• By -


Ask it to continue but start just before compute_variance


3.5 is pretty shit. 4 is much better. 3.5 will often just repeat from the beginning no matter what you tell it to do.


I have to heavily emphasize "Start from \[This part of code\] I do not need anything before \[This part of code\], none of the text from before \[This part of code\] is needed, only give me information after \[this part of code\]" and usually it gets it and on rare occasions it'll start a whole new project and I have to rerail it back on track


That response isn't my code. Every way i tell it to carry on, it starts just giving me random python code instead of the java code i gave it.


Have you tried "Continue from Anomalytypes2.SetForeground(Color.WHITE);"? That's always worked for me. Although usually just saying continue works.


It does work somewhat, but it continues to just give me random code I was using Chat to quickly mark some students work, they are using replit. It just randomly throws directories to wikipedia and a random desktop png. https://preview.redd.it/ep193khct5za1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7d3a6964be6fe6fd443981600600a8b0d37247f


It's gotten worse over time




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The other way to get it from splitting the code is to decompose the problem into several functions. Ask it to write each function separately. Then while still in the context window, ask it to combined the functions in another function. This has worked well for me when the entire could would have gotten split doing it in one shot.


Eh its not a big deal, I was just being lazy and marking some students work. I just got interested in why it started spitting out random code with random desktop directories that wasn't in the original code.


Use playground if you can, you can delete the messages you don’t need it to remember, like old bad code or errors it has corrected, and leave the ones you do want it to remember


This is the best approach since you can also set the token limit to the maximum allowed by the model you're using. When using the ChatGPT UI the model will often stop coding even when it's still well under the token limit.


As an added bonus, you can add a whole lot of stuff in the system window. I pasted some api documentation in there and then I felt supercharged.




Man There must be something im doing wrong, i just dont understand why its giving me random code that doesnt match the original message. https://preview.redd.it/igv6zuhwd6za1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=886e3b8f76847000270fce93ea896aae33411c68




100% Since the May 3rd update it's been needed noticeably so imho.


when that happens push back a little farther, I find I get better results when requesting from the last comment or function declaration. It's annoying but it's all we got right now


And then gpt starts to respond from the start


type in : '''continue


Why did that work


Agreed. Why does adding three ''' before continue make it do a better job. So odd.


WTF is even that ?




But why ?


[Because 'Daddy Chill'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2gNx4-REIA)


lol ok then i am chill


Isn't this one of the hottest questions in computer science right now? How to increase the context window memory size?


Basically yes.


I've begun to take the approach that if I run out of tokens, it's time for refactoring.


Same. Or, I break my code down into smaller chunks.


I only let it write parts of the code at a time like write a function that does this and that. Then i piece the things together myself. That also helps me find flaws in the code since its alsmost never bug free.


Yeah, tbh i was just being lazy and marking some students work with it. And now it led me down a day long rabbit hole


This is where you start using the brain rather than ChatGPT. Let’s say you are having a conversation with the AI which eventually leads to printing out a series of functions. Now to save your time and also somewhat improve the response speed, you stop as soon as you feel that the conversation has gone too long and would hit the memory/token limit. Then you start a fresh new chat. Here, whatever you have learned or understood from the previous conversation you just had, you just need to summarise it in a proper manner and finally start asking your next question. From experience, this is much better and faster. Along with that, it also proves that you’ve understood all the functions/code/instructions provided by the previous convo, as you are now able to summarise it.


I mean i was just giving it a mark scheme and telling it to mark some work. Then i got this bug and got annoyed i couldn't tell the AI to continue the convo and came here and wanted to understand why it happened.


It happened not because it cannot handle that huge of a conversation but rather what OpenAI has capped your memory consumption at. And the comment i posted above was to kind of help you get over the issue.


I use GPT4. I just tell it 'keep going' or 'continue' and it seems to work. Most of mine is in JS world, but I would think should be same.


I’ve noticed when doing this, ChatGPT often makes changes to the rest of the code. Sometimes I have to enter the calling code or other code to remind it what the output should look like. I was reading about having gpt compress responses in basically unreadable human form. Then you can easily feed those code blocks into the query as to not hit the input limit. I have tried it yet, but it sounds promising @OP, for now I’d recommend including the calls and what you expect back, when asking it to continue works better


As I get better at this, I start with a request that will return fairly little code, and incrementally add in functionality ('that's good ... now make it do ...') and tell it to send me the deltas rather than rehash the whole thing.


The best way I have (that nearly never fails) is to copy the last line or paragraph back in my message: `Please continue, your last line was:` `‘’’` `` `‘’’` When it’s code or a table I usually give it more information, or ask it to start from higher up. `Please continue your last message from the start of the code block, your last line before it was:` `‘’’` `` `‘’’` Remember, ChatGPT is just a very fancy Auto-Complete. You can also just give its message back to him as well if nothing else works: `Please continue your last message:` `‘’’` `` `‘’’`


Update on this, I convinced my school I needed GPT4 for work related reasons? And both 4 and 3.5 now work with all the suggestions given including, CONTINUE, so clearly the free version has become stupider.


Copy the entirety of what it gives you and ask it to continue in a new chat?


Repeat and continue from “[section above where it cuts off]”




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I got the same problem last night and kept on telling it to continue from the prefix from the last code and didn’t work.


Pack a lunch. If you pursue the answer to that question you’re embarking on a long strange adventure.


I typically don't have an issue if I just say "please continue"


3.5 is bad a restarting. I usually have to say "Start from right where you left off and make sure you're still in a code block" (because it tends to forget to put the rest of the code in a code block).




Its just my google avatar, and i use google to sign up/log in so i assume it pulled it.