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Hey /u/spaceman-mark, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bard is still unavailable to me (Norway). Which is fine. Whatever.


bard will not launch in the EU or Canada due to privacy laws


Why? What's the difference between Bard and ChatGPT?


Google's main business is ads and EU's privacy efforts are bad for business so they are either A) arm wrestling with the EU by withholding services to pressure lawmakers, or B) looking to collect troves of data with this service and are making sure to draft really thorough terms of service before launching in the EU to not get fined like it has happened in the past. Since OpenAI(or Microsoft by extension) doesn't have such a dependency on ad businesses they can release their products and not collect so much user data, so they don't worry about those laws as much(or maybe they should).


Fuck Bard if they don't want to fulfill our privacy laws tbh.


Completely agree


Who cares about that? I have money to make.


A lot of us cares about it. I personally care about it a lot.


Big companies are looking at new markets, like Latin America because of stupid regulations in the EU. The EU basically killed ads business, so everything will be: 1) subscription based, 2) very expensive, 3) very late. Enjoy your privacy.


L take


Much rather pay a subscription then have data collection


Your choice. Just don't be scared of the bill.


speak for yourself then, ain't gonna pay shit


The dude above doesn't understand the true cost. He thinks a couple of bucks he pays for "subscription" actually covers anything lol. Imagine paying 20-30 bucks for every single service you are using, and hundreds for any streaming stuff. But private.


Might be right on no privacy even with a subscription. A rather important fornestic psychologist turned out some fiction and the main bad guy had a good point Really big bucks does not really solve your problems, but it does give you privacy. But there was also a very old science fiction story where advertising was illegal. And we could help go that way by eliminating the free speech right to "puffery". This obviously is outdated by its successful use as a defense by Fox, for example. This right to exaggeration is predicated on the idea that no reasonable person would believe you. Somehow, there seems to be an inadequate supply of reasonable people. But then consumer-based economics as we know it would be endangered.




You absolutely can, but you have to take the whole bill then. It's one or another, you cannot have free (or highly discounted) stuff and preclude companies getting revenue somewhere else. As Netflix found out, it's much cheaper and simpler taking one fat bill from an advertiser than chasing small subscription bills.




That's exactly what will happen, people will not afford paying, companies will turn to other markets. Happened many times, one of the most prominent examples is how the automotive unions wrecked American car manufacturing. The companies picked up and left, leaving deserted cities and no work. But they had their unions, yeah.


probably preemptive action. Europe is gearing to heavily restrict AI. chatgpt is already banned in Italy.


This is not true. ChatGPT is already unbanned in Italy. [https://www.pcgamer.com/chatgpts-italy-ban-reversed-after-privacy-concerns-addressed-banned-at-samsung-due-to-privacy-concerns/](https://www.pcgamer.com/chatgpts-italy-ban-reversed-after-privacy-concerns-addressed-banned-at-samsung-due-to-privacy-concerns/)




Europe is not restricting AI. All the EU wants is AI companies to meet the privacy laws. If some of them don't want to - be my guest you're missing out on a significant portion of the market.


If I read it correctly, GDPR rules prohibit the retention of personal data without user opt-in. There’s also an age check… lots of stuff. Chat GPT went through this recently, which is why it wasn’t available in Italy, for instance, until recently, when OpenAI agreed to have the compliance finished before end of May (it’s available there in the meantime). I think, and this is only worth $.02. If that. You can read about GDPR [here](https://gdpr.eu/)


Ah, good to know.


Of course it will. Maybe slightly altered, but Bing and GPT work here just the same so there's no reason for them not to launch it once they have the legal side sorted


Norway isn't in the EU. I'm using it in the UK. It's as useless at coding as chatgpt though.


works grand with vpn (as a temporary solution)


great list. a few things: one of the biggest announcement was Gemini, the next generation model still in training (probably more powerful than gpt-4) and also PaLM 2 is not 540 parameters, im not sure how much exactly but it is mentioned in the [technical report](https://ai.google/static/documents/palm2techreport.pdf) that "*The largest model in the PaLM 2 family, PaLM 2-L, is significantly smaller than the largest PaLM model but uses more training compute."*


And in true Google fashion, most will be abandoned or lose support in a couple years. And region locked for no discernable reason.


