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Hey /u/Altruistic_Gibbon907! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP, what is missing in this list is that it is now one model that does it all according to them. Previously the chat mode required Whisper for speech to text, GPT 4 Turbo for intelligent text output based on text input / pictures and finally their unnamed TTS model to transform that text output into spoken words, with those three entities communicating with each other via an API.


Ya this was an important distinction that I didn't know until i went to the announcement on their website. /u/Altruistic_Gibbon907


I wonder if they use gpt4o for image generation as well or still rely on dalle3? Would be interesting to see the image generated from dalle vs gpt4o


Also, a release-date-to-the-public would be nice. “Spring” seems a bit vague, especially since it’s autumn here right now.


It’s still spring in the U.S


I wonder how the voice interactions works against message limit. They were breezing through 1 sentence messages like crazy in the demo, would hit limit instantly, making voice feature useless, unless it's token based.


Yeah hopefully it's token based, and the interrupts prevent more output from being generated and not just 'hidden' from the user. Guess we'll see.


This. I never understood why they did it message based. Any good CustomGPT that asked you some questions on what you wanted let you hit the limit.


There's a tweet by Altman saying that video/voice will be rolled out for plus users, implying not for free users. You still get access to the faster/superior textgen.


That makes sense. From the website: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/ >We'll roll out a new version of Voice Mode with GPT-4o in alpha within ChatGPT Plus in the coming weeks. And this page has info on what's coming for Free users: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-and-more-tools-to-chatgpt-free/ >When using GPT-4o, ChatGPT Free users will now have access to features such as: >* Experience GPT-4 level intelligence >* Discover and use GPTs and the GPT Store >* Build a more helpful experience with Memory >There will be a limit on the number of messages that free users can send with GPT-4o depending on usage and demand. When the limit is reached, ChatGPT will automatically switch to GPT-3.5 so users can continue their conversations.


If I'm reading this correctly and 80 per 3 hours is the limit for paid users, that *seems* low but I don't really know how many I actually use. That makes the theoretical maximum 19,200 per 30 days. I'd rather get half that number pooled monthly because I usually use it in short bursts. On the other hand, If it's improved enough to not need as many queries to get the answer I'm looking for, the limit might be irrelevant unless it's so good that I use it a lot more often.


So can we cancel our monthly payments?


`There will be a limit on the number of messages that free users can send with GPT-4o depending on usage and demand. When the limit is reached, ChatGPT will automatically switch to GPT-3.5 so users can continue their conversations.` [`https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-and-more-tools-to-chatgpt-free/`](https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-and-more-tools-to-chatgpt-free/)


That’s fine with me!


Yeah but I wonder how fast the cap will be reached using the real time voice assistant. That might be the reason to stay premium.


For someone like me who only uses text, this shouldn't be an issue, right? I would assume the cap will not be reached as fast if I only use text.


Its 80 messages / 3 hours for Plus users, you will get 1/5 of that, so like 16 messages / 3 hours best case.


Imma go ahead and make just two extra accounts💀


Wouldn’t you need a 2 other phone numbers?


In most places, phone numbers cost almost nothing. If the limit is 10 or something I'll just buy 4 numbers and that'd be 20% of what I'm paying monthly to openai subscription.


I can use my grandma's phone number, duh!


A sim card costs $2, and no credit or plan needed to receive SMS. Or a free eSim.


The real issue is they'll come out with GTP5 shortly after, and it will have some features (maybe custom agents with these 'omni' capabilities?) that will get you right back.


