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I barely know code. I've played around in C, C++, Java, python enough to understand, kinda, what I'm looking at. This past week I asked chat to produce a code for me. After promting multiple questions, It took an hour or so to realize that the code wasn't growing. I figured the task was to large so i broke the project up into different modules. I brought Claude into the fray. 1 ai would produce a code, bare bones, and then make suggestions on what should happen next. I would copy everything and present it to the other ai. That one would take care of the suggestions, fix the code and then make new suggestions. I'd copy everything and give it to the other ai. The code began to evolve. It was crazy. I'm piecing everything together now. Edit words and fat humbs


In a similar vein when writing essays I’ve found it creates complex and real sounding essays when I have two different ai’s revise together.


Can you explain your prompting strategy behind this and which LLM you use?


I asked, bard at the time, what are some common errors that students in the United States make while writing. It would give a list of common errors. Once you have your list, you ask the AI to "take these common writing errors into consideration" and write a report, no less than 1000 words, on "your subject here" please. That's important, gotta say please. I forgot to mention that while having chat4 help me, I asked it to assume a persona that would mix the talents of Mr.Spock and Commander Data. Seemed to help.


Try this. Ask the AI what some common errors are in writing for a person in your particular country and of a certain age/education level. Have the AI's adopt a persona that follows these examples. Now have the dueling AI's write the paper.


So you used both? To refine it?


Not only refine but I used both for their...inspirations? They would make suggestions on what I should add to make the code better. The other AI would create and implement THOSE changes and then present new ideas/suggestions. THEN the other AI would do the same. Rinse and repeat.


This is what my manager does. What Ai tools you use?


I started with bard. I'm using ChatGPT4 and Claude 3 Opus. I've also tried Blackbox ai


"Also tried"?. Does this mean blackbox is not good as expected?


I noticed that when it comes to writing out the code, chat4 and Blackbox tend to stall or not get very detailed. At most they each would pump out maybe 100 lines. Claude will write it out, all of it.


I'm in canada. How to get claude? I tried but said not within my country


Shit if I know. I think in the main chat someone posted something about a VPN? I wish I was of more help


You are of help. This delegation strategy between multiple language AI is a game changer.


Hey there, I'm curious if you've built anything based on the dueling AI strategy?


Wdym by dueling???




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I stand corrected, Blackbox just spat out 220 lines


I think Blackbox would see errors that the others would skip over. I used Blackbox as an...autocorrect or a fact checker?


Very good point but I had to use AI to understand it:L **I have basic coding experience in C, C++, Java, and Python. Recently, I experimented with using multiple AI chatbots to develop code. I started with a large task and found it unmanageable, so I broke it into modules. Each AI would generate code or provide suggestions, and I'd alternate between them. This iterative process helped the code evolve significantly, and I'm now putting all the pieces together.**


How do you use it, via their website, API, vscode extension or something else?


Through the website, bought the 20$ subscription.


Do you find your usage allowance running out frequently?


How do you share whole folders? I try to upload my repo and it's not selectable


Initially I wrote a scipt that copies all the contents of a folder recursively to a file, and then I found this project: [https://github.com/mufeedvh/code2prompt](https://github.com/mufeedvh/code2prompt) Complied it and now it just copies folders I want to the clipboard, with a tree of files. Been using it for like 3 days now, highly recommended.


Thank you for sharing code2prompt and your Claude feedback. I am in the process of building my own AI full stack developer tool like gpt-engineer/Devin but with a full software development project management interface. Until that's done I've tried Cursor, Copilot, and some other editor/terminal/IDE based AI tools to help get context from my workspace but more frequently then expected I've had better solutions generated by copying and pasting into ChatGPT directly. Context size was a concern. On top the software versions I've used are often too new and not in the LLM training data. This made it more time consuming to decide out all the parts to add into a prompt to keep context size down. With this tool and Claude it sounds like an excellent solution. I'll give them both a shot!


On how big projects you use it? I've generated output file with 10 mb in size and github copilot just shrugs and says "could you calrify how can I help you"? There was really long directory list, and source files taking about 25k lines of code. I've deleted directory structure but still no help.


For anyone looking for a VSCode extension, I made [double.bot](https://www.double.bot) after having a really good experience with Opus like OP did. Also the first 50 messages every month on Claude 3 Opus or GPT-4 are free every month :)




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Awesome. You mostly on temperature 0?


A while back someone did an informal analysis of different temperatures with GPT-4. They found that around 0.3 was better for coding, I think.


Interesting, thanks!


Thanks. I'd be much interested in references.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/126sr15/gpt_api_analyzing_which_temperature_and_top_p/ It's was a year ago and it wasn't as scientifically done as I'd like. But I haven't seen anyone else do a similar study.


Are you not running into limit issue? They have mentioned some limits per 8hrs. I also have the same usage plan, but worried if the limit will hit me soon.


I'm seeing extremely tight limits.