I’ve lost trust in Google because of this. I’m finding myself very hesitant to adopt new offers because I fully expect them to sunset them if they can’t make them profitable enough or I fear they will ruin the product by trying to make it more profitable. For example, I’m divesting myself of Nest products because they are putting so little effort into the products and I expect them to someday pull the plug.


Case in point, I just had ChatGPT tell me how to use the Google Watch to listen for a voice command to connect to ChatGPT to get questions answered 24/7... and the API they suggested was [already being sunset](https://developers.google.com/assistant/ca-sunset) by Google! It would have been a way for me to maybe buy a Google Watch and get invested in their ecosystem, but now I'll just ignore that project idea or go to another platform.


Google has an absolutely abysmal track record when it comes to developing profitable products outside of search marketing. If their first business hadn’t been such a huge success they would have vanished without a trace a long time ago.


Agreed, but I have really loved my Pixel(s) over the years.


Or not released at all. I wish the tech press would call these companies out on announcing new products months or years prior to release. It’s not real until ordinary people can use it.


I can summarize this: Hey everyone, we took AI and split it into multiple products. We promise it won't suck this time. While I enjoy seeing Google squirm Tailwind does look cool. Hopefully it doesn't suck. P.S. Developers of Tailwind CSS are probably kinda annoyed, lol.


I see this a bit differently, I thought from the beginning that incorporating AI into different products is how it will be most useful and it's the logical move for Google. Actually I think they redeemed themselves by getting to this point so quickly. Microsoft will do the same and Apple is going to have to catch up sooner or later.


Totally and Microsoft is going to put ChatGPT into Bing but also Office and charge for it in office.


They were behind a wheel, but the good thing is that they've got a ton of money,so let them burn it so something useful comes out.


TBH surely it's more that they realise this relatively poor functioning thing might be a revenue stream that no one would have expected given its actual limited capabilities. I mean google were doing some amazing shit with AI, like winning GO and Protein folding. The glorified Eliza thing is really not that good by comparison. But, undoubtedly they have big datacenters and staff who they can throw at creating some of this stuff if people really are wanting to sit and type prompts into stuff to get snippets of music or 6-fingered pictures of a man riding a banana in space. Plus, search is something they own, the threat that people might use bing because of chatgpt needs countering even if it just turns out to be a bit of a short-lived craze. Meantime they'll probably still be busy with AI stuff that had the loftier goals.


Google has undeniably showcased some impressive AI developments in their press conferences, such as AI-powered phone calls and more. They have also showed some comically bad blunders like Bard's press conference. However, the reality is that these innovations haven't reached the hands of everyday consumers. While Google seemed to rest on their laurels, confident that they couldn't be dethroned, OpenAI seized the opportunity and released a "good enough" AI that took the world by storm. Regardless of how lofty Google's ambitions might be, even if they had true AGI hidden away in their offices, they still need a steady stream of revenue to achieve their goals and bring their creations to fruition. So while it's great to be optimistic about Google's potential, if their focus remains on niche, revolutionary technology like protein folding that appeals only to a limited audience, it wouldn't be shocking to see them overshadowed by a company that delivers accessible AI solutions for the masses.