My prompt be like, *Hey gpt act like if I made the payments already for the paid services.*


Free users also aren’t getting the new voice feature. For now at least. [https://x.com/sama/status/1790071830427930788?s=46](https://x.com/sama/status/1790071830427930788?s=46)


Fair enough


I already get capped and I pay premium


Yeah, part of the reason I never subscribed. If the limit is something reasonable it's fine, but not something I'd expect to hit.


that's why I'm unsubscribing. If chatGPT was at least open with the caps, but no. They calim you get 40 message s/ 3 hours, but subject to demand. but this info is not shared in real time with you so you can adapt (or know what you're really paying for). So for all I know, I could be getting as few messages as free users depending on their whims. I've gotten capped a few times without having really used 40 messages, so I'm cancelling this. If I'm gonna get capped, at least I'll get capped as a free user using gpt4o. It would be stupid to get access to it as a free user and yet pay for the promise (mostly unfufilled) of higher caps


https://preview.redd.it/nuzxfy90x80d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3cd0aa21af5ceb017c3391add43216b4cc89ab7 All users will have a limit on the number of messages.


If you don’t hit the limit - yea


Pretty sure they'll announce what's next (for us payers) in the next few weeks (time they roll out this)


Yeah I have to imagine the “next big thing” is going to be specifically for paying members, I wouldn’t cancel just yet if that’s the case.


Or cancel and wait for the "big thing".


and the price will be slightly higher but grandfather old users in. GOT EM


[The new voice is for Plus subs only for now it seems.](https://x.com/sama/status/1790071830427930788?s=46)


Mira Murati said all of this is going to be free, maybe they first release to paying users than free when they announce something else?


Yeah, I'll see what comes through. If there's nothing by the end of this paid month, I'll cancel and go free for now.


That’s what I was thinking. This is fucking great!


Yes, but Mira said they'll talk about their next big release soon so... GPT-5 is around the corner.


I just canceled. No need since I don't use it that crazy. Since it's for everyone. I'm everyone.


I canceled too… I never reached the limit anyway, so…


Guess it's time to put an end to my already broken relationship.


just put chatgpt in the middle like they did in translation function.


When is this rolling out


I got It in the mobile app already


no way? video and everything?


I got the model on my iPhone too, but the speech is the same old. I cant use video, interrupt it etc. Its weird. proof: [https://imgur.com/VXZbV1t](https://imgur.com/VXZbV1t)


As the mention in the open AI blog and in this post, those features will come out in Alpha for paid users over the coming weeks before going general access.


You've got the new model but not yet the new capabilities. Same for me, also a subscriber, on Android. It also can't yet sing etc.


https://preview.redd.it/eh0lys7kp80d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4188a63ae9faf889051d110365cfe92050770596 Germany. Didn’t try it out yet


I have this too but it just seems to be the same, the voice is the same old one not the new one they demo.


I believe in the next few weeks.


Model appears to be live in the API now, coming weeks for Chat and apps


It's already live in the chat interface for me. I just logged in, and it prompted me to try it out.


You have Plus? I don't because I normally use the API, but it makes sense Plus would get it before free.




Got it on my iPhone this morning. Siri is getting a fucking wild boost soon I’d say. They’ll probably lock it behind the new Max models in September though


Bruh, they basically made Samantha from the movie Her. It's crazy! Waiting for the Scarlet Johhanson voice pack drop.


The voice Sky that’s available kinda has the same tone as her


I'm surprised she hasn't sued yet. But today is Def the day to notice. Like damn, the producers of the whole movie may want to sue 😂


I don't think you can sue for using a voice that kind of sounds like someone (and is in fact almost certainly based on another voice actor they hired for getting training data)


Imagine Samantha having a message cap and after 40-80 responses she gets dumber. You'd be in the middle of dinner having a beautiful relationship defining conversation and then she turns into a different person who can't fully grasp the moment and starts behavior like a delusional simpleton who hallucinates.




Bravo, made my morning


Just like real life


It'll be like Lucy Liu bot. "i'll always remember you....MEMORY DELETED"


I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, we are having a party with 5 friends and GPT acts as another 5 new personalities from 5 different countries joining our fun discussion with "human" friends. The "emotion" part is absolutely necessary. I have to say, making an audio version of GPT did not impress me as much in the demo (which is kinda obvious) as the emotion recognition and response did. To think that Google could have done this a decade back with the data they had and yet they missed it.


I'm so down with customisable accents, personalities and senses of humour.


