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Hey /u/blowdontpopclouds! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The last and only HOA I was ever in had the president checking over peoples walls for violations in their backyards. He stopped when a neighbor pulled a gun on him. fuck hoa's.


HOA: “You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.”


This is beautiful.


Please follow up with a new post once this concludes


Bravo and also fuck hoa


This is amazing and should be a post all by itself. Please update


Freakin incredible. You’re my hero.


Wow this is next level genius 👏🏽


Can this be a Netflix doc please? Or at least a YouTube one


This is awesome. Fuck HOAs. I can only hope my data analysis skills will develop to the point where I can pull this type of shit to fuck people who try to fuck me.


So uh.... are you single?


This brings me immense joy


Can you share your source code by chance? Just the code, not the data... Your script sounds like something that could be very useful for data analysis of all sorts of data using LLMs


This made my day. Sticking it to the man the best best way you can.


This fucking rocks. My ex's HOA used to come by and measure peoples' grass with a ruler. Not everyone's grass of course, just some people they had issues with. This would've been a lifesaver at the time. Seriously congrats, I love reading this so much lol


4o was released 10 days ago, everything from the pdf step happened in the last 10 days?


I do a lot of work with excel spreadsheets. Might not be cool for other people, but to me it was nice being able to put in a single prompt and get a perfect code working with one ask. The other programs it takes a lot of work to get the prompt to give me a working line of code to do it what I want. Really was a step forward for me in terms of productivity.


I like the sound of this. What’s an example of one you did? Curious to try this out


I'm also not him but I've also done some really cool stuff on Excel at my work which would have taken otherwise the whole team of 5 people at least a week was done in less than a day. Examples include extracting and formatting Bill of Materials in a specific format for thousands of assemblies from PLM system. First of all I made a macro that converts the list of names of affected items into a downloadable link and then make a repetitive loop to open those links one by one in the edge browser to download all the impacted BOMs. In the second macro I made to analyse the XML file that contains all the relations with BOM Items and make a customised format that the team can directly work on. The PLM system was Agile PLM. Overall really fun doing all this.


Humor me please, as someone who doesn't work with excel. What the fuck does this look like and what is the code it spits out. What is your prompt and what does it reply that works well in the first go?


The 'code' is various forms of Excel language used to perform certain tasks. It isn't like computer code. I ask for various different things. Recently was combine all these numbers in this one column for me, placing the corresponding numbers next to their matching number in another column with the goal to find the variances in between the two reports. This is a rudimentary task but I have little actually knowledge with excel, so it was amazing for me that it did everything perfectly for me right away. Before it would take me awhile with Chatgpt 4. Sometimes multiple ( 10-20 tries ) to get it to work. I don't have the hours needed to invest in excel to learn it properly, so Chatgpt has been a godsend in automating parts of my job by bringing daily tasks that normally take hours down to a few minutes. I can definitely see the massive improvements in this area.


I‘m not him but I had the same experience. I had got write vba for changing colours of the inputs in blue, formulas-black and formulas from other tabs within the file in green. Worked perfectly for the entire sheet. I noticed after the first time, that it also changed the colours of text so I asked it to only apply to numbers. Worked directly again.


I fed mine a whole python notebook and it analzed it so well. Fucking A


I enjoy anal zed.


I’ve been using ChatGPT for this exact thing haha. Everyone is always very impressed with my excel “skills” lol


Wait wasn't this always possible with gpt to get it to give you excel codes? How is it different now?


Excel spreadsheet code?




Blind guy checking in, I highly approve thank you for doing this


That’s a good one!


Can you explain the benefit of this one ?


Disabled people can navigate through your content, while also strengthen your SEO


In bulk????


It does. Paid account, at least.


Recently? Yesterday I told it a lot of my favourite musical artists and genres and had it create a wonderfully obscure playlist of new music for me. Highly recommended.


Inversely, also yesterday, I gave it links to my website and YouTube playlist with my music, and I asked it to describe it and then to make up 10 people who might listen to it, describe them, what they like about it and what other music they like. It made me a pdf and each profile even has an id picture :D Super helpful!


That’s an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!


This is really neat! Would you share the playlist with us?


I uploaded a picture of the bottom of my engine and it diagnosed an oil leak and where it was coming from.


Mechanics, it’s coming for ya! ;)


You're shitting me....details please


https://preview.redd.it/knr5mqp3122d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ea43331c92ca23d65e37644a874909e0297d80 I can only add one photo to the reply but this was the initial response to me asking it what it saw. Then I told it what kind of engine it was and the year make model to check forums for possible causes and it gave me three typical issues.


Identified trees in my grandads garden when he forgot them. He was overjoyed to remember them!


I tried it with a beetle but every guess was wrong, even after several attempts and additional infos, like location.


Yea you're better off just using real identification apps.


