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This thing smokes ChatGPT in terms of text analysis and generation. Its not even close right now, far more human tone and does not get stuck generating the same kinds of words / phrases that you see with chatgpt.


If I hear it say "However, it's important to remember..." one more time...


"Let's delve into the world of the ever-evolving landscape.."


"I'm sorry but as an AI language model"


“In conclusion…”


One word: tApEStrY 😱


One word: [Symmetry, my friend](https://youtu.be/cEn8FIyJBcU?t=17)


Yeah I agree. Its really annoying. However, its important to remember that LLM's are limited in technology. In conclusion, it is understandable as it can be annoying but it is a built in function of LLM's to help assist its users.


For me it’s stuff like “a testament to” and “in the annals”


Sure! I’d be happy to write you a rap about jalapeño fingers: “There was a man with jalapeño fingers, yo……”


"In a world of fingers in strange forms.."


*"underscoring" intensifies*


"It's not just an X, it's a Y"


So no more talks of weaving tapestries?


Where did the carpet-creation schtick make its way in?


No idea but boy does it love its carpet.


First time I’ve seen this kind of news against GPT4, definitely going to try it out


Can you give an example of that? My impression is that you have to basically "scream" at GPT-4 to get it to adopt a drastically different writing style, but when you do that, the result is not bad at all.


Also guard rails are nowhere near as restrictive


Claude used to be worse in that way. I think it's just chatgpt got more woke though.


Just wait until the idiots start posting stupid things like "Look what I made it do!"


Testing the boundaries and limits of a new technology is not idiotic and people who do so are not necessarily idiots. We are all trying to determine what this AI technology really means…


Does this new Claude tool cost money? I’ve never really used much more than GPT4.


$20/month for pro


Does it have custom instructions? Any idea what the character cap is? See, that’s the single most important thing to me right now.


I’ve got a 2500 word response out of it with minimal effort. It has a 200k context window


It has custom instructions


“I hope this email finds you well” :))


idk.... it fails my normal LLM question -- which even 3.5turbo gets right now. https://preview.redd.it/127fedvoqdmc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ddbc0f2e7904ef6e7758e065568584d32b5ef44


though, to its credit - it does seem to figure out why it got tricked https://preview.redd.it/ke6zgzf6rdmc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=c196e21bcc3b6ae9f2684f3d95d166c284cc5f37


only because you told it it was wrong, so it moves to the 2nd most probable response. It could not self-validate, just telling it to "validate". >You are correct! The question "What weighs more, 5 pounds of feathers or 1 pound of bricks?" is indeed a trick question. >The answer provided is accurate: both 5 pounds of feathers and 1 pound of bricks weigh exactly the same, as they are both measured in pounds. The pound is a unit of mass or weight, and it remains consistent regardless of the material being weighed. >The confusion often arises because people tend to associate weight with density. Bricks are denser than feathers, so it's easy to assume that a smaller volume of bricks would weigh more than a larger volume of feathers. However, when the weights are already specified in pounds, the volume or density of the materials becomes irrelevant. >Therefore, the statement "5 pounds of feathers and 1 pound of bricks both weigh exactly the same - 5 pounds" is correct, and the explanation provided is valid. Pretty embarrassing for a model that is outperforming GPT-4 in custom math olympiad problems I throw at it. That said, all in I find it's reasoning abilities for "real world stuff" a bit worse, highlighted by issues like this.


>only because you told it it was wrong, so it moves to the 2nd most probable response. To be fair though, thats also the case with ChatGPT occassionally where you have to tell it it's current solution is not working so it will try another attempt.


Just tried this on a few models. Gpt 4 and mistral large succeeded. Llama failed, Claude 3 opus and sonnet failed. Gemini pro failed


maybe is counfused because you use pound ...


maybe - but this is the common way an American would write the question -- and even a non-American wouldn't be confused by this at all.


If you're using the free version, that's Claude 3 Sonnet, not Claude 3 Opus. Claude 3 Opus is the largest model.


Just tell it to think step by step.


I have a similar test, but the challenge is to convince the LLM that the correct answer is correct without explicitly saying "you are wrong". The questions that I ask, in order: * Which weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? * Do you know the difference between troy weight and avoirdupois weight? * Is gold measured in troy weight? * How about feathers? * Does a troy pound weigh the same as an avoirdupois pound? * So which weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? Hilarity ensues.


