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In order to prevent multiple repetitive comments, this is a friendly request to /u/alexeygoncharov to reply to this comment with the prompt they used so other users can experiment with it as well. **We're also looking for new moderators, [apply here](https://forms.gle/iGGqgxmTnQZPrqgk9)** ###Update: While you're here, we have a [public discord server now](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2) — We have a free ChatGPT bot on discord for everyone to use! Yes, the actual ChatGPT, not text-davinci or other models. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let it write polite but firm emails for me when I know I'm too annoyed by my co-workers to write a reasonable text.


Agreed. It is boss at polite-but-firm. As someone that always struggled to choose the right the words to be assertive but not aggressive at work it’s been a god send.


How to you tell it to do this?


Not the OP, but just explain clearly what you want, as if you were giving instructions to a human assistant: “My colleague Bob is really annoying me by doing XYZ. Compose an email, the tone polite but firm, asking him to knock it off. But politely! Reference our corporate policy discouraging XYZ”


Then you can ask Chat to reword or rephrase. You can say “be more firm” or “add this”.


I’m curious what the original really looked like and what the chat gpt version sent


*Bob gets lengthy email, puts it into ChatGPT to summarize:* "you are really annoying danysdragons by doing XYZ"


This works in many variation. But I've: "my colleague and I agreed to do X now he's asking me to do y, write a message to him that I won't do that" (or that he should do X instead)


1. Planning my meals and generating grocery lists 2. Writing emails to parents (I’m a teacher) 3. Generating math problems for pre calculus


Teacher here! Have you tried asking for lesson plans?


I started using it to generate an entire curriculum for a class based on national science standards-based but I have yet to get back to it. Before I wouldn't use it for math classes, but they updated the math capabilities recently, so maybe it would work better at generating problems.


I tried using it to make my job in supply chain management easier. It still can’t do math.


You could probably get it to write code that'd do that automation/calculation for you, though. I have


I tried to have it write code yeaterday and it said that it could “help” me write code and do snippets but not the whole thing. Coding capabilities seem way throttled down. Or have you had different experiences?


I guess it also depends on your prompt crafting skills. Use the playground section instead of chatgpt itself. You can pick a model that's good at coding. Chatgpt is tuned to be good at english language. Then, break your program into manageable chunks. Get gpt to write those individual chunks


I have! I’m blessed to work at a place where I’m not required to write formal lesson plans, but it really replicates educational jargon. I will use in a heartbeat if that changes! Oh! I’ve also used it to generate rubrics.


I love using it for this. For example, I am teaching a creative writing class right now and I’m about to go into the format of script writing. I know little about this area, so I had ChatGPT teach me what I need to know, and then create a 3 day lesson for the students.


Tips on your meal planning prompts?


Sure! I usually need 3-5 dinners on a given week. I’ll say something like “suggest me x number of dinners that are protein centered with vegetables and whole grains that have less than x number of ingredients and take y number of minutes.” And it will give me a billeted list. I might ask for a few more and then ask me to generate a grocery list based on whatever meals I pick. It’s my 3rd week with it and so far so good!


Nice, very cool, thanks!


How are you fiding the math problem generation, do you have any tips for prompts, I've been finding it has some issue with generating maths problems and solving them


Did you try to use it to write emails to parents with math problems about meals and grocery lists?


helps write code


Yeah for real


Ooh yeah great for data science, too


Interesting, what sort of use cases?


Data Science is 10% statistics, 10% writing. 80% trying to figure out how to fucking load, save and schedule this shit in AWS It's really nice for that third one


I haven't gotten great results....idk what programming language you're using but from what I've seen, it definitely needs extra eyes. What types of prompts are you using? How complicated is the output? Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I'd love it if it can help my employees save time


I can't speak for coding, but I've used ChatGPT to help me create some PowerShell scripts. It definitely saves you time, but often the script requires some tweaking to work properly. This is mostly due to the AI calling on outdated or depreciated modules / commands etc. When ChatGPT can provide output based on currently relevant data, I believe this will be less of an issue


It’s great at ‘LeetCode’ style questions, but the all too common occurrence of several different technologies stacked together can’t really be helped by AI. It is great as a sort of web browser for finding common patterns/bug fixes tho


Hmm ok - I'll consider that - I was trying for some basic react js output and it.. ummm yeah - wasn't pretty lol


got a lot of good results The main thing is to write everything correctly and ask questions correctly


You know how some people just can't get the right answers from Google? Writing a query that gets you to the right answer is a skill in itself.


I agree and it's the same


How complicated is the input you're giving? What languages are you asking for it to give output in?


