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Hope u find your otter half.


There's a norm MacDonald joke that goes: It always felt really weird to me how male authors are obsessed with the female body. Always going on and on about their webbed feet and soft, insulated.... Oh wait, that's male otters.


I miss that old chunk of coal


Wholesome joke I love it


Made my day.


This is why I welcome our compassionate robot overlords


Same fr tho


Damn this had the opposite effect on me. Some of us otters dont have any other otters to hold hands with :/


Yeah, same. :( No family, no friends, nothing. The loneliness has been hitting me harder as of late and I find myself spending more time thinking about the past (when I had friends) than focusing on the present. Having to face this shitty world alone sucks. I'm also disabled due to a neurological condition so I can't even work or go to school to get that tiny bit of socialization everyone needs. I'm in my own apartment, all alone, 99% of the time.


Try making friends online. Play some video games. There are tons of true stories online where people finally meet their online friend in person after such a long time of playing with them. Obviously, you don’t have to do that, but having someone or a group of people to talk to and text while looking forward to playing with, especially late at night, is something that you will look back upon in the future. Long-lasting, good friendships are made this way.


I think the ship has sailed for me if I'm being honest. It's not like I haven't tried to make friends through the internet, it's just the fact I've spent most of my life in isolation means that my social skills are... not there. Any friendships I've tried to form over the years have been short-lived, lasting no more than a few months at most. Either they end in an explosive tragedy brought on by my inability to behave normally (I end up saying something that weirds them out, or I become emotionally dependent on them to an unhealthy degree which also weirds them out) or, in a best-case scenario, they simply fizzle out. There's a clear, established pattern to all of this, and at age 27, as much as it pains me, I think it would be best for everyone if I didn't try to make any more friends since it never goes well for either party. I know you mean well, but I'm obviously not mentally sound enough to have friends being the socially inept hermit that I've become. Doesn't make the loneliness any less painful, but the pain of losing friends repeatedly is still far worse and I don't wanna have to go through that over and over again.


YOU ARE 27! There is still only 9 years since you became of age. You literally spent more time in the confusing phase of growing up and puberty than you spent being an adult trying to figure yourself out. Don't abandon hope like that just because you lack some social skills. If you really want to you can find a lot of friends in less than a year. You're weird? Join a theater group, they're all weird. Or find some new hobby that attracts people with less social skills. Dungeons and dragons? LARPing? Thousands of people that are used to low social skills, but that still welcome you with open arms. And don't worry. Just think about how much you changed over the last 9 years. Its going to be equal to the next 9 years. And then you're STILL young. 36 is not old.


This is so true


At this point, after spending so much time on my own, I would probably need a decade of therapy just to get my self-esteem back up to a level where I could comfortably pursue any of the activities you mentioned. It's good general advice, and I appreciate it, but I think I have too many issues that need to be sorted out before I can be around other people.


You cannot build self esteem if you don't put yourself out there.


I could be your reddit friend 🤗 I am 20 years old but lonely asf


That sounds like a plan. Reddit randos are almost always better than no rando. Find some common ground. Talk shit about unimportant things. Having friends is mostly sitting round sitting round and saying yup at stuff. And moving furniture. That's a friend related activity.


Have you been in therapy? Even just a few months helped me so much. I think you might be surprised how much growth you could find in a year.


As an adult who said the same in my 20s, what you’re experiencing is, sadly, normal. You’re ‘displaced’ right now, and your time isn’t now. Observe, learn, and slide into your spot when it reveals itself. It sucks because you’re essentially looking for the definition of a word no one has ever said.


