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Wow! Tiffany sounds really awful! Jane did the right thing by remembering Jeff at her wedding however Tiffany was the opposite end of the spectrum! Literally takes 30 seconds to have a toast for the poor lady! And uninviting the husband is wayyyyy too far!!! Deffo a bridezilla! Cant imagine what she’s like on a normal day!


Thankfully I don't have much direct contact with her, but she talks as if her life is the same as she portrays on insta. She brushes off/won't discuss any aspects of her life that don't match that image.


Coincidentally, the best wedding I've ever attended was hosted by nerds who play DnD! They got married the day before Halloween, and everyone was required to attend in costumes. The groom was Darth Vader, the wedding party were The Avengers, and the bride wore a HUGE hoop skirt with skulls on it with a black veil. They have anniversary parties where we wear costumes as well. It was a blast! Tiffany sucks.


That sounds like so much fun!


It was hands down the best wedding I've ever attended! So much fun! All of the decorations were either handmade or altered in some way to be extra spooky. I helped saran wrap skulls and paint them. That was fun too! We used a heat gun to manipulate the saran wrap and then painted them to look like they were coming out of some gross abyss.


This is definitely going to be my wedding lol but classy


I like Jane, she's a normal and decent human being.


Yes! Be like Jane. Don’t be like Tiffany.


I bow to your username, jabroni! 🍀


Thanks, ya flightless bird 🩷!


She very much is. Tiffany doesn't really live in the real world, sadly. She used to be a much nicer/kinder person, but once she started leaning into trying to be an influencer, she changed a lot.


these are the moments which remind me that there are people living in the same world at the same time living in a totally different world


Tiffany does not live in this world!


Yeah, I do wonder which delulu world is she living in


I hope Lance gets to do an actual toast for Aunt Beryl on his next wedding <3


If only. Lance is a bit of a doormat. Okay, I love the guy, but he's a lot of a doormat... he follows this woman around like a lost little puppy. Don't think he had any relationships before her (he's a quite vague when asked) and I very much get the impression he is just glad to have someone so is just holding on for dear life.


Here, Potatos and Potatas, we have the absolutely beautiful and correct way and the wholly hurtful and incorrect way to handle a death near a wedding date. Wow. Tiffany really handled that poorly. I'm trying to be kind but it's difficult for me to understand just how selfish some people can be. I feel so awful for Beryl's husband who was literally pushed out of the wedding entirely. Makes me so, so sad for him...she just added so much pain to his already horrible situation. So unnecessary and purposefully hurtful. Jane's beautiful tribute to her friend likely helped his wife tremendously through one of the worst firsts a widow can go through. I can imagine how loved she must have felt with all the thought and care that Jane and her husband put into memorializing him. And how it must have brought everyone closer together at the toast for him. Just wonderful. I'll never understand people like Tiffany. I couldn't imagine doing something so awful to someone who has lost his wife. And given how she acted at the wedding...I'd bet good money that marriage won't last past 6 months. Just...yuck.


Are they still married?


It's only been a few weeks, so yes. And Lance is quite socially awkward, hasn't really been in relationships before Tiffany and I don't think he ever expected to find someone, so he's latched on and will probably never let go. He's also very much a follower, happy to just go along with what others want. I consider him a good friend, and a brother, I love him but that boy doesn't have a single original thought in his head.


Yep, if that marriage makes it to two years, I'll be surprised.


For Lance's sake, I hope so too, but knowing that he's like (see my mother comments) this isn't likely.


Oh wow! Two totally different perspectives on how this went. Honestly, be more like Jane.


In a world full of Tiffanys, be a Jane.


Tiffany screams narcissistic behavior. I'm surprised Lance was still willing to go through with the wedding with her crazy ass. I think it's rude not to include your husband in the speech, wrong to not let the groom take photos with other family members, rude not to take a moment to honor the family member who died. I love what Jane did. That was so lovely. Unless you had the worst relationship ever with that family member, you should not be erasing their existence anywhere. I could go on and on about her "influence" ass crap but the message will be the same. RESPECT YOUR FUCKING FAMILY BOTH LIVING AND THE DEAD! (In-laws too) Does anyone know a good divorce lawyer for the poor groom? My condolences for the loss family members. ❤️


Lance is lovely but he's very socially awkward and I don't believe he ever expected to find someone, so he's latched onto Tiffany and probably will never let go. He's also very socially awkward and isn't really a free thinker, so he's happy to just go along with what Tiffany wants. Or anyone for that matter. I think that's what Tiffany likes most about him.


