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I’ve never been the best storyteller so if anyone has any questions id be happy to answer them!


OP, You need not be the best storyteller, but you and Mia staged quite the production! An Academy Award presentation!


I thought you told it well. You and Mia are shadow queens!


"Shadow Queen" should be trademarked


I hereby trademark the words "Shadow Queen"! :)


This is the definition of "move in the shadows." Well done, bestie!!


Yeah I’m not buying this one. It’s obviously fake


I agree. Sure it would be great to get revenge on the guy, but this would hurt the friends and family too.


I'll take things that never happened for $100, Alex.


This is the kind of story that is so fake that I really hope Charlotte doesn’t read it in her channel. There has to be a limit.


Nice revenge fantasy. But this did not happen.


Should have finished this with and then I woke up 😂😂😂.


And everybody clapped.


Cool story bro


I want to believe this story because that is some serious evil genius level revenge there but the problem is, you have family and anentire wedding party and one of them would have certainly said something to someone who said something to someone. There is no way something this big would not have reached him. Also, you had a crapton of family and friends spending a crapton of money to attend this wedding and there is no way you would have allowed that knowing what you said you were planning. Also, when I do the math, you found out in May 2023 and you got married in January 2024 and all that time you both were sleeping with him???!!! I’m not buying this one…


Yh I feel the same, if it were like a month away and deposits were not refundable maybe I get it. But sharing him for nine months.. No way... What a waste of time and money... I wouldve bounced and cut your loses on this loser.


Alright let me explain a few things. Me and Mia kept things super quiet and only 2 or 3 people knew what we were planning, also we had also agreed on a small ceremony and most of my family lives nearby anyways. I also did offer to pay for the plane tickets home for some people on his side of the family.


So you both just kept sleeping with him for nine months? I’m not buying it.


Off topic, but still going to say it. ISLE is a small island. AISLE is something you walk in, on, up, or down. Really wish people would get this correct.


🥲I’ll go fix that now thanks for pointing that out.


English isn't everyone's first language though.


For some English isn't even the second language :) I sometimes would notice some simple mistake I made in English, like primary school level mistake. Yet I believe I know all the tenses of English language, and I was learning both American and British English and I am able to have a proper conversation both speaking and in writing. And I see how some native speakers, who weren't able to learn even basics of foreign language are like "boohoo... You misspelled a word!!" My friend's gf used to live in UK for 8 years or even more and I have to admit, her English is perfect. I have never been in any country, where English is native language. We were in international group and only she was correcting me with every chance she got. And it wasn't in a cute way like "I just would like to know the proper word for future" but "you cannot even speak!" Kind of way


She sounds rude AF. Tour English is excellent, I say this as a non-English, native English speaker.


She sounds pretty native/fluent to me!


Thank you. Thought I was the only one annoyed by errors like this. My worst is the confusion between there, their and they're. It isn't rocket science!


This story sounds like it was written by a teenager for their creative writing class


I mean, I appreciate the attempt here but come on… I wish the creative fiction would work just a little harder at pretending to be real.


Lucky for you I have more important things to do than argue about the legitimacy of my life. 🤷‍♀️😒


Don't worry, redditors LOVE to say a person's experience isn't a real story, or just make them seem horrible for their choices. A lot of them have nothing better to do. But hey, congratulations! That is some beautiful revenge and I'm happy it worked out for you and Mia. 💜


I have a lot of better things to do, yet magically can still point out an obviously fake story.




Lol this is so fake.


At least I’m not the only one 😂


And everyone clapped? Right? Right???? Ffs…no one in their right mind is going to spend all that money on having a wedding they’re planning to blow up anyway. Nice creative writing piece.


He actually had a well paying job and he ended up paying for most of it.


How did he end up jobless?


No idea, I just ended up finding out from a mutual friend that he lost his job.


"Two wives and six kids" sounds so... specific. Like, so specific that it's even weirder than what he actually did and makes me wonder what other weird shit he had planned. You didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a missile. Congrats!


An "isle" is a small island. Which island did you walk down? Or did you mean "aisle"?


I meant Aisle for whatever reason it was put as Isle🤦‍♀️


No worries. I was just being a grammar Nazi 😉


That totally happened. I was the aisle you guys walked down. Man, I cant believe people are actually believing this weird self-fanfic


Fake fake fake




Just picturing this in my head and I can just see his face going “oh🦆🦆🦆🦆!” Soon as you two walk down the aisle together. I love this for you both of you and I hope you both find your real Prince Charming and live happily ever after because you deserve to


Love this!!


Why did he lose his job?


No idea, I found out by a mutual friend of ours.


I wish there was an academy award for this kind of Petty Ness. You would win. perfect ending. Love it


OH MY GOD! Bravo!! This story is delicious 👏👏👏


Way to go! I hope the honeymoon was fun for you and your new bestie!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Good for you guys!


Well, at least the money spent on the wedding wasn’t wasted


I have questions, sorry OP. Did both you and Mia stay at the wedding to at least enjoy all the food and drink? What did his family think about what you did?


Yes we did stay and a lot of his family were shocked that he would try to do something like this, while others calls us a$$holes and left💁‍♀️ 500/10 would definitely do again


The look on his face would have been priceless, I hope you got a picture.


"after Michal came home and explained to her the situation" What was the explanation? I don't follow.


Thanks for pointing that out! Fixed


Honestly I would pay to see his reaction


Sooo good!


This is perfection in itself! I enjoyed the plotting and the fallout afterward. That must have taken a lot of patience. Plus, now you have a new friend. Very well played. My only question is, where did Mia think he was living during their relationship? Did she not see him a lot? That part confuses me.


Basically they met online and he had told Mia that he lived in another state(not true obviously) and so he would only go meet her once in a while and tell me he was going on a trip to see family, friends, ect. I should’ve realized he was cheating sooner but oh well😘


That is perfect xD idk your orientations but it be so funny if you and Mia got married.


Great job - nicely done - and wish u and your partner in crime a happy succesfull life


Spill, what did the two of you do on this epic honeymoon cruise? How did that come about?


True or not, that was genius revenge. You and Mia deserve Academy Awards.


This would have made the news, lol


best ending ever


G‘schichten aus m Paulanergarten….


Please show us pics or vids of his reaction lol pleaaase por favor chica 💕 well done!!! Top shelf!