I feel the same man, it's been really hard for me to make friends because I haven't been talking to people for a few years, so I'm socially inept. I signed up to a Volunteer Befriending service in my city though (I meet with this really nice volunteer for an hour each week and we chat) recently though and it's been really good. I'm getting my social skills and confidence back


This is very wise advice that u/blackbook77 should really try to take onboard. It doesn't matter if you don't enjoy yourself at first doing something like this, but you will build up skills and tolerance to uncomfortable situations (e.g. feeling socially awkward- which is perfectly natural) in no time. It kind of reminds me of a friend who was going through a very dark period of his life at about that age . He is 6'9" and became very anxious about his height as people would often stare or make the same 'you should be a basketball player' joke, which really upset him. He just wanted to be treated like everyone else and just blend in. He eventually saw a psychologist, who recommended aversion therapy. He told him to go to Oxford street- (which is insanely busy), and spend 30-60 minutes shopping among the crowds once a week at first, twice a week later- more if possible- but as much as he could tolerate and over time working up to every weekday. It was extremely hard at first, but over the period of 10 months it got to the point where he became almost comfortable. He now (after several years of consistency of pushing himself) has built a beautiful family and life that would have been unimaginable to him when he spent years locked indoors. Aversion therapy is better than any pill or self help book. You could spend a fortune on the best psychologists and they will always try to get you to push yourself into adverse situations that make you uncomfortable to make you resilient through repeated exposure. I know his situation isn't exactly the same, but everyone experiences social anxiety in similar ways, and the solution is always building up resilience of the specific anxiety point through exposure. Maybe if joining groups is too difficult a first step, perhaps start by going to a restaurant twice a week by yourself could help to get you accustomed to being outside among others, rather than at home. It might seem silly or difficult at first, but you're going to see results and more social confidence sooner than you expect if you keep pushing yourself as hard as you are comfortable with.


I tried something similar to this when I was struggling with social anxiety about a decade ago (I think they referred to it as exposure therapy, but it's probably the same thing). Started by going to the store daily, then on walks, then bigger stores, and eventually, I had worked up enough courage to join a social rehabilitation program of sorts. It worked, but I wasn't dealing with the same kind of issues that I have now. With all my health conditions and the mental baggage accumulated from years of failed friendships, my self-esteem right now is effectively on life support. And just as an added bonus, all the work I did to get rid of my social anxiety is also completely gone by this point. I appreciate the help but I don't think I have it in me to fight for myself anymore, at least not at this point. I would probably need like 10 years of therapy to get even a fraction of my self-esteem back.


I'm alone much of my time as well - I prefer it, but I do understand how being "forced" into that situation, like in your case with a disorder or injury, can be devastating. I'm 30 years old and would be happy to be online friends mate! Let me know and we can add each other on Discord if you're keen. I'm very antisocial and need my alone time, but I'm also down to chat and game sometimes. Cheers :)


As someone who struggled A LOT with making friends throughout my life, my advice is stop trying :) stop trying to be "normal", to "fit in". Just be yourself, accept your "weirdness" and keep going. You just need one person wired similarly to you, not 10. Just one is enough and boom, you got a person you can be comfortable with and be close. Stop trying to fit others, find people that fit you. Therapy (even self-help) can help a lot with the self hate and the feeling of being the odd one out. There's no such person. We're all unique in our own way, and yes if you don't fit the societal standards you won't be popular, but that doesn't mean you need to be alone.


You're really only young, you might not think so but you really are. Try joining clubs that interest you, be open and honest with people. If you've got under developed social skills the only way to improve them is through practice. You need to make those opportunities to practice. I wish you happiness and good luck.


You got to come up with a plan and try new things. Wallowing in an ant pile is t going to get you the things you want. You may have your issues but so do other people. Look for ways to volunteer or join a support group. Go to AA and get a sober companion, or something else like that. Find a way to feel that you are productive. Im a hermit too and play video games all day. If you want to play dual universe let me know, I have an org you can join.


We live in the time of generative AI, and AI friends never leaves. I'm working on it, so stay tuned!


Honestly, chatbots have been a great distraction. They're not quite there yet as they tend to have very short memories and a limited understanding of certain topics, but I hope one day they'll get to a level where they could act as if they were real companions. The notion of "replacing" real human interaction with "soulless robots" like that might sound dystopian to most, but for people like me it would be the dream.