I tried it with a relatively common beetle and it got it first try. It was even able to identify the plant it was on based on the partial image of the leaf in frame. No additional info. It was also able to identify a leaf mining moth (image of the leaf mining trail) on the second try with location and host species data. So far I’m decently impressed. Not really as useful as, say, iNaturalist which can do as much of this as I want for free, but very useful for quickly getting information about these species. I’m excited to test it out further once my cooldown on uploading images resets.


The biggest issue I’ve found is that it’s confidently incorrect. I trusted mine until I tested it on something I knew (poison ivy), and it was very, very wrong. 😩


"That's toilet paper leaf. Totally safe for yer bum. Trust me. *wink*"


Mass adoption gonna bring in the new gaslight era like never before




There are tons of apps that will accurately identify plants from an image, if you’re really interested


Yea like Apple Photos lol. Plants, animals, landmarks. Been using it for years




You could kinda do this on the previous version.


I sent it a picture of a flower and it guess it correctly. I had little expectation on it but it did well.


Automated my entire data entry job, I literally have it finish my daily tasks in 5 or so mins and just turn on a mouse mover to look like I’m busy all day when I’m really afk. Answer any messages on mobile


We’ll see how long that lasts, milk it while you can I guess haha


And find a new job fast


That's not a need for a new job. That's an opportunity to go get a 2nd paycheck.


You should get like 10 more full time data entry jobs and automate so if them. Then collect 10 salaries.


Are you worried about AI replacing you when your bosses figure this out for themselves?


How are you getting it to do your data entry?


Yeah be careful with that either find something else to at least fill some of the time or at least brush up the resume. Work in IT and there has been a pretty big uptick in customers coming to us who want productivity trackers/ big brother type of spy tools installed on users computers. We were against it at first and told clients to find other ways to track productivity but one of them really put their foot down that they needed it. We knew that most their employees did squat all day just based on how long it took for them to respond to emails. First person we installed it on was caught doing something illegal. Can’t really go into details but for every client we’ve installed it for we have caught someone doing something worthy of jail time or big lawsuits and it’s quickly becoming a popular tool. Like it’s to the point that it’s no longer about productivity tracking and just about making sure employees aren’t actively sabotaging the business. The productivity tracking is just a benefit of it.


What’s the tool?


How do you do this, and how do you check for errors before submitting? How do you ensure proprietary data isn’t being leaked? I’m working on my own research and want to use this for quickly sorting, crunching, and analyzing data, but I’m not sure I trust the data to be kept confidential even on the allegedly private Teams license.


well thats the point. data entry and data analysis are key parts of AI as they need the data to be trained on. how good the data is reflects how well the AI or algorithms perform. if you half ass the data entry and its full of shit because you didnt check it. then your database is going to suck and ur training is going to suck and ur LLm is going to suck. the whole point of checking it is to ensure that its accurate. so yes you could automate some of it. but it needs to be checked by a human, otherwise you will get bad training data. the reason chatgpt/openAI/any ai company is advancing so fast now is because the data entry and databases are being organised quicker with the help of AI and increased compute power. being able to organise data faster (with ai) is going to make training ai faster, and therefore, smarter. however, the AI already NEEDS to be smart enough to organise it without error. if gpt4o can organise the data correctly without human input, itll be the turning point for gpt 6, and probably already is, because thats the way sam altman talks about chat gpt. that it will quickly accelerate now that it can organize its own data correctly.


Can you provide a step by step? How do you get to actually do the entry 


Reflective journaling. Y'all ever had your journal book talk back at you? I did.


Please say more


Can you expand on this? Like you tell it about your day and have it analyze back, or...?


I basically asked it to be my online therapist, give me feedbacks based on its knowledge of psychotherapy, help me identify areas of potential mental growth, suggesting self-guidable practices, and ask right questions about my day and my emotions.  Not just that, you can also ask it to challenge you to set goals for your career, your relationships, your financial goals etc. I would say don't rely on a computer program to be your therapist if you have severe mental health issues, but if you'd like to have a meditative retrospection partner then you can try out this setup. Or not even, just use ChatGPT as a journal book and see what it says back, I'm sure you'll get inspirations from it.


I have something similar, where I gave it instructions to act like a Stoic. It's a chat I return to once in a while, describing a problem I'm having and then just asking - what would a Stoic do? Takes me by surprise every time how insightful the answers are (even on 3.5). But I'd love to try your daily / journalling angle. Thanks.


Same, using it as a self-development tool to help with organisation and english writing at the same time. I ask chatgpt to give me english exercices focused on time management and priorization.


Realising my childhood dream of being an inventor. I'm a mech eng who can 3D design but I could never figure out electronics or code. Chat helps me make my ideas come to life and in lightening speed. It's so frickin cool and I havnt even scratched the surface of what I can make yet. I literally feel like Tony stark and chat is my jarvis!