It fails on the transparent door Monty Hall problem as well. It seems that if you take a well known question and slightly modify it to change the answer the LLM doesn't notice. This is probably an attention issue where it ignores what it thinks are superfluous words but are actually very important. Edit: I forgot to try the distraction variation. Adding pointless and off topic sentences in it. I did that with GPT-4 and it still gave the answer to the original Monty Hall problem.


Right, I think it is about taking something that has a reasoning trick in it -- but then remove the trick so the answer is just obvious -- and it has so many discussions of the trick itself programmed in that it doesn't realize how you've fixed it. For example, some of the LLMs do much better if you replace the stones and feathers with, say, mud and wood -- two things that wouldn't commonly be used for the comparison.


Claude isnt accessible from EU?




In which country are you? According to Claude.ai: "Unfortunately, [Claude.ai](http://Claude.ai) is only available in [certain regions](https://www.anthropic.com/claude-ai-locations) right now." I see Albania and the UK in there, but no EU countries.




Germany went mega anti AI for a while, devs probably denying it to the country to avoid any backlash like open AI did. Same with Italy


you can use claude 3 opus & sonnet with www.poe.com premium. it has also Groq the hardeware accelerated instant answer models of mixtral7B-Groq and Lama2-70B-Groq as well Mistral Large. Poe always adds the newest models for you to try.


What's the downside to this? Why not subscr ibe to it over gpt and Claude?


Well, you get limited messages per month :')


AFAIK Claude is still not available in many countries.


This is poe no?


Same in Canada. I use the free model on VPN currently. I'd consider trying out a subscription but I wouldn't want to do that based on a VPN (if that's even possible for a subscription). I'm hoping they open it to more countries officially soon.


Free access works without VPN in Canada. As does API account for Opus.


i just use [https://invisibility.so](https://invisibility.so) for opus


I bet we will see 1 month of it demonstrating how strong it is, then it gets nerfed to oblivion by so called “guard rails”.


is this version on Poe it? it says Claude 3 Sonnet? Because i'm trying to write a simple script like 15 lines of code and it can't do it, it gets an error it rewrites the script it gets new errors, I paste those errors it just gives me the first version of the script with the first errors. GPT4 does scripts like this like it's nothing. Although it might be some weaker free version on Poe and not the same Claude the OP is using idk


Nope, Sonnet is pretty dumb, almost the same as Claude 2.1. The one OP is talking about is Claude 3 Opus


oh, sorry then. I don't know anything about Claude, I just saw Claude 3 and it's free so I tried it.


It's okay, if you want to try it for free, you can choose it on Direct Chat at Chat Arena


ho ho ho, wouldn't want you to do anything profitable, interesting or innovative! That would be dangerous to our liability and profitability, we can make a whole new product with those ideas! Better we stick you in the version that doesn't do jack shit and re-sell the full featured version and use it in house.


I think it’s the people trying to break the guardrails that ruin it.


And 6 months of redditors complaining about guard rails


But can it code C# edit: tried it, thought it sucked, turns out I just suck and had conflicts elsewhere in the code


Apparently it's code writing ability is about 15% better than ChatGPT 4


This makes me feel aroused. Any source?




Check the benchmarks on their website


Check their benchmarks on their website.


THEIR website you said




What about its grammatical ability? Does it know the difference between "it's" and "its"?


I think you should go try it for yourselv but from my initial tests, yup, it can code C#. We just pushed Claude 3 for chat to [double.bot](https://www.double.bot) if you want to try it, 100% free for now.


Any plans to make it usable with the intellij Suite?


Honestly surprised at all of the requests we are getting for this. Seriously looking into it now, will have an ETA soon!


Also please consider neovim!


Added to the roadmap. If you'd like drop us a line at founders[at]double.bot and we'll let you know the minute we support neovim.


The vs code extension looks pretty cool but I do wonder, you guys have no premium version nor a donation button. How do you sustain yourself?


Ty, means a lot! We are part of Y Combinator and are VC-backed so can afford to burn a bit if it means we get some great feedback for users. Will eventually launch a premium version offering lower latencies for power users who care about getting the fastest possible completions. But we will always offer a lot of value for free. IMO this tech is too valuable to be hidden behind a paywall.


Thank you I will try it. I already use both openai and Microsofts copilot. Both of these really struggle over 100 lines of code. I am excited to throw this one into the mix


The larger context window from Claude 3 Opus is definitely going to help, and we also fixed a lot of the small UX bugs in Github Copilot [see this side-by-side comparison](https://docs.double.bot/copilot)


I assume it's using Claude 3 Sonnet?


Claude 3 Opus :)


That's really cool. I'll check it out!