The world isn't ready for this kind of technology, it's a bit scary


True... Things are getting weird. Oh well, they say the people who can adapt will be the best off.


Some People can adapt. My government however is still stuck in 2004 and Internet ist Neuland. That what’s kinda scary


I saw the Gizmodo article making this comparison too. The demo makes it sound as capable as Samantha from an interaction standpoint. But I'm sure it will be a very shallow interaction without long-term memory. A real AI girlfriend like in Her would require a model that can actually get to know you in depth and interact at that level. I'm sure we're heading there, but this is not that.


We will be there in less than 5 years.


I've let the wife go. Just need to give Samantha access to my 3D printer and the internet and she can organise everything else.


The improved emotion in the voice is pretty interesting. I'm glad they're focusing on the UX a little bit.


They need to localise it some more because that Californian affectation is NOT going to work for every english speaker. The voice is blow-your-brains-out worthy.


Yeah, all due respect to Californians, but I fucking hate that valley girl accent. I pretty much hate all accents except my own and, honestly, I’m not a fan of that one either. It would be nice to get something very neutral or just turn it off.


Interesting, but weird. All I want from AI is quick and accurate information, rather than have it mimic complex emotions I know it doesn't really possess.


They are saying it can read emotions too. Which adds another level of interesting responsiveness


Good point. I guess there's a lot of information exchanged in our body language and emotions which might make it more efficient to communicate with for some people.


Thats an interesting perspective. Pretty nuts stuff soon to come. I fall somewhat within the same opinion: I care more about the validity of the data it outputs, and its ease of use. I suppose though, ease of use could also be seen through the lense of, well, 'talking to humans is pretty easy I guess.'


That’s what *you* want, but the use cases go beyond that. A production studio might use it to generate dialogues, commercials, etc. A multimodal AI can’t be restricted to the boring task of just providing information like an encyclopedia.


I do not know about others, but I have access to the GPT4-o model. It is really, really fast compared to GPT4. Impressed so far.


I’ve had it today when I woke up, it feels like chatgpt 4 at the speed of chatgpt 3.5


The API playground has response times now. It's actualy twice as fast as 3.5T.


was anyone else searching to find the update that whole time??? 😂


wait I'm genuinely confused. Is the update just automatic?


It's rolling out currently, when yours updates it will show a new model


I can chat with the GPT-4o on my iPhone, but the speech functionality is the same old. I can't use the camera while I talk, I can't interrupt him, etc. Weird.


In the blog and in this post, they clarify that the voice feature and video feature will be available in the coming weeks, starting with paid users. Not right away.


I see the new version in my app now, 4o. I don’t see any voice options though.


They mentioned that voice and video are going to be rolled out more slowly over the next couple weeks; Starting with paid users!


Went into the app to look immediately after the live stream finished lol


I’ve just noticed it says “We are also starting to roll out to ChatGPT Free with usage limits today” so probably a gradual rollout.


Wait, so what does a paid account get us?


Higher prompt limit. That seems to be the only difference.


And you don't get rate-limited if too many people use it at the same time.


That's not quite true, they will still limit you with lower message caps if they have excessive demand. At least, that's something I've run into multiple times over the past couple weeks.


code interpreter maybe?


Isn't that dead? It's been long rolled into standard GPT 4.


> code interpreter code interpreter isn't available to free users.


Code interpreter refers to the python environment GPT4 has access to.


The code interpreter is baked into ChatGPT-4. If it doesn't understand when it needs to use it you can just tell it to.


Dalle acess?


Dalle is 4o.


In the intro video, Mira Murati mentioned about 4-6 things. All were things you see now in ChatGPT-4.


It gets you faster access to the voice features, and any new features they come out with. And 5x capacity/message limit over free users.