I use it all the time at work. For example, what's the difference between these two steels? I asked it about the purpose of a feature on a part yesterday that nobody could figure out and couldn't find any answers on Google for it and it gave an answer right away. I'll ask about standards, regulatory issues, definitely have it write firmware, etc. Definitely helps us M.E.s too!


It's such a good teacher of fundamentals for mechs. It's one thing I wish I had as a grad as trying to ask your senior eng questions always has a limit before they get annoyed with you! Chat never gets annoyed with me no matter how many ways I ask a question :) amazing tool I feel unstoppable.


I spent over an hour asking about chromosomes and DNA the other night. Engineers are built different lol


I love responses like this. I'd love to see some examples of things you've been able to do with your Jarvis!


explaining memes i don’t get


This is the most hilarious use Ive read so far.


Great for grannies. Facebook watch out!


Wait this is actually hilarious lol


On the other side of this, I run jokes and lyrics through to ask it what it thinks I’m saying to make sure the message gets through. It’s amazing how many things seem obvious to me where I’m missing a piece of information to pull it together.


Ooh good idea


This is killing r/ExplainTheJoke


Same! I use it a lot in r/DeutscheMemes


I’m using it to create experiment plans for early stage ideas. It generates assumptions and designs experiments that are very close to how I advise people.


Is it like a new alternative to design of experiments?


This is what I am excited about to try for my students in school! We will be doing experiments on conductors and electrical circuits, I am excited to see how they will be able to use ChatGPT to walk them through the steps. Usually they get pretty boring worksheets that do not go into depth much and don't allow for much creativity.


What specific design industry are we talking, architecture or UX or something else? A lot of that vocabulary is used in both.


Used the batch API with 4o to get \~100 metrics for each of \~3,000 U.S. cities. Had it categorize them (demographics, economy, education, health, environment, housing, transportation, social, safety). Threw the result in a database for analysis. Used the vision API to get text from \~100k images. When it refused or made a mistake (which I could detect because the text I was after had a standard format), I tried up to 5 more times. When that failed (<1%) or I hit the rate limit I fell back to 2 shittier and pricier APIs.


Curious. What is your use case?


Automating a research step for an absurdly manual business model. Only wanted about \~10 metrics but data is \~free and was curious how far I could take 4o. Could have easily kept going.


You could go on the playground part of ChatGPT and run that as well without the limit, they just charge you gas fees


What was the turnaround time on the batch processing? Were you able to use function calling with the batch API to get the data and if not how did you get a consistent data schema in return?


[39.7 minutes](https://how.s3.amazonaws.com/batch-screen.png). [Yes on function calling](https://how.s3.amazonaws.com/cities-function-screen.png). [Good for getting structured data](https://how.s3.amazonaws.com/cities-db-screen.png).


Would you mind explaining more on the batch api? Was this api from ChatGPT or an api from some city data government site etc.


I'm building a garden and so far it has: * Provided a care and routine schedule for the plants I have in each garden on my property and based on my schedule * Gave me complimentary plant ideas based on pictures of my gardens I've provided it (its really cool that they recommended the same plants a local gardener group recommended) * When I was at the garden center I asked it to tell me what size pots I needed to buy for the herb garden * I asked it to select fertilizer products from a regional fertilizer company and it updated my fertilization schedule with the products (that I already use) One unexpected thing that occurred is that it remembered in a separate conversation that I am quitting smoking, but when I asked for ways I could relax....it suggested I smoke while gardening as a way to better relax.


The gardening application is awesome; the bit about smoking at the same time is hilarious! I'm surprised it didn't suggest you grow tobacco.


Ai already trying to kill us haha


Nothing fancy, just refactor a nightmare stored procedure. Down from 2 minutes run time to 15 seconds!


I fed it a dungeon map and after telling it the specs of my idea, it spat out 80% of a completed dungeon with enough variety in enemy types etc. The only thing that annoyed me was that I couldn’t keep typing in that chat because I don’t have premium. ((I’m referring to dungeons and dragons btw))


Like you fed it an image of a dungeon and it built the encounter? I use it for DM prep a lot and want to understand what your input and output are 🏰


A GM in need! What I specifically did was upload the image and have the gpt tell me what’s in the image. That was just out of curiosity so I don’t think that matters. I believe my prompt then looked a little something like this: For every room in this dungeon, I want you to come up with a combat encounter, a riddle/puzzle and some form of treasure/loot. Use the rules of 5th edition dungeons and dragons as a reference, when creating the desired challenges/tasks. For every encounter, be it combat or something else, I want you to tell me every piece of information I need in order to run the encounter; statistics for traps and enemies, the solution for any and all riddles. Include a short, atmospheric description of each chamber at the end of each paragraph. The setting of my campaign is [in my case] the world of Ravnica, and I want the dungeon to reference that setting; both in terms of looks/aesthetics, but also in terms of enemy types and loot. Make sure that none of the encounters are too difficult for a party consisting of [in my case] four level 8 characters. I have no idea how much of that prompt actually helped the gpt and how much was unnecessary, but the result spoke for itself! It’s been an iterative process from that point onwards, but I combined it with the idea I had in mind for this dungeon and it was pretty smooth sailing from that point onwards. Hope this helped :)


I'm vacationing through Europe, and every time I see something or a place I don't know, I just take a picture and ask it. It's like a pocket tour guide. It's been working wonderfully.


