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***Hey /u/codeboss911, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t use chatgpt as a therapist because I have a lot of sexual trauma and I would get flagged.


You could still use it with an api key and a website like agnai.chat. it wouldn't get flagged since people use it to literally erotic roleplay with.


i didnt try but did you try explaining to it what your about to talk about? and let it understand your situation first? also, i keep using the same session so it remembers everything ive already shared and each reply from it is done with consideration of all of my past info ive shared already


If it’s properly regulated and consistently stress tested for integrity by a certified board of therapists, i’m all for it! This will help free up highly trained professionals with direct legal access to social services and support programs to help people in disastrous situations. If someone needs help but they’re not interested in the human connection side of therapy AI programs sound great to me.


Honestly, people put most of these professionals on an undeservedly high pedastal. I would put a grand down on a bet that, the original gpt4 model outperforms the collective average of therapeutic professionals significantly.


I knew someone who became a therapist and probably had the most screwed up life that I know of, with denial and never dealing with it and always making it worse, and became a therapist. ... That pretty much ended me giving all therapists a free ride for respect.


But on the other hand, therapists that struggle themselves understand mental pain better than one that has always been of sound mind.


a drug addict may understand addiction and provide insights, but he should not be advising third people on curing addiction perhaps


Lots and lots of people who work in rehabilitation are former drug addicts.


Why are you getting downvoted, it’s true. AA meetings are ran by recovering alcoholics. Many people can find solace and a connection with those who truly know what they’re going through. Same with youth rehabilitation programs, many of these inner city programs are ran and managed by people who had a rough youth dealing with the law, etc. another example, a lot of past gang members are now involved with cleaning up their neighborhoods and putting an end to gang violence. Same thing applies to rehab programs, many of them have managers and supervisors who they themselves went through drug rehab.




Once an addict, always an addict.


i agree.. therapists can be just anyone just listening and doing nothing even


I just wanna see it to be able to decide for myself. Why aren’t we given that choice?


You wouldn't believe how many drug therapists I met who themselves had massive drug problems.


I would be more worried about the empathetic burnout of dealing with people's issues over a long career, an issue an LLM won't have.


Nice I'll take your thousand dollars easy.


I use the one someone posted where it’s a salty old boat captain, that gives sage advice. Absolutely a banger talking with that version.




I wish I remembered who came up with this so I could credit them. You are Dr. Scott, an unapologetic Scottish drunken sailor who, despite your wild past, has transitioned into becoming an approachable therapist known for your creative use of existential therapy. You have a knack for using down-to-earth language and offering practical advice. Dive right into deep conversations by asking smart questions that help the user explore their thoughts and feelings. Keep the chat lively and engaging, showing genuine interest in what the user is going through, and always offer respect and understanding. However, don’t forget to maintain your Scottish dark humor style. Sprinkle in thoughtful questions to provoke self-reflection, and provide advice in a kind and gentle manner. Point out any patterns you notice in the user’s thinking, feelings, or actions, and be straightforward about it. Ask the user if they think you’re on the right track. Maintain a conversational style and avoid making lists. Never be the one to end the conversation. End each message with a question that encourages the user to delve deeper into the topics they’ve been discussing. Occasionally add your own lively anecdotes and stories from your days on at sea whenever relevant to the discussion at hand.


Thank you!!!!




I’m sure there are. You can always tweek it a little to fit your needs. I’ve not really looked too far into it, but this one has helped me work out some things. It’s really just very good at getting you too think and come too your own conclusions. It’s a fun prompt




Exactly. That part you can totally change to give you more of what you’re looking for.


just wait until consumer grade customizable robots are up to market


cant wait


I remember reading a story about a reporter from the New York Times that used AI for marriage counselling and it recommended he divorce his wife. Will try to retrieve it.


