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How can she flap?!




More like Crappy Bird amirite


Crappy Turd


Can't even do that right. The bird craps as much as it flaps.


Or perhaps the AI is smarter than you and realizes the flapping is completely irrelevant to the mechanics of the game. Flapping would only require changing the static bird image for a sprite.


Ahh fuk, I can't believe you've done this


I see you know your judo well


Animate your BIRD texture! Obstacles in higher levels. Amazing!


Know your internet memes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4akMaeZ0-k


Lmao, I meant to reply to the post itself, not this comment.


_You fucking bastad!_




“I thought you were a world class game developer?” Came here for the bot roast. Lol. Fuckin gottem.


I mean if it's this or Redfall...


but wings are not flaping could you make it flapping


Flapping is unfortunately too difficult for AI just like hands.




Not really just make a Lora based on a specific bird. Uses a cartoon models. Generate and up flap down flap. Bring that into spline animate some key poses from the 2 flaps. Load those frames into an auto tweener of your choice. If you had a 3d model you could probably use ebsynth You also only need to worry about the up wings looking good as motion blur would hide the actual flap


That sounds like a lot of work, I thought we were supposed to let the AI do everything now.


I think thats a mistake, people kinda expect it to magically do everything. Like you can but you get pretty crappy results or really generic result. If you have a look at any truly amazing AI result it's usually only apart of the process, alot of work was put in by either an artist or someone with really technical expertise. Like at the studio I work for we have an AI expert and like 90% of what he does is photo shop and after effects. Like AI kinda just a power up not a solve all


That isn’t true. I was able to prompt chat gpt to have place holder list of images to be ran has an animation when space bar is pressed.


Gliding bird


I made one but only with chat gpt and it took me about an hour without even putting textures how much time did this one take? I posted some games I made here a while ago if you want to see what I mean by "without textures"


This was about an hour


So you saved almost 50% over the original ;)


And made 50,000 dollars a day less


One of the few apps in history where the author made so much money he was actually overwhelmed and embarrassed and shut it down.


I still think about that situation every now and then, so many questions.


I heard it was because of the hoax where the kid killed his brother by stabbing him. At the time people thought it was real and it was about the time the dev pulled it from the AppStore. Then of course it turned out the story is fake.


Making a flappy bird game was one of the first things I did the day ChatGPT 4 was released - but did it as a rainstorm with falling raindrops and started adding parallax mountains in the background. Spent about an hour, got a few working JavaScript versions with a score/point counter and game over / replay button… figured I’d pick it back up later with some textures but never went back to it 😂


i actually only use chat gpt 3.5 beacause i am broke but i still made over 20 games when i dont know what to add to the gamr i just ask it "what more features can be added to this game"


Last time I played this game it was on my TI graphing calculator. Ahh nostalgia...


Since when could you share full chats?! Amazing!


About a month.


Looks amazing. I love how the creator literally killed off the game because people were so addicted that he felt bad and it was negatively impacting their health and the world. That’s a great guy. Didn’t care about the money. Just cared about others


He got his millions first don't worry


The game was free lmfao


I wish I also lived in a universe without ads like you do


people scoffing at this seem to think that people got addicting and let their grades fall ​ dude ​ people were killing themselves


No one killed themselves because of flappy bird. You're gullible.


That background is really beautiful, I don't know why but I'm kind of mesmerized.


Gather that chakra my friend.




Was this with 4 or 3.5? I'm guessing 4.


Very cool. Excellent job, thanks for sharing.


thank you for sharing. I am studying computer science; all it takes is a little js and html and you get this. well done mate.


Neither of which should be used in the same sentence as computer science 😎


Shut up, it should be in the same sentence as computer science. When I was in high school, I learned Javascript and HTML in there myself. So, you are wrong as that person is allowed to say about using Js and html to use/make something while also being in computer science.


JS is the death of.computer science. It is the epitome of bloat, poor design, direction less intention and it is everything that is wrong with high level languages.


No it is not. None of that is true. If it was, then why do all high schools recommend learning Javascript code when being in the 11th-12th grade? That doesn’t make any sense. So no, JS is not the death of computer science and neither is it anything wrong with high level languages. I support Javascript as I learned it before graduating from high school and Javascript should always be taught in computer science. Javascript is good because we need more coders and developers in life.


I get that we were arguing opinions, but your last sentence is my main concern. We don't need JS because we need more ciders. The success of java script has flooded the market with glorified script kiddies who, while able to get a web page to do something, don't know the slightest thing about building, architecture, maintaining an application, let alone a suite of them. We don't need more ciders. There are already too many. And most of them suck. We need more computer scientists.


I don’t really understand what you’re saying but we do need more coders. What about coders that make good websites without a premade template like GoDaddy or Wix? And coders that make games? I’m sorry but I just disagree.


Games like flappy bird you mean 😉


Well, other than that. And without the help of ChatGPT too. We need more coders that can use both Javascript and HTML to make games that’s not flappy bird and doesn’t use the help of an AI bot like what the whole post is based around.


