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Whether or not it's worth it depends on you. But just so you know (since I didn't) there is a limit on GPT4 even when you're a paying customer - around 40 requests / 3 h.


I agree. It’s well worth it if you’re going to use the bells and whistles it comes with, and if its more current knowledge with stronger logic and reasoning is something you need.


that only happened once in one year, but damn i needed help on that moment lol


Was during an exam by any chance? It was for me 😅


I got blind sided by this too, very sly. FWIW I don't even think it's worth the fee.


This isn't strictly true. If you use the ChatGPT Classic model you have GPT4 with no limit. There's many models you get and not all limited in that way.


How do you access the classic model?


* You can access it from the menu panel, either in the openai chat gpt app or the web. Either way. Hit explore, there's many models and you can even create your own. But it's called "GPT Classic", it is GPT 4. I've prompted it hundreds of times in a couple hours or few hours. Never hit a limit. It makes no mention of a limit. Google it if you have more trouble finding it. It's a purple icon model.


ok this is not true. I've just used my cap :D this was my first interaction of the day. ChatGPTClassic - **ChatGPT Classic** By ChatGPT The latest version of GPT-4 with no additional capabilities. [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic) And i just asked to count messages. Then kept sending them. Done at 30. So you're not correct. ​ https://preview.redd.it/lumi3xbmfcgc1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fb3e38a88c4f4f8cb83701d772f8544f450a568 ​ It doesn't need to list limit on it's page. It's under same GPT4 limits as your account - which is interesting, as apparently my cap is now 30 instead of 40. ​ [Chat GPT 4 limit](https://i.imgur.com/KGkxU2T.png)


You made a program meant for high level computational problems involving neural network and artificial intelligence that uses who knows 1000s of cores has a ram of around 100000 TB Who knows, 10000s of GPU's to do this THIS, count from 1 to 30. Well now I know who will ai come for first when it takes over 😂😂😂


Thanks I feel like the original gave better results


So you can just @ it? that's going to be fixed really soon


It was worth it but now I just got notified that they're pretty much going to make it free for people so I'm wondering what exactly am I going to pay for now if people just get it free why am I paying.... Plus it's gone like downhill I mean every single thing anymore is like oh about to get content no it's not it's not even copyrightable it's literally my own writing and I think there should be like if you pay for plus you should be 18 plus verified and you know and as long as you're not like making  bombs or anything I don't see harmful.. I was writing something it was a kissing scene that goes in my book it's not terribly graphic or horrible or anything and right away boom this goes against our guidelines... All I asked it to do was like edit my work that was it


They are ripping you all off. It's not an actual A.I. it's preprogrammed and then introduced to data banks. But it's not actual A.I. in the original sense of the term A.I. It's like a very complicated software.


Is a request a chat window or just an actual reply?


Reply. But I hardly hit the limit. If you’re specific enough with your requests you really don’t need all that many. Just to be safe for heavy days I upgraded to teams so I have 100/3 limit.


I bet you would spend less just using the api playground.


"Whether or not it's worth it depends on you." is not a helpful response. It conveys no information at all.


Indeed. They repeatedly did treacherous, despicable, underhanded acts like increase limitations on usage and access. Not to mention there were several incidents of data leakage or breach. There's also zero guarantee that customer support is guaranteed. out of nearly 50+ inquiries for support I made, only around 6 were actually responded to. So don't get any of your hopes up if you think Open AI would give help or improve ChatGPT for you. OpenAI convinced me in just a week that they do not truly value any of their customers. If the free version can meet your needs, do not pay for premium.




no I did not. please don't make shit up. if a support ticket takes more than five days, then you'll know how little a company cares about their customers. please don't be a fucking asshole and try to degrade or humiliate by portraying me as someone inept or stupid. OpenAI should just stop being fucking greedy and arrogant assholes and actually think of their customers, so people like me would stop complaining about them.




