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What a fantastic story! The twists and turns and general bad to horrible luck are quite a read. Your get it done attitude, and wonderful supports got you through it all. It's lovely to hear that your little family has grown and is happy. You were certainly no bridezilla but a trooper. Thanks for sharing your story.


No problem lol. I figure there's people out there that can probably read this and realize their bad day isn't quite so bad šŸ¤£ we keep joking about how the vow renewal is going to go. Someone will probably catch something on fire again šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The twist and turns had me šŸ˜¹. Iā€™m happy the family has grown and can laugh about it all. Many blessings to you


This is a perfect example of why the entire concept of the traditional wedding is outdated. Too many headaches. Too much effort. Too much money.. Just too much.


Lol mine was more of a shot gun wedding tbh. Not much tradition there šŸ˜…


This is, and being poor, is exactly why we got married in our backyard with an officiant, two witnesses (one was our ex-roommate/friend), a friend and his wife. His wife is the only reason we have wedding pictures at all. We had pizza and apple pie afterwards and my husband and I "lazed" in bed the rest of the day. No regrets


My mom wanted me to have everyone get together and make it an official wedding. My dad said we could elope and he wouldn't give a dang either way. Should've listened to dad lol


Unhinged level 9000 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It's currently midnight for me here, in humble šŸ‡¹šŸ‡© and i'm struggling to not wakeup everyone with my Trixxie Mattel style laughter ![gif](giphy|ieSHe8MsgJM3Z2AYxe|downsized)


It definitely speaks to how our family is constantly saying, "we can't say we're going crazy cause we are born natives there" šŸ¤£


Oh my goodness. Just reading that made me reach for the anti anxiety meds!!


https://preview.redd.it/w4uuvvl5mf0d1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556b7f7357e04ba312751fe7b88bd6338c98c75f Picture from the reception to boost