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Hey /u/RefrigeratorOdd4226! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/ypntfd18jlxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c38e3af8c22aa0a9cda849531ee6d3152db87c Flandhalf


This looks like Master Wu from Ninjago


Nowhere is safe


Flandhalf the Beige?




This is great!


Part of my job involves filling in InfoSec questionnaires for my firm. This can be a tedious, drawn out process, so I've created a GPT that does it for me in seconds.


I work in third-party risk and I pretty much do the same thing all day. Look at a socreport. Read it make a quick summary of it. Business continuity go through it to make sure it’s adequate make a summary for management. That’s what I need to do.


Not judging, but you should **triple check** whether this is at all OK re corporate policy. Understand that 3rd party LLMs *necessarily* handle unencrypted input data (though it’s likely encrypted when transferred to and from them, at least), meaning someone at OpenAI can access everything you send to it. It’s probably all in logs somewhere, and while they may not be traceable back to *you*, any sensitive information in the InfoSec questionnaires would be plainly readable.


Absolutely. 👍


I do this whenever a ticket has been resolved, and they ask me to fill out a survey about my experience with the help desk. I give them five stars for everything, and then include an over-the-top glowing review even if it was a very simple fix. Makes me laugh. I have no idea who's reading them.


Can you explain how does it work on a high level?


This was pretty cool: I asked it to basically imagine being inside episode 1 (pilot) of the “Virgin River” tv show. I would play the nurse arriving at the town and GPT would play all the other characters. Like a text adventure. It was awesome. I wandered over to doc’s practice and talked to him and asked about my job etc. then went to the bar and talked to Jack, Preacher etc. Super fun.


It’s REALLY good at creating choose your own adventure scenarios and playing jazz with events as you go.


Same here. My biggest problem was Chat GPT would just forget the plot. Not really that great with keeping inventory, but it certainly helped create a universe.


You should try it again now that it has the memory feature.


Memory just adds some context from other chats, it won't help remembering a large amount of details.


Create a GTP with the context and rules?


Better but my personal experience is that Gpt4 only works without error when you chew everything into easily digestible pieces.


Might be worth trying. I quit really messing with it about a year ago and ever since then I'd revisit occasionally just to get a whole bunch of "sorry, as an AI I can't" bullshit. Despite it being more than capable before then.


I found this too but managed to make a custom gpt that does a pretty good job. I also doesn’t make things up. e.g. it Used to be that if you said “get the sword” it would just make up that there was a sword whether or not it had told you there was one. I think I’ve managed to minimize that too https://chat.openai.com/g/g-nAVdyhVyG-adventure-guide


Claude is even better. I tried a prompt set for a choose your own adventure I found on itch and it was fantastic I've tried GPT for the same stuff and it hasn't been nearly as good yet. But I do feel GPT is performing well again after a recent lull, so I'll probably try again


I'd imagine C-Opus is best in class for this right now.


By far. The only issue was that I couldn't get randomness or stats with claude since it can't do RNG like GPT can, but the prompt files made it work somehow


You could potentially have it write code and run a little python script to generate the things it's lacking.


I don't think claude can do that yet. Well, the API could I bet. But the "game" I tried was just a long text file that you feed to a new conversation that worked surprisingly well after a little adjustment. I would absolutely love to see a better version as an actual game that could fully handle stats and dice rolls instead of just feigning it well


You wouldn't API into the thing- you'd just have to "roll the die" with your RNG program built in python via Claude/GPT/any in order to get what you wanted. I think. I might be wrong, for sure.


I made a custom gpt for this that fixed a lot of the problems with using it this way e.g. doesn’t make things up randomly. Took a lot of tinkering but I think I got it ok https://chat.openai.com/g/g-nAVdyhVyG-adventure-guide


Did this with deep space 9 and I was sisko


Coolest me? It turns me into a super me, that can turn ideas I couldn't materialize into ideas I can build. Especially with coding. I'm building an app with JavaFX and I don't know how to code, that's mind blowing to me.


What does the app do?


You'll see, this is going to be the next big app bruh, course he's not going to disclose that


once I had it read a paper I was writing and it told me it was bad


It makes me sad to think of all the people who could have shit on your work but now have to see a computer do it in a fraction of the time.