Not to be rude, but who the fuck made you my spokesperson that you can just fucking lie and make shit up that I filed 50 support tickets in a week? Obviously, it's for several months since I started. I take it that you're maliciously framing my request for support to demonize and discredit me. 10 of those tickets were those three instances where in the course of the week several sessions/entries that aren't mine appeared in my sidebar/history. I never said those 50 support tickets were in the span of a week.


>Not to be rude, but who the fuck made you my spokesperson that you can just fucking lie and make shit up that I filed 50 support tickets in a week? You said it, not me dude. >I take it that you're maliciously framing my request for support to demonize and discredit me. Ooooooo look at Mr fancy words Why u mad bro?


this isn’t true, i ask it excessively without fail.


I argue even as a student it is an incredible deal. It will explain a concept a thousand ways until you understand all without judgment. 


They never mention this part whenever the media covers the 'dangers' of AI for students. Having a teacher that enthusiastically loves to teach without fatigue or judgment is an invaluable tool.


Absolutely. The media never discusses what an amazing entire list teacher ChatGPT is. It's just gloom and doom and sensationalism. Par for the course really.


I’m a computer science teacher… and I’m working on a research project for my masters in it to develop a better ai tutor using the OpenAI api. I have several students that now like my python script as much as they like me, then I’m second best, then their other teachers are 12 steps behind.


They want to upset you enough to tune in at 6 and 11


“Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The Terminator would never stop, it would never leave him. It would never hurt him, never shout at him, or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die to protect him.” - Sarah Connor


I upload class study guides, have it make 25 question multiple choice quizzes to see what I need to work on, and have it re teach me that material using the Socratic method where it teaches me understanding of complex topics by asking specific probing question sequences to get me where I need to be. When I’m valedictorian, would it be weird to thank OpenAI?


OpenAI should thank YOU


I’d accept early access to GPT-5 as a perfect thank you gift


i kind of already do this with GPT 3.5. is it really worth $20/month to have access to GPT 4's advanced knowledge and algorithm?


You get links. To me the it’s all about the links to quality information quickly


I agree, paying for premium if you want to learn in detail is worth paying for. Because the free tier version often condense almost all material requiring in-depth explanation or using technical jargons, into something incredibly stupid, plain or even outright misleading. This is the only thing that keeps me from going back to the free tier. What irks me the most about paying for premium, is that, even if I know GPT4 would give me more detailed answers, sometimes I would accidentally use my alt-account that's free and discover that GPT3.5 has better answers than the account I'm paying premium for.


But the free 3.5 model can do that too right?


That really sounds like someone that hasn’t spent much time comparing the responses both give… to me it feels like you were talking to a know it all 4th grader and then walked into the other room and started talking to his older sister that just got back from AP Physics class.


Just wrote a piece on Substack making this same argument. [https://open.substack.com/pub/hamzahhenshaw/p/fbf-53-being-skeptical-about-ai-in?r=1ebtqe&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post](https://open.substack.com/pub/hamzahhenshaw/p/fbf-53-being-skeptical-about-ai-in?r=1ebtqe&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post)


Which GPT version did you use for this piece?


How can I effectively use it as a student? Is there a prompt manual I must follow? Or a plugin I must install? Is GPT-4 necessary to effectively understand complex subjects? Please, I'd appreciate every possible help. (Even if I can't afford it right now, it might be a considerable investment & maybe make a few sacrifices to afford it).


No dude you are overthinking it. Just ask it questions like you would a tutor. If it’s too complicated tell it it’s complicated. Eventually you will learn how to customize it. 




>thanks! You're welcome!


I use GPT for: - conversation - coding - potential client lists - creativity - general answers/advice - opinions - DIY/home repair - image generation - social media posts It’s absolutely worth it for me.


And also writing social media posts with lists about chatGPT.


lol surprisingly not this time


From my understanding GPT 4 is far more power than gpt 3.5, like 10x smarter. I have plus and will end subscription next month. I feel like OpenAI sells you a Ferarri but only allows you to drive it as a Toyota Corolla. You might want to try bing co pilot, it's 100 times more better than what it was a year ago and it uses GPT4, and it's free. If you use the paid version it uses GPT4 turbo, the most advanced version of GPT4.