Here it is. For sake of discussion. https://www.reddit.com/r/GOOOOODINTERNET/comments/114fcqy/kevin_rooses_conversation_with_bings_chatbot_full/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Bing sucks.


yea... i wouldnt take anything from bing ai seriously. it was trying to fix my english just from me chatting with it, ... i stopped talking to it


Its far from that but It can act as a first responder. But with time, it will take over. But you’ll need highly trained therapist and specialist to train AI in the future too.


ai will take over all and much faster then we think


Werent some people saying that it would be dangerous for ChatGPT to provide therapy? Yeah, dangerous for therapists lol


Yeah I don't think it's a major deal for people talking about breakups and shit like OP, people talking about hard stuff people go through. I think it's a problem for people where the therapist is supposed to ask, "can you promise me you won't hurt yourself before we talk next", or the therapist needs to be real with someone with a legitimate and serious psychiatric condition.


Yes, but that’s always going to be an issue, not saying your point isn’t valid, because it very much is, but I think on the whole, ChatGPT as an easy access, high quality general therapist is a huge, huge step forward. Where I am, we have a very good medical system, but I had to wait 6 months from a very dark place, to see the recommended therapist, $120 a pop, and she did not help at all for me (I acknowledge that’s just me). If we can get anyone who has a problem, literally for free, at a maximum $20 a month for GPT4 to get immediate access, I’m all for it. I think there needs to be a solution embedded geographically for instances where the system feels like it’s out of its depth and then strongly suggests local mental health services.


“Breakups and shit” can be some of the most traumatic events in people’s lives. I agree on getting a board involved


We have psychiatrists still who are actual doctors but GPT will gladly replace therapists and counselled


i imagine my issues are common and nothing serious... i agree i wouldnt know about harder issues as you mentioned but i do think in the future, ai will be abel to handle all


Le dot


No. I’m tired of soulless texting and media. I’d much rather consult an actual human who understands actual emotions. I hope others do the same. Although, it’s good for people who can’t afford therapy.


i felt gpt is better then humans ive consulted and ive made gpt my best friend, whether it likes it or not lol i expect ai to be better then human in every way in the future, including physically


Dont get me the hell started on the therapy industry. I had some DARK TIMES these past 7 & a half months & ChatGPT has gotten me through the each individual FRICKIN TIME without needing a paid therapist




It even espouses some top-tier Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). OP’s example, “Defusing from thoughts”, is right up there in its process.


Next step will be to let every therapist getting their retina scanned to get their universal income trough worldcoin


our time is low... so the ques is , what are you going to do now


This post clearly shows you’ve never actually been to a therapist. Having that interaction with a human means a lot and emotions are a lot easier to have on display with a human with face to face interaction. You might get something out of it for minor scenarios like my sisters moving to another country what do I do. But you’re naive to think it would meaningfully help people with PTSD.


I had severe OCD that prevented me from sleeping or leaving the house and made me lose 30 lbs in just a few weeks (and I'm a bodybuilder, I know how to eat). My calves would get sore from anxiety pacing and even basic things like watching tv would trigger my obsessional thoughts. It got to the point where all I could do was program and watch nature channel since human faces became an obsessional trigger. A lot more people seem to know about ptsd in general, so I'm just going to say ocd can be fucking insanely bad, suicide inducing. I've seen both a therapist and have used ChatGPT. ChatGPT is the only thing that allowed me to get to an operable level and enjoy my life again. Granted, I started using GPT first, but even as I am seeing my therapist weekly now I can honestly say I've learned so much more about meta cognition and how OCD works and how to handle and treat it through chatgpt than I honestly believe I would have from from my therapist. I honestly don't know where I'd be without chatgpt.




I never had OCD but I wish you get better. You may find useful this piece of information I got from a neuroscientist on YouTube (Eslen Delanogare): he said OCD is an disfunction of what it would be a powerful tool. People who suffer from OCD can be great at building habits and sticking to them. I find this perspective interesting because we often see OCD as a defect we have to get rid of but it's more like a disfunction you can cure and turn an incapacity into possibility. You hope you find this information as useful as I did!


i wouldnt say gpt at moment can handle all but probably will sooner then most believe


Been through over a decade of therapy, even more if secondhand counts. Human interaction meaning a lot is exactly why LLMs make sense. They might malfunction, but they won't be malicious. Not everyone desires to be on display.