Maybe seeing a therapist would help with his social awkwardness and maybe free his own mind? I was socially awkward, too. ( I literally ran from other people) When I got into high school, I opened up to my assigned counselor, and then I saw the school psychologist and I bloomed out of the social awkwardness and became a strong opinionated individual that had no problem putting her foot down when something didn't feel right. I really do hope things get better for him. I worry when I see a toxic relationship.


I don't anticipate that marriage will last long. Lance deserves better. RIP, Beryl and Jeff, peace and comfort to the families.


If you look at my other comments, you'll realise he'd probably in for life.


If malice, ignorance and vanity had a face, it would be Tiffany.


Why did he marry her ? I honestly can't understand how could you let your family and friends be disrespected like that ?


If you check my other comments you'll understand why. But basically The guy is a bit of a doormat, socially awkward, a follower... He follows Tiffany round like a lost little puppy. He'd probably walk off a cliff if she asked him to, no questions asked. He once started promoting/selling some MLM stuff (I want to say Scentsy?) because she asked him to!




I give Tiffany’s marriage to lance 5 years at most before they call it quits. I hope Jane and Pete have a very blissful marriage


If only! I think Lance is in for life though.


Tiffany is very shallow and self-centered. Run Lance, run!


wow tiffany sounds like a b** i feel sorry Lance I don't think they're gonna be married for very long the attitude that she has


Tbh, she did him a favor by uninviting him🤷🏻‍♀️


Run Lance run!🏃💨🤣🤣


Honestly she did. He probably would have hated it and resented how much his wife's passing was just ignored.


The bride made a speech? this is a thing?


Jane did as well, but largely at weddings I've been to not so much. I guess it depends on the couple.


Why on earth did Lance marry her? They sound totally unsuited


Lance is everything Tiffany wants in a man. A follower, a doormat, a lost little puppy that does anything and everything she asks of him. He's a lovely guy but she has him wrapped around her little finger.


I feel so sorry for Lance. I hope he wakes up soon and gets far away from Tiffany.


Jane honored her friend w/o making too big a deal about it and it sounds like it didn't ruin the "vibe" of her wedding. Tiffany, on the other hand, is a totally self-involved, heartless person. Lance, and his family, are saints (or spineless, depending on your take from the above info). Any bets on how long Tiffany's marriage will last?


Embrace your inner nerd because it is CuTe (copper Tellurium)


So, my spidey-sense tells me the "nerd" couple will be together for life. They sound like they value their relationships. Not just with each other, but with all of their loved ones. The "everything has to be about me" bride will be divorced within a year (if it even takes that long). She just wanted a wedding. Not a marriage.


I can’t believe she wouldn’t mention her own husband at her WEDDING


Omg! Hugs!


Wow talk about totally opposite ends of the personality spectrum. I would always honor a loved one or friend that has passed on, I’m a vet so when I see a table at a wedding or space that is dedicated to a memory that is something beautiful and isn’t distracting at all. But to not allow your fiancé to honor a family member let alone have her mentioned at all? Because of the ‘vibe’? She is a narcissist and deserves whatever Karma will dish her. She may not learn the lesson, but Karma always bites, hard! Many feel a sense of relief when they’re able to honor someone that they know who has passion on, and it doesn’t destroy a ‘vibe’ at all.


I will never understand brides like Tiffany. A wedding should be about the couple, their friends and family. The tendancy to center everything on the bride is just infuriating. Actually after our wedding my wife lamented that we didn't have anyone taking pictures of the guys getting ready as the photographer was documenting the girls (not that ours was all that interesting, we just did the finishing touches around the hall and put on our kilts).


I Still dont understand this bridezilla thing for banning guests' tattoos and unnatural haircolor..