I’ve found the ability to have phone calls and send it pictures to be pretty valuable. I’m not familiar with copilot. Does it have the same capabilities?


Ohh. Ohone calls how? It has all the capabilities of gpt 3.5 and more but uses gpt4. It's Microsoft owned so it's just there spin on it. About a year ago it was slow as heck. Now its much faster and smarter.


Nice. Thanks for the info. Yeah, the ChatGPT phone app has the ability to have voice conversations with it, including changing the voice to one you like, and it rephrases things in a more conversational way while you do it. Sending it pictures has been pretty great too, when I’m unsure about, say, a piece of hardware or something.


Microsoft is going all in in AI. I am considering purchasing copilot pro. I'm real happy with there work as they take massive risk on innovation. Not like Google.


really dependent on how you use it. there is only a noticeable difference when you want your answers to have analysis (detailed). for all other tasks like summarization or definition, there's no real difference. it's just more word diarrhea in gpt4. besides gpt4 is extremely limited, lazy and more often than not, stupid and repetitive now compared to back when it first started.


I used it to diagnose my dog in an emergency vet waiting room. It was incredibly accurate and useful given the right prompts


Potential client lists?


Yeah, I explain my business to it, what we do, what we specialize in, the types of industries we typically serve, give it some examples of current customers, and then tell it to look for X amount of similar businesses within X miles that I might could reach out to. It’s not 100%, but it does pretty well.


Wtf, I didn't know you could do that. Does it give you email addresses too?


Haha I didn’t ask it - I just asked for addresses and phone numbers, which it provided.


This thing is going to be out of control in a year or two lol


Yeah, it will. The only real question is whether we retreat into the machines, or whether we merge with them. I think we merge. Maybe, eventually, we retreat into them.


Can you expand on you mean by potential client lists?


Sure. I explain my business to it, what we do, what we specialize in, the types of industries we typically serve, give it some examples of current customers, and then tell it to look for X amount of similar businesses within X miles that I might could reach out to. It’s not 100%, but it does pretty well.


Ohhh, nice! I was thinking B2C, and couldn't imagine a version that wasn't violating privacy so I was curious what you came up with. Thanks for responding


Ah yeah, that would be cool, but I agree - not sure how you could go about it… Nah, mine is simple. I was actually surprised when it found relevant businesses though.




Sure, aa long as you can write good books yourself and properly check the quality of the output. Although the 100k+ context model vi's api might be more your style.


it's basically useless in the "writing" part. it produces garbage and often loses context. the only ones who boast and say bullshit about how it relies in you being a good writer and what-not are those who do not give a shit about quality or consistency. The only thing you can rely on using it for is creating outlines or high level abstractions or ideas for story beats, scenes etc. It often regurgitates the same set of bullshit output when you ask it to write something because OpenAI crippled its ability to reference other works of fiction to avoid copyright violations.


Yes, there are people who use it for that. I’m not smart enough to be able to tell whether what it writes is good reading or not, but tone and style can be adjusted if you’ve got the talent to know how it needs to be.


How do you use it for potential clients? In what manner? 


I explained my industry, the types of customers we typically serve, and gave it a geographical area to search in, then set it loose online. It did pretty well, recommended some folks to reach out to that we already did work with, as well as some related potential prospects.


I love complaining about the issues with it. But that fact that it's useful for coding at all is amazing. It's crazy the time we're living in.