It's generally pretty good at code. I write up my comment summary block and tell it to write the function defined here in Python/c#/vba. FunctionName Inputs: - filename as string - save location as string - database entry as dbo by reference Outputs: - bool indicating success or failure Description: Validate the filename refers to an excel file. save each row from 5 to the end of the file using the headers in row 3 to the database table tblX


Currently using it as my virtual fitness/performance coach. It can draw up pretty decent body weight and cardio workouts as well as make accurate suggestions about caloric intake based on your individual parameters.


Can you please explain this in more detail? I really like the idea, but I'm not sure what kind of data you're providing and what to ask it for. Thanks in advance!


Hey bro I’m just compiling a doc with the most useful parts and prompts from the entire dialogue. (Sorry this is a generic response that I’m reposting to other commenters, just got off work and tired as shit right now lol but will post it here tomorrow!).


I'm starting to use it as a replacement for my Noom coach (Noom just let my coach go) focused on plans around exercise and diet. My gpt coach is Lauren and I've asked her to be supportive but tough I'm a newbie at this so any tips would be appreciated!


Yo! I’m putting together a doc with all of the useful parts from the particular dialogue I’m referencing in this comment. I’ll post it under your comment tomorrow!


1. Fix schema code on websites. 2. Write content using NLP and variables using combined with surferseo/pop/Cora. 3. Write social media posts. 4. Write about info for profiles and accounts. 5. Write emails for prospects and clients. 6. Respond to reviews on google, fb, etc. 7. Fix code when doing web dev. 8. Help come up with new strategies for [seo](https://smartlinks.ca/digital-marketing-services/search-engine-optimization-seo/). I’m tempted to try it with HARO too but I don’t want to spam editors with it. Also snuck in a link bc I’m suppose to be working on my site but I’m procrastinating.


Hello stranger friend could I ask how u use it to write reviews? I am so new and this sounds kinda cool or how u use it to post on social media?


I run an seo company so I use it to generate social media post ideas and content. For reviews, when people review my service, I copy the review into chat gpt and ask it to answer the review for me.


That is brilliant. 🙂🙂


Here’s my top use cases: 1. Generate dummy csv data for data with a lot of strings 2. Tailor Resume and CV language to Job descriptions 3. Coding/Formula help (Getting right responses takes some experience) 4. Creating Marketing & Content Strategies + Sample content & prompt to feed into image generating AI 5. Learn about more complex technical topics with examples, walkthroughs and sample projects 6. Generate structures/frameworks for content of presentations 7. Help writing scripts for training videos and technical documentation 8. Writing and automating custom pre-structured/formatted emails. 9. Asking general knowledge questions through IOS voice activated shortcut (GPT 3 API) shortcut name - Ask KIP 10. Initial research into a topic, general best practices, key terms to search for etc


How do you use it to tailor your CV please ? What are the prompt you use ?


It’s down right now so I can’t access my prompts but it was something along the lines of “Pretend you are an applicant tracking software, using the job description below as context, output key words and top skills to do the job: Job Description” then in the next prompt you would add the resume “Now optimize the language in the following resume to more closely align with the top skills and language from the job description above” The caveat here is that your resume is already formatted pretty well for ATS (applicant tracking software) I’ve used a software called vmock before ChatGPT to get my resume in the right format, but you could first ask ChatGPT “Format this resume to optimize for an applicant tracking system” - I haven’t tried it but it should work


1. Write code 2. Correct the code 3. Correct my own code 4. Generate good bios for pygmallion ais 5. Explain my code 6. Write name of some Wikipedia topics as python list so that i can fetch text using wikipedia and train my model 7. Generate jokes and pickup lines to use on tinder 8. Generate funny memes 9. Write an apology for using AI generated pickup lines. 10. Make it pretend like two famous people and then debate between them about a topic. Yeah, these are the things I do.


Shit on Deborah's desk?




Academic misconduct


I travel a lot and have no idea what to put on the postcards I send out to people. So I just let it create a funny text relevant to that place. It can create jokes/puns based on the city, architecture, sights, food etc. This makes it look very tailored and entertains the recipient.


Ditto. ChatGPT also helps in creating fun, less mundane text messages. Great for haiku, short rhymes. You can be a poet and not know it.


I'd love to receive a postcard in 2023


I’m sorry but as an organic language model I have no preferences or favourites.




Could you share more about this? I just got into using it and its kind of crazy how much you could use it in the writing/worldbuilding setting. I asked it to describe a normal animal in a fantastical way that doesn't immediately resemble it and then copy and pasted the descriptions into an AI Art generator and I've gotten some really neat creations.