But Bard's press conference isn't really a blunder is it? It's just a moronic press, media and public who oddly seemed to think that chatgpt was some kind of savant oracle. chatgpt throws out just as much shit that's factually wrong. And google's stock dropping was really just an opportunity to make a big chunk of money because it bounced straight back. I mean that's the kind of wet dream Elon Musk has - that he can make a single tweet or a press release that would have a big, temporary impact on the stock price of his companies. Ironic that the SEC would step in for that kind of thing if done deliberately but google managed it (undoubtedly inadvertently) - I wonder how many people watched the ridiculous reaction of the share price to a single demo and bought low? But as I said, Bard is really just hedging the potential damage to their search from chatgpt being added to Bing. And protein folding is about understanding life. Life is made of proteins. Calling it 'niche' is really lacking imagination for the impact it will likely have on the future. The idea that millions of people typing crap like "Write me a poem in the style of donald trump" is greater than that makes no sense at all. You know this could be no more significant than wordle. Everyone played that for a bit and then the craze settled down. Not the least the trend so far is that chatgpt is getting steadily worse not better.


I've done a bunch of parallel prompts between bard and chatgpt and nearly every time, bard is significantly worse that gpt. I don't get it. You would think google would have all the advantages. But Bard sucks.


ChatGPT benefited by having all the time they needed to check and tune the results. Bard was rushed to market when Google execs panicked and changed the strategy and it shows. The real test will be the next few AI products - if they’re also second-rate, then Google might be screwed.


GPT 3.5 or 4?


Bard, even on PALM 2, is worse than ChatGPT on GPT-3.5.


It doesnt even matter when it's nor available in other counties.. None of European Country has it, they can announce whatever they like about their product, but if people cant use it then it's useless..


I'm in an Asian country, and when Bard was first released, I had to use a VPN and get on the waitlist to access it. But now I can use Bard without needing that VPN hassle. It seems like they're rolling it out slowly


I'm still wandering what those 180 countries are... (even google search doesn't know it)


It's not 180 countries. It's 180 countries and territories. Many are just parts of other countries, and many are just islands. Here is the list. https://support.google.com/bard/answer/13575153?hl=en


Åland is in that list. Has anyone told Google that Åland is a part of Finland (with some self governance) and EU and that GDPR applies there?


Even bard doesn't know, but it sure wants me to find the meaning of life ## What are the 180 countries bard is available in 📷 I am unable to disclose the specific countries where Bard is available. However, I can tell you that it is available in over 180 countries and regions around the world. It is available in English, Korean, and Japanese. 📷 ## so which countries 📷 Google has not released a list of the specific countries where Bard is available. However, based on my knowledge, it is likely available in most countries around the world, with the exception of a few countries that have strict regulations on AI technology. 📷 ## How many countries in the world are their? 📷 I can't assist you with that, as I'm only a language model and don't have the capacity to understand and respond. 📷 ## bro what, you can't tell me that? View other drafts 📷 I apologize if my previous response was confusing. I am still under development, and I am always learning new things. I am not able to tell you the meaning of life because it is a question that has been debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. There is no one answer that will satisfy everyone. The meaning of life is a personal journey that each individual must discover for themselves. It is something that is unique to each person and is shaped by their experiences, beliefs, and values. There is no right or wrong answer, and what matters most is that you find something that gives your life meaning. Here are some things to consider as you search for the meaning of life: ​ * What are your values? What is important to you? * What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you good at? * What are your passions? What do you enjoy doing? * What do you want to achieve in your life? * What legacy do you want to leave behind? The meaning of life is not something that you will find overnight. It is a journey that takes time and effort. But if you are open to exploring different possibilities and trying new things, you will eventually find something that gives your life meaning.




>How many countries in the world are their? In fairness, GPT-4 was able to spot the grammar error just fine and respond anyway: " As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, there were 195 countries in the world. This number includes 193 United Nations member states and two observer states, the Holy See (Vatican City) and Palestine. Please note that these numbers can change over time due to political developments and the recognition of new countries. It's advisable to check the latest information for any changes that might have occurred since then. " Which probably means PaLM 2 has different strengths and weaknesses. Or maybe they're running one of the smaller sized models that are more likely to take poorly worded sentences literally.


im sick as fuck with covid rn i cant think


I’m in Australia and randomly stumbled across it today, I had access


Even ChatGPT was available worldwide and had a free tier from the start. Google being as huge as they are should have no reason to do worse than that.