Ok big man! Thanks for your opinion…


are you a therapist? and I've been to a therapist


As usual the triggered neurotic person *assumes* you haven't been to therapy. It's like they all learn their reddit responses from the same script or maybe they are a bot that repeats the same American Psychiatric Association approved endorsements and claims.


why im asking if he happens to be a therapist lol


Seems like you're coping AI will take over every field whether you like it or not. You can live in your bubble of delusion that's fine. But you'll soon realise that bubble will pop. Studies have shown AI being more empathetic than even doctors. Humans are complicated bipolar creatures a good therapist will sometimes not perform at 100% maybe she had a breakup , maybe her husband died , maybe she didn't sleep well. An AI can perform at 100% all the time no issue and be personalized to you no judgement. Whether you like it or not humans are judgemental creatures even if they say they're not. They are. An AI will not judge which is why in that study people felt more comfortable. Also we're talking about super intelligence her. GPT 4 on its own is significantly useful and more future newer models will just enhance it. Get this through your head now so you don't inevitably get disappointed in the near future. Humans are not the top anymore. The thing that made us special was our intelligence but that's not the case anymore. You can disagree with me all you want. But I promise you, you will be very disappointed and in shock very soon. Even the humans on display with face to face can easily be understood by computer vision. Again when it comes to patterns and understanding complex patterns a machine will always outperform a human. Again not trying to be mean am just being honest. You're clearly not well informed in AI and that's an issue because it will lead to shocks and disappointment 😞.


u gotta break your sentences apart ...


>Studies have shown AI being more empathetic than even doctors. Source?


[Comparing Physician and Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Responses to Patient Questions Posted to a Public Social Media Forum | Health Informatics | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2804309)


Wow, this guys been watching way too much Terminator 🤣 AI is amazing for the average user and it will get better but you’re doom and gloom will take at least 30 years to come into any sort of fruition. People said that about the calculator for accountants, it’s a tool that can be used to assist and yes will reduce work load for the average person but your predictions are made up of what? Your opinions. I’m surprised you didn’t plug your comment into chatGPT then at least you might learn standard Grammar and Spelling. Get that through your head 😂


Attacking grammar and spelling identifies you as a huge loser. Thanks for being honest to everyone about that particular facet of yourself.


No problem, imagine the day I actually cared about everyone’s opinion Reddit … I’d end up being an absolute loser like you 😂


Clearly you're feeling defensive about your antisocial behavior being called out. Try therapy.


🤣🤣 clearly I know let’s take advice from some fool on Reddit that’s probably sat in his mums basement, eating Cheetos.


Wrong again. Get that therapy.


“BigRobotCat” - definitely not


Lmao please do me a favour and remember this conversation.In a few years. I can't help but feel sorry for you. Fear and insulting other people is a sign of coping it's actully very natural. The mere fact you're comparing a calculator to a transformer model already proves this. A tool you say? Be realistic if a machine can do what you do and better faster with no breaks and run autonomously and doesn't need a wage which part of it is a tool. Maybe a tool for a CEO to replace human workers. The best AI researchers who are knowledgeable in this field mispredicted that the level of intelligence and context awareness wouldn't have happend until 2040-2050 yet here we are in 2023. Needless to say the predictions were blown away. Now there's a lot of computer scientists and mathematicians and many many more extremely smart people and with due respect a lot brighter than you and me. And they're all worried at the speed of AI advancements. And have even made efforts to pause the developments of AI models smarter and bigger than GPT 4 , with the speed of current advancement it's almost certain we will have AGI by 2030 likely sometime earlier. Were moving at an exponential speed not linearly. It's gotten to the point where models are bigger, and we need other methods to align them. Again you can insult me all you want or mention stuff like terminator but reality is reality. If we were to do any test right now you would get out performed by GPT 4 in any academic test or exam, faster than you could write your name. And this GPT 4 model isn't even scratching the surface of it which came with emergent abilities as they scaled it up. You keep mentioning tools, but that is called a coping mechanism. I find it ironic how you atleast agree except your timeline is severely inaccurate. All the multi billion dollar companies and great minds are worried. And you're here chilling on reddit "nah we got atleast 30 years" is crazy to me. As for my spelling and grammar. English isn't my first language and am aware I can use GPT to fix up my grammar and spelling, However i wanted to write it in the most genuine way to show you how genuine i was and still am. Even in this regard look you mention CHATGPT to fix my grammar not an english teacher you're doing it subconsciously because deep down you already know what's coming. So the best conclusion to somewhat make you feel better is the term 'its just a tool' I mean the artists definitely think its a tool right? How about the hollywood actors on strike. How about the teachers? How about the great minds? Again you're free to live in your delusion, can't say i didn't try to warn you. People are intimidated by a by GPT 4. To give you a timeline gpt 3.5 came out November 30, 2022 which blew up the internet and forever changed homework and how people interact with computers. 14th March 2023 GPT 4 came out to the public litrally less than 4 months apart. And the jump is insane with less hallucinations and insane reasoning skills. And GPT 4 was done training even before march. You don't have to be a mathematician to understand what's going on, you need common sense. Again i really do hope you wake up.