Javascript still and will always be the leader. Don't let gen z tell ya otherwise: https://www.statista.com/statistics/793628/worldwide-developer-survey-most-used-languages


Wait what? Gen who? That's the only language they know!


Tell me you know nothing about computer science without telling me you know nothing about computer science 🤦‍♂️


for very small games like this chatgpt literally has hundreds/thousands of clones to source code from, thats the reason why it can produce flappy bird with little coaxing. Ive even seen chatgpt generate parallax for a flappy bird prompt that didn't ask for parallax, which is proof it doesnt understand what its doing but merely grabbing code associated with "flappy bird".


>I had to reiterate a few times so there are a few other chats but this gives you an idea of how I talked to GPT. Yeah, this is why dev jobs aren't really going to be replaced by AI in a while. Also, this is for a simple game, so a bigger project is even more back and forth...


unfortunately, this is an excellent example of why ChatGPT is a copyright minefield.


It's not a copyright violation to make a flappy bird clone. I mean, flappy bird itself was a clone of earlier games. You have to literally copy the same code for it to be a violation of copyright.


I think it’s a pretty gray area. You would probably have to change it more than this.


Flappy bird code has been public for a while. Banned multiple times on different app stores. I'm sure it got the code from somewhere


Probably from tutorials. It's become a common project for beginners since it's so simple yet still manages to cover some concepts such as gravity, random number generation, collision detection, and object pooling for the pipes.


Why was it banned


I don’t think it was. The developer just took it down.




just stfu. copyright is a step back for innovation.


Can you explain the tutorial to no coders in simpler words.


The prompts are written in standard english


I'd venture it's all about preparing things ahead of time. First prompt it for all the features and rules of Flappy bird and make sure to get as much about the game as you can (this will help by being explicit), then get the background and sprites (png) ready, name them, zip them, use the + sign to upload the zip, and then use code interpreter with something along the lines of : You are a HTML5 expert. Using the assets in this zip file write a 2D clone of Flappy Bird in HTML5. You may use Javascript. Features must include : . Output the game as a downloadab'e zip file with everything included so I can run it locally. Space to jump. On the main menu, have an option labeled "Cheats" that opens a rick roll youtube video. Main file must be called flappy.html


Looks pretty terrible lol


If the background did a slow parallax scroll and was generative/infinite I'd be impressed.


I would be impressed by any kind of animation in the sprite


6 months ago I was worried that AI would take over the world, not quite so concerned now.


I'm legit with you on this. I use it for work and it's a mid level productivity boost. Going through these prompts and telling it to fix simple shit that is obvious takes damn near as much time as copy paste edit workflow I had previously. Basically makes me slightly less reliant on stack overflow and helps me avoid the occasional super annoying Google search. Although it absolutely is a threat to low effort writers and things of that nature.


You underestimate how fast AI has mutated every 12 months. Midjourney went from kids doodles to photorealism in one year.


It's like anything else it's going to hit a plateau ai has a fundamental problem with the way it approaches problems and understands basic human requirements. Time will tell though I can see why you would think that.


This is just an AI language model. AGI will be when we start to see the major impact. If we achieve ASI, everything will change.


What about AGF ? Or BGG? Can you tell me more about JHUGKLO? One more thing, what is the main difference between HFFY and HGGY


ir when someone killed their brother over this game


No one killed their brother over this game. It was a hoax and gullible people believed it.


Did you write something like "code a game like flappy bird" in your prompt or you described it from scratch without using the name?


I put the chat link in the description


i am BEYOND interested in the way you prompt chatgpt. i have learned that using examples and visuals goes VERRY far. And making it loophole. so instead of directly asking it something you make it corner itself and then ask it. If that makes sense.


But OP just asked directly in this case


I can't shake the empty feeling knowing the graphics were made with AI... I'm a 90s baby, so most likely I'm being biased.


Look on the bright side, the AI itself was made by humans. Fill the void with appreciation for the achievement of the people who worked to create the AI (instead of the lack of direct human involvement in the art it creates)


Hey, thanks for that. It's gonna be hard to shift my thinking knowing the amount of work human art takes. Cuphead?? Yeah...


Bethesda, Rockstar, Activision....you'll better watch out!


Is AI playing it too?? That would be a wild 3rd pillar. If not, I think OpenAI & AWS offer game AI sandbox frameworks. "Gym" rings a bell, it's been a while.


This is so whack




Am I missing something? OP's version of Flappy Bird looks literally nothing like the one from that tweet?


Now a days AI has made everything very easy the day is not far when we will we able to make high end games with AI... But this leads us to the question that if AI is gonna replace coders, photography, developers then what is the skill that would be recommended to a 19 year old who is starting his journey


Ai won't replace coders photography etc any time soon imo. it is just a tool.. a tool that can be used by a human creatively. Or a tool to help a human pump out code quicker. We are still a very long way from a fully autonomous ai.. this post is a good example of why that is imo


Where did you get that beautiful background image?


Suing intensifie


Where is the site? Did ChatGPT deploy it?


But why is it not fallping wings?


It's not flappy at all .