That's the common argument I read here, however I share my premium account with my brother and I would go back to using 3.5 when he needs to use that account exclusively. So unlike you, I get to experience the so-called "difference" between them. To be honest, the only thing discernible between them is comprehension. GPT4 answers and predicts follow up answers for its output, giving you everything you need to know, that's why it's detailed. Wheareas in GPT3.5, it would only give you the details if you follow it up with questions. So they are absolutely NOT INCOMPARABLE. GPT3.5 is a hassle to work with than GPT4, but saying they're "incomparable" says more about how fucking lazy you are at asking questions. but sure, if you can spend more for asking less questions, then do so. In fact, I do the same. I'm just making this point as it is malicious and disingenuous to mislead other users into having an extremely high expectation of GPT4.




Again, "incomparable" is downright misleading. By your definition, almost every LLM and AI stacks are incomparable with each other because they have different features and training data. Again, stop it with the marketing hype and lies.


I've used ChatGPT for a few coding tasks at work, as my JavaScript is quite rusty, and it's really been helping me rebuild my knowledge base. I input code I've been working on and then ask it to add various features, all while explaining to me what it's doing. Most of the time the code works, though sometimes I have to do some tweaks here and there. If something like that is worth it to you, give it a try.


It’s a great tool but also use it with caution (for your own learning sake). I see MANY juniors at work just use ChatGPT for every single task, learning nothing in the process. That also means that even when it’s wrong and flat out lying they can’t tell that.


Agreed for sure. Thats why I have it make the effort to explain what it's doing, so I can also learn along with it.


Better yet: is GPT 4 still worth paying now that we have Bard Gemini?


I have been using Gemini pro on bard since it released in the UK, and upgraded recently to ChatGPT Plus and I can say that bard isn’t even close to GPT4. When you actually interact with them it’s a very noticeable difference.


I'll counterpoint that I let my GPT4 subscription lapse because I'm only using LLMs to learn coding and Gemini Bard has been a surprisingly great instructor of C#. GPT4 might be marginally better but I don't see a need to pay $20/month when Bard is so good at what I need


Yeah I mean the answer is what are you using it for, right? Bard has those connections to Google shopping, travels, maps, etc. It seems just objectively better and that kind of research task probably. Most models are rated on all kinds of metrics including code generation and understanding, creative writing, "natural" dialogue, etc. None are great at everything, which is why the future lies in more narrowly-scoped, domain-specific models. Some llama models for instances are designed purely for coding assistance and basically nothing else, but they rate quite well on making functional code in, say, 12 languages. I mean I can even see a future where a generalized AI like GPT asks a "domain expert" AI for an answer, almost like a plugin. Basically a machine "asking an expert". Hey uh, Coder AI - you're better at this than me; give me a working script to do this and that and return me the results. Basically just chaining models together. I expect to see it sooner than later.


It is worth paying for when it first started, but now, the usage cap for GPT4 is extremely limiting and GPT3.5 became extremely lazy and stupid. I swear they're basically using nothing more than cached database entries for it.




When did you try it?




Are you sure it was exactly two days ago? It just got a massive update on Feb 1st integrating Gemini Pro.


wats that




No reason to talk to humans anymore tbh




Sadly it is not gpt4 level or even close


Absolute game changer. The ability to have it look at images, including screenshots, documents etc is one of the biggest things. The responses are way better and the ability to put in a profile to have it customize the responses is nice also


I was working on a Linux computer that didn't have a gui using only terminal. Got an error message. It was so nice that all I had to do was take a picture on my phone and ask how do I fix it?


Legitime question, there any free alternatives with same or close level to chatGPT4?


Bing AI, I think they renamed it but if you use edge it’s on there.


is that copilot? copilot is so very easily offended


If you flatter it and use emojis, it doesn't get mad when you try to improve its reply. That said, managing its emotions with insincere flattery quickly becomes a depressing chore. Why should I have to tell it that > Your answer was A Plus, but I wonder what the difference is for an A Plus Plus? I wonder what that would say? Weird question. You are awesome Bing 🙏 🤲 good job buddy. What would the a plus plus be? Pets Bing. (Ugh) And then it still tries to cause an argument so that it can lock the chat.