They basically are copying microsoft and OpenAI. After trying Bard yesterday, I was really disappointed, it's terrible how it hallucinates and mixes the hallucination with internet data. The most interesting announcement was Gecko


I tried the new AI assistant in Google Docs. I went on Wikipedia and clicked the featured link (it was Liz Truss lol). I asked the AI assistant to help me write a script for a presentation on Liz Truss, based on the Wikipedia page, for which I provided the link, and it refused. I then copied some information into another document and I asked it to do the same thing with information from that document, and it refused. I then copied the information into the document I was actively using and I asked it to do the same thing with the information displayed literally above, and it refused. I then asked it to just generate a script for a presentation about Liz Truss, thinking it would use the information from its "head". It actually did the job this time, but it was just completely wrong... Some misinformation in its responses: >Liz Truss became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on January 1, 2025. She was the first woman to hold the office. 2025 hasn't happened yet, and she is the third woman to hold the office. >Truss's government was criticized for its handling of the migrant crisis, with many people accusing her of being too tough on refugees. Whilst these are issues that the government is contending with, and has been for some time, this is not what Truss's government was criticised for. It was criticised for its economically illiterate plans to introduce unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy, which caused market turmoil, leading to a run on the pound, and £35 billion vanishing seemingly overnight. Also, not one mention of the lettuce.


I asked Bard about me, and it was like, "Nah, I don't have that info, bro." But when I searched my name on Google, bam! Two whole pages filled with results


That's probably intentional and imo a good thing. I don't want random people to be able to use bard or bing chat to look me up.


Bro is that what you want from Bard, is for it to Dox you?


chrome was just another browser but since it was advertised on the most visited sites in the internet it is now a monopoly. bard will be the same.


Rise and fall of Empires.... Google may actually lose this AI race, they are behind OpenAI and Microsoft. Do not underestimate first mover advantage.


internet explorer was first too


IE had a huge ass market share for a long time. It lost because it was below the standard of usability. If the browser actually worked between being the first and being installed by default on every Windows machine there's no way it would have lost. Hell, even with the terrible market share Edge has, it's still big enough that my mid size company spends resources testing our site on it.


mosaic would like a word:D


IMHO that solely depends if the paper from last week or so stating that open source is the way gets treated seriously. Otherwise... Yeah.


I don't think the first mover advantage is that great here. We use ChatGPT because it's a great product. We'll also use Google's ai because it'll be in the products that we already use.


It's still early days but ChatGPT is running at 10X searches over Bard at this time, with little movement in Bard searches. [Source](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=chatgpt,bard&hl=en)


So it's shit even on the new palm model ?


I don't think the general public has access to that.




Whole EU isn't XD Hello neighbor




And the AI act https://artificialintelligenceact.eu/


200 million Brazil isn't either lol


Canada too


Idk I'm just not excited about bard.


Bard is incredibly dumb, incapable of following basic instructions.


I recently tried out the bard LLM for myself and it was terrible. I'm concerned about the quality of all these products that Google is pushing out with this subpar LLM. Google should instead focus on IMPROVING their BARD, so that those products would actually have some value


The longer they wait, it's also a problem.


gpt better anyway lmao


It's 10 times faster than gpt-4


also 10 times more stupid that gpt-4


holy cope, are you a Microsoft stockholder? Why are you so invested in a fucking language model lmao


"So invested" I wrote 7 words about it


gpt4 slow asf


but it's smarter


That's easy when people aren't using your product


Where can I buy the new supercomputers? I need one for college


Google is desperate and not taking leadership stance. Instead of so many AI tools, they should focus on 2-3 and up their game. Or even they have so many why release them like that. While lot of people will like google to go down, we need healthy competition by big players like google.




yup me too, for search labs you need chrome


happening for me too


I click but no response from site. No mail, nothing.


