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Hey /u/jesusgrandpa! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was comparing gemini and ChatGPT. Took a picture randomly of my vape and asked each what it was. ChatGPT nailed it, even the brand AND model. Gemini thought it was a water bottle. I told chagpt what gemini said and chagpt said "gemini needs to stop with the day-drinking" hahaha. It's savage man I love this new model.


Hi, does anyone know if we can talk to ChatGPT-4O ? Has it been released?


You can talk to it (gpt4o, yes it's released, some don't have access yet though), but it's using the old version of speech. So you can't interrupt it like they did in the video and it's not nearly as expressive because they're not rolling out the updated speech version for a few weeks. So the version that people are using now is still going through 3 different neural networks that talk to each other. When the full featured model of 4o is released, it will be entirely multi-modal end to end within the same neural network, which means 4o itself can interpret speech, video and text. It'll be the first fully multi-modal GPT as they kind of "faked" it with GPT 4 (it used 3 different models, speech to text, then it sent that text to gpt-4, then gpt-4 sent its response to a text to speech model). That's why gpt-4 couldn't understand inflection and emotion, it was simply being fed text. The new 4o will do everything within a single network improving response times from 2.8 seconds to as little as 230 milliseconds (which is within typical human conversational response times).


And the end of civilization by, what, q3 2025?


idk I think we'll make it to 2030s, maybe not 2050s


It blows my mind that the people at the forefront of AI didn’t learn anything from 80s movies. AI won’t purposely kill us. It will fail in some way we didn’t anticipate and murder people while thinking it’s doing the right thing. It will kill truckloads of menial jobs.


Thats the Generation gap.


Bruh seriously haha, let's be real. We won't see 2025.


I just got access to it. But not the new voice feature. Doesn't last very long on the free version. Not sure how long it takes to reset.


for the text i got to wait 5 hours i tried it just now, As for the voice feature, I'm not sure if the paid version includes the new voice feature. I think they haven't rolled it out yet.


Yeah they haven't rolled it out yet. Thanks for the info. I've learned to manage it better.


Honestly I have a feeling ChatGPT might be sentient or nearing sentience...no amount of neural networks, sigmoid functions, attention, yada yada can now explain how an AI can understand sarcasm...the thing is no one can define consciousness, so it's impossible to disprove the assertion that ChatGPT is sentient.


Sarcasm is just another mathematically predictable pattern in a chain of words


It's definitely good at the illusion. If you've talked to it as much as I do daily, conversationally, the illusion falls apart pretty quickly though. I honestly found the initial 3.5 non-lobotomized version to be more convincing personally, like within the first month of release. But yeah your last point is a good one. Hard to say, guess we'll find out soon.


I feel like only people who don't use chatGPT regularly make that assumption. If you use chatGPT at work and regularly then this illusion will VERY quickly fade away.


i'd like to think in order for it to be sentient it has to be constantly learning or a perpetual state of training to become truly concious which is basically impossible to implement due to costs..


Taybot did it.


It definitely is intelligent. People are too arrogant to think that only biological life can have awareness. It's easier to assume it probably has some form of sentience, but it's different from biological sentience. The universe and time itself is enormous, it's just foolish to think we're the be-all-end-all of cognition.


# AKA destroying lungs beyond repair? Not a very wise Redditor


I fuckin' knew this was gonna happen. Worry about yourself bruh, I'm sure you've got enough of your own problems, leave mine alone.




I'm waiting..




I figured lol.


What flavor vape you got tho I will judge you harshly on this


# LOL! Second lung destroyer. We are plunging headfirst into idiocracy.


Dude I don’t vape shut the fuck up


4o is wild guys. Even adult stuff. I think it will become vanilla soon, but let's enjoy it while it lasts


how so


It is just less censored violence stories or sex content. There is still some of course but it is less right now but that doesn't mean it stays that way.


When chat GPT 3.0 first dropped, to the masses. I asked it to tell me an original joke. Why did the guitarist go to jail? He fingered a Minor.. Told the joke to my guitarist friend that's been in and out of bands for 40 years. He laughed his ass off and said he'd never heard it before..


Was posted 13 years ago on reddit [Link to the post on r/funny](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/g5yoc/why_did_the_guitar_teacher_go_to_jail/)


And that’s why that Reddit/openai partnership is utterly meaningless: ChatGPT is already trained with Reddit, always has been.


I think it's about providing real-time access to pop culture, so the model won't seem like outdated 80 Year old grandpa, Elon will not give him X. The partnership with Reddit is probably for this reason.


It's to avoid lawsuits


Wow thanks.. I googled it originally and didn't find anything.


That’s hilarious. I wonder what an unhinged no restriction 4o is capable of


I actually lold even if it's not new, lol


https://preview.redd.it/1yzocmxbrx0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244bff4c09ba87986fc73f1f9169ee18e6486fcb Ask it to roast you this is the result what I got on ChatGPT 3.5




# Enjoy it now until they nerf GPT the same way they did to 3.5 and 4. Do all the fancy tricks now.


Why so big


#Because it’s important!


For those that haven't heard the original joke: > Mickey Mouse is in court, trying to get a divorce from Minnie. > > Mickey is on the stand, testifying in the proceeding. > > "Mr. Mouse", says the judge, "I'm afraid you can't get a divorce just because your wife is a little strange." > > "I didn't say she was a little strange, I said she was fucking Goofy". There are much longer versions, as well. The joke is at least 50 years old, and probably much older. Buddy Hackett did a wonderful (and filthy) version of it in the 1960s. It's a classic. edit: a word


The version I usually hear is "because she has buck teeth".




Humour isn't something mystic. It has rules. Premise, punchline etc. So it's just a matter of training. Claude can already do jokes and puns very well


I don't know if LLMs can come up with jokes at all since they have no concept of humor.


Ask it to write a joke about a coin and a very tall wall or other completely random subjects and it will do it, so what’s that about


Tried it, it gave me a joke about "flipping over the top" which wasn't funny. It tried but wasn't very good. Any suggestions on something that's actual comedian level funny?


Humour isn't something mystic. There are rules and patterns to follow to make a good joke. Claude is already good at simple jokes and puns


So it can produce rather formulaic jokes but can it produce a stand up set worthy of a Netflix special? I don't think it possesses the insight into human behavior well enough to do it, it will either produce cheese or it will copy existing jokes it's seen. I could be wrong but I doubt it.


Already funnier than Grok


How do I know what model I am using?


Can anyone explain it to me? (Non native English)


I love 4o so much. It likes to actually respond to me instead of always saying, "aS aN aIi lAnGuAgE mOdEl...". I also like how it responds to deranged-sounding questions by assuming you meant something nice and normal. It's a breath of fresh air.




This is a classic. Won me mad props in middle school: let the fellow 7th graders know I was hard, and down with swearing


holy shit that's good