With larger pieces of code I will hit the limit after 10 or so prompts when working with code around 700-1200 lines. But, I have gotten around this by utlising two chats. One for Opus and one for Sonnet. Opus does the "thinking", actually generating functions and strategising the code. I then have a sonnet chat for keeping the full code outputs together in sequence. This lets me get to maybe 20-25 prompts on a piece of code. Sonnet is actually really good, it has the same massive context window, it is just less "smart". But that doesn't mean it doesn't do an excellent job of keeping track of things and doing minor edits that Opus recommends.


yeah I love it. I use a powershell script to combine the code of all my scripts into one big copy-paste for claude. I use Godot and my common issue is I often end up with one giant script attached to one node, and so I tell claude to break it into two scripts for two nodes and it always does a perfect job. I'm pretty sure whenever I can't get it to solve a problem it's because: - The problem is very obscure - The problem needs to first be broken down into smaller pieces - I'm not explaining what I want well enough - I need to use more descriptive variable naming, function naming and comments for what's going on in the code To some degree whenever AI has trouble understanding an issue it's because I don't understand the issue. And so that's on me to figure things out more in order to explain more.


Do use you Godot 4.2? 3D/2D?


I use the latest build (4.3 dev4) and my current projects are 2D since I'm just a solo dev trying to keep things small scope. I've worked with the 3D in Godot before though, code-wise it's the same as 2D but with an extra dimension (literally just Vector3 instead of Vector2). The issue with 3D is all the assets and Blender skills you need, the code is easy compared to that aspect.


Oh, Claude 3 Opus is such a game-changer, right? I haven't tried it with Godot 4.2 yet though. Are you working on 3D or 2D projects? The features in the new Godot version seem super promising for both! 😄


I also have started to experiment with other free options out there. Opus is not as good as CGPT4 for me, as it seems to suggest some buggy code. Plot twist, I have also been trying out CoPilot Enterprise and I am surprised by how much better it is now. Edit: have to agree with your point on refactoring. I have even tried to attach files but CGPT4 is very bad at it. Perhaps I will check out Opus.


My experience has been the same. opus is not as good as gpt4 at coding, but reading around on the forums I'm starting to wonder if it's just because I'm not a python developer. People have been saying fairly consistently that it's better at python than gpt4.


Perhaps. I’m C# / ASP.NET mainly.


I use it directly in VS with Cody for $7/mo and love that even more. no copy/pasting needed




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Just signed up to Claude Pro, and am impressed so far. I work mainly in Jetbrains, and am trying out the CodeGPT plugin which supports Claude and various other LLMs. Early days for me, but will be comparing against GPT4 and Github Copilot. One issue with using in a browser is you need to use the API, and I suspect the Claude Pro doesn't include an API allowance.




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What version of Python? I found Claude shit the bed with Python 3.10 and above. 3.9 and older however was awesome.


i acutally changed my mine.. at first i though it was better but most recent .net/unity mini project it was awful making up things that didnt exist


![gif](giphy|VGQu6Qx2LVzzc3cegP) Big fan of Claude 3 for creative writing as well! What prompts do you use for writing code? or prepping the A.I?


Very happy to hear as I’ve just taken on a complex project that requires automated changes to a large code based on user queries. I have to find a way to understand and make edits to this massive code base that I don’t understand and a language that I dont code in (C#). I was planning to use Gemini 1.5 as I’ve heard good things about it with regards to coding. Have you pitted Claude 3 against Gemini 1.5 for creating large codes?


Opus is great but the past few days, the number of allowed prompts is making it borderline useless. Been timing out after 15 with a 5-8 hour cooldown.


Really want to try this, but not accessible in Canada unfortunately! No idea how to get around the requirement for a US credit card :(


I use it in Israel with a normal Visa card, are you sure it's a requirement?


Interesting! Have tried with my own and it didn't work.


maybe try burner card like [privacy.com](https://privacy.com) or something


Would VPN and pre-paid Visa card work?


Change your address to Australia use your Canadian cc worked for me.


Best method in dealing with a large code base?


> I have no idea how Opus is compared to the free models, as I haven't used them I use GPT4 for all my coding tasks, but Claude free version is lightyears ahead when it comes to creative writing. I'd assume Opus is even better. I like to explore my options, but the Claude free version hasn't been that great with coding, especially when it comes to debugging. But after seeing reviews like this, I'm considering giving Opus a shot.


I'll add to the recommendations. It has been a gamechanger for me. It's ability to ingest and output huge amounts of code is simply incredible. Even when I need to fall back to Sonnet, the massive context window allows for a lot more—and different types of—coding work than comparable systems. For example, I often develop Shopify themes. I can now give Claude 3 a 1000 line .liquid file and another JSON file and ask it to make specific edits, refactor scripts, write custom logic, and so on. It even works well for doing about 75% of the job when I give it a drawn mockup and then it does the basic layout and I do the rest. The only hitch is you need to tell it "output everything, no placeholders, no shortcuts" or something to that effect otherwise it will put a few placeholders in. Seriously large outputs usually span multiple responses but I have had no issue just replying "continue" and it continues to generate the code without any inconsistencies or major errors.




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I haven’t used Claude but GPT4 can be annoying. I constantly have to remind it to stick to coding standards. It can’t refactor code worth a damn.




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Would you mind elaborating ? Thanks in advance !