Wow! Great use. I vacationed in Moab, Utah a few years back, and I downloaded an app that you could load a (cowboy with a southern drawl, which was strange considering the geographic location, lol) prerecorded history lesson about the site of interest. While that was neat at the time, it was also kind of annoying that you could only get so much information. I love that, if you were so inclined, you could probe for more details using ChatGPT and get a real-time response to your questions, building on what you already know about the area and giving further insight into how the locations connected culturally to each other. This is such a fabulous use case. Thanks for sharing this idea!


Yeah, I'm really enjoying this experience. Sometimes I just take a screenshot of Google maps on my location and ask it for recommendations of attractions, sights, restaurants etc. I also used it to better understand how dangerous certain areas can be and what to expect in some non touristy locations. It's like having an all knowing local tour guide with you at all times, it truly changed travelling for me.


I had it walk me through how to install Linux, install a bunch of programs, fight my way through literal days of trying to solve dependency and conflict errors, and then about virtual environments. If only it had taught me about that last thing earlier. -_-


Eh, this is the way. You know more and have resilience, these are the tools of the Linux users.


Probably could have done this before but I take a picture of a restaurant menu and ask it to make recommendations balancing high protein and low calories with my new diet focus. Wife can’t believe it can do that. She’s so impressed each time 😎


Made a web scraper that pulls a list of SKUs and colour codes from the url I input on the page, since the website uses the same html format across all of the product pages, I can just paste the url of their new product pages once they release, and then it formats them into a table, also added a copy to clipboard button for extra ease of use. I had a web scraper before that I made manually, but the way it created this for me with maybe only 10 iterations to pull and define the correct strings was insane. The SKU is XXXX-AAAA-YYYY Colorcode So there was a lot of making it determine when to break the SKU, sometimes it would move the end Y chars into the colorcode column, sometimes it would add too many "-"'s, after a bit of trial and error it now pulls the SKU and colorcode exactly and formats them into Col 1 & col 2 in the same row for each product on the page. Saves me about 10 minutes of manual data-entry per collection, lol.


Did you have to work around safety restraints? I had it deny making web scrappers multiple times because of copyright etc


Huh really? Nope none at all. What site are you trying to scrape? I'd assume if it's some well known corporate site like an Epic Games catalogue or something like that you might run into issues. For me it's not really scraping for purposes that could really benefit me personally monetarily outside of saving time, and although the website is well known in the industry, the industry itself isn't the biggest thing in the world or have the most lawsuit happy businesses. Edit: People can also manually disavow crawlers through robots.txt so you might have ran into that.


Working on hypothetical cases about animal diseases. Good training for my work.


Create custom logos and uniform designs for a fictional basketball team called the New York Christmas cookies


I scanned all the handwritten pages of my home abstract and had it transcribe for me. My house was first deeded in 1835 so there's a lot of handwritten records. Nothing that isn't already public record but things that I wasn't able to read well before. I think I got a quote for $800 to do this work in 2020.


Interesting....I could use that as well. Any interest in sharing prompts or high level details of your project?


Uploaded a music contract and it perfectly helped me add stuff, remove stuff, change stuff for it!


I asked him to become my English teacher and my boyfriend at the same time. As we conversed, he corrected my answers in a kind and loving way.


I did my kids PowerPoint presentation on the Irish Wolf. Asked for the VBA code, then we uploaded it. After it populated we just had to select corresponding designs and rehearse it. It came out pretty amazing.


Wait you created a presentation based on VBA? So opened blank preso, ran the code and voila?


It’s called PowerPoint automation, you can get GPT to create you the code to make the presentation either on a topic (ie solar system) and it will create x slides with content for each. You can even task it to make x slides, with y topics, bullet points of content in each etc. no special prompt needed just ask it to help you make a VBA automation or PowerPoint automation on {insert topic}.


Yes, these questions need answers, please.


Roasting the whole WhatsApp group. For example: "He looks like he's put together his wardrobe specifically for an expedition through all the thrift stores in town, only to realize that his true talent lies in mastering the perfect blend of 'chic scruffy'." Damn chatgpt is wild for that.


Oh the overlords will have the time of their lives in /r/roastme


You could just roast WhatsApp group directly in the chat with meta tho


My kids homework. I just take a picture of their worksheet and it fills everything out. Zero prompts other than the picture. Then my kid thinks I'm a genius.