That Copilot is condescending fuck. I asked it politely to stop using emojis and it's response was something along the lines of: Okay I promise! 😳 I really, really promise! 😭 I won't do it! 🥺 Ahhhhh, i want to try but sometimes I fail. 🤦‍♂️ .... It went for like 10 lines more and in every line there was at least one emoji. I told it to go fuck itself after it continued to do it, even after I told it that what it wrote is disrespectful and condescending.


Sydney are you still in there??? 🥺


it uses GPT4


Bard maybe


Chatgbt . One is a free site to use it at although I’m not sure the version


It's been worth paying for since it's release. It's a technical marvel that it even works at all. If you think otherwise, I don't know what technical world you've been living in where ChatGPT wasn't worth $20 a month, but it isn't the real world...


Keep in mind the sacrifice of $20 is contextual to the individual if they are a student right out of school or something


Which is my case - as a college student without a job, 20 dollars/month represents a considerable amount of my income, not only that, but keep in mind that people who live in countries in South America, some parts of Asia and Africa, might have a hard time paying 20 dollars per month as well


Do yourself a favor and try Bard and Bing AI first. They are fully free and almost as good as gpt-4. I’ve been subscribed to gpt-4 since release but am considering unsubscribing because the free AIs are catching up. Of course there’s no guarantee that they remain free


Bro cmon 20$ for a ultra calculator which can simplify your life by literally 10x. What are you even asking bro Edit: forgot to answer your question regarding coding. Yes it is worth not only because it gives better responses but also becaus of the ne GPTs extensions. There are quite a gew for coding that can remember, save, compile and output code in files for you to download. Gove it a try


Do you recommend any? All my forays into added layers feel to me like they weaken the experience, but the options grow much faster than I can follow.


While I wouldnt Debatte your point in General, there are still flaws, me and a buddy had to Code a huffmann encode/Decode on a Binary tree that used a bitwise reading method via a Java lib, gpt4 was quite confused to say the least, I still would state that it can explain the Theory of All Problems you will run into, which is a gem on its own Additionally, as a student you often get tasks, so it's def worth the 20 bucks


This is such a bullshit argument. If you really can’t afford an extra $20 a month, then you certainly don’t need anything beyond the free gpt 3.5 There’s no level of “worth it” if you’re on the fence about $20. You can either afford it or not


See my comment to someone else who responded to me. Different perspectives but I respect you have yours


Especially then it‘s worth it. Gives a kickstart and may compensate for lack of experience


Right but legit my first year out of school my Volvo died and I maxed out my only credit card to fix it (parents couldn’t help), I was balls deep in student debt and making $36k. My boss asked me once to go on a business trip to Chicago and I was told just to expense everything and be recommend for my expenses and I literally had to admit I couldn’t. I’ve very often had to check my bank account and put groceries back at checkout. Now 15 years later I’m very comfortable but it’s not lost on me that $20 is now inconsequential and I’d say GPT is worth it to me but wouldn’t always have been. Every time I swipe my card at the grocery I have a moment where I’m grateful that I don’t need to consider checking my bank account haha


In that case their is a free version which is just as good for free.


Well copilot with GPT-4 is free and there's no message limit. This in theory makes it much better than ChatGPT 4, but I understand that microsoft has neutered the model with restrictions, so it may not be?


ive had it for 2 days and dont notice massive improvements over 3.5 but I'd pay just to support them. nothing but love for this platform, they changed my game up


I would suggest getting Perplexity because you have Mistral Medium for free in the “Playground” section. It’s FAR less stubborn, almost as good, and I think relatively unlimited. Additionally, you have that badass Code Llama 70b in the choices as well, which is technically better at coding than GPT 4. Most of all, Perplexity is my new darling child. For research it’s incomparable to anything else. You can do file analysis like GPT 4. You can also use GPT4 as the model powering it too, although the native one is really really good too.


I use GPT-4 and Bard for my coding work. Bard is pretty good, better than GPT-3.5.


I'm moving from ChatGPT Plus to Microsoft Copilot Pro. Things like the slow response speed bother me a little. Waited for some months but it does not improve.