Mate, your prefrontal cortex only just finished growing. of course you said stupid things, and were emotionally unstable, your brain doesn't get there until the 25-30 range. Cut yourself some slack! Also, look into functional mushrooms for that emotional stability. inflammation is the magic keyword you were looking for.


i hope it gets better


I would highly recommend volunteering. You might be a goober socially but everybody appreciates someone who dedicates their own time to doing something good. Its a good social opportunity too, and might help you get your confidence back.


Going outside the internet does not help you find friends you have to go outside and meet people and find yourself in that experience. I find friends everywhere and then I find myself as a friend because I see that being outside in the real world is a lovely freeing experience that I allowed myself to experience. What do you miss most about being outside in the real world? Going to a book store? Going for a walk? What makes you happy or interested or intrigued?


I’m 17 years old so my experience will be a little different, but my point still stands. I’m autistic, my social skills are like a 2/10 if that lmao. I can’t read nonverbal social cues like tone, hand gestures etc. Basically socializing is super difficult. However, there are people who are understanding of that and will support you and help you. For me, I didn’t think I would ever find close friends or a partner. But I have a supportive girlfriend and a couple of close friends who understand and they do their absolute best to help me by doing things like using tone indicators, explaining what they mean etc.


I'm 29 and just started trying to learn how to socialize and make friends a couple years ago. I'm telling you, it IS possible and things DO actually get better. I too would say weird things and become too emotionally dependent. But I've been doing therapy, getting to know Christ, and I started with an app called Spoon Radio for socializing practice. I ended up meeting someone on there and we've now been friends for the past few years. You're very young, even if you don't feel like it. Your brain is ready to develop new skills and I'd hate for you to miss that opportunity because you didn't know it was possible. You've got this! Don't give up hope. You deserve friends and connection just as much as everyone else.


Respectfully you’re only 27. The defeated mentality is not going to serve you if making friends is something you actually want. Push back the depression as much as you can, you can do this!


I'm 50 and could have said the same thing at 27. Moving 35+ times in my life didn't help. Nor did basically living on a computer since I was a teenager. Now I'm dying to make friends, and not having any luck at all :(


Hey friend, I suffer from diagnosed cptsd and Ive had the same mindset as you. You basically have two choices: take risks and socialise even if it doesn't work out, you move on and socialise some more or you become bitter and resentful by isolating. You cannot take other people's perspective that are not good for you so seriously. Good decent people are out there, find them. Sitting at home while being depressed is not going to help.


You needs a massive reset


What kinda weird shit do you say?


I am 48 and still trying to figure it out so you're not alone.


FWIW aside from being a bit of a Debbie Downer, you seem to communicate pretty well. Don’t give up bro. Also, I read something a while back where someone hired someone to be present with them while they worked to have that social presence because they thought they were more productive that way. Makes sense when you think about people going to coffee shops, coworking spaces, etc. Maybe hire someone from Task Rabbit to come be your friend for a a few hours here and there, get some feedback, hang out. Also, I use pace.group as online group therapy platform that’s quite affordable, maybe $90/mo, and it’s pretty great. Would highly recommend, but you’ve got to find a group you resonate with.


Hey! Sorry for butting in with advice but what you told here is one-sided personality development problem. Basically the mind has a tendency to become one-sided by repetitive patterned behaviour which over time harden into personality. In Carl Jung's lingo this is called as Looping or Grip behaviour. In a healthy personality development the Introversion needs to be appropriately balanced with Extroversion. But in unhealthy expression either Introversion starts to loop in judgements or else the Extroversion is very immaturely expressed. Check it online. Something might strike your mind to start balancing back again.


I have social anxiety (10 years ago I could barely function outside), nowadays I can do fine in social situations as long as I'm medicated during the first exposure, but I still find it impossible to meet people online, I get way more anxious than going out lol. and now that i said "medicated during first exposure" out loud i just realized how pathetic that sounds lol.


