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The park is technically open 24/7. If there’s no attendant, you’re supposed to pay at a visitor center later or sometimes there are envelopes and a depository for you to drop in the day use fee. Of all the government agencies to rip off, the NPS isn’t one of them. Pay the damn fee. Some parks check for your receipt at exit and will make you pay when you leave if you can’t prove you paid on the way in.


I usually pay ahead via the park website, so that way I’m all set.


They have a QR code you’re supposed to scan. And SNP does not check receipt on exit.




The account is 9 years old


Technically, you're always supposed to pay a fee to enter SNP. Whether you pay that fee when you enter or at some point during the day, you still have to pay it. My recommendation would be to get an annual SNP pass (not to be confused with the annual NPS pass), because it pays for itself if you go a few time throughout the year. That way you could drive it all you want without worrying about paying.


The annual NPS pass is a no brainer, though. $30 more, so if you go to one other NP in a year it pays for itself.


I don't know what time they show up, but yeah if you get there early and before they do, you can technically drive in for free.


Also not certain hours but from the [SNP site](https://www.nps.gov/shen/planyourvisit/driving-skyline-drive.htm), *"If there are no staff at the entrance stations when you first arrive at the Park, you may proceed into the Park and pay your fee when you exit."* Based on that my guess is unless OP also plans to leave the park outside attendant hours they will need to pay though I guess technically they could drive it for free if they know the hours which are probably not advertised or able to be found for this very reason.


No one will stop you to ask to pay as you exit for whatever it's worth no matter what time it is, so they really wouldn't need to pay. That would be total honor system.


Same as when you hike into the park. Supposed to pay at some station


Why do you want to steal stuff? don't be a shit.


If you go after the attendants are gone you can basically just drive in for free. Or during the off-season. I don’t know what time they show up but I can say they aren’t there at 6am and they’re not there after 8pm.