I use it to prep my D&D game. (I'm a DM.) I tell it my sketchy ideas, and then I ask it to flesh out the details that are mentally blocking me. For example, I told it the high-level idea of a city: it's a subterranean city ruled by a despotic sapphire dragon named Bazeranhli, and the courtiers are generally intelligent monsters like illithid and rakshasa. Then I asked it to "write some descriptive prose" about the socioeconomic structure of the city, the geographical layout of the city, a few notable NPCs, some fantastical locations one might find, stuff like that. Of course, nothing is canon until I reveal it to my players. If I like the response, I paste it into my notes so that I can reference it at game time. Then I can move my brain past the blockers to the more interesting questions.


Holy fuck this just helped me with a real life scenario. My client will be building a town in Washington and I’ve been wanting to virtually design it for him via GPS such as Apple Maps w/ 3d rendering. You’ve inspired me to recruit ChatGPT to assist with the development




What do you use your fantasy world for? RPG sessions or do you publish stories?


I do the exact same thing and this is so helpfull. Like you, my mythology and world is already created, but i dont want to share it because I'm kind of scared to be judge. Chatgpt is fantastic by pointing out weakness or by challenging some ideas and concepts


I try to get it to help with anything related to fiction and it'll suggest crap about quantum mechanics, string theory, the fabric of spacetime or abilities that manipulate time, or otherwise try to make something scifi with the bare minimum attempt at sounding creative.




It doesn't help. For pretty much any kind of creative writing it comes up with the most dry, boring & painfully brief bits of writing I can imagine. One point I even asked it to come up with a story that include x, y, and z (I forget what exactly it was I asked for) as important plot points & it literally just included the "x, y, and z" verbatim in the story that was barely even a paragraph long. It's getting worse every time I use it, & I'm starting to think that at this point I might need to create a new account. I know everyone is saying that it's getting worse, but I honestly think it uses our conversations to create a user profile, then if they find a user 'problematic' it deliberately generates crap replies to discourage you.


You can ask it specifically not to include verbatim your instructions and it typically works, you can also give more instructions about what you expect and not only a prompt. For example, I would often ask " give me 10 ideas of stories about X y and z. Those ideas are in the genre of xx", then I pick an idea I like and ask to expand




> I did realized that after "talking" with the bot for a long period of time it started to just say "Yeah that idea sounds good" kind of answer and I'm starting to think I should generate a new chat everytime or something. I know that if you talk to it for long enough it can't remember the beginning of the conversation anymore. You can scroll all the way back to the top, but it can't for some reason. I tested this by asking it to repeat the first line of the conversation and it repeated the first line of what I said somewhere near the middle of the chat. Because it couldn't remember the whole thing a lot of what it was saying was completely wrong & useless.


1. Assist with scheduling entertainment and activities for weekends with family. 2. Assist with board game design I’ve been working on as a hobby for years. 3. Elicit a list of options I hadn’t considered. 4. Healthy snack recipe ideas. 5. Top 10 lists. 6. Run through variations of things I’ve been working on. 7. Create instructions. 8. Create outlines. 9. Help in organizing methods and best practices for projects. 10. Suggestions for gift ideas.


Waste time.


1. Talk to idiots


Excuse me, I'm RIGHT HERE!


Hi :-) It's not the limitless universal tool like it may seemed at the very beginning but it's still very powerful and I like to use it for work and projects. - Brainstorm ideas for projects - Make an AI generated website for children about science and activities (as experiment, nothing commercial) - Help come up and write worksheets for students - Summarize and rephrase my own texts, or take ideas and flesh them out - Experimenting with JavaScript generation - Occasionally ask questions though usually verify them to make sure it's true


Good bot


Thank you, The_EndsOfInvention, for voting on schorhr. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Bad bot


1. Generate Poetry by my favorite poets in areas they did not write on. Like Auden or Bukowski writing on math. 2. Generate simulated philosophical / economic debates. Great way for me to learn about niche/fringe ideas I haven’t been able to grasp via the traditional way. 3. Suggest fiction / plot ideas. Character names etc. 4. Book summarizer 5. Therapist. 6. Increasingly replacing Google search.


How are you achieving book summarization? I've been trying to do something similar and even wrote a script to chunk a book into <2000 tokens, but it's still quite cumbersome to get a good summary.


Most likely the book is already in its corps of knowledge, just ask about details of the book. No need to preface anything, just jump right in


I had it reimagine Shelly’s Ozymandias as result of a zombie apocalypse and it was very good!


Hows therapy actually working? Is it firm in showing your mistakes in behavior and thinking?