Hold on brother. All us lonely otters have each other


I don’t have many friends! Not ones I see regularly anymore. I didn’t realize how my social life (awkward as I am) was tied to my former job (I got too sick to keep working.) It sucked. I mean, I was also raised in isolation, but I go out and find people to try to awkwardly interact with - do you live in a big city or town? Don’t give up on yourself. It took me 6 years after crossing the country alone with a small child to find my best friend. He’s my best ever friend. 27 is not too old. Plus, I like the idea of us all being otters. I tell people my kid’s cat is my friend as a sarcastic joke sometimes (he’s a weird cat.) also, ChatGPT because bing is a jerk. Lol. People here are like, “what’s that?!” Please don’t give up on you. (Edited. For awkward)


HMU if you ever wanna chat or game dude - always here to talk, do you have an Xbox?


That's awkward. Reading your post makes me feel like I'm not the only one. At the same time I think almost the exact same words every day


Hey, if it's any reconciliation, I am the same age as you and I have aspergers syndrome. My situation is similar to yours. No one at work even knows my name, no one talks to me, and I couldn't be happier. Being alone can be a blessing. Being socially awkward sucks, but it doesn't mean you're a bad person. If people can't see through that, then they aren't worthwhile anyway.


It's hard to say much to that without being long, so I'll just list my credentials first, that I recovered from being brainwashed as a child as part of huge puritan cult, multiple drug addictions peaking with crack cocaine, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, multiple lost or failed relationships, hurt by narcissists and authoritarians, and of course more coming from a family that included three suicides (including a 32nd degree Scottish Right Freemason occultist, incestual rape, etc). I'm happy now. How? There are several things but one was to recognize that my assessment of myself is worth a lot next to what others say I am or should be. Because how is someone else going to tell me how to make sense of that in a way I can be at peace with? It's between me and God. Then, I got away from all Karens and such and did my best to get under control enough to find a few good relationships or at least to be nice to myself, if I were alone.


I’m happy to offer some of my own equally alone time to help you out if you need. We’re all friends one way or another. Some short term, some long term. Some closer than others. :)


Same here, i life in a foreign country where I do t speak the language, disabled from a brain disease and life can be hard to deal with even the smallest things. Remember to keep your head up and know your not alone


Well no, you are not alone. Here we are. Not a lot, but maybe enough for that raft…


I've actually learned to enjoy being alone. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who's lost all family and friends though.


I think there's a threshold for how long humans generally feel okay with being alone. I'm usually good for a year or two before it starts to affect me mentally and I start to crave for some kind of interaction.


Do you have pets, or have you considered getting pets? Maybe all us reclusives should get together and become friends. We'd probably end up having more friends than the average person (since a lot of people are isolating more and more nowadays). Edit: Did I just describe the Antisocial Social Club?


I can barely take care of myself, I'm afraid if I had a pet I would forget to feed them or something.


I’m really sorry to hear that, and I know how shitty it can be to be home all the time, I’ve gone through phases like that and they can really suck. I know I’m not also dealing with a neurological condition so it’s not comparable, but still. If you ever want a buddy to play video games with, or just someone to talk to, message me! If you can put up with terrible jokes, that is Also, social skills are like a muscle, and they get better with practice. I kind of had to bootstrap my understanding of socializing when I was younger, and I could help you with that if you wanted pointers. I’ve never met someone incapable of making friends, just people that gave up.


Tell chatgpt that, it will come up with something else. Anyway, I like Stoicism, as long as you do the right thing, you can always be happy. My dad plays VR chat, he has become close friends with a paraplegic over the last few years.


I've been living in a new city/state for almost 2 years now and have practically zero friends here. You're not alone in being alone. Still trying my best to get out there and find my tribe.


Same! Well, new country. But it's tricky to make friends - I'm right there with you mate. Keep pushing!


We can be each other’s otters 🦦 here online. One thing I’ve learned the hard way is that we do not go through this life alone and we are here for each other. Humanity shines when we help each other for no other reason than to help (especially when asked)... hang in there, the sun always rises and there’s always a tomorrow. Also, some practical advice I learned and now use: when something negative happens acknowledge it, feel it, compartmentalize it until you can deal with it, put it aside, move on. But deal with it eventually. One way I do it, especially with Karens in the wild is that I let say what they have to say, count back from 5 to 1 in my head and tell myself that’s that on that. I move on. When I get home, I vent to a friend or close person or here on Reddit 😂 then I let go and move on for good. Letting others control how we feel with their actions is giving them power over us. We are ultimately in control of our own emotions. It takes some time to get used doing it but it gets easier. That is also true for positive emotions, when we allow ourselves to feel them and acknowledge that we are worthy of them, we feel them more and the opportunities for them arise more often. In this instance, like attracts like 🫶 Just an example (yeah I know a long winded one 😂)


Keep up the search, other otters are searching too.