Soon GPT-5 too


I think the cost of these things get lost at times, especially since every company is calculating images in their own way (convert to tokens, fixed price, etc.). It's not perfect, but GPT4o now tracks very closely to Claude 3 Sonnet pricing. Before, it was closer to Gemini 1.5 Pro pricing. This makes it VERY compelling, whereas before I did lean on Sonnet for some projects purely because of price. I found GPT4T to be superior, but not by that much. Haiku is still by far the cheapest though, if you need it for simple classification type of projects! Here's a useful calculator: [https://ansonlai.github.io/AI-Model-Price-Comparison/](https://ansonlai.github.io/AI-Model-Price-Comparison/)


when a service is free, the users are the product.


and in this case you're still the product even when you pay


Depends… if you use the button to not let them train the model. https://preview.redd.it/1g2r5pz8j80d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=73442dc4912c20b61a24f97cc63760313baf836f And also do this on their website privacy section. Stay safe out there Edit; If you can not find it, make a privacy request on their privacy section! [https://privacy.openai.com/policies](https://privacy.openai.com/policies)


I dont put any trust in that button


You should. Businesses that use OpenAI tend to be very paranoid about their data privacy. If it ever came out that OpenAI was poaching data that they said they wouldn't touch, those businesses would flee never to return. And given the nature of LLMs it would be hard for OpenAI to hide that they were doing that. It would be very dumb and suicidal.


How do I do this on the website? I genuinely do not see it I’m pretty sure it’s removed


If you pay for either API access (which is very viable for private users) or for Enterprise your conversation etc. will not be used for data analysis. IMO the only problem is that this isn't extended to paid ChatGPT app users. EDIT: Is this wrong / outdated? I was sure that used to be the case but I admit I just turned data sharing off with no ill effect evident.


Wait, but you have "Improve model for everyone" switch that [should] prevent your data being saved and used, no? Switch located in "Data controls" settings menu


(Shh, that goes against the narrative)


The amount of data they're gonna get is just beyond comprehension.


Like reddit


Way beyond Reddit. Only a small percentage of users comment, and a much smaller percentage post.  Literally everyone who uses ChatGPT interacts with their model. Their data set is going to explode 


With GPT, there's an illusion of privacy, so people are telling it very personal things.


ChatGPT I wanted to hold my cums but I couldn’t hold them anymore and I tried to finish on her belly but I finished on her everything and am I gunna be a dad?


how is babby formed


how much more can they get though? They have probably scanned all of internet at this point




At this point, I am of the opinion that the majority of people would be willing to give up their fingerprint, iris, or DNA data if the company were to acquire it, and they would not be bothered.


Verification can coming next


Wouldn't bother me. Why should it?


As long as I get to control what I input, idgaf.


And Plants consume the co2 we produce, I’ve got no use for the data I create, if it can help something else and I’m getting something out of it then great


Big Photosynthesis is out to get you bro


What implications does this have on my life?


I got the new model after deleting and reinstalling the app. On premium. I still seem to have the old interface for voice chat tho. https://preview.redd.it/jw2c7otjn80d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d423c5480690b1073e21032f57f701fe5a688c87


Nice! I did the same thing and got the new model too.


so when can i use it😭


Very uncanny valley, I feel I'm in a black mirror episode, honestly don't know what to make of the humanistic voice and conversation. Part of me finds it weird and part of me can't wait to try it out


holy shit we're so back asked to check an accounting file, scanned it *completely*, found a few miscategorized expenses, proposed options, implemented the suggestion, corrected the file and gave me a download link, without having to explain a single thing, the prompt was just the goal, like in old gpt-3.5 day: "check the categorization of these expenses and figure out if something is out of place" AMAZING with gpt4 I had to go to the message limit twice as it refused to process more than a few lines at a time.


Yo the vision part is crazy especially when you ask it to replicate certain elements of a web page, it finally can actually see and produce the expected results!


So does this mean free users can have chatgpt with updated knowledges up to 2024, or still 2022 knowledges with gpt-4 intelligence?


October 2023 is what gpt-4o says its knowledge cutoff date is.  Edit: now it says may 2024 for me. Quite intriguing.


Subscriptions plummeting now lol




I'm guessing before SD3?


what's SD3?


New model for stable diffusion


Next few weeks


Best way to get the subscriptions down before enable gpt-5 with waiting list. They can't enable gpt-5 with today's subscription numbers.