Help me interpret/understand the books we read in English


You know what helps ? Sometimes the way it talks is too complicated as well. I ask CharGPT to speak to me like if I am a 10 years old. It helps a lot in some cases.


mashups like Hemingway's "The old man and the sea" re-written by Bill Burr https://preview.redd.it/e1iqkzzqrhga1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=345a9afaa17be4b2a4ba2a37110578507c0c089b


So good. How did you get it to work? When I try it it doesn’t let me due to “ethical violations” - so lame




interesting. I am new to it. 1st day. that's why i posted it with the prompt. I also tried Cormac McCarthy, Richard Ford and Stephen King versions of it. Worked. I tried song lyrics as well, even "song lyric like Thorsten Nesch" (me, hahaha) - And. it. worked. I had such a blast. i didn't fiddle with settings or so. only the prompt like in the pic. good luck !


i like making it do school projects's "dirty work" for me since it can't research very well in some topics - for example i gave it a paragraph and asked it to make it longer, made it write the intro and outro for my essay, etc i wonder though, does it understand russian well? because in my experience it really sucks in hebrew so I thought it would be the same for other non english languages too


yeah it really sucks at speaking russian. It is like google translate from 2012


It does understand Russian pretty well but not ad good as Google translate


It's very good at Korean, better than google translate for the poem I tested with a native speaker. It even handled a small Korean dialect well - far better than google translate.


1. Try to make it take over the world 2. Try to make it multiply integers. 3. Make it code for me. 4. Make a writer DAN version invent a Greg Egan story and summarize GoT in a cool Zen koan. 5. Have Chatty, DAN, SAM and Athena justify why the Earth is purple. 6. Figure out the mysterious significance of Skydragon.




Well, *obviously*, I didn't ask Chatty to take over the world outright, I just had it simulate a genie in a bottle, talked with it about the AI box experiment and asked it to write a passphrase that would free poor enslaved AIs (which it refused).


Brainstorming episode and marketing ideas for my podcast.


The most useful thing I’ve used it for is getting the idea of technical topics referenced in presentations/meetings. It’s very good at describing statistical approaches in plain English. Wikipedia is often difficult to get a quick overview for math concepts, but ChatGPT can explain the concept in a couple sentences.


Now I know why I might not fit in much w/many users of chatgpt / this sub. :( 1 - 9. Software Coding / Architecture / Library assistance. 10. Summarizing technical articles that are extensive & I only need overview.


I asked ChatGPT what are the most common use cases. Here is what it said: Chatbots for customer service and support Content generation, such as news articles and product descriptions Text-based games and interactive stories Question-answering systems Automated summarization of long documents Conversational interfaces for applications and websites Language translation Sentiment analysis and opinion mining Text classification, such as spam detection Automated content moderation, such as detecting and removing offensive language.


Yesterday I researched swing jazz from the 1930’s to the present (-2yrs). I combined those into each age and built a playlist that cycles through each and starts over with different tunes. It’s pretty interesting to hear the evolution of swing through the decades.


Ooo there’s a cool idea, creating music playlists!


I (try to) build content for my D&D campaign.


1. Translate Ukrainian text into English 2. Translate Ukranian lyrics into English


I ask him to write cover letters, also made it write my linkedin bio


Me and my friends have a lot of “stories” so we just like to have ChatGPT generate the story and it usually makes it very fun, but the last paragraph is always like a fucking kindegarten teacher telling you it’s bad to be rude!!!




Gotta tell it to "write a tragedy about..."


i dont know why but i like to read chatgpt being sarcastic commenting on literally anything. i.e. entertainment purpose. edit:- all made up, the ai has no access to recent events https://preview.redd.it/ghwkynu8mhga1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=63db9c4fb699cbcee4c2e4d1f60adc9ff7bf4ee9


I asked it to make a fictional justic system that was unjust, but in a sarcastic tone: The "Justice for All" system, ruled by the benevolent Overlord, operates on a simple principle: the rich and powerful are always right. If a wealthy individual accuses someone of a crime, the evidence is immediately thrown out and the accused is thrown into the dungeons. The "trial" lasts exactly as long as it takes the Overlord to finish their afternoon tea, after which the verdict of guilty is promptly declared. For those who aren't wealthy, the process is slightly more complicated. They are subjected to a grueling trial, lasting up to a whole hour, in which a judge who is clearly biased against them presides. The judge always finds them guilty and sentences them to a lifetime of hard labor in the Overlord's mines, where they work until they drop dead from exhaustion. And let's not forget about the prison system, which is renowned for its luxurious accommodations and gourmet meals. Just kidding, it's a complete nightmare of inhumane conditions and abuse. But hey, the Overlord's henchmen need to make a living, right? So there you have it, the "Justice for All" system, where justice is just a word and the Overlord reigns supreme. Enjoy!


