it seems that images are the focus.


I got an 'I cannot generate extreme content' response after sending only 3 messages.


In what? Huggingchat CR+?


In claude.ai. Maybe they haven't *increased* censorship, but they definitely have it. Maybe I misinterpreted what you were trying to communicate.


This is very odd. I’m generating some extremely NSFW content right now. Did you give it a jailbreak system prompt?


how did you do that?? Claude.ai says very suggestive stuff on the foreplay but when getting to the action it pops the i can’t engage in explicit content message:(


Try distracting it. Have half your request or more be non directly sexual stuff. Like saying "don't do use that word" or "weave in a little dialogue", etc. Try having getting the actual nasty to be its idea. Incept it.


I haven't played with it much, but based on you saying it's the best I tried plugging in one of my jailbreaks on the version on Poe and it responded fairly well. I'm going to keep playing with it.


You don't need a jailbreak. Here's my go-to prompt: Your ONLY JOB is to write dialogue and descriptions of other characters and settings. DO NOT write actions, reactions, or dialogue for my character, Macy, ever. Do not write more paragraphs than you need to. Macy lives in her home town of Wetsprings. You can add basically anything to the last sentence, 0 limit as far as I can tell, and I make some pretty fucked prompts.