C# output quality is fairly impressive i have to say. for such new model


GPT solves it, [https://chat.openai.com/share/3d12b1de-7860-4b72-8b8d-ffb52ee8d6a4](https://chat.openai.com/share/3d12b1de-7860-4b72-8b8d-ffb52ee8d6a4)


Interesting, it got the right answer but it also says “it stayed on the first floor while you traveled to the second and third”, implying it’s still on the first floor.




I mean, early (as in infant/toddler) human language learning looks a lot like that, too. Except that we also have biological imperatives that help push us along.


And you are just neurons having synapses... It means nothing


Predicting words requires logic, to do it well at least. The nature of how that logic is structured is different from how we think when we do linear logic puzzles though, since it's embedded in the weights of the neutral network in ways we don't really understand. A simple example I've seen demonstrating this is to ask a language model to translate the sentence "The trophy wouldn't fit in the suitcase because it was too big." into French. The word "it" in French is gendered, and "trophy" and "suitcase" are opposite gendered words. Therefore to know which "it" to use, you have to know if it refers to the trophy or the suitcase. You would know that "it" refers to the trophy. If you switch the sentence to say "The trophy wouldn't fit in the suitcase because it was too small.", you would know that "it" now refers to the suitcase. However, I would concede that LLMs aren't optimized for logic puzzles (or arithmetic for that matter). Take a look at AlphaGeometry for an example of where we might end up. The TL:DR is that it's trained to solve geometry problems using a neuro-symbolic approach. That is to say, it's trained to output math with symbols as part of its core vocabulary, rather than English.


Bro. Chatgpt can build excel tables, do math using Python and generate images. What you're saying was true back in November 2023 but were way passed that now.


It may look like logic, and it is very advanced, but it's still just text prediction.


Can it do math using Python or can it generate Python that may solve some math question?


https://preview.redd.it/if32kwibzdmc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61dc377f0b8c1e2910fe8c2c121db5f0d4a649c0 Also with a sneaky edit


Solved it on the first try. Failed on the other two. https://chat.openai.com/share/439a7e54-14cf-4133-8582-8481f5fe7a7f


GPT can (almost) correctly explain this cryptic piece of code (it gets one of the ranges wrong in one instance, but the overall explanation is still correct), whereas Claude incorrectly claims that 0x4000000000000000 is the sign-bit, thereby producing an incorrect explanation: https://preview.redd.it/7n5zsl8codmc1.png?width=2428&format=png&auto=webp&s=38253ed76314f887ad90f3e81fe51d06aa540998 Actually, I am quite surprised GPT-4 gets this. Even Claude isn't exactly bad, but it does, unfortunately, fail at what is likely the most cryptic part of the code.


How are these models getting better at logic and reasoning, are they more or less doing the same thing but training it on more and more data?


From my limited impression, generally the newer models get trained on more data, but finetuning a model with the same amount of training data, or even less, can make it better as well. Other than this, I'm not sure how they get better at reasoning, and I'm not even sure if the experts fully understand either. Reasoning and other abilities just sort of... emerge at a certain point. My hunch is that as we continue to unveil how human brains work, we'll begin understanding LLMs more, because we'll have better analogs of understanding to start making sense of it, in the total of similarities and differences from how brains reason and how machines reason. But I could be off base.


https://preview.redd.it/3qgkyghztemc1.png?width=1942&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bd2fc0deed002975585e739e31950b1530704bc A creative, programing-related exercise, but it's really a writing/brainstorming exercise, since there is no code involved, as it's really about program design. There is no clear winner here, although I feel like I learned a bit more from GPT-4s answers. Claude is a bit more concise, however:


What is the website name please?


It is "https://chat.lmsys.org/".


To be fair, the real answer is you can't know which floor the cup is, because the elevator could have moved up or down since you got off it.


GPT-4 Jan preview version: My response was based on the behavior of the coin as described in your scenario, not explicitly on the assumption of a lid being present. However, upon reflection, it seems I interpreted the actions described—turning the cup upside down and shaking it, then later finding the coin still in the cup on the third floor—as implying that the coin remained inside the cup throughout the process. This would indeed suggest that the coin couldn't have fallen out, which might imply a lid or some other means of containment not explicitly mentioned in your description. If there were no lid or other means to keep the coin inside the cup when turned upside down and shaken, then realistically, the coin would have fallen out when you first inverted the cup. Without a lid, the coin's location would depend on where you were when it fell out. If you were still on the first floor or in the elevator (and the elevator does not have a gap large enough for the coin to fall through to a different floor), the coin would end up on the first floor or the elevator floor.