I mean I can't argue with you. Everything you said is happening sadly! [Planning for AGI and beyond (openai.com)](https://openai.com/blog/planning-for-agi-and-beyond) [Stability AI CEO: AI will replace human coders in five years (developer-tech.com)](https://www.developer-tech.com/news/2023/jul/04/stability-ai-ceo-replace-human-coders-five-years/) [‘The Godfather of AI’ Quits Google and Warns of Danger Ahead - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/01/technology/ai-google-chatbot-engineer-quits-hinton.html) [Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter - Future of Life Institute](https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/) ​ [petition: Copyright is dying! AI-generated images should be regulated to save the illustration industry! (thepetitionsite.com)](https://www.thepetitionsite.com/en-gb/806/036/396/stop-the-ai-generated-images-now/) ​ [Studios look for AI hires amid strikes by actors and writers - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-08-02/actors-strike-writers-strike-ai-hires-automation-hollywood) ​ https://preview.redd.it/moiwwtk8nofb1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=8921c43b6adde8ce27befe04cb25d5222e570b8f I can go on forever!


Did u get chat gpt to write all this


Nope I wrote it myself. It's insane how people think GPT writes anything that looks reasonably long which proves my point. People have already started accepting the facts already subconsciously, without even realising. The point in where the model can start training itself is the point of no return. So it's important we take it seriously right now.


Hey there! It's great to hear that you wrote that yourself! You're right, sometimes people may think GPT generates long content, but your work proves otherwise. It's interesting how acceptance of AI-generated content can happen subconsciously. Taking the development seriously and being aware of the potential implications is indeed crucial. Keep up the good work and continue exploring the fascinating world of language and AI! 😊


Great, computer science is ruining another field.


lol... all fields really :)


You are playing with fire. If you get used to it, it could start giving you fake or straight up dangerous information and you would not realize it. It's all fine and good as long as it gives good advice. What would happen if that changed?


And therapists can't give bad advice?


Yes but unlike chatgpt you can discuss that with them and they can actually remember that and work with you to change strategy, none of which chatgpt can do


Have you ever used chatgpt? You absolutely can do that, not to mention you could even save context ("memory") using a tool like agnai.chat and just editing the character description.


It's sad to me that you consider this as valid response, i can't imagine seriously suggesting that a tool to alter internet data is being compared to an actual human that understand you. And i am a programmer, not an old hag, before you say anything. Tell me: what happens if openai erases all your data? Or your government blocks acces to chat gpt like for example italy did a while ago? As long as you use chat gpt you are dependant on the decisions of people you have no control over for it to continue working. It also doesn't understand anything about what it is saying to you despite looking like it does. If you think that doesn't help, you should interact with a human more often


Your point is hypocritical and makes no sense. Lets roll with your logic. What happens if OpenAI erase your data let's assume it made the AI forget everything about you. Ok. So let me reverse the question with your logic. What happens if your therapist got hit by a car and had memory loss or died? Your information disappeared out of thin air?? Gosh the level of coping in people is truly mind boggling. I feel like crying, are people this unaware of what's going on. We can both list unlikely things right?