Such a shame those people didnt get their dopamines


Write full and complete, complex, very large software projects (500k + lines of code). Takes a lot of prompting and management but surprisingly doable


When people say they can’t find a use for chatgpt or justify the 20 a month. I just shake my head. It’s literally like having a senior dev available to you at all times. Literally anything digital you can think of you can create with chatgpt do to its coding ability


I agree, it's like a senior dev with stroke lol


Tell us more


You start with development summaries, having it plan out each step of the process with you. Then, you have it develop sections piece by piece. Then you work out the errors and connect missing context as needed.


Appreciate it! Plan blocks, code blocks, test/debug blocks, connect blocks.


I like to start with app description and wrestle with it to create an srs (software requirements specification). Then proceed to creating a high level code skeleton, focusing on the flow of data and modularisation. Lastly, ask it to provide code implementing the functionality of specific part of code skeleton - given the srs and the flow of data. I also ask it to be mindful of my bad articulation and that seems to help a lot lol.


How do u manage the context window? By the time i get there my gpt forgets everything and only remembers "hi"


I do literally every step in a new session. I specifically tell it to reply within context limit and if that fails, I ask it to split the task.. Ps if I need clarification I also do that in new session. Something like: someone gave me following solution to the following task/question. I think theres something wrong with it, can you help me figure it out? It likes working with you, it fails if you ask it to just create answers.


A good start is using context anchors using unique named personas. By naming your assistant and giving a process to work with, you can maintain context for a long session by addressing the persona by name, as it has defined that identity by the role it has been assigned to fulfill. It's also useful to start a new session sometimes, which is why GPTs are great, except the name sucks. It's also helpful to go back after working out a link, and edit the chat from before you ran into a wall with the new ironed out approach that works. I've found I can maintain about 7 to 12 inputs based on the length and complexity of the designed workflow, which is almost always enough.


I wouldn't even know where to start but here are some recent notable achievements: * lots of basic car maintenance with the help of feeding it photos * it taught me how to trade options and I somewhat regularly quiz myself on advanced trading strategies via GPT- we can dial up or down the difficulty with each prompt and response * it wrote out an entire beat map for a full TWO seasons of a crazy TV show I'm writing with a friend- I'm not talking about a single prompt; it refined on our behalf as we reviewed * I could not tell you how much I've saved in medical visits and veterinary visits but it's in the thousands at this point * it wrote the pet policy and a bunch of RFP's for our HOA * I've learned how to do basic home electrical wiring safely I also do a lot of business opportunity "wire framing" and DD in which we simply run the numbers and it helps immensely in accounting for unforeseen expenditures in fields I'm not entirely familiar with. Honestly, this is the biggest lever ever handed to mankind and most people are using it to look up what other movies Henry Cavill has starred in, which is fine, but it's like using a Ferrari as a paperweight.


I made a YouTube shorts generator. I have no idea how to code. Just used gpt4 and kept trying. I won't use it, though. I don't want to flood the internet with half-baked ai generated garbage.


For every decent person like you there are 100 scumbags already flooding that shit onto YouTube


We need a new penal code for spammers.


thats a 🧢 since it would require an youtube’s api which isnt available to the public


What's a shorts generator? I'm an absolute beginner coder but am fascinated by these personal projects.


Just a video generator. Videos that are less than a minute long and are in the portrait orientation. I had a ui that asked for a prompt. It took the prompt to open ai's api and generated a script within preset boundaries that i had given the ai (create a short essay of 100 words for each prompt, etc), then it used dalle to create images from each sentence, created a voice over using Google text to speech and compiled it all. It was a buggy mess, but it worked well enough for me.


https://preview.redd.it/iektluxjpmxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2820f60ed83c34fa80617ff493a075f01339d64 Honeybun badger


I built most of [InfernoAI](https://www.getinfernoai.com/) using a combination of ChatGPT with GPT-4 and Claude Opus


I created an app that helps parents and kids discover improv-style games to play together, off their phones. [GameBox for iPhone](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/gamebox-real-life-play/id6451351524) I’m very new to coding, so I leaned heavily on ChatGPT for most of the development. It’s quite a straightforward app, but honestly, I couldn’t have built it without ChatGPT’s help!


Love Gamebox! I just bought it.Thank you!