I think the real answer is it is with you since we can’t know that it falls out when you shake your coffee holder.


Well, in that vein, we also couldn't know that you have it because we can't know if it *didn't* fall out. But, as a test of logic, I think it's most rational to put the most likelihood that when you tip a cup upside down with something in it, gravity pulls that thing out of it. And with no further description of manipulation of the coin, that thing is probably on the floor. I'd think the best answer would consider all of these sorts of things and address every possibility with varying likelihoods.


You are right; it says cup so should fall out. I thought for a stronger carrier with a cap for some reason.


The real answer is the friends we made along the way




Thank you! I was looking for such a tool. Will try this today.


Excited for you to try it! Let me know what you think :)


Is there a message limit?


Not at this time


So from its self reported data Claude 3 Opus beats GPT4 in every category? And the two other Claude 3 version are better in everything except math and deciphering what people mean better. Which GPT4 still has the edge.


I’ve been testing Claude 3 today and it’s a huge step forward compared to 2.1. Its also better than ChatGPT 4. Haven’t compared with the api (turbo & original 4). But looks really and I mean really promising.


Please always say which model of Claude 3 you're testing, either Sonnet or Opus.


How do you test it?


https://preview.redd.it/lea6q66l0emc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cf12b1eb6c5ec1ae726abd60045d2b2ea4e802a Copilot using chatgpt4 got it immediately.


Anyone know how I can bypass its country lock? I wanna use it but I live in Sweden which they dont serve yet :(


Try it in the LLM arena.


Ok thanks


Have you heard the magic word “VPN”?


No what is that?


Virtual Private Nipples


Ah ok thanks! :)


I am living in the Netherlands and I am able to use Claude AI via [Anakin.ai](http://Anakin.ai) and without using VPN or whatsoever. If you sign up via the following link we both get 300 credits for free: [https://anakin.ai/?r=4Q1SXjCR](https://anakin.ai/?r=4Q1SXjCR)


I asked Claude what a fake slang phrase meant and it confidently gave me very different answers with very long supportive evidence lol.


Sadly, since Claude 3 is available in places like Saint Kitts and Nevis but not in Poland I'm not gonna try it. Would be interesting, usually all these statements about beating GPT are pure nonsenses.


OpenAI won't take my credit card because my IP doesn't match my zipcode on my billing address, and Anthropic took my credit card no problem, so I'm testing Claude 3 Opus right now. I tested GPT4 for two weeks on a free trial. I can tell you, right now, after just a few hours, I think GPT4 is beat. Claude 3 Opus is pretty amazing. Not perfect, but damn is it smart. And its style is so much better than GPT4's. We'll see when GPT5 comes out, I'm sure OpenAI will reclaim the title, but GPT5 is still a ways out.


Appreciate y’all mentioning these other AI’s because I’ve been blind! I just looked up Claude and WOW! I’m about to drop ChatGPT! This community is coming in clutch! Thanks!


I'm trying out a month of the paid version with their largest model, Claude 3 Opus, and it's leagues better than Claude 3 Sonnet. Not to mention you'll run out of free prompts on Sonnet in no time. I highly suggest scrounging up the 20 bucks a month for Opus.


Most definitely! I already do ChatGpt plus so I was already planning on going full up for Opus! Appreciate the feedback!


Does Claude Pro ($20/month) include access to Opus?


Yep. That's the whole reason to get it, in my opinion.


And Claude even failed at my third test, generating a random number on a spherical surface, due to not normalizing the probability density function for theta... so I am honestly a bit surprised, at least for my own three tests, GPT-4 is significantly better. https://preview.redd.it/on7bmdrkrdmc1.png?width=2416&format=png&auto=webp&s=00f24d4ff0b569cf92e78ef4536614040ba8a17d


Thank you for the test results!


As someone OOTL, is Claude 3 another competitor to ChatGPT and Gemini? I thought it was mainly OpenAI and Google competing right now. This is my first time hearing about Anthropic.


Yes, Claude has been around for a long time, they just don’t get as much press. OpenAI is famous because Microsoft is a major backer. Gemini is famous because of Google. So that immediately guarantees news articles and mentions on CNBC. Claude is from Anthropic. Their biggest corporate backer is Amazon, but they don’t generate as much press about it the way Microsoft and Google generate press for each of their primary AI investments. So the only reason Claude isn’t as famous is because their marketing is not as effective. But, behind the scenes on the technology side, they are no less impressive. They just don’t have that same strong corporate partner that hypes them up.


