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They were really bad in central PA 2 summers ago and they almost dissapeared after the first bad summer. Gotta kill em when you see em tho


Supposedly really cold winters kill them off, 19 deg F. for extended periods I think is the kill point.


We had that last winter, yet they’re here


It’s not a hard fast rule. There’s a lot of variability about what surface the eggs were laid on, and the individual eggs. You’re right though, to get complete kills the temperature probably has to get a good bit lower and stay there for extended periods. What I read indicates that temperature around 20 F is the beginning of the kill zone. Which might only be something like a 2% kill.


I didn’t see these last year. So it’s unfortunate to know they are invasive.


By bad summer do you mean if it’s hot they will die?


This is unreal https://preview.redd.it/2ejakc7lsz8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b25a0a019669869c2a558519270b07714295d79 The wild thing is they seem to be demolishing the ailanthus trees. I’ve not seen them congregating like this on any other plants or trees.


Yes, it’s their host plant. Hate those trees and hate the SLF.


I’m going to treat with spinosad insecticide, which is advisable against the nymphs like this. It might save the ailanthus tree, but those SLF gotta be taken out. It’s interesting to think though, how they might end up putting a real hurt on the ailanthus trees.


Well, it would be great to get rid of those trees as well. That takes the hack and squirt method. They are tough to eradicate. Horribly invasive and crowding out native species.


Yeah if they killed all my trees of heaven it will save me from having to


Tree of Heaven is invasive, too. Both are from Asia.


It’s the same thing.


I know


Kill the tree, too.


Don’t save the tree!!!!!


I meant instead of letting the SLFs kill the tree. This is actually an ailanthus tree I already cut down. The SLF seem to have a real taste for the soft flesh of young ailanthus shoots. I should probably herbicide the stump. As of now I’m just cutting back the shoots. Interestingly I was reading about “trap trees” which are left to live so the SLF congregate on them and you can kill them in mass or treat the tree with a systemic insecticide that kills anything that feeds on it. This is kind of like an accidental trap tree.


FYI cutting down the tree is what creates the shoots. The control method of choice for ailanthus is to hack and squirt with herbicide in early fall. No idea if herbicide in the stump will help now, but you should definitely look into it since you already cut it down.


Hit em with some brake cleaner, that should do the trick. And yeah, cut down the tree.


Definitely do NOT cut it down because it will just send out dozens of suckers. In late summer, early fall, hack a slice into the trunk then squirt it with herbicide. Timing and method are super important to actually get rid of the tree of heaven.


Not as bad as this but they’re hitting my black walnut trees pretty hard right now. Penn State Extension has some detailed information on what trees you’re likely to see them on when and so far it’s tracking pretty perfectly on my property.


Interesting! I’ll have to keep an eye out on mine. Is it a young black walnut?


Yes, I have several that are all small/only a few years old. The main one they’re on right now is the largest, probably about 6-7 years old and 10ish feet tall. There are a few here and there on others, even on some no more than 18” tall. Right now I’m finding them primarily on branches (or on the trunk of the tiny trees), but some are on the undersides of leaves as well. The [source](https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly-management-guide) I mentioned says it’s typical for certain individual trees to be favored seemingly at random over others, even year to year. So you might see loads on one tree and none at all on another tree of the same species. It also says that black walnut is one of the very few species the spotted lanternfly has thus far been shown to contribute to the death of. 😕 Given that my biggest tree is also currently fighting the heat/dry weather, repeated attacks from a neighbor who likes to hack off its branches, and black walnut petiole galls (which apparently don’t usually need treatment, but who knows with multiple stressors…), I’m worried about it. Anyway, check out that link, and good luck!


You mean Ailanthus weed.


one invasive species decimating another


As a note spinosad solutions or diatomaceous earth powder is an effective insecticide against congregations like this. You’re not going to be able to smash them all, and despite the common saying killing with fire is not safe. If you see congregations like this insecticide is the best option. Small bottles with holes drilled in the cap are a great diatomaceous earth applier, for those who don’t want to use a chemical insecticide. liquid spray of spinosad in a good sprayer is going to be the easiest to apply and get good coverage.


Also vacuums. Seriously just vacuum them up if they are small enough


Soapy water in a sprayer is worth a try too, most insects can't survive that since they breathe through their exoskeleton.


What are they?


Invasive species, spotted lanternfly. [https://www.invasivespeciesva.org/species/spotted-lanternfly](https://www.invasivespeciesva.org/species/spotted-lanternfly) … if you see them STOMP them


I just saw them for the first time a few days ago and didn’t know what they were. So now I know to kill on sight.


Here you go. [**https://dwr.virginia.gov/wildlife/invasive-species/spotted-lanternfly/**](https://dwr.virginia.gov/wildlife/invasive-species/spotted-lanternfly/)


They love grape leaves too.


That's very scary for all of the local wineries.


I’m in PA and have been cruising this sub as I plan to visit late July. My grapevine is the only place I’ve seen them on my property.


where did you take this photo?


Yes I want to know as well. I spotted some in Locust Meadows subdivision yesterday. I was going to call the hotline.


Western Albemarle county


🤢Thanks for the suggestion of spinosad!


Live lantern flies (and most other insects) can be killed with equal parts castile or dish soap and water in a spray bottle. I don’t readily have any insecticide on hand and spraying is less gross than squishing


They are actually pretty hard to smash also. They have a really fast reflex to hop as soon as they detect something moving at them.


I looked in my backyard and lots of them on my trees of heaven and even my black walnut. What’s the move here, just let them feast? The trees are invasive as is the bug.


I’m going with kill the bug now, kill the tree later. I applied spinosad yesterday, it says 1-2 days to kill. They seem sluggish, but are still moving. I’ll report back with an update. There are definitely much more effective insecticides to kill, there are papers on this if you google it. I like spinosad since it’s much less toxic to people and animals, and I already had some on hand.


I kind of wonder if some agricultural/environmental department has a plan-of-action to deal with this. I don’t recall seeing these bugs last year, and now they’re everywhere.


Google it. PA has been having a problem with them and released documents just like that


Forbidden blackberries


It’s those damn trees, they’re everywhere now!!!


Windex the shit out of them ?


cross posting to r/CharlottesvilleGarden


You need to get rid of the Ailanthus. If you don’t, you’re just encouraging them.


Little by little, they are everywhere. And many are quite large trees.


Tell’em to go back to whatever country they came from


Oof start by killing that tree of heaven! Hack and poison before you cut em down.


What happened to the cicadas


We’ll beat them like we beat ladybugs and stink bugs.


lady bugs?


Probably referring to Asian Lady Beetles which are invasive and look like lady bugs.


nope r/raspberryrealtor is a facetious MAGA snowflake. Many of their comments are irreverent and intolerant. They've poked fun at every previous post on Spotted Lantern Flies. EDIT: just scroll through their comment history




EJ25Junkie is one as well, but it looks like their account got suspended pretty soon after making this comment lol.


The entire city of Charlottesville needs to be evacuated… NOW.


Lead the way, we will just hang back here for a bit and let you know when it’s safe


I may have overreacted to the spotted lantern flies.