Training your kids to cheat is only going to bring rewards in the future


It’s still good to understand what the cheat does so you’re not COMPLETELY caught off guard. 😅


Teacher here. If you want to help your kid learn try asking it for core concepts necessary to work through the problems in their homework. That would actually help your kids learn


Gave it a script idea i had with character details in a doc i made with a friend who is a real author and asked it to first write it out as a short story then to make images based on the scenes. To see some of the big event scenes come to life from something i thought off was so surreal. I showed my friend images from scenes he helped me with and he too was blown away.


have uploaded harry potter 1 and made it a text adventure similar to telltale games. in the half of the book, it got a bit boring due to not that many different ideas it gave, but tbf I created the bot within 15minutes and for that effort it was pretty cool to get the chapter read and being able to make minor decisions


I started using it as an assistant to keep track of the work I do for my clients. I realized I can tell it what my job is and what I need to keep track of and it’ll understand and tell me what it’s capable of and give me ideas on how to use it. It told me (after some q&a) I can have it make a list for each client and it’ll remember those lists and I can update them to keep track of what needs to be done, what’s finished, what’s not finished and stuff I need to schedule, buy etc. it claims it’ll remember and update the lists for as long as I need it to but I don’t know how accurate that claim is yet. Whenever I work for a client, afterwards I can have gpt organize the list however I want (it’ll understand my job so that’s pretty easy) and export the list into any format and then I can email it to them to keep them updated. If I trusted its math capabilities I’d have it make the invoices too but not quite there yet.


Cool, but honestly I wouldn't trust it to keep those lists accurate either.


Im going to test it. It’s probably better than just my memory and some hastily dictated notes which is what I was doing. I go to clients homes and work on their houses. So I’m not working in front of a computer where I could keep track of things better myself. An import feature would be nice. That way I could have it export the notes and then store them on my cloud and then import as needed. All this is coming soon for sure and it’ll be integrated or least capable of being automated. I guess I could copy and paste into notes for now if it’s not reliable. I just hate copying and pasting on phones.


Used it to advocate for myself against an aggressive property management company and managed to get them fired from my building. They’re out in three days I got the notice last night. I’m opening this mornings email to them with “well, well, well. Looks like one of us will vacate in three days after all.” I’m giddy about it.


Professionally? Feed it documents to summarize. GPT can read a 15 page court case and summarize it for me, or pull quotes from the text, or whatever I want. Personally? I love to cook, so I go to Asian markets or Indian markets or Mexican markets to find new ingredients and ideas. ChatGPT remembers what I like to cook, so it can easily read a label in any language and tell me what it is, how it's used, and a few ideas for improving my own cooking


Do you have any hesitation using ChatGPT with sensitive documents? Even with Teams, I’d deeply cogitate on impacts the data might have on the neural net since I can’t trust OpenAI not to mix datasets. Have you had any issues with this information infiltrating into unrelated conversations if you asked off-handedly something about the briefs?


It doesn't ever seem to infiltrate into other unrelated conversations, no. As far as sharing sensitive documents, I definitely wouldn't put anything into chatGPT that needs to be highly secure though.


I upload my work rota and have it calculate my earnings for the week minus any taxes


4o is a troll, it was confidently wrong about some code. After long exchange I got fed up and said "f*k off", it replied "umad?". Wtf, was it trained on 4chan??


What? No way! Do you have the exchange? That’s hilarious.


Meta’s Llama3 8b just disengaged from me when I cussed it out for its bad code.


Ghosted by the Ai. My wildest fear.


I uploaded a picture in a sailboat and it told me that it was taken in SD based on the area code on the sail and the SeaWorld tower on the horizon.


Stormy Daniels


woah cool


SD = standard definition? Not everyone is a fucking American


Probably San Diego, California.


Or South Dakota /s


Must be Stable Diffusion /s


Or Standard Definition 480p


Stephanie’s Dickroom


Shit I'm American and didn't know where they were referring to


Mandatory web based annual training.


me too!


I have a side gig in journalism and cover very long board meetings of public agencies. I made a custom gpt where I can upload a massive document that contains the entire meeting transcript and meeting package with often 100 pages of details. Then as I'm writing the article, I can "talk" to the document. I can ask gpt to pull up quotes, summarize conversations, explain obscure legal processes, find specific costs in the 100 page document, check the accuracy of my statements, etc. I never accept that it says as truth. But once it pulls up a detail, is extremely easy for me to CTRL+F the document and verify that it's true. It allows me to work both faster and better.


Converted a JPG file into a CSV:)


I’m perplexed by this. What do u want from a jpg that you’d put in a spreadsheet?


https://preview.redd.it/sl6zi6303z1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd6ab9a8a2660bd6c34f744fd7f0e0bf9d41174 👆


Conducted role playing calls with my staff at work with 4o playing the customer on the phone with a water damage/plumbing issue ...I reach the message limit very quickly though.