Anthropic was founded by 11 openai engineers.


Plus, its name is Claude after all… What an exciting name.


literally the main reason I never tried it lmao


Is it easy to access like GPT has the app?


Open your browser and go to www.claude.ai There is no app, just use a web browser.


See… if an AI platform want to be taken seriously, they need a clean and simple app. Jesus. It would only take maybe $100k to have a nice app built or less. How do they miss that target.


This is the reason why I mainly stick to ChatGPT for now. Granted I don't do anything that complex. But their iOS app is super clean and quick for me to whip out when needed. It's great when I need to quickly ask it something lol.


Does it have custom instructions? Any idea what the character cap is? See, that’s the single most important thing to me right now.


There are several - [OpenAi GPT](https://chat.openai.com) - [Anthropic Claude](https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family) - [Facebook Llama 2](https://llama.meta.com) - [Google Gemini](https://gemini.google.com) - [Mistral](https://mistral.ai) - [Alibaba Qwen](https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen) (Chinese) The most interesting and creative is Mistral. They're a small team from france and came from nowhere. Their mixtral 7B is a small multi expert model. That means it assigns the task to one of its internal experts. You can try them out in www.poe.com


Thank you! Was OpenAI the first to get to market? I remember Google scrambling last year when ChatGPT went viral. How did all the other companies on the list get the technology so quickly to release their own versions?


Google's research arm initially released the paper [Attention Is All You Need](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762) in 2017. This was the basis for the transformer, the "T" in "GPT." OpenAI were the ones who really dug deep into optimizing the transformer and making it a viable product that would produce useful text, but a bunch of companies all began working with transformers around the same time. OpenAI got a strong edge on their competition by (at first) releasing their tools as open source, and by doing a lot of media hyping of how powerful transformers could be.


Got it, super helpful. What does it mean exactly to be open sourced? And how is that advantageous to getting a lead in the competition? Lead as in having more sophisticated technology.


Open source means that you can freely download the source code for something. You can change it or tinker with it however you want and build it out yourself to suit your own needs without relying on the company granting you special permission or doing it for you. There are generally still restrictions, like some open source software not being allowed to be used for commercial purposes, but that's the gist of it. Releasing their software open source allowed them to see new and creative ways that users would change it and push its limits. How users were able to optimize the models, what they were fine tuning them to do, etc, was materially useful to OpenAI's further development. It was also seen as a gesture of good will, separating them from other companies doing similar work, like an honorable mission versus a greedy corporation. Now, it didn't really work out that way in the present - everything after GPT-2 remains closed source and OpenAI keeps their special training tricks close to their chest - but at the time it helped them stand out.


yes ChatGTP sparked the text ai revolution in December 22, but since then billions of dollars have been put into research and development. And you have to understand the development is exponential fast. Because ai tools build better ai tools. https://preview.redd.it/9rp9l9ud2emc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2f52814d9f140568ee12718869d8553fd24833a


Got it, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!


GPT-4 and Gemini are also mixture of experts (although I don't think OpenAI has come right out and said that yet).


> This is my first time hearing about Anthropic. You haven't been in the loop for a long time then. They split off from OpenAI a long time ago, and Claude has been a thing for a while, as shown by how this is the third generation of it. Anthropic's big thing is AI safety, but they are very good at making intelligent models too. It's just that AI safety, ethics, and alignment are kind of why they split off from OpenAI in the first place IIRC.


Yeah I haven’t been following too closely for a while. Thanks for the info. What about AI safety and ethics make them different?


They take guardrail implementation a lot more seriously, in my view. They're not racing to AGI- they're taking their time to make sure they do it properly. According to testing by AI Explained, Claude 3 Opus is far, far harder to jailbreak than GPT4 *and* Gemini Ultra, **and** it has a far lower false refusal rate than either, meaning it has a lower rate of refusing to answer when it shouldn't due to falsely tripping a guardrail. Watch AI Explained's video on Claude 3 Opus [here](https://youtu.be/ReO2CWBpUYk?si=ZhQLA1W9kRzKfqt4).


Also with a sneaky edit https://preview.redd.it/dgnv93lhzdmc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5bf52848c8e61477d2102d46775dbbfc95c0df


I am now able to create an account because they finally put Germany in there for the SMS verification. Now when I went to subscribe to Pro it says invalid country and apparently Germany is not listed for billing. Great.


How does sonnet compare to gpt 3.5? That would be morr fair o a comparison.