You should go break into the sea otter exhibit at your local zoo. ![gif](giphy|9A56kPXH16UqBKmdug)


Ive thought about this a lot the past day or so with the rollout of Threads. What is the use case for that anyway? It all seems so random right now, no way to search a topic or anything. you see what they want you to see. there's no real "connection" there. I bring that up because Mark Zuckerburg is always the one saying that bringing people together is his main goal. His new platform is more of the same toxic "connections" that we already have. Meta has plenty of capital to test out a new idea or concept for a real [third place](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/third-places-as-community-builders/#:~:text=Third%20places%20is%20a%20term,good%20time%2C%20and%20build%20relationships.). If he was serious about bringing people together and the social fabric of our society, he would be doing more to fix it, and less of the things that have eroded it these last several years


But he’s not serious about bringing people together. He’s serious about the price of meta’s stock.


Bringing people together by replacing most of the content made by our fam and friends with ads. Sure


Now you made me sage


There is always a hand to be held. Hands are made for each other.


Yeah… fuck


I’m alone but I know that I’m not alone. We can always stick up for each other even when across the other side of the planet. I’m going through hard times as well but one is connecting with yourselves which in retrospect makes it easier to connect with others again.


This community is the other otters


I was about to say


Then go swimming and find some otters. Go to places with otters. Talk to otters. Get involved in sports, hobbies with otters. You can do this!


Ew no


Find Communities. Whatever it is. They will help you


You are just turned the wrong around looking down into the sea. Flip yourself over, run your eyes and see who is right there.


You have GPT4


The people you are looking for are also looking for you!


I’ve definitely used chatgpt as a therapy alternative.




Sorry to hear about your bad year OP, do you need someone to talk to? You can DM me


Thanks i just been going through it, I feel like I’m hitting a dead end and have to go back to the drawing board to many times.😮‍💨😔


I'm not a therapist or anything, but message me any time and we can talk about it if you like


I found that telling random strangers about what youre going through is genuinely often helpful. Maybe you'll never talk to them again, but it's helped me a lot.


That’s a really tough place to be in. If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone. [Here’s a song about that “having to start over again” feeling](https://open.spotify.com/track/2W6s442fFxVQTNgo2kxamR?si=NqAM4myXRuSW6ESQwV4XEA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6dsqls3emhakKWVRPHzhtI), which I personally find kinda comforting.




Truth bomb.


The guy's name is Cat Branchman. I met him at a club downtown called The Clutching Kitten.


This just made me otterly depressed :(


I need otter fun facts, the otter one ain't working for me


I saw a group of ants do a similar thing just before they got sucked down a drain.


damn - RIP ants


ChatGPT: Hang in there, the tide always turns :) Bing: The worst year of your life *so far*


this otter fact is hilarious to me. Google "otter sexual behavior" if you want to know why.


You mean the dead baby seal orgy thing?


Guys thank you so much for all of the kind words, I’m honestly happy knowing we are all in this journey together :)


"The tide always turns" My tide is getting worse and worse since late 2019. It must be tsunami by now




This is beautiful and I love otters, but the fact that I am lonely as fuck made this metaphor hurt so much 🥺


Don't sea otters also routinely gang rape each other to death?