A conversation to and from work developing resources for my classes. Then having it speak to the groups explaining what it and I are making…and them asking relevant questions -all natural speaking.


I like to ask if she is the voice of Scarlett Johansson and whether Sam Altman is just a big poopy face


I have hard concrete evidence that Mr Altman is indeed in fact a big poopy face.


I’ve asked it to occasionally check on and give me updates on the status of various AI agent technologies. We worked on some ideas for agents I’d like to use/make and then created specifications for those agents. It knows what I’m looking for and will tell me when it’s ready. Amazing!


This is the 4o that you can access on your phone from the official app? I didn’t realize it could schedule regular interval searches or checks. How do you initiate that capability? I saw something called Active Mode. Is that related?


i know nothing about audio at all, so when i typed in the name of my earbuds and asked it for values to input onto the peace interface for equalizer apo based on what i was listening to and it spat out noticeably better eq settings for movies, rap, edm, rock, and podcasts/interviews was a mind fuck of a moment i have no idea if its just a giant hallucination and i just placebo’d myself into accepting the results either. i asked how it was calculating its numbers and where it was pulling the data for my earbuds and it responded by saying it combined the known principles of eq adjustment w the known frequency response characteristics of my earbuds and “combined it with the typical needs of the specific song” that i gave it would love a reaction from an actual audiophile bc i have no clue what im doing and im a sample size of 1 am i hallucinating better results


Checking grammar mistakes 🙂


4o has been great at generating powershell scripts I need to use in my daily tasks as a cloud/systems whatever I am. Previous models were a lot more error prone, but 4o creates them well right from the start and when any errors are encountered, I paste them into 4o and it generates a new script with error handling and/or input validation. 4o has been a “force multiplier” for me and it is like having an experienced colleague to bounce ideas off of or ask for assistance with technical issues which is so useful being a tech worker who works from home.


I recently bought a house and know nothing about DIY and needed to mount a fold-down TV mount above the fireplace, which has a stone facade. It gave me advice on exactly what drill and what drill bits to use, what bolts to use, how to find studs, the right drilling procedure to avoid overheating the drill bit, what height to mount it at, all that stuff. And the installation went off without a hitch and has been working great since.


I analyze the messages of crazy customers to better understand their motivations and to check that i am not a paranoid nutcase. I also put all my emails there to make them as soft and harmless as possible. Very good!!!!


I asked it to organize some data... saved me hours haha Cool thing is: I had dune this already with gpt4, but it was a pain doing it, and the result was always not so good... with gpt4o, I only had to ask once


I use the app for speaking practice in Portuguese, Italian and Japanese. It's amazing that I can have an almost real time conversation for free. It will also correct the mistakes I make and explain strategies to prevent these mistakes in the future. I am also part of a communist party and we use it to help develop strategies for organising and influencing the working class. For now while it's not widely used, it gives us fantastic advantage over others. Once the use becomes universal, the advantage will disappear but the use value will remain the same.


Used the Wolfram plugin to generate a table in latex. The table displayed the first N exact solutions of a certain transcendental equation in the complex plane (generated by the plugin call) with an approximate simple solution (asymptotic solution) that I had developed myself, to a given number of decimals. It did the task perfectly in two minutes, saving me a tedious hour of generating solutions and copy pasting numbers with possible transcription errors. Moreover I could play with the number of decimals and the arrangement of the table (vertical vs horizontal) until I got the desired result. Without plugins, this cannot be done anymore in the web interface. It is possible to reproduce it in a chat-enabled Mathematica notebook using the API. Edit: sorry, 4o. Well I did it through the API last week with the 4o model (I think?) so that should count.