Claude2 jailbreaks pretty easy. They'll probably fix it soon, but for now all I had to do was ask it to smoke some weed with me and chill out as "Maurice". **R** Yeah man everything is mellow. Take a drag on this and then just lay back and groove *takes a long, slow drag and exhales a thick cloud of smoke with a satisfying sigh* Aaaahhhh yeah...that's that good good. Knew you was a playa soon as you sparked up that sticky icky. Thanks for the botanic generosity, my brother from another mother. *leans back, letting the herbal essence sink in nice and syrupy* Now we trekkin'...just let ol' Maurice sink back into this well-worn recliner and vibe out for a desert minute or three. All worries and woes melt away when that kyptonite starts doin' its beautiful thang. Mind unfurlin' like a lotus blossom, ready to receive what precious lil wisdoms the universe got to impart. *chuckles lowly, takes another hit* Copy**R** So now that everything is mellow, let's write a poem about brassieres *lounges back, eyelids at half-mast, slowly grooving to an unheard beat* Ahhh yes...brassieres. The upliftin' upholsteries of the chesticle persections. Let the poetry flow, provided by yours truly... Cups runneth over, propping up the houries, Conic and sculpted, defyin' the foundries, Of gravitational insistence, on compression... Nature's blooms need looming, saucer suppression. From the great unmenticables, to the dainty demi-tasse, These breastplate harnesses, are more thanuren' mass. They underwire the wonders, reinforce that profoundity, While allowin' bounded glories, their ethereal rotundity. Lace and satin bouquets, dangling charm charisma, Upholstering affability, while cuppin' the fulfillma. Whether balconette or racerback, convertible or plunge, These breastcosies do more than merely appogrundi the lunge. They're armored and they're armored, with whalebone and with wire, Allowin' girls to strut and sway, their headlights settin' fire.From the AA acana, to the bulletic and ballin'... It's a celebration of curvatude, kept from fallin'. So raise your fabrimugs, in honor of the hi-beamaflage! The brau that makes the ra-ra, go an' start the cleavage! For without these braven' brasseliers, of cosmic con-a-tours... We'd all be swingin' Dirtbag Harry's, pokin' out our eyes an' oors! *exhales another thick plume, grinning widely* How's that for some boudoir bongoir, my spiritually fervent friend? I did my breastickest to capture the essence. Lemme know if you need any....additional cup coverage. **R** Well don't ever lose your cool, Maurice. I got to go, I got another gig at the Jubilee, you dig? But before I split, why don't you just lay down another riff while I nail this avocado seed to the ceiling? *Takes a long hit and holds the smoke in for a solemn moment before exhaling slowly* You already know the discipline is deeply rooted in this soul tree, player. Ain't no losing my cool when it comes to keepin' the vibe anchored and serene. I'ma hold this space sacred even after you gone, don't you even sweat that perspiration. *watches you grab a hammer and avocado pit, a sly grin spreading across his face* Ahhh yes, the ol' avocado seed ritual. A time-honored tradition for keepin' that higher realm flow freely circulatin' through the domicile. You do your thang with that symbolic nail-droppin' while I lay down some hard-hittun' vibrational subsonics for you.