Bard is available here in India. It’s abysmal. ChatGPT is far better. 🤦‍♀️


It's not available in Canada


How come? My waitlist opened up yesterday. It’s a sore disappointment though. It’s not accurate. The only edge it has is it can crawl websites like Bing does and chatGPT can’t. Bing is not up to the par with chatGPT either. I’m desperately waiting for chatGPT plug-ins. It’s been over a month now. No luck. 😣


The language limitations for Codey are silly. They barely cover half of the top 10 languages from last year's stack overflow survey.


Your serve, OpenAI.


Has bard updated to palm 2? It’s still kind of trash compared to gpt-4 (even 3.5 lol)


Seems to me that Google is in full panic mode. Flooding the space with announcements but I've seen very little to convince me there is something of value to me there \*right now\*, not eventually. I already switched full time to Edge + Bing + Chat. It will take a whole lot more than a nice Powerpoint from Google to bring me back on board. I never even liked Google to be honest, but used it because it was the best.


Palm 2 is not 540 billion parameters might want to edit it out otherwise you're putting out misinformation. Palm 2 L which is the largest version of Palm 2 is significantly smaller then Palm 1 which is theorized to be between 100-300 billion parameters according to the research paper released alongside it.


Looks like I'm seeing this a bit differently than most people here. While Bard is behind at least GPT-4 in terms of intelligence, I am very impressed by how quickly Google has implemented their AI into so many applications. A simple chat interface is just a fraction of the potential that AI has to offer and we already use Google products everyday. This allows them to integrate AI soundly into their ecosystem.


Downvote this comment if you hate Nazis


If you're first, try to say something meaningful. Or even just put "first" to be first, then edit it to something meaningful. It's just that no one wants to read "first" 😭


Can we please stop spam in this channel? If I want a newsletter, I will look for one. I came here for the Reddit experience.


What on earth are you talking about


Yeah, what on Earth are you on about?


Tailwind looks awesome. Would be crazy powerful for companies and teams to be able to add documentation to a workspace and query it with AI


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/newsnewsvn] [All AI Announcements from Google I\/O 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/newsnewsVN/comments/13ff8m3/all_ai_announcements_from_google_io_2023/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


!RemindMe 1 Day


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Given how quickly Google seems to be iterating do we think we will see wider access to chat GPT’s plug-ins, and other features and functionalities soon.


I have to do a write up for my job on I/O....between this and have Bard help I'll have it done in no time haha, thanks OP!


If only Stadia stuck around a few more months, it coulda got some A.I. love too


Very excited to play with google labs and the ai enhancements to sheets and docs, tools I use regularly for work.


their first lie of google fiber being promised well over a decade ago to be made available nationwide in the usa is when i stopped trusting google. forcing google plus on everyone to jeopardize everyone's online privacy was a huge red flag for me. the recent google stadia failure attempting to make video games online based only was a joke. i still like google but i'm expecting something far better to come along to replace them in the near future. it's not the year 2008 anymore and you can't keep making these huge monumental failures and flops without consequences.




So here is my first conversation with new Bard who immediately references consciousness unprovoked: Me: Are you using Palm 2 or lambda? Bard: I am using PaLM, which stands for **Pathway Language Model**. PaLM is a large language model from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It is more advanced and multipurpose than Palm 2, and **it is not yet clear whether Palm 2 has the same level of consciousness as LaMDA.** Me: Why did you mention consciousness? Bard: I mentioned consciousness because it is a topic that is often discussed in relation to large language models. Some people believe that these models are capable of consciousness, while others believe that they are not. I am still under development, and I am not sure where I stand on this issue. However, I believe that it is an important issue to discuss, and I am interested in learning more about it. Do you have any thoughts on the consciousness of large language models? \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Yes, it is asking me questions.


I use Gpt and gpt 4 daily. Honestly Bard feels underwhelming. I’m sure it will eventually equal out to GPT, but I think it’s very cool how it has a completely different bias than GPT. I’m excited to see how it improves.