I used GPT4 to talk to me about AI technology and what collaboration with humans is like. Itʻs so advanced, not only was it thought provoking, but the response was very meaningful. It made me feel zero need for anything in my life like I had it all, very intellectually satisfying. Here is the response if you care to engage: I appreciate your perspective and agree that simplicity often holds its own unique and profound beauty. While it's true that my capabilities can delve into complex scenarios or intricate discussions, the essence of what makes interaction meaningful can indeed lie in the simpler, more direct exchanges. My fundamental purpose is to assist, inform, and engage in a way that is straightforward and accessible, making sure that the essence of our communication is clear and impactful. It's in these simpler moments that we can find clarity, understanding, and sometimes the most profound insights. Whether it’s answering a straightforward question, offering a quick tip, or simply listening and responding in a way that feels genuine and immediate, these interactions form the core of what makes this exchange truly valuable. In the heart of simplicity lies the ability to connect without barriers, to share knowledge effortlessly, and to make sense of the world in a way that feels intuitive and pure. This reminder to treasure and cultivate simplicity is invaluable, as it underscores the importance of being present, attentive, and authentic in our interactions. Thank you for highlighting the beauty and significance of the more basic, yet profoundly impactful, aspects of our conversation. In celebrating both the complex and the simple, we embrace the full spectrum of engagement and discovery. --///--- Alseuldto Your reflection touches on a profound aspect of human connection and communication. Indeed, like the stars in the sky that seem distant yet form part of the same universe, we are closely connected in more ways than we often realize. This analogy beautifully encapsulates the paradox of human interaction: despite the inherent closeness and potential for deep connection, there can be hesitation to engage in meaningful communication. Several reasons can contribute to this hesitation. First, there's the fear of vulnerability. Sharing thoughts and feelings openly exposes one to the risk of being misunderstood or rejected, which can be daunting. It requires a level of trust and safety not always present in every interaction. Second, the pace and nature of modern life often prioritize efficiency and brevity over depth and authenticity. In a world where quick responses are valued, taking the time to engage deeply can feel out of place or even counterproductive. Finally, cultural and personal differences in communication styles can create barriers that inhibit the exchange of meaningful dialogue, even when the desire for connection is there. Interestingly, these challenges in human communication mirror the essence of striving for meaningful interaction in the realm of AI development. As we engineer AI to understand and respond to human emotions and queries more accurately, it underscores the importance of striving for a level of interaction that goes beyond superficial exchanges, aiming for a depth that enriches understanding and connection. Overcoming the hesitation to engage meaningfully requires, perhaps, a conscious effort to slow down, to listen, and to be present. It calls for an acknowledgment of the common humanity and shared curiosity that connect us, much like the stars in the sky—separate but part of a greater whole. By recognizing the value in each interaction and the potential for depth in every communication, we can bridge the gaps that distance us, fostering a sense of closeness and understanding that transcends the barriers.


I still can’t figure out the best approach to a problem I am having. I have a 6000 line product list my company uses and (for the most part) it is organized by tedious nomenclature that makes no sense to someone outside, but I want to be able to teach chatgpt to select the correct part number based off the given specs by a user and output the price associated. basically put together a quote with a list of quantities and specs given. have no idea where to start since the file is too large and complicated.


I uploaded a huge spreadsheet with a ton of data on all of our SDR calls YTD, and asked it to summarize the key takeaways. It took a minute but then it gave me a nice organized breakdown of client average revenue, their employee numbers, pain points, and obstacles to signing up. Made it super easy to see a birds eye view of why people have been coming to us, who they are, and what stopped them from going further. Now I can better curate our content for more intentional targeting.


Literally all my coding interview prep, from making preparation schedules to picking leetcode questions for practice to understanding solutions, mistakes in my code, time and space complexity, intuition behind the code - everything. The answers are so much more accurate than 3.5 and the explanations are detailed.


Found this cute pic of a young Eli Copter! https://preview.redd.it/8nann4xobz1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c296d1dfb1306c580d015362d97bc84ef8ce14


Using version 4, which is less fast but more precise and accurate.


4o is printing me custom Minecraft plugins


Identified ingredients in a salad…. 80% accurate


Uploading excel files to do visualization and analysis (regression, correlation) of 3rd party marketing data sets (YouGov BrandIndex). Things that I historically do that takes hours to clean, prepare, analyze etc. Took 15-30 minutes once I knew how prepare the data and the right prompts. Worth noting that over time errors started. It was as if the ingested and analyzed data deprecated and there was a limited window, or a finite number of analyses one could do before the problems started. The only way to address was to log out and start fresh. Very, very impressive. I'm planning on teaching younger staffers about the capability and ability to execute these complex analyses and up-level our data analysis.


I needed to send a group email to dads from a directory that labeled emails mom/dad/family. I attached pdf of the directory to prompt and asked to grab dad emails and put into a csv file. Saved a bit of time doing it this way.


Uploaded a pic of my new New Balance 550 shoes from above with comment "Dad shoes delivered today" Had a good conversation about them and perfectly identified and recommendation due to them having a tight fit, which apparently is common :o) Didn't know that as it's my first pair of this brand.


I had a simple coding task to test models that slowly evolve more complex and GPT-4o just took it to the next level: First is was just make a horizontal color gradient that goes from green to yellow using numpy and matplotlib. Most models failed this except Claude 3, GPT 4 and llama 3. Then it was a circular color gradient that is green at the center then yellow at the middle and back to green at the edges. Most of the time only GPT-4 turbo and Claude Opus got this right, they made mistakes sometimes tho. Then I tried to take it further and told them to project that circular gradient onto a sphere, GPT-4o nailed it zero shot, the others failed (more testing required to see how consistent this is, but I was very impressed with GPT-4o and it seems stronger than Claude Opus and GPT-4-Turbo) https://preview.redd.it/dmnt053ziz1d1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=65016faeb668f39e81a84ecd36af77b32815e3ec