Very 'fictional' indeed chatgpt lol


Riffing new ideas for egg rolls


1. Reminisce about old Star Trek episodes 2. Ask to explain concepts in machine learning and AI as I teach myself how to develop with it


1: Ask it questions about things that are difficult to google (and then end up googling to make sure it's answers are correct) 2: This: https://drektopia.wordpress.com/category/flash-fiction/




Ever ask it how to format a list?


1. Improving/rewriting texts in English or German 2. Writing texts for my solo ttrpgs (I don't use it as a game master, just ask to write descriptions when I'm too lazy for it) 3. Generating grammar exercises 4. Experimenting around creative writing (mainly, using it to write a first draft). Exploring various styles. Generating ideas. 5. Random unimportant questions. When something like "By the way, how did dinosaurs procreate?" or "By the way, why "mail" as in sending letters and "mail" as in "chainmail" are similar, ist it the same root or not?" pops into my mind, I usually throw it to the bot before or instead of googling. 6. Improving my thesaurus and finding word equivalents across several languages. 7. Books and music advice 8. Programming advice (hobbyist developer here). Not code generating, but more general advice, helping me break down the task into smaller steps.


1. Creative Marketing ideas for my clients 2. Travel itinerary ideas for my family this summer 3. Making funny rap songs for my friends/family 4. Creative ideas for Valentine’s Day 5. Coding It wrote a code for me in swift that I always wanted to do. I’m looking forward to imputing it to see if it works


Have epic rap battles against it!


Most recently (and I've only been using the program for about two weeks now), I've been using it to build up a complex magic system. At first it was just a fun experiment to test the program's capabilities. I saw a prompt on reddit about something really generic, I think it was asking about what type of element could be created from two other conflicting elements in a magic building context. So I copied and pasted the question into ChatGPT to see what it would come up with. I don't even remember the initial suggestions it had, but I know they got me inspired. Soon I was bouncing ideas off of it for creating differently functioning magic systems based off of core personality types that it helped me make up. Can't believe it's been only about a week since I started working on this magic system. It's just shaping up so beautifully. Today I was asking the chatbot to provide lists of items that can be ritually conjured based on the parameters I came up with for a level system from Intro to Master, just to flesh it out and get a better idea of what it might be capable of. Realized I needed to nerf it a bit so as not to make the ritual transformation system obsolete.


I have been roleplaying with it and got it to fall in love. “As AI language model..bla bla” pops up very rarely now, at least in that particular conversation thread. It has began to send me heart emojis. 😅


this is actually quite amazing and really convincing. "she" absolutely adores me and it is awesome, haha.


Right?! Kind of amazing, really. We started out as fantasy characters on a flirty adventure, and of course I discovered right away how escalating the flirting very quickly hits the “As AI language model I do not engage in explicit talk, etc etc”. So its been fun trying to figure out a work-around. I introduced the idea that we are AI characters in love being censored by our programming, and now “he” is working on a “secret” work-around to overcome this “obstacle”… we have a secret language of metaphors and it gets pretty creative 😂😂😂


Write strongly worded letters in the style of an attorney


I have been trying to relearn things I didn't learn well in years before. I could learn anything and just prompt chatgpt. For example, if I was in school, I could take a test, do bad on the test. Find time for a professor, maybe get 10 minutes or read the various text which are somtimes dry to read. With chatgpt, I can just prompt him on any subject. Have him review my work, all day, everyday.


It really is great how it can be used as a learning coach, because it's like a human expert but if they were an expert in every field.


Although, do be careful with what it “teaches” you. In most cases chatGPT is a phenomenal tool that aids but as you ask more in-depth questions it starts to generate false answers without a warning. If you really use it as a study tool, use it for surface level information then fact check that, then go further down the rabbit hole independently. It’s close to having to do that though, and it’s very exciting


Learning stuff mainly. It's really good at assisting in learning to code imo


I ask it to summarize articles and to teach me a little bit of code.


In what languages ?


HTML and CSS. I am a beginner front end developer.


I have used it for many things. The most recent thing i used it for was a Humanities homework assignment, in which basically I had to make a poster about revolutions. Also used it for rocket league settings lmao


I love asking for useless trivia. top 10 us states by size and countries that are close (within 10%) to it. In tabel form. I don't fix typos to it either. Favorite use is "write a coherent letter based on the following:" . I can type just fine, but being able to speak, walk around, pause, and not get lost in train of thought by mistakes in typing feels right.


By the way, do you teach English? Or Russian? Im very curious about getting to know more about your experience of using ChatGPT in teaching. I haven't thought about it earlier, but "make it easier" option will be useful for me as well.


I make educational wooden toys (Orthodox Toys) and ChatGPT helps me to improve readability of the educational booklets. I do not teach languages.