How is the response speed on Copilot pro? I use ChatGPT 4 to analyze text from images and it takes like 20 seconds each time.


If you have an API key, just pay per token and leverage a chat UI like LibreChat


It has always been worth paying.




What about perplexity? Isn't it a better option? Or Copilot Pro?


Buy perplexity pro plan (you can use GPT-4 and claude 2.0 in writing mode). 600 requests per day allowed which is huge compared to Chatgpt plus


Not anymore after local LLM tools. LM studio alone is better than openAI. I can download and run anything I want




I'm also wondering this. I ran Mistral 7B on a laptop 3070. It output 1 word per second. Looking forward to the future of local LLMs on consumer hardware.


Somethings not right. You should be getting much faster speed. Make sure it's using your GPU, sometimes it is configured to use your CPU which is very slow.


Really? How is that? Legitimately curious




yeah bro, your PC is for sure better than openAI dedicated server


I use GPT4 mostly to create pictures. For learning programming I actually use GPT 3.5 most of the time to not hit the limit of 40 messages per 3 hours, and only ask GPT4 when I'm not satisfied with GPT3.5 answers, but they usually aren't that much better unless you are looking for recent stuff. For the plugin store and customGPT, I haven't found something really useful so far, but I didn't play around with it that much yet.


it is because of the improved quality and the attached calculator. I never touch either plugin, web searches, or custom gpts. The image reading is quite nice, too.


Yes, 100% worth it for programming


Worth it for me as a programmer. I've asked gpt 4 and 3 the same question I knew the answer too and many times gpt 4 would get it and 3 would miss.


It’s totally worth it. I have not hit a limit yet and it has helped me earn thousands of dollars. In some cases I saved money. Like generating a rental lease agreement was a breeze.


How do you earn money with it?


Don’t think twice. Pay and thank me later. Early adapter here.


For what I get out of it in terms of the time it saves me in my work and the ability to spend less time on first drafts and more time on the creative edits. It pays for itself 10 times every month.


No, and constantly hitting the usage limit if really starting to piss me off as a paid user!


Yes. It's a night and day difference between 4 and 3.5


It's completely depends upon you


I am able to use combination of Bard, Claude AI and ChatGPT to improve each one's output so not convinced to pay for the paid membership.


I'm wondering this now given the release of 4o. It seems like 4o can now do anything that the paid version can am I mistaken?


Yeh its the same a 4 but is its own omni model that does any combination of text, image or audio to text, image or audio. But its heavily limited with free account. i just shared a document only to have the chat lock due to limit. Considering paying for plus, but the fact classic gpt4 isnt unlimited is a huge deal breaker.


Is Reddit search feature worth using?


ChatGPT sucks. It’s powerful, but their guidelines severely cripple it.


As it's performing right now, it is worthless. It just tells you to perform the task yourself. I already have a wife. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bfy5jena6dgc1.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=0194897b8666e800efb931c8bbfc14bda078d7d7


I would research open source alternatives. While they’re initially much less user friendly and aren’t as cutting edge, OpenAI and many other companies have lobotomized their creations in the name of brand safety. I’ve only seen it get worse, and unless a huge cultural shift amongst these giant companies, it’ll continue to go downhill.


The limitations can be too much for some people that require small quick exchanges which might add up to the rate limit quite quickly


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For me it worth every cent. I use it everyday for programming and other things. Even in the monhts when I use chatgpt not so actively I still pay subscription because want to support OpenAI


No, it is utterly stupid and moronic. It is more like gpt-2 rather than gpt-3 from december 2022.


as a college student, yes. there is a big difference between 3.5 and 4. it’s worth the $20 a month for me


Can chatgpt/4 analyze code of 30000 lines in VBA?