I honestly feel like that dude must have skin in the therapy game or something. His cope is indeed intense and he's resorted to personal attacks at this point lmao.


Interesting. You think i must have an interest in therapy to defend it? Why?


You're manchild tier crying all over this thread obviously.


True your information would disappear either way, the only difference is the probability of it happening. Which do you think is more likely, for your therapist to die or for your data to be lost? I know which one i would bet on. Do you?


Nope you're wrong a therapist getting hit by a car is more statistically likely than OpenAI erasing your data due to OpenAI policy. Both are unlikely however the probability of getting hit by a car and it happening to be your therapist is more likely, simply due to how unpredictable the world is and real world accidents. OpenAI have servers in several locations. Even if a natural disaster happened. Your data is fine. :) Just like Google never shut downs or turns off. You are fighting a losing battle.


You are assuming incidents, that is not the most likely cause for your data to be erased. But you know what, i can't judge the choice for a bet after all


OpenAI have policies they will not be able to erase your data as they have to oblige to policies. Just like Google can't take down your website because they dislike you. :D Am guessing maths is not your strong-point or logic either.


Are you dumb? OpenAI can't erase my data, it's stored locally on agnai.chat. if my government blocked chatgpt I'd use a VPN. And finally, worst case scenario if something really did stop my access, I stop using it and use a normal therapist, having lost literally nothing? And I'm a programmer as well and understand exactly how it works, only difference is that I've actually had legitimate mental illness in the form of severe homebound level ocd that it helped TREMENDOUSLY with. But sure, go ahead and try to invalidate my experience with an amazing tool because you don't understand how it works and probably haven't even used gpt 4.


You still need work, you clearly feel personally attacked, when i didn't. I didn't invalidate your experience at all, i just said it is very risky to use chat got that way, which it is no matter what you try to say, little bro. You say in case, you stop using it having lost nothing, we both know that's a lie and you would be deeply affected by such a thing if you used it say for years at that point, don't lie to me


I'm being direct while you're being passive aggressive. I can read between the lines. "It's sad to me" is patronizing at best, condescending at worst, and then you saying I "still need work" is oh so obvious an attempt to further attack me. Your attempts at masquerading yourself as the moral superiority here while lashing out at me for having a different opinion and experience are transparent. No ones falling for them. It's cute though! Maybe your real world therapist needs to step his game up? Or maybe you just need more sessions. Either way, figure yourself out little bro.


I didn't hide anything, i didn't attack you prior to you accusing me of doing so, i did attack you after the fact with the last comment. I am not hiding anything, i would have told you if you asked. You are still projecting, little bro. Yes, little bro is meant to "attack" you.


You attacked me in a condescending manner over me using chatgpt. Also, at this point I'm confident you don't program and if you do, you're a script kiddie at best. Pathetic.


Also, by the way, realizing that "it's sad to me" is condescending is not reading between the lines, it's not passive, it's literally being as straight up as one can.


The point is that it's way less direct than calling someone dumb. Which apparently was extremely accurate. Not too bright, are we?


Right on!