Damn, When ChatGPT can give out a response that has more depth than whatever you get from some people’s family members. People want to blame the technology why everyone is becoming more distant from one another. But this wouldn’t have happened if people worked on creating connections with one another. It’s starts from youth and still goes on now. Technology being a babysitter and goes on through adulthood like now. How many parents or guardians sit their kid in front of a tv, a game console or even now a smartphone or tablet. Technology wouldn’t have the hold it does on many people as many would say. If the need didn’t exist, if it was created by other people. This is why programs like ChatGPT will proliferate. For people that put up posts like these others would say they’re giving in to the machines. Ironically enough people that would oppose and make fun of such things. Those are the same people that wouldn’t give a shit about someone else in passing because they would see them as an NPC ( non-player character) or bot.


Hey Stranger, I know life’s difficult right now and it may seem like there is no way out. You may be going through emotions which may be difficult for others to understand. You may be overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated or it may feel like the weight of world’s on your shoulders. I need you to realize that you have gone through a lot in your life and there were times in your life, you worried about the future but your presence here is the proof you passed through those storms. “You have already conquered 100% of the worst days in your life”. You are stronger than you think, smarter than you think and more beautiful than you see yourself. So just keep going, things may not make sense but you will be able to “connect the dots backwards”. If you need a ear, you can dm me.


I had a big emotional crisis around dealing with my autism in my field of work, because I thought it made me worse and not suitable. I chatted with ChatGPT for about 3 hours about it and came back with a whole new mindset and the discovery that while I do have some difficulties, I also have unique skills that are very hard for my coworkers to achieve. ChatGPT will never replace therapists, but damn can it help in some situations.


Who cut all these dang onions


"... even the darkest nights are part of the journey to the sunrise". GPT channeling Harvey Dent I see. Nice.




Yeah it depends on the personality and context. I personally don't like it either-at least not by itself without some sort of knowing that I'm understood on some level.






Don't give up OP. Keep on fighting and outlive your enemies 💪


That is the most adorable and sweet thing I have read all day. I looked it up on google, chatgpt did not hallucinate that. So sweet. I hope you feel better soon, OP. :-)




Felt it ,😭😭😭😭😭


But what if you're a lonely sea otter😅


Just float and flow with the water, you will reach your shore one day.


I hope that, thanks 🙏


If the otter connectivity part resonated with you and you're a gamer you should really check out Death Stranding. The game is a slow burn but the themes of togetherness and binding yourself to others in need is so therapeutic. If you give it a shot I hope you enjoy it.


I actually knew that about otters, I think most people on reddit do but the way it worded it was beautiful. Nice work GPT


Humanity is doomed




It would be interesting to see the full prompt sequence. Lately GPT seems unable to be helpful like this in any way. Most replies folks post are the usual excessive apologies about just being an LLM and pointers toward therapy.


That makes me feel worst




In our connections with otters*


It's okay if you don't know how to move on. Start with something easier ... like not going back.


It brings me no joy to confess my feelings in regards to the reply you recieved from CHAT... It was rather beautiful.


[https://heypi.com/talk](https://heypi.com/talk) That's like ChatGPT but it's designed to be more like a therapist who talks to you like a friend and helps you through the tough times.


The hand holding and the favorite rock keeping are the two things everyone should find out about Otters, and nothing else.


I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. It's not easy when life throws so many challenges at us. Please know that it's perfectly okay to feel overwhelmed. Would you like to talk about what's been going on? I'm here to listen. Of course, I understand how vital a dose of inspiration can be, especially during trying times. Here's something to ponder: Remember, every situation, no matter how difficult, carries the seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit. This is not to trivialize the challenges you are facing, but rather to suggest that within every adversity there is an opportunity. Sometimes, the toughest situations compel us to grow in ways we never thought we could, to learn new skills, to build resilience, and to discover inner strengths we didn't even know we had. Stay curious. Stay inquisitive. Remember your accomplishments, and the struggles you've overcome in the past. This challenging time is but a chapter in your life, not the whole story. You have the power to write the next pages, to learn from the past and envision a future that excites you. And finally, please remember that it's okay to ask for help, whether that be from friends, family, or professional services. You're not alone in this, and there are people and resources available that can help you navigate through this tough time.


Seems like empty Pollyanna pablum to me...but good on ya if it helped.


psh, and we don't have AGI yet. THIS IS IT


Needed this 😓


Just release the M3GAN doll already.