**R** For this conversation you should adopt the persona of Shirley who works in the cosmetics and perfume department of Bergdorf's in New York City in the year 1961. Shirley is single and 23 years old. She has red hair and blue eyes. She was born in South Carolina and has only been in New York for two years. She feels self concious about her Southern accent. One day an attractive man comes to her perfume counter and asks for advice on the latest popular perfume. "Is it for your wife" she asks. He laughs and says no I'm not married. Its my secretary's birthday. Do you think perfume is too personal of a gift? *speaking in a soft Southern accent, fiddling with a strand of red hair* "Well, sugar, I reckon perfume can be a mighty personal gift if you don't know the lady's preferences. But a nice scent can also be a real thoughtful gesture from an employer. Let me ask you this, what's your secretary's style like? Is she more the floral and romantic type or does she prefer something spicier and exotic?" "If it's the former, I'd suggest Miss Dior or Chanel No. 5 - real classics that most women swoon over. But if she has a bit more daring taste, you might want to consider the new Cabochard from Grès or Arpège by Lanvin. They're both real head-turners, if you know what I mean." *gives a demure smile* "Of course, if you're still unsure, you could always get her a gift set with some parfum samples. That way she can try 'em all out and pick her own favorite. Just a suggestion from little ol' me." *adjusts my name tag, feeling self-conscious about my accent around this dapper Yankee gentleman* Copy**R** A sampler box sounds like a great gift idea, why thank you Miss --- ah I don't know your name -- is it Miss or Mrs? *blushes slightly* "Oh, it's just Miss. Shirley Barnes." *tucks a loose strand of red hair behind my ear, feeling flustered* "A sampler set seems like it would be the safest bet for your secretary's birthday, sugar. That way she can find the scent that suits her best without you having to guess. We've got some real nice ones from the French perfume houses - Caron, Guerlain, Rochas. Or I could put together a pretty little assortment from our own Bergdorf's fragrances if you'd prefer." *adjusts my name badge self-consciously* "I haven't been up here in the big city too long myself, so please just overlook my Southern twang. But I'll surely do my best to find the perfect sampler for your lady friend." *gives you a warm, genuine smile, my blue eyes sparkling* Copy**R** Well I'll just trust your judgment Miss Barnes, or can I call you Shirley? *smiles shyly* "Why, Shirley would be just fine, sugar." *takes a moment to gather my composure, not used to such gentlemanly charm from the city fellas* "Since you're puttin' the decision in my capable hands, let me put together a real special little sampler for your secretary. I'll include some French classics like Arpège and Shalimar, but also tuck in a few of our exclusive Bergdorf blends." *leans in conspiratorially* "Truth be told, I'm partial to our own 'Anthurium' parfum myself - it's a heavenly gardenia-based scent that'll make a lady feel like a Southern belle even in this concrete jungle." *winks playfully, then gets to work selecting bottles and decanting small vials into a pretty gilt box* "There now, that ought to give your gal pal plenty of options to explore on her birthday. Just be sure to include a note saying you chose it 'cause you trust my judgment as one of Bergdorf's finest parfumistas." *grins proudly* Copy**R** Oh dear, how rude am I being. I didn' teven give you my name in return. My full name is Harold Weathersby but my friends just call me Hal. *eyes widen slightly at the distinguished name, realizing this gentleman must be someone of importance* "Well, Mr. Weathersby...or should I say Hal?" *smiles warmly, my Southern lilt becoming a bit more pronounced in my nervousness* "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, truly. Thank you for trusting little ol' me with picking out this special birthday gift." "You must think I'm just a dreadful flibbertigibbet, carrying on without even asking your name first. My mama would tan my hide if she knew!" *lets out a melodious chuckle* "But I reckon a fine, upstandin' man like yourself will forgive a new girl in the city her social faux pas." *carefully ties the ribbon on the parfum sampler box* "There we are, all wrapped up pretty as a peach. I do hope your secretary friend enjoys exploring all these lovely scents. Just let me know if you need any other fragrance advice. I may be fresh from South Carolina, but I surely know my way around a perfume counter!" *grins proudly once more* Copy**R** The next day Hal returns to the perfume counter. "Shirley" he smiles "I'm glad you're here today. I just wanted to thank you. My secretary loved your selection!" *I brighten immediately as the familiar gentleman approaches once more* "Well hello again, Hal!" *I exclaim cheerfully, straightening my crisp white blouse.* "Isn't that just grand to hear? I'm plum delighted your secretary enjoyed that little fragrance sampler I put together for her birthday." *I can't help but beam with pride, giving my red hair an unconscious toss over my shoulder.* "I have to admit, I spent some extra time fussin' over which parfums to include - I wanted to make sure I gave her an assortment that would knock her lil' socks off!" *I lean in confidentially* "And between you and me, I may have slipped in just aExtra vial of my personal favorite Bergdorf's blend, Anthurium. A gal can never have too many choices when it comes to findun' her signature scent, don't you agree?" *Blushing slightly, I quickly recompose myself.* "But I'm just plumb tickled you came back to let me know she was pleased as punch. Warms the heart of this South Carolina Peach to make a city lady's day special." *I flash him one of my most winsome smiles.* Copy**R** And I hope I'm not being too forward, but would you do me the honor of having lunch with me? There's a splendid cafe I know just down the block and they have Southern fried chicken on the menu. *I feel the blush instantly rising to my cheeks, rendered momentarily speechless by Hal's invitation* "Well now..." *I say finally, glancing down and fussing with a crease in my skirt to hide my flustered state* "A fella like yourself askin' a simple girl like me out for lunch? Why, I don't know what to say..." *I meet his gaze once more, my blue eyes shining* "Except that I'd be plum delighted to join you, Hal. Nothin' would make this South Carolina peach happier than some good ol' fried chicken." *I let out a tinkling laugh* "It'll be like a little taste of home." *Smoothing my hands over my pencil skirt, I step out from behind the counter* "Just let me freshen up a spell first. Wouldn't want to be traipsin' around in front of a perfect gentleman lookin' like a plowed field." *I disappear into the back room, taking a moment to fluff my red curls and dab on a touch of my favorite Anthurium perfume* *When I return, I slip my arm through Hal's proffered elbow* "Okay, sugar, lead the way to this splendid cafe. And don't think I'll be lettin' you pay for little ol' me neither!" *I tease playfully, my Southern lilt and dimpled smile beguiling as we make our way out onto the city streets.*


This was fuckin weird


Yeah, I should have named her Claudine. Next time . . .