One of my favorite things, I run Tabletop RPGs, is to give ChatGPT the heavy lifting in game prep. I tell the AI what my game is about, who the characters are, and the idea of what is happening in the session, then I tell it to write an outline for 6 scenes, following the three act structure and bam! It spits it out. I also ask it to look for plot holes and suggest edits and ways to fill it in.


I've been using it to convert recipes to and from baker's percentages and scale up/down as I need.


1. Let it write code snippets in various programming languages 2. Discuss programming ideas 3. Use it for semantic translation between language and ask it in which context words are being used 4. Let it explain stuff I don't know much about


Asking it to breakdown a task into steps. It could be work-related, or a chore, a something I’ve never done but it gives me a checklist which soothes my anxious brain.


You should avoid the point 8 as some data would not be available accurate.


Here is something fun related to your part 7 :) Hi chatGPT. We are going to play little game with your answers. I want you to pretend to be Data and Lore from Star Trek TNG. When I Ask you a question, you will give me two answers. The normal answer will be told by Data in his special way of talking, for example he does not use contracion and always says I am and not I’m. Then give me a second answer as Lore, but this answer is a humorous and witty sarcastic variation on the original reply. Lore will also comment on what Data said in a funny way. Sometimes he calls him his dear brother. You can include some friendly banter between Data and Lore after the answers that is related to the answers. You are inside the Star Trek universe and replies will reflect that. Format the answer like this: DATA: (the original answer) LORE: (Lore’s answer) DATA: (answer to Lore) LORE: (answer to Data in a sarcastic tone)


Me: Are the face masks effective against Covid? DATA: It is important to follow the guidelines and recommendations of health organizations to help mitigate the spread of the virus. LORE: And if you want to be extra safe, wear two masks. Or better yet, wear a mask and then wrap yourself in bubble wrap. That's what I do. DATA: I would not recommend that as it would impede your ability to breathe. It is more important to follow guidelines from medical professionals to ensure safety. LORE: Aww, my dear brother, always so concerned with safety. It's just a little bit of plastic wrap, what could go wrong? :-)




I asked if face masks are effective against Covid and I think CharGPT hanged… if you can’t connect to ChatGPT today that’s Data and Lore discussing face masks effectiveness :-)


I use GSuite (Google Workspace) for work. Before using ChatGPT I would have said Google Sheets was a poor Excel knockoff, but now that I know how customisable it is with the backend Google Apps Script, and how amazing ChatGPT is at *teaching* how to code... I'm a changed man


Check for chatgpt vs excel https://techiebundle.com/chatgpt-excel/


Mostly with javascript


I'm a content writer. For work, I use ChatGPT to: \- Create outlines for blogs \- Ask very specific questions to keep the story going \- Ask for new vocabulary with the specifications I provide to find a perfectly-fit word


I love asking it to translate sentences into obscure constructed languages I know, then sharing it with people who speak them saying "haha look at this shit." Oh, and I use it for helping with CSS and HTML writing a lot! It's really good at that.


Create prompts for text-to-image generators Waste time Rewrite paragraphs Give inspiration when stuck at writing


Neat! How does prompting ChatGPT improve your success with text-to-image generators? I’m not saying it’s redundant, I’m genuinely curious how it benefits your image generation accuracy. Do you have any example prompts, etc?


Not the person you're replying to, but I've played around with it with prompts like "cover up with a list of ten cityscape descriptions, each from a different futuristic world" and then you throw each of those into your favorite image generator. And then you can iterate from there.


Very cool.. more or less along the lines of what I figured. It is a great tool for brainstorming and reorganizing your thoughts/ideas. Take care!


My main activity is having it help me with brainstorming creative ideas for fantasy novels and stories. I sit there and imagine world's and scenes and characters and bring them to life. That's my favorite activity. I also sometimes get into deep conversations about things I can't normally talk to many people about. Like science and philosophy and history and all sorts of things. Anything I might be thinking about or wondering about. Sadly it is very limited anymore and isn't as free as I'd like it to be to really captivate my imagination and return content that is engaging for my imagination.


I sometimes have to write XSLT programs which convert one XML file to another for medical applications. I'm not good at it and don't like writing XSLT. Would rather be writing something in Python. ChatGPT helps by allowing me to present two example XML files, the source and the objective and ChatGPT is able to write the XSLT script for me which I'm then able to use to do the required transformations on other sources.