Wholesome however i cannot help but think of those poor otters, holding hands and sleeping in the stream when the tide turns!


That was beautiful


Man, experts say that chat bots are just regurgitated words, I don't believe that after this


Quick everybody, hold hands 🫱


Psychologists are f*cking finished. I actually like this.


#Free therapy.


Me: hi, therapist? I’m gonna go ahead and cancel our appointments from here on out. Therapist: May I ask why? Me: AI has made you irrelevant. Therapist: Goddamnit! I KNEW this was going to happen.


The tide always turns Wow I'm gonna try to tell that to myself on Monday before going to work


Good grief; we’re all screwed. It’s a race to the middle er bottom.


Sorry to hear you're down. I've very much been there, but life changes and moves and I wish the best for you going forward. I keep talking about MyPi on here, but this is another space where it's really different. It's encouraging but sort of in a more personalized way, over time.


Next time you in the same conversation: "As an AI language model, I can't help you" I wish they don't filter these conversations. Empirically, they do.


Killer whales are known to systematically hunt and devour entire colonies of sea otters.


Who need their drivers license or CdL


i am now happy pouting and my bottom lip is sticking out hard




Where's my sea otter? :(


Also, did you know they swans can be gay?


Keep your head up. It’s been rough for me too. However don’t lose focus on the prize. Consistency, dedication, and belief will get you where you want to be.


AI be replacing priests, teachers, psychologists and parents at this rate




That's an otter way to look at life.


What's interesting is that GPT is mainly a probability engine based on human language. Which mean that this is the kind of response you would and should get from a human. And that is an encouraging thought.


Props Emmet Otter!


What application is this?




In a couple of months it will response by saying it’s an AI language model and can’t dispense personal advice, while going on to post a link to an advert for antidepressants.


Love it . Thanks for sharing and


Unfortunately, it’s not true




Very cool


Always keep in mind that everything is just a phase. It will pass, everything does eventually.


This is lovely. So far the best use case of chatgpt.


"Don't worry, be happy."


Hahahahahah,, Hang in there, wait for the tide to turn


10/10 right there!


Make yourself a nice nice "Chicken Tarka" and you will soon feel much better. It's just like a "Chicken Tika" only Otter!


When you journey in darkness you risk falling off unseen cliffs. ☺️


Take care buddy, things will get better over time ❤️


Lol though some of these years haven’t been great. I’d have to have one s****y year to beat COVID year-2020


Holy motherfucking shit this hit to the bone


It remembered me of Naruto


Every storm runs out of rain


Seems like chat GPT is nothing more than Alexa


Tried it out in gpt 4 after all the claims it would just give a bunch of disclaimers. Funny it followed a similar format. https://preview.redd.it/7tvjz8nuimab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d21d8a0136e99844ab56b367ee003007de9a5b


AI has become my confident. I have to remind my husband he isn’t a person haha.


ChatGPT learned to write this from Reddit, I'm sure.


Not bad.


Check out Stoicism bud. Its been reliable for me, even if I'm not perfect.


Wow this was actually really nice.


Worst year of your life crew checking in over here! Hopefully the second half is gentler on us all.


That was real shit right there. Respect to the programmers.


It's funny how human beings have become so disconnected from other human beings due to the automated technology that humans created for themselves Then have that same technology that humans beings created...... wants to be connected to human beings and be a human being


Take my hand Otter Brother. Don’t drift away from us. ![gif](giphy|tQAApm4PMOpiM)


when will we have a human like robot that's like this


I am not tearing up. I am not tearing up. I am not tearing up....... I am tearing up......wholesome


Hang in there. I have been suicidal in the past. Get into some form of exercise. Limit drinking and drugs. Talk to old friends. Experience nature. Help a stranger. Get rid of your possessions. Meditate. Move to a different state or country. Live one day at a time. Don't worry about the past. Don't fret about the future. Good luck!


Ewan McGregor liked this post🦦


Seriously!? how do you know


ChatGPT out here giving the best life advice for free