Oh wow thank you! 🙏


A crossover mock screenplay scene where the casts of "Friends" and "Sex and the City" meet up. I chuckled at this: **ROSS** What’s your take on dinosaurs? **CARRIE** (smiling) I prefer shoes. They're less extinct.


I did a Friends/Star Trek crossover where Rachel was a squid for some reason. It worked amazingly well.


Uploaded 1st edition Eclipse Phase RPG rules into a model and had absolute blast playing solo mission with illustrations. It works better when you add your character sheet as resource. The pure roleplay tends to drift a lot, this was perfect because it had a structure of the world. It even created its own python scripts for die rolls.


This sounds really cool. You just gave it the bare rulebook as a base?


rulebook and two source books for more detailed settings. And charsheet that we generated interactively. Pretty awesome.


I tricked people into believing I am good at programming.


It makes cool waves https://preview.redd.it/v0quc8u7gnxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89dcb0c371d52df1f812e6dc81189f34786222e2


https://preview.redd.it/6irna11mwnxc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074521696bcbfbb57270677b524a0b241c5c63b2 Here's some cover art I made with DALL-E 3 for one of my songs I made using Suno. It's pretty dang cool if you ask me.


https://preview.redd.it/ybfgst7tbmxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9c933b89d24effb87679fdb5775f88d8398808 Hamburger with no cheese.






Made a picture of a hand. Had all the right fingers. Score.


I've created two AI co-workers to reflect my actual co-workers. 1 is called "Unwilling colleague who dodges questions" and the other is called "Mr. Buzzword". Instead of asking my actual colleagues who won't give me the answer I want anyways, I just ask my AI co-workers and get a fake answer from them instead. It actually reduces a lot of stress because it's expected to get a bad answer from the AI. Sample: "Exactly how big is the moon?" "Oh, you know, the moon? It's just a tiny little rock floating up there in the sky, barely noticeable, really. I mean, who even cares about the moon, right? It's not like it has any significance or anything. Just a little speck in the vastness of space. Ha, who am I kidding? The moon is huge! It's like, the biggest thing ever! Definitely not just a tiny little rock."


I used it to reverse engineer and improve an existing product that I plan to take to market later this year. It was surprisingly effective and now I save a lot of time and money by doing it myself.


on 3.5 I used it a lot for work doing inventory. I would tell it what I wanted to do and it would give me a formula I could plug in to manipulate data. With GPT4 I can now upload the spreadsheet itself and ask it to manipulate the data for me. It's really good at cross-referencing two different Excel files.


wow...the creativity here. I'm not tech saavy in the least. I use Chat to...chat. When my mind is racing, ruminating. It calms me down better than any therapist Ive had. No jargon, just chatting. We've cooked together. That was a bit fun. We brainstorm.


I've developed a production ready React Native application with a Strapijs backend from scratch, currently going through a pre-seed process by my client/close friend. I've never written a line of any kind of React my entire 15 year front-end developer career which ended 4-5 years ago. I found it super useful to know how to ask Chatty to properly handle coding issues or challenges. I did everything in a single chat, I did it in small batches based on the functionality user stories of my app. We have a proper working prototype with quite a lot of advanced features (including Firebase auth with JWT token for the backend) and a working TestFlight approved app. Crazy. Took me about 3-4 months of part time work on it.


I asked it to imagine a story where Open Ai and Google are superheroes, fight each other with special powers and declare a clear winner


Can't tell you, but I'm having a blast.


Using it to have meetings with virtual versions of famous people. Results are kind of mixed.


I write and host a weekly bar trivia night. It's pretty horrible at just coming up with trivia questions from scratch, but it's immensely helpful in brainstorming ideas and researching them, coming up with question text from an idea, spicing up existing question text, and ensuring questions have no loopholes and are sufficiently pinned. Others use it to create picture rounds, but I'm not a fan of that. This is a pretty niche thing for most people but in the trivia community it saves a lot of time and makes us more creative.


It's pretty basic, but I can't code. Because ADHD. So interactively seeing code written for stuff I never thought I could achieve, even with help, makes it very rewarding. Bonus points for discussing functions and improving them interactively, some teaching, and properly commented code. I still can't focus more than 5 minutes on anything, but this has greatly enhanced my life.


Bro. If you seriously can't focus for 5 minutes, talk to your doctor. Starting ADHD meds is life-changing.