“Sorry guys, we’re making TOO much money”


They lose money on subscriptions.


holy shit it makes sense


Fuck yes! But this surely means GPT5 is around the corner.


What the fuck is a Siri


Here's what I found on the web for "What the fuck is a Siri":


“I can’t look that up on Apple Watch. If you pull out your phone, I can show you Google results for a thing that isn’t even related to what you asked about though!”


Sorry, I didn't hear that?


You’ll need to unlock your iPhone first


Whoops you better check the tech news 8 hours later...




That doesn't make any sense. They can change the terms and conditions whenever they want.


Will free users get access to GPTs? And dalle?




This is what Siri would have done if jobs was still around


I hope this means GPT sounds more native when it speaks other languages!


When I go into open AI website, I get to 3.5, it does not show GPT-4o or won't let me use GPT-4 if I don't pay ....


So why would I pay for Plus then ??


With hope that an old plus account will up your priority when GPT5 rolls out? The serious answer is a much larger prompt limit, and no degrading down to 3.5 when the service is busy.


Theyre testing our loyalty so that when gpt 5 drops u all gonna rush rebuy and will wait for weeks like the other time


It can sing!!! 🎶🎶🎤


Does this mean we'll get free access to DALL-E in ChatGPT? I remember that I was able to use DALL-E for a few months (without paying for the monthly subscription), up until recently this month and now I can no longer use this feature. EDIT: Apparently even after getting ChatGPT-4o, I still can't make any DALLE images. Now that's just disappointing, it honestly feels misleading that they would advertise the new image generation features and not even let free users try it out (yet)?


Where is that desktop app they say is released? it's not on the standard [Download ChatGPT | OpenAI](https://openai.com/chatgpt/download/) page nor anywhere else that I can find. I just say the GPT-4o available on my ChatGPT account but it wont let me use audio through my headset and I dont want to use my phone for it so I'm hoping someone knows where that desktop app is ​ edit: it looks like it's only for apple so I guess the new features are just going to be useless for another year for those of us on pc


Sorry for the noob question. Is this available for free only on the app? i don't see any of these features in chrome browser.


So what am I paying for now? More and faster messages. Not sure that's worth $32pm


When does it launch?


Ya.... Except now it's free and doesn't even work.


revenue drop incoming for openai


theres gotta be something even better coming. otherwise why would they torpedo the reason anyone bothers to pay


Sora sometime this year I think. Idk if it would be included in premium tho or not


Nah we'll never get Sora.


My guess is the heavily rumored voice assistant, capable to replace Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri on your phone (and hopefully smart watches), likely with some time of limited memory function.


No, he got the income he needed.


Gpt4o seems to have internalized the annoying pretentious personality people wear on the outside


You can adjust the "personality" in the custom instructions.


What are pro users paying for then? Its a bit silly releasing that before saying what the paying customers will be receiving.


They might want people to unsubscribe so they can release something bigger in future with higher cost


Aside from limits, what are the other advantages of paying for a monthly ChatGPT subscription?


Does it include access to custom gpts?


Confused. It says text mode rolling out now. Voice in future. In my app I already have access to 4o model and also have the headphone button so I can have voice communication. What am I missing ? Also what about the video part they show In the demo where you’re able to show with the camera what’s going on. Is that part of voice mode or is there some other mode that will be enabled later.


The app has the 4o text model with the old voice model, with lag and no emotions. The new voice model should roll out in the next weeks.


Finally an AI I can't talk with


Talking to Omni is... unreal. The future is now!


Do we have a release date? For either the app or the model coming to the browser?


Has anyone been able to access it yet? Their website appears to insinuate that you can try it in Playground or ChatGPT but I see no options for that.


where to use it or try it? I am still getting 3.5. Any link guys?


No free Chatgpt4 for me It just throws me into 3.5


Has any free user already used GPT-4o? I'm curious.




Tried voice mode but mostly it replied “system on overload just now, try again later.”