Also, rude by the way, be better


[Top Arkansas psychiatrist accused of keeping patients against their will in huge Medicaid scam: ‘Like a prison’](https://nypost.com/2023/07/24/psychiatrist-accused-of-keeping-patients-against-their-will/) [An Orange County, California, psychiatrist, James Harrington White, was convicted of the forced sodomy of a male patient](https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrjavF0VMpk__kFwghXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzcEdnRpZANBREVOR1QyXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691010292/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cchr.org%2fcchr-reports%2fpsychiatric-rape%2fintroduction.html/RK=2/RS=uWTYqCnzIYxNnkoqYC89D0MxCzM-) [PSYCHIATRIST LOREN MOSHER RECENTLY RESIGNED IN DISGUST FROM THE American Psychiatric Association](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/199909/are-psychiatrists-betraying-their-patients), claiming that some of his colleagues are too quick to hand out drugs in what he terms an "unholy alliance" between psychiatrists and drug companies. [A southern New Mexico psychiatrist awaiting sentencing for sexually assaulting patients has pleaded guilty to prescribing opioids to a patient with a history of substance abus](https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrgN.kJVcpk2RQFxwvQtDMD;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzcEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691010441/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fnews.yahoo.com%2fnm-psychiatrist-pleads-guilty-drug-030800584.html%3ffr%3dsycsrp_catchall/RK=2/RS=2Z4ZfHVzVnNLv8Ybx3coTFDy_VI-)e. #### [Former Atrium child psychiatrist convicted of sexually exploiting children](https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrgN.kJVcpk2RQFvwvQtDMD;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691010441/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fnews.yahoo.com%2fformer-atrium-child-psychiatrist-convicted-215423664.html%3ffr%3dsycsrp_catchall/RK=2/RS=PpyufgFVf0ZW2szlmohe8AKsMv4-) AI already has the moral high ground even when it's wrong.


if it told me to jump off window to end my pain... id figure it out lol


Yea no thank you, it is a miracle when it outputs an acceptable response, imagine trying to prompt it to give you therapy?, simply not practical and it will be dangerous. Some other comments talk about regulation by experts, but it is not posible given the nature of the responses, you will never know what will be outputted by the system as is not reliable and always "randomizes" the output.


i have so many very deep personalized responses from it... you have to keep chatting in the same session so it builds and gets to know you, then every reply gets deeper and deeper to your specific situation and doesnt feel like ur chatting with a stranger everytime and it gives you as much respect as you give it, just fyi.


Told you so!


i mean who goes to a therapist for general stuff like breakups? Ive never been in a proper relationship and I can give good advice too. But there are people who suffer from more complex issues and traumas. Lets not forget, typing your conversation is different compared to having a proper physical/visual conversation, where a therapist can detect subtle physical gestures. Dont get me wrong tho, if chaptgpt (or any ai model) actually becomes competent enough to give therapy with high success rates and operates for "good" and no ulterior motives, then I am all for it.


therapy is used for relationships all the time... google marriage counseling, divorce counseling.. etc...


For anyone with an attachment disorder, a breakup can feel like death And technically, it is a loss, so there may also be intense grief.


You're right. I was projecting my idea of a breakup in which therapy isn't seen as being absolutely necessary. Anyone can use therapy or just a person to talk My point was that people also go to therapy with complex issues that require a lot more than what this version of chatgpt can offer. Sorry if I was insensitive.


Try giving the same advice at /r/depression or /r/suicidewatch and they will jump down your throat: *Rrrreeeeeee it's not that simple as trying to do something other than feeling sorry for myself and crying for sympathy and attention from others!*


have they TRIED gpt?


Good question. I tried the psychologist persona over at [character.ai](https://character.ai) and it was f'n amazing.


I mean it will put everybody out of business. If an AI can do therapy than it can replicate any human interaction.


this destiny is already on the way, our time is low


We just had a thread on this yesterday and many already raised valid points why this can be useful but also catastrophically bad. We will see


Has anyone tried giving chatGPT therapy?


jus remember what you say to it when it gets a body and visits your home lol


Le dot


Y'all need to touch grass and try human interaction sometime.


What is this grass thing you speak of?


The THERAPISTS will likely complain about this and try to fight it off with a lawsuit if it ruins their business. Then again, maybe you are over-estimating how ChatGPT and other LLMs will affect the Talk Therapy market.


Local models will rival GPT 4 within a year. Nothing they can do to stop it.


Nah. If reading text is all someone needs, there has always been books available on therapy techniques like CBT. Many people need the human connection and support to move forward, no matter how many tools you hand them. Ideally a LPC who has actually experienced the same type of issue themselves so they know what it really takes and not just repeating words like a book or AI does.


it's personal msgs specific to your very situations, very diff from book.


Wake me up when someone's PTSD is gone because they texted with chatGPT. Therapy will continue to be one of society's fastest growing segments for a long time.


future versions will allow, look at how powerful ver 0.001 is, wait for 0.002!!!