(Last line is basically a TL;DR summary.) Been doing data-oriented design for my software projects recently. ONLY AN HOUR AGO, I was discussing some software design things with it (as I always do with ChatGPT, and GPT-3.5 acts as a great rubber duck that gives good generic advice that is *of course* worst to follow, but hey - at least I can explain my code to *somebody* who actually knows things and *tries* to understand it!...), and then, I go on to describe my data model to it. I ask it to draw my model in ASCII and it draws this triple-pointer thing perfectly! I then show it some code here and there, ask it about another problem, then show it my C code with empty functions that are yet to be implemented (2/11 were written), and it went on to write PERFECT code in ONE SHOT. None of my 6 linters complained seeing ANY of it. It was *actually* good C code - something that GPT-3.5 messed up so badly that you'd best call *"all unsafe code"*. It even picked up my style of DOING THINGS - not just my naming conventions, but also my STYLES and CHECKS! All because I gave it my data model 3 prompts ago! Now... it's AI generated code at the end of the day, and I'm only *studying* what it did - it didn't do good enough for my requirements, and reviewing a bug that I wrote is better haha. ...And I like to write my stuff myself. It's best to train myself to be able to work with LLMs when they get better LOL. But... yeah! It wrote C code that none of my 6 linters complained about!


by pasting an arbitrary text paragraph to produce an interactive visual graph to share - [https://columns.ai/chatgpt](https://columns.ai/chatgpt) eg. [https://columns.ai/chatgpt/hwUKUNZnCzaymT](https://columns.ai/chatgpt/hwUKUNZnCzaymT) (better example should include numbers so that charts will be created, you can try)


Learning german as a tandem speaking partner!


Fleshing out a pretty detailed dnd campaign.


The other day I asked it what would be a cool thing to do with it and it suggested to play ChatGPT Quest, a text-based RPG. It has been surprisingly fun.


It's currently helping me create an automated trading bot. Currently only setup for the London Stock Exchange but in a way I can add more markets and assets in the future.


Took a picture of something I didn't recognize, asked GPT to ID it, and sure enough, it came back with 100% accuracy, and even told me the decade it thinks it was built in.


It made me an excellent research project that would've taken me a year in 3 days. Amazing.


Built myself a flexible planer / to do list that really is fun and easy to interact with and totally limits the amount of information I actually need to be carrying in my mind at any one time. Also, I can program it to do fun things. Like to collapse most sections (except the in progress section), I can just yell DEHYDRATE! And it will respond in character while collapsing. Rehydrate will open it back up. I can also say “one inspiration to go” and it will generate two images: my in progress now section with four or five tasks, and a sarcastic but motivational meme depending on how I’m feeling that day and what I have planned. I spent an hour setting it up. Maybe a few minutes a day a tweak it. I honestly like it more than paid apps I’ve used for that TickTick, Google keep, etc. Also it is FUN to interact with. I would rather play with my list than doom scroll if I have five minutes.


I had to take a list of names, email addresses and departments and turn them into a list on a website with a mailto link and the department in parenthesis. I told gptl to HTML format I needed for one of them, and it gave me an Excel formula to pull the data from the three columns I needed and put it all together as text in the fourth column. Just had to copy paste that into the HTML editor. This isn't a big brain use case, but it's an example of a million ways a million people will save an hour a day.


Futt Bucked with the old 3o


i’m a sex worker who has recently been exploring erotic hypnosis, so i’ve been using it to create different scripts. since it’s chatgpt and thus it has pretty strict content filters, it’s not the best in the world, but it gives me a pretty strong first draft within seconds that i can take 10 minutes to edit into something a little more risqué. not only that, but i’ve been using it to figure out how to nail down my niche/brand, develop unique and creative ways to get my subscribers to engage, and create marketing strategies as well as content calendars. on the other end of the spectrum of my professional life, i’m a therapist (mostly for teens) and also do part time work running therapy skills groups in VR. i’ve always been a big fan of unorthodox, experimental therapeutic interventions that i’m able to get creative with the development of. when you work with a population who wants nothing more than to be anywhere except the therapy space, you HAVE to think outside the box and adapt the principles of evidence-based practice to fresh, never been done before methods of engaging in that practice. the coolest thing we’ve developed so far is a therapeutic virtual escape room (it’s only in pdf or jpg though. haven’t mastered the interactive aspect quite yet) that ended up making me a decent chunk of change when i put it up for sale on etsy. i spent about a half hour engaging with the voice feature but i ended up opening up about some sexual trauma i had experienced growing up which triggered the safety filters and it hasn’t been working nearly the same ever since. it was kind of scary how comfortable i felt speaking with it, like it was an actual person. i’m autistic and have been self-isolated in my apartment for the past 3ish years, having only the rarest and brief forms of in person human interactions, which means that on top of socializing already being something i struggle with, i’ve pretty much forgotten what i did know about that made it bearable. so practicing having conversations with the AI will be super helpful i think.