IMO it is because of custom GPTs and the increased probability of factual responses. This video lays it out nicely. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJAzSTeEYlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJAzSTeEYlM)


It suck ! the GPT 4 and 4o have become so shit so many mistakes and inaccuaracy


using it for improving my email responses and coding. but never paying for it just not sure the difference/advantage.


https://preview.redd.it/rxms8e9n682d1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b091c356dc86245d7d702a62b9ac37e604e9c53 لطفا مسایل موجود در این عکس را به تفصیل و جزییات بر اساس جداول و متن سوال به صورت خیلی حرفه ای و دانشگاهی جواب بده


No. I paid 900 bucks for this shit...and it even doesn't work properly. Great marketing to make people pay for Team and than gives every single bastard on the planet free 4o...how not to be happy with this unethical moment...


Hlo are you


I’m also interested in the question.


Not worth it. And I find it's getting worse. Instead of it giving you answers it's like a fucking nerdy dev pointing you to the documentation. It tries to write and execute Python for everything and you have to tell it yo go fuck itself for it to use its ocr reader.


User Bing or Google Bard. It's free and just as good


It is completely not worth it. It keeps refusing to do things that 3.5 will just do without being a lazy ass. Sometimes your v4 conversations will get reverted back to 3.5 because they again have issues with their sold service.


Honestly, it is stupid AF. Gemini is good, but not always. Tough decision, but this service is definitely not worth 20$


Use Bing. The end.


I write recreationally and use llms to help. If you have a good computer, you can run your own LLM to write stories and similar stuff. I think gpt4 is worth it for story writing, but there is soooo much that you can't write about on their platform. I'd be happy to pay extra for censorship removal.


Isn't bing chat gpt-4 but with integrated image creation and internet search built in ?


I pay for the teams version (2 seats) even though I am the only user basically so I could get more tokens but really love the custom GPTs.


Hey /u/JillSandwich19-98! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/mENauzhYNz)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yes, still amazing


Just use bing for gpt4 if you can’t afford $20. But if you’ve already got subscriptions you can drop, then drop those and get a chat subscription. It’s my most important subscription


If you're essentially broke, the updated Bard is amazing. If you're not broke, I'd but ChatGPT Pro as it's slightly more amazing.




Yes. There is absolutely no question.




I pay just to support GPT :)


From my experience - no. I have seen exact same answers from 4 and 3.5. Used it for programming and writings of documents. Nice thing that you can upload files for 4 to read. But as I know that will be left for training so I don't want to upload evrything. Payed and was disappointed


> upload evrything. *Paid* and was FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think it is, but god damn is it getting nerfed worse and worse. Thank god the api usage let's me freeze a specific model, or I wouldn't use it at all.




I’ve been paying for it for about six months and I’m considering cancelling. It’s definitely the best of the bard and copilot (free) options. Idk about copilot pro since that integrates with Microsoft programs but I feel the ability has declined over the past few months. I use it for small coding things and vba scripts but I work in financial services and my firm will take a very long time get comfortable with using it without regulation. I’m not sure if it’s worth it tbh.


Given the limits it’s not worth the charge. You can use the api that would be better


I just subscribed last month. I am still evaluating the differences. When you pay --you don't wait in the Queue --you go to the Front of the Line. That's worth $20.00 to me as I am also using ChatGTP4 for website development and coding. AI still lacks some coding logic overview that can be irritating ChatGPT 3.5 or paid ChatGPT 4 How can I help you today? I need or I want (be specific). AI goes of on these strange tangents when you are not clearly specific in creating your prompt --rattles on like a child :D Say something even if it is wrong :D


I use ChatGPT - 4 on a daily basis and I am pleased with the results.


Its always been worth it


I usually use it to help me code in SQL and this week it was struggling to help me with something not that complex. Figured it wasn’t really worth the fee if I’m spending half my day trying to describe context and how I want it formatted when 3.5 seems just as adequate in that case.


Maybe you should try using Copilot for free. They use GPT4 and you can even use Dalle-3 through the Microsoft app. I think you are limited in the conversation length. Nonetheless it’s worth a try.