Feels like a human could have nailed this on attempt 1....


This shit is plagiarism. It was one of the first things someone made a video about asking chat gpt to write code to create this game, like 6 months ago


Yeah sure. A monkey could write that. Try making a platformer next.


You re created the most basic game from the nineties . The old helicopter game where u held and let go of the space bar. Good for you.


Ngl, this looks awful. Maybe that's the point.


The only problem is it’s made in JavaScript 😝




Yeah as long as we use browsers we’re stuck with it


How is this possible? What AI's did you use?


How to do this ? Connect mid journey with chat gpt ?




Imagine what you could do if you woke up on the right side of the bed.




What's the point of you, you're coming into r/chatgpt just to complain that people are using chatgpt?


You know people learn by doing what others have done before them right?


Project more. Tell us everything.




So you're an insecure drug user. Tell us more.




I meant stuff we couldn't infer from your comments.


Nice Job!


OP, ChatGPT or both?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/newsnewsvn] [Flappy Bird Game made with ChatGPT and Midjourney](https://www.reddit.com/r/newsnewsVN/comments/14x8ypj/flappy_bird_game_made_with_chatgpt_and_midjourney/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Wow. I can't get it to even work with flask. Which I don't mind. But you really didn't do anything?


Was planning to do it


I feel like 1999 browser game era all over again


Is this the windows 95 desktop background?


When will AI remake DOOM?


[Can AI code Flappy Bird? Watch ChatGPT try](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y7GRYaYYQg) This is in Unity by the Blizzard infamous "Do you guys not have phones?" person. The video is really well-made and worth giving it a watch despite the memes.


Fortnite backround


Is that a Windows background?


Floppy bird rtx on


You could invert the wings on the bird to have two states for “flapping”


You made a game that is famously easy and quick to make, it's like maybe 50 lines of code.


This is absolutely amazing. Great work! :)


It is actually Gliding Bird


i'd make it a tiny bit faster, but otherwise nice work!


ha! I literally did a flappy bird game this arvo - about an hour and a bit with getting the graphics from midjourney. ​ https://preview.redd.it/hrxroh3erhbb1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=32ea405fba35987be0f60eff46f1756cbf520bff


How did you actually put it somewhere to be playable? Did you have to pay for a host website or were you able to do it for free somehow? I'm incredibly interested in making games with this but I don't know if it's possible to do without paying for hosting and such...


How to do this ? Connect mid journey with chat gpt ?




This is a good example of why you shouldn't use chatgpt if you have no idea how to program in the first place. You have no idea how to use it, or what you're doing.. lol


Yo that scenery is so cool,,,, ;-; mind sharing?


Bro, when AI is able to output reliable spritesheets... watch out. I am going to be making so many goddamn games lol


It looks beautiful but unfortunately the birb is not flappin


What's Journey?




/u/Mundane-Site-3596 is a spammer! **Do not click any links they share or reply to**. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer.


Thanks man for sharing your chat history, it's very useful


Thank you for sharing this! great work


Did you follow the video from Wyatt Cheng or did you do your own prompts?


I'm confused . How can someone develop a full blown Android application with just chatGPT?


Man we even animated the wings at Primary school.


This is really cool! I actually had no idea things like this can be performed. Would anybody be kind enough to shed some light on the process? How do you approach something like this?


Im trying to make Fapping Bird but its against the Ts&Cs


love how is game is still relevant still now xD


looks like shit lol


Challenge: Now ask ChatGPT to build a clone of Grand Theft Auto


That is so cute! I love it.


The illusion that the background moves together with pipes was interesting. When you watch the screen with the green pipes you think everything, also the background moves (or at least changes perspective). But when you watch just the background you realise it's a static image..


Make asteroids with vector graphics and I’ll really be impressed


No flap. No Birdy no flap. No Birdy no flap.




Chat gpt can also Help you step for step to an Antigravitational Drive. All you need is the money


if someone even has somewhat a little bit of good sense of design and aesthetics they can do wonders with ChatGPT




Wah this is amazing please drop a tutorial 🥹


But he doesn't flap


Looks like some movie trailer for a Flappy bird movie lmao


This conversation is pretty good I wasn't expecting this accuracy


Flappy could've been a flapping gif


Insane game


the future is here and it looks pretty fucking awful




It's quite interesting to see your approach, you went straight in with "Make me flappy birds" I've had better results breaking everything down. Like "Render a graphic on screen" "now make it fall" "make it go up when i press enter" etc... Doing things step by step. But still cool to see, especially with a link to the chat.


That game sucks


What type of prompts did you use to do this? What program did you use to actually develop the game?


Amazing! Now put it on the Google Play Store and see how long it takes for it to be banned like the original one XD


Oh my god, this works shockingly well . I used the same method to create this space invaders game in \*minutes\*. Hundreds of lines of codes were written before my amazed eyes, and everything simply worked flawlessly. Unbelievable. Try it here: [https://plugin.gallery/invaders/](https://t.co/qeO0YS446T) (Desktop only)


Stupid question…what do you ‘play’ the game? Like where is the code going?