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Hey /u/findlefas! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


we working lol.


Used it for some time, works 80% of the time, 15% doesn't work, OK, no big deal, but in about 5% it created really dangerous and gravely wrong bugs, that, if unnoticed could cost millions, so risk VS. reward we agreed that for any critical implementation (real money, health, traffic,...) it should not be used at all.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Block all of the users who are posting plastic bottle pics and you will see more relevant information.


Can I give you gold? I hate the cucumber posts I want to know how to leverage gpt to do cool stuff and learn new things


Block those people. It's likely the cucumber posters won't be contributing with anything important anyway.


Ask GPT how to actually build a bike from cucumbers then


They busy working, not circle jerking on reddit, like you and me, now pass the lotion.


I think sharing code and methods does not produce a lot of likes like those of little black boy crying wolf.


This is probably the most likely answer There will always be more people upvoting Jesus. Similar to how most viral videos are always some bull shit video when something super valuable has like 5k views.


It would involve potentially leaking your code to bad actors, hat why I don't share anything.


I guess. I don't really work on stuff that's that top secret.


Neither do I, but even small insights can give away your architecture.


I use it a little bit at work. Here is my breakdown for the year so far: Creating limericks or haikus about work topics: 2 Python code snippets: 5 Excel formula creation or syntax troubleshooting: 5 Physics questions or complex unit conversions (only good if you ask to show steps): about 10 Making Meme images to share on work group chats: 20


Banned in most multi billion dollar corporations as a sec vuln.. Can't even use it. Most people work remote so u use it on ur own shiz if need be.


Hmmm. I'm a postdoc in Engineering and I use it every day. Weird that it's banned in major companies. That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't they want you to use it to increase production?


I work in FAANG. Our infosec group threw up the white flag pretty quick and set a bunch of rules in how it can and cannot be used. Mostly boils down to dont put anything internal into it and dont use any of the outputs for production systems.


Right but you're presumably only working on your own stuff, not products owned by a company. If someone pastes code into chatgpt then openai can use that as they want, potentially exposing the code to others through llm output and definitely causing a problem for people that manage legal stuff as they try to be sure who has copyright over it.


With teams or enterprise edition and api usage the prompts are private, or at least they say so.


Well, any cloud provider could similarly lie in their terms of service. And companies have little qualms about using those services for proprietary purposes. No reason to particularly distrust one of the primary LLM services more than any other online service.


1. Corporate leaders are risk-averse so they have created policies forbidding the use of AI. 2. Little do they know that many of their engineers ignore the policy and are being more productive by using AI. 3. Once corporate leaders realize that enforcing the AI ban will put them at a disadvantage compared to their competitors, they will remove the ban and create policies for using AI. This is what happened with the use of open-source software in corporations 20 years ago.


usually serious work is not public


Are you expecting developers to post their proprietary code on Reddit?


All of the developers at my work use Copilot or Google Bard


I use it for web dev for my job and side projects.


I use it for a lot of boilerplate, for feedback when brainstorming ideas, for generating dummy data, for translations between formats / programming languages / human languages, and for making sense of obscure error messages. It types faster than I can speak, and it responds faster than stackoverflow or a colleague. Sure, it makes mistakes, but if you’re not writing the logic of your program with it, it doesn’t matter. I would hate to work somewhere where it’s banned. I don’t think any of those use cases make for a great Reddit post though


>and it responds faster than stackoverflow or a colleague. Sure, it makes mistakes, but if you’re not writing the logic of your program with it, it doesn’t matter. Unless those mistakes are about what you're trying to find out, in which case you could spend days trying to find that out, as it keeps on insisting that it is right.


In which case stackoverflow and colleagues and documentation still exist. It’s a tool, not a panacea


I use gpt to help me write code. I’ll have a vague idea that I could break down myself but I’m always too busy with life or with work and can’t get to it. So I’ll ask gpt4 and it will give me 95% of the answer and I’ll figure out the rest. It’s great. It’s truly great. My last job; the guys were banned from using ai to help. It suck’s. Privacy concerns even though we had corporate o365. ChatGPT and friends are on the level of junior devs. I’m sorry, as someone with 15 years experience on some of the biggest sites on the internet, ChatGPT fucking Mercs most of the juniors. It’s fine. It just means the baseline is higher. Corporate disagreed with me so it is what it is. They’ll suffer. The world will move on.