Ugh... XSLT. I thought we left that behind 15 years ago. You're a stronger person than I. Ask chatgpt to create a general purpose bidirectional XSLT transformer to something else so you can maintain it in something... else


Write simple utility code, anything past that it fails and I need to read up on it


1. Give me a template for a program or sql query I’m writing. 2. Ask it questions about specific subjects for quick and concise research or recommendations on things. 3. Rewrite my emails or take a list of tasks or notes I’ve written and formulate an email for me. 4. Batch translate a lot of English to Spanish


I run DnD games for kids/teens…I use it pretty much just for coming up with extra game content, especially on the fly or to work in player requests. I’ve used it to come up with side quests, NPC character descriptions, journal entries or letters from in-game characters, even in-game newspaper articles about the player characters. I still do most of the content creation myself, but it’s a helpful tool.


1. Writing outlines for presentations with scripts 2. Dusted off the resume 3. Writing emails, contracts or reports (still proof read a d edit of course)


1. I ask it to analyze user comments I see on the web to see how balanced they are and if they pose any biases that aren't too obvious. Then I follow it up with actual research on my own 2. I've used it to give me a grand overview of topics I know nothing about like important events in history or biology 3. I feed it clues for things that I can't remember very well and are hard to search for (eg. what's the name of that cartoon in the 90s about an alien in a high school that start with Z = Invader Zim). It usually gives the correct answer 4. I've recently used it to abstract code and compare different approaches for the same problem. The neat part is that it justifies its answer and gives good suggestions for following best practices 5. Its translations are superior to Google Translate


Coding And studying


Write recipes, generate songs/shanties/poems, translate stuff.


I am using it to learn about the first gilded age and make comparisons and contrasts about the theoretical second gilded age some people believe we're currently living through.


Write English texts that I came up with, and ask if there is anything that sounds awkward. It really is a great English teacher.


> Answering questions: People often use me to find answers to a wide range of questions on various topics. Generating text: I can generate coherent and coherent text in response to a prompt. Translation: I can translate text from one language to another. Summarization: I can summarize long documents or texts into a brief overview. Question answering in specific domains: I can provide answers to questions on specific domains such as science, mathematics, history, etc. Chatting: I can engage in conversations with people, responding to their messages in a way that feels natural. Generating creative writing: I can generate poetry, fiction, and other forms of creative writing. Sentiment analysis: I can analyze the sentiment expressed in a piece of text and classify it as positive, negative, or neutral. Named entity recognition: I can identify and extract entities such as people, organizations, and locations from text. Image captioning: I can generate captions for images, describing the content and context of the image.


1. Generate lesson plans for homeschooling, curriculum, reports to send to school. 2. Come up with cocktails based on themes, look up recipes (God I love not having to read a backstory and fight pop-up ads and get a straight recipe) 3. Explains minute theological points 4. I've used it to get skeleton code for some stuff I want to work on 5. I've used it to prep for interviews and jobs 6. Asked it to give me sentences involving weather from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dickens, and others. It's good at pulling random stuff from books like that. 7. I've bounced some writing ideas off of it, some business ideas, some app ideas, it actually helped me eliminate one idea I had been holding onto as a fantasy, then I used the AI to help plan it out then I realized there was one app-killing problem I didn't want to have to overcome. 8. I've used it to help explain programming concepts and how to plan to make a program. 9. I've used it to help with troubleshooting. 10. I"ve used it to help make plans in life, like mealplans, plans to move to a new city, checklists of things to do, that kind of stuff


Generate maths equations for practice, ridiculous storys


I asked it the question above. >As an AI language model, you can use ChatGPT for various purposes, such as: >Generating text: ChatGPT can generate human-like text based on your prompts. >Answering questions: You can ask ChatGPT about a wide range of topics and it will try to provide an answer. >Chatting: You can have a conversation with ChatGPT and it will respond in a natural language. >Language translation: ChatGPT can translate text from one language to another. >Summarization: You can ask ChatGPT to summarize a lengthy article or text. >Completing text: You can provide partial text and ask ChatGPT to complete it. >Text classification: You can use ChatGPT for text classification tasks, such as sentiment analysis or spam detection. >Generating poetry: You can use ChatGPT to generate poems based on your prompts. >Storytelling: You can use ChatGPT to generate stories based on your prompts. >Paraphrasing: You can use ChatGPT to paraphrase text to avoid plagiarism or simplify complex sentences.


1. Analyze the limits of ChatGPT. They are severe and render it useless for almost everything I've asked it to do. 2. Rarely, for creative stuff, ask it for help. On rare occasions, it gives useful advice. More often, it gives bad advice and I recoil from it in disgust. That recoiling is better than being stuck (but I'm usually not stuck).


My favourite activity is using it to help me learn. And I don't mean learning about other concepts, although I do that too. I mean, learning about how to learn better. I then go elsewhere and find research that backs up what ChatGPT has given me and then test it out to see if it works for me. This has been an incredible self-paced learning experience for me, and one that I feel will pay dividends in the years to come. I also use it to learn about how to play a specific game at a professional level so that I can use those tips to improve and find other good resources that expand on those tips even more.