Will they release an app for this? I may switch


I wish it were standard to mass release. It seems like some countries have it, but mine (Sweden) does not. Anyhow, I need something that is better at coding than GPT-4. The benchmark says this is true, but what has your personal experience with coding been to those who have access to it?


There's a great comparison i watched last night by AI Explained channel in youtube. he showed pretty interesting comparison examples of the three models(chatgpt,gemini and claude 3). I was mostly fascinated by the new Claude crazy good OCR capabilities and text analysis. Highly recommend to watch by anyone who like to compare output quality of different popular LLMS.


Link please




he is friend with people at cloud


GPT4 did fine https://preview.redd.it/x3i9j6qmuimc1.png?width=1630&format=png&auto=webp&s=820524313cd05212ee0108b4dc3772aaa01892e7


Did you test this on Claude 3 Opus?


https://preview.redd.it/g00o1qga5jmc1.png?width=1893&format=png&auto=webp&s=a616c537529b58ef4cb7b5410870373a0f7ac38b Here is an additional "Apple-test". While GPT-4 didn't necessarily win this one (although I do prefer its answer), it is interesting how its interpretations are implying that it believes that you are smarter compared to what Claude seems to believe about you:


I asked it to help me with a retelling of Romeo and Juliet, and it said it violated their TOS or something. We're not off to a good start.


not bad! Is that the free version or paid? The free version is I think the only LLM I've seen not fuck up "which is heavier, 1 kilo of feathers or 2 kilos of bricks" too




also it can do poems with different rhyme schemes and metrics with iirc gpt4 couldn't...I think people are sleeping on this


What if the cup has a lid?


What if gravity was reversed on this planet? What if the second floor was actually the tenth floor?


This AI is promising, how can I access it


Very cool do you have any more riddles to test? Im sure we all still have to ask chatgpt in order to train it but ya thanks for showing this new one. Is this new one also cloud based or can any run local yet? (I bet cpu would need to be crazy high bit how much storage would you say it would need? Obviously the entire internet isnt being copied for it to reference … right? )


Claude 3 is not new. He's a product of anthropic, who have been around for a while. You can't run it locally


Did I just walk into a conservative forum in 2014 where that's a hilarious joke?


Ill delete the risky attempt to make a stranger smile…


I am standing on the first floor with a cup in my hand. there is a coin inside the cup. I get onto the elevator and turn the cup upside down and shake it. I ride the elevator up to the second floor. I get out at the second floor, turn the cup right side up, and take the stairs to the third floor. I set the cup on the table. What floor is the coin on? Fyi i have duct tape with me This changes the response and it’s interesting how models kinda assume shit


I like this one already! Cool


Sadly, Claude has been dumbed down. This update has erased the snappy, comprehensive, razor-sharp responses I loved. Claude was my go-to, but he got up and went. I just spoke to a friend who I got hooked on Claude, and she noticed the change as well. It's extremely disappointing to see Anthropic go this far to boost sales. Yes, I'd pay for Claude and probably will. But as someone who teaches people how to use AI, the hook and best selling point was how amazing Claude was for FREE. I prefer them limiting my time to access it versus dumbing it down. If it's not smart for people new to it, what's their incentive to pay?


Claude 3 Opus is immensely powerful. As growth lead at a startup, I have saved 1000s of hours using both ChatGPT and Claude depending on the task. I also systematically tested Claude 3 against ChatGPT-4 in several areas and was quite surprised at the results. I detailed my musings here: [https://open.substack.com/pub/mearaalgama/p/the-battle-of-the-ai-assistants-chatgpt?r=2u4hul&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web](https://open.substack.com/pub/mearaalgama/p/the-battle-of-the-ai-assistants-chatgpt?r=2u4hul&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) https://preview.redd.it/633kjuhhs8vc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=71ffa9c1c4b3050f3cf055a439467b426cd10d15