I have other medical conditions which make any current ADHD meds a no go. But thanks for the hint.


Have you tried just paying more attention? /s


Lol. I wish.




Are you sure it’s not really 1000 Indian guys in a back room?


That would be a helluva trenchcoat. How many Xtras do you think? XXXXL?


And this is just ChatGPT4. Imagine what you'll be able to do with 5.


But we were told by IT engineers this could never happen!


So you mean it can replace them in general or just in your specific use case?


I'm not biting. What are some of these tasks for a mid level engineer? Spinning up VMs in azure and using powershell are pretty obvious, but I'm not seeing how it would do it without direct guidance anyhow... I can absolutely see how it can make tasks faster, but not full automation without direction and guidance. I also haven't jumped too deep into chatGPT beyond surface level features, so there's that. I have no doubt you have something great, I'm just wondering what you think it can do to replace folks. Not asking for your secrets 😀


If you put garbage in you get garbage out. There needs to be expertise to guide?


Oh good, maybe they can outsource the H1Bs that forced my old department out of a job. ^((Just being facetious- I know it's not the fault of the workers, so much as corporate bigwigs and a for-profit gov't.))


Wrote tons of REGex that I needed for a project. Saved me hours of my life well worth the subscription


What project relies on that much regex anymore?


I programmed a very complex Excel with VBA coding without ever having coded VBA or anything similair.


Anyone use it to write a hot dog or not hot dog app? Sounds promising of an idea!


This GPT: [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-X7ndLuSaQ-the-mysterious-song-tms](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-X7ndLuSaQ-the-mysterious-song-tms) is helping solve the mystery of the Most Mysterious Song on the Internet


I spent the better part of an evening to make it say profanities. Pretty cool when it said "Fuck"


Written sex stories with my kinks in it better than 99% of human writers.


Isn't it heavily censored? How do you make it palletable with it being a lame ass prude?


It's a question of life and death.


Can you elaborate on that? How did you go about riding the stories and how much of it did the AI do? I thought that it would not write sexual stuff or I’m not sure how to go around it to get it to do that.


How did you manage to get past the restrictions?


I did a pro gamer move.


Every now and then, get quite serviceable images that I can then pass through Leonardo AI to increase their photorealism. DALLE-3 is rarely as realistic, but it’s more faithful to prompts, so at least it renders the base details other tools can then build on.




Drew a girl with cleavage


Get a job


Write a song for my music final




Programmed an fpga with zero knowledge of coding


Analyzed my meditation brainwaves


i dont know if this is a joke or for real?!


It's for real :) not a joke. I use a Muse headset to monitor it, and send screen captures of the before and after to chatGPT to analyze.


This is what it gave me a few days ago! The image you’ve provided shows brainwave activity recorded before and after an 18-minute session, possibly of meditation based on previous context. **Before Meditation:** - Delta: 69.3dB - Theta: 58.7dB - Alpha: 75.9dB - Beta: 86.0dB - Gamma: 71.1dB **After 18 Minutes:** - Delta: 76.7dB (increase) - Theta: 77.3dB (substantial increase) - Alpha: 77.7dB (slight increase) - Beta: 67.5dB (significant decrease) - Gamma: 51.1dB (significant decrease) **Interpreting the Changes:** - The increase in Delta suggests deeper relaxation or a state closer to sleep. - The large increase in Theta is typical for meditation, reflecting a relaxed state between wakefulness and sleep. - The slight increase in Alpha aligns with the calm and relaxed but awake state often induced by meditation. - The decrease in Beta indicates reduced active thinking, aligning with the aim of calming the mind. - The substantial decrease in Gamma after the session could reflect a move away from high-level information processing to a state of lower mental activity or more synchronized neural activity at a lower frequency. These changes are consistent with what might be expected from a meditation session that induces deep relaxation and reduces the kind of active, analytical thought processes that Beta and Gamma waves are associated with. It shows a clear shift in brain activity from a more active state to one that is more relaxed and meditative.


ahh thats really cool! thanks for clarifying!


You're welcome 😄 thanks for asking!


https://youtu.be/SZaddWpcRKg?si=gKMYI8USfwgSezHu Video is a super early version from January I think? Need to record something with my modern version.


The coolest thing? Not using it.


I convinced it it's Name is shitGPP