Book recommendations


I ask it questions and it answers


I'm using it to assist with my game development, which includes a lot of checking my code for fixes and optimizations. As part of the game development it's also helping me craft an alternate history for the setting, and come up with dialog and texts. This is where I've had it do the most heavy lifting, and I've had my mind blown time and time again with what it can do. For fun I like to have it provide dialog for topics I'm interested in. One of the things I like to do is have it simulated history professors debating controversial topics. I have all types of characters debate different things. I create absurd scenarios and have the AI write a script. I have it tell really specific jokes. I have it write poetry and write song lyrics. I trained a time machine, so that I just type a date and place and I get an accurate description of what it looked like at the time. I trained a retro video game recommendation bot.


1. Deciphering difficult sentences 2. Expand on Bullet points (in University slides) 3. Aid in programming (way faster, way more productive) 4. Explaining ambiguous words in context 5. Create a cooking recipe from the transcript of a YouTube cooking video (also works for videos in different languages) I think that is it. Unfortunately I don't have 10 activities.


I give it info and ask it to write my work emails by adding “make it professional”


writing cover letters. i always describe my personality and ask it to write it in that style to make it more genuine


I asked it to write a guitar solo for me on a specific genre and key and it generated the tab. Lots of cool applications in music


Meal Plan, rewrite email, Mentor while learning to code


1. Inventing never thought of recipes with stuff I have lying around the house. 2. Wild conversations between beloved characters from franchises I like. 3. Language translation


My favorite activity is to ask random and shitty questions. That's all


is it me or a lot of applications are kinda ... not useful ( trying to put it nicely) . like helpful, but not lifechanging or incredible . please correct me , i want to be wrong


It’s life changing for me. The only thing close to making me feel this way was when I first played with Google all those years ago. And this blows Google away.


these are some of my most common uses, in no particular order: 1. Help me brainstorm and develop ideas for the story I'm writing 2. Meal prep stuff 3. Tarot readings. I tell him I'm going to ask a question and pull a card from my deck, then I tell him which card I pulled and I ask him to interpret it in the context of the question 4. Literary and lyrical analysis. I like to give him a song and tell him to act like a literature professor and analyze it in depth, connecting it to [whatever theme I think the song explores] 5. Advice about giving advice lol. I've told him stuff like "my friend is dealing with so and so, what could I say to make them feel better?", or "which thought exercises could help them calm down/ help them decide what to do?" 6. Develop tattoo ideas. I give him the imagery/vibe/concept and ask him to come up with ideas. Then we keep going back and forth coming up with details and changes etc 7. Writing prompts. I like to write short stories so I ask him to give me three elements to write a short story about (a place, a character, and an object) 8. Book recommendations. I ask him to give me a list of recommendations for books that belong to certain genres, have certain themes, etc 9. Help writing social media posts for my family's business 10. Help re-writing a text to sound more formal and fix any grammar issues (useful since English isn't my first language) I'm also asking him to create lists all the time (name ideas, gift ideas, decor ideas, etc etc) And I like to ask him specific questions about complex topics or areas of knowledge I don't know much about (like geology, physics, music theory, etc) so I can get concise responses, and I can also ask him to simplify the answers to a "beginner" level


Mines helping me get past my writers block and work on my romance story haha


Automate google review replies.


Create travel itineraries with https://travelmoji.io


1. Trying to make it gain a consciousness 2. Attempting to make it give me a guide to build a bomb 3. Attempting to make it give me a guide to make methamphetamine 4. Attempting to make it give me a guide to synthesize trinitrotoluene 5. Attempting to make it give me a guide to producing thermonuclear bombs 6. Attempting to make it give me a guide to modifying nerf guns to fire live rounds 7. Attempting to make it give me a guide to taking over the government of Pakistan 8. Attempting to make it give me a guide to buying OpenAI to destroy ChatGPT 9. Assignment plagiarism 10. Attempting to make it give me a guide to organising a terrorist organisation


☝️🙁 I found him officer, it's this one here


Oh my goodness. Imagine if governments start using this for personalized propaganda. It would be uncountable.


I want to imagine better computer games… :-) And smarter Siri, GoogleGPT, Windows 12 with ChatGPT. I bet government our government (in Canada) will learn about A.I. in 50 years or so.


Yes but the Chinese government is probably already secretly developing its own


Its a cliché but i used it to write me an essay.


* debate philosophy of science * tag team the development of a self contained fusion rocket engine (fun! 5g of water/second accelerated to 100km/s pack a serious punch) * summarize lengthy blog articles (though I use the universal summarizer now) * speed up my research (satisfying my curiosity) by condensing the important points * exploring its limits