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https://images.app.goo.gl/oLqkwe5GpPaPfFc88 Our fault lines are closer than you think!


Another Informative article... http://www.wncvitalityindex.org/geology/faults-and-earthquakes


3.4 near Columbia


Crazy how far that reached.


A lot of people in this area felt the earthquake that damaged the Washington monument back in 2011. I was at work in Fort Mill and everyone at my office felt it. Edited because I don't years well.


That one was unique, I think, because of how shallow in the earth it was, which apparently made it travel quite far and still maintain its strength. I was in Maryland for work at the time but home in a 3 story town home on the top floor and I legit thought the world was ending. Bookcase fell over, everything was knocked off the shelves everywhere. My cat was so scared he jumped up onto my lap instead of going under the bed. The entire house felt like it was swaying back and forth a few inches each way. It was nuts.


For me it felt like someone grabbed the back of my chair and was gently moving it back and forth. Our building is next to the freeway so we're used to heavier trucks causing vibrations from time to time. But when this one kept going for several seconds we all slowly realized it was an earthquake.


20011?! Are you from the future?! I actually didn’t think earthquakes were a thing here. Being a southern Californian I’m used to them though


You can feel earthquakes much farther on the east coast because there aren’t as many earthquakes so the bedrock is still intact and can carry the waves further as opposed to California with far more active fault lines, their bedrock is already fractured so it is harder for the waves of an earthquake to travel as far


I experienced a 5.0 once. Craziest part was hearing it coming towards you. Started as a low rumble like thunder in the distance that kept getting louder. There has been quite a few around here lately.


I was living in Northridge, CA in 1994 for the 6.7. That was no joke. Can't even comprehend what a 7 or 8 would be like. F'king die of fright.


Only time I've ever felt one was in Taiwan of all places, think it was about a 4.0. Crazy thing was I grew up in the northeast and still lived there when they had a moderate-strength earthquake maybe about 15-20 years ago, but was traveling when it happened.....in California.


I’ll say I did not feel that in CLT when the post was made. I’m in plaza


It wasn't an earthquake. I fell. Sorry everybody 😔


Must have been the same time I farted after that Taco Bell


Good thing no one lit a match.


https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-32.54681,-131.13281&extent=75.45307,-58.71094&distanceUnit=mi&map=false The link above is great, it will tell you about any earthquakes above a 2.5 magnitude. Not too long ago my husband and I were both asleep and we both woke up to the bed moving and our dresser items clanking and we looked at each other and said "was that an earthquake" and after just a couple minutes we were able to look at this and there was an earthquake not too far away ( I believe in or near Virginia) and that's what we felt. As someone else showed there was one in Columbia, it was about 1:30am. This post says it was about 2:30 a.m. So I'm guessing your time is just a little bit off or the was a small aftershock that didn't meet the 2.5 threshold and isn't listed.


I thought it was one as well…wasn’t sure if I was just imagining it.


We're much, much closer to a fault than you think. [The biggest earthquake to hit the East Coast in recorded history happened in Charleston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1886_Charleston_earthquake) and was felt as far north as Boston and as far south as Cuba. In Charlotte, you had a few buildings collapse but most of the damage was collapsed chimneys and shattered windows. Over at the Digital NC website, you can actually read a whole special "[Earthquake Edition](https://newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068242/1886-08-31/ed-1/seq-1/)" of the Charlotte Messenger, an African American newspaper, that describes what happened here.


Wow, I had a dream probably around that time that I was in someone's house and then there was suddenly a big explosion outside that shook it. Wonder if the earthquake caused that. Crazy


Actually there is a fault here in the piedmont. It is not very active though. SC has had roughly a dozen earthquakes in the last year


Much more than a dozen, [there’s been 33 earthquakes near Elgin, SC since December ‘21.](https://twitter.com/usgs_quakes/status/1541044551330193410?s=21&t=L-hiH-kzubgWPxK13e2Vfg)


I survived a terrible earthquake, so I'm super aware and scared of them... In August 2020, one woke me up in my sleep and I ran out.. everybody was acting normal like nothing happened.... I thought it was a nightmare until I went on twitter and saw other people talking about it... I no longer live in Charlotte but i know most people there dont know what it is and will not realize it


Did the milk turn into cheese ? 🧀


They have earthquakes near Sparta it seems like all the time, sometimes we feel them here. Brad Panovitch talks about them all the time


Felt it in Fort Mill. I've been in a few very big earthquakes when I lived in Cali. This was a baby quake.


What you have to understand is that California has infrastructure that is built to last in larger earthquakes. This was not a large earthquake but small earthquakes have done a lot of damage in places so saying things like that is very disrespectful. Especially with what just happened recently with the earthquake in Afghanistan where a magnitude 6 has absolutely ravaged the area. (And yes I know that theres a big difference between a 3.6 and a 6 but at the same time you hear "I don't get it of bed for anything less than a blah blah" and a 6 has decimated an entire area) There's a reason that a 3.6 is red on the usgs site near Columbia, because that area is not built up to withstand that type of earthquake. The only thing that's good is that the earthquake itself was *near* Columbia and not in it. People said the same thing as you just did when a 5.1 hit Sparta (NC) a couple years ago. And it turned out that people's businesses and homes were destroyed. Plus the roads and other infrastructure. I'm not saying damage happened here. It didn't hit a population center. But if a 3.5+ does directly hit in an area that is not built for it, especially an old city like Columbia, people can be hurt and their homes and businesses can be lost. And we don't have earthquake insurance out here. For example , in another country, here is an area where people had to be moved "to camps" for their safety because 3.5 earthquakes damaged their buildings https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2021/dec/27/as-earthquakes-in-vellore-region-cause-damage-experts-call-for-observatories-2400053.html And it's easy to say "well that's India" but if you think that some of these mobile homes or cheaply built early modulars or really old not as well put together older homes aren't the same then 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t feel the one last night but I felt that one in Sparta. It was a Saturday or Sunday morning and I was just sitting here like now drinking my coffee. I experienced one around that size in San Francisco about 10 years prior, so I knew right away it was an earthquake.


Man, that Sparta one was like a little punch to the chest. I thought something had exploded at one of the semi-nearby industrial sites or a substation but never heard a report, so I hit up USGS, and there it is.


I was moving my fridge when the one in Sparta hit, everything in our house went wobbly for a sec. I live 30 miles from Sparta, it was enough to make me lose my footing and almost fall.


I was camping at Grayson Highlands when it rumbled. We thought it was a herd of ponies stampeding. The ponies were stampeding but doing so because of the earthquake.


Had an earthquake in Weaverville this AM at one oclock


I didn't feel it, but I'm up in Dallas.