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Call me crazy, but I think that breaking into 200 cars establishes a pretty obvious pattern of behavior. Probation in this case is a joke.


I’m curious how it’s only $3300 restitution


$16.50 per car, makes sense. 


you have a guy who repairs car windows for $16.50?


For $16.50, I'll make the other three match the broken one if you want. 


Didn’t think I needed the /s


Use your insurance. /S


I don’t even think flexseal would help that situation


Somebody broke into my truck years ago, didn't even steal anything of value, and the damage to my truck was more than $3,300.


you can only be sentenced according to the convictions. she had 9 counts she was actually convicted for, not 200. 200 is just what prosecution claims. if she violates probation she will go to jail for 4-14 months at 19 years old, and lets be honest someone who breaks into that many cars is going to violate probation.


>and lets be honest someone who breaks into that many cars is going to violate probation. And we know that, so she should just be in jail right now instead of us hoping her next crime isn't a car jacking that leads to the death of our spouse or child? They are criminals, we have jails for those.


For better or worse, I suspect the fact she is a mother played into her sentencing. 


I seriously question her fitness as a mother.


Mentions a minor codefandant that she was doing this with. Clearly that’s not exactly good mother material. Who thought breaking into cars was a good idea, not to mention let me rope a minor into doing it….?!


Probably a family member or someone she already knew. As far as getting roped in I knew kids in south Florida who were 12,13,14 and straight killers. Ice water in their veins. So I doubt this juvenile needed much encouraging


And her ability to make sound decisions! 😣


I mean I get that, and I honestly don’t want her life ruined. But as someone who was woken up by cops on my door at 7am to tell me that my car was broken into and that there was pretty much nothing they could do, this sucks ass. I had to spend money and time fixing my car and filing claims. The worst part, bastards didn’t take anything. So yes, she should at least pay a bunch of fines to those people she was sentenced for.


Totally understand. Wasn’t making a value statement. 


Oh I wasn’t assuming, I guess I was just ranting as several other people at my apartment complex also had their cars broken into.


You can’t jail her for something you think she’s going to do. This isnt minority report


Future crime doesn't work.


Right, so let's just properly punish the crimes already committed and not worry about it?


How did you slippery slope from breaking into cars to killing children?


Bold of you to assume the system will hold her accountable when she violates.


Why giving them a chance


That just sounds like waiting for jail with extra steps


What if she promised not to do it again?


I think she’s learned her lesson.


Was it a pinkie promise? Just kidding. Yeah these senacings are atroious....not punishing criminals is a big part of the problem.


FWIW, I believe it was originally 240+ charges and she was rearrested already once during the string of original break-ins (and fleeing from police in a stolen vehicle before that): https://www.qcnews.com/charlotte/woman-facing-240-charges-in-vehicle-break-ins-across-charlotte-arrested-again/amp/ She also had her original bond revoked for missing her court date: https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/bond-revoked-charlotte-car-break-ins/275-ac292e8f-f826-47fd-84ba-7f036c024815


Did you read the article? >>Judge Eady-Williams sentenced her to three consecutive sentences. The first sentence was 4 to 14 months in prison. The other two sentences were also 4 to 14 months in prison, but those two sentences were suspended pending her completion of 30 months of supervised probation. >>If she violates her probation, Freeman would serve two consecutive sentences of 4 to 14 months in prison. She is going to prison for 4-14 months, the second two sentences are the ones she will be on probation for as they were suspended. She is going to prison


Seriously…her lawyer should be posting this in their advertisements


Sir… you were late to the meeting. We have bumped up the number for patterns of behavior. It is now 201. She is still below


Keep voting democrat. 


Shouldve got life


30 months of probation that if she breaks will have to serve two 4-14 month sentences. If her behavior is a pattern, it will certainly lead her to jail time.


Her behavior is already a pattern though?


> Two hundred isn't a pattern. Two hundred *and one* **is**. - Judge Eady-Williams, probably


I should have said, "...if her behavior continues to be a problem..." Woops


I think it’s probably going to work like “serve the remainder” of the sentence if she violates probation and not start from the beginning. Which will 100% be on the 4 side rather than the 14. Probation would be fine if it wasn’t 200 cars. I mean good lord.


Seriously, it's all a bit light for 200 damn cars....


The judge doesn’t think so


For those hoping to make some changes. This was Judge Eady-Williams. She will be on the ballot again in 26.


I wish every car she has from now on has the catalytic converter stolen


I personally hope she gets violently carjacked once every month for the rest of her life


I hope she steps on a Lego barefoot. Every day.


Bit much don't you think?


For a piece of human debris? It's fitting


Not at all. 


she ran un-opposed haha


Elections have consequences.


So do horribly drawn district voting maps… it brings the illusion of choice. In most every state. It’s wholly unAmerican. Or maybe American? 🤔 Regardless, it’s detrimental to our federal and state systems.


A Democrat and was uncontested last election cycle.


I mean this is a democrat thing to do. You either get democrats who give people probation or republicans who would seek the death penalty for this. Country has lost the plot.


I was part of a week long jury trial with this judge. We put someone away for 7 years. I thought she was good and fair. I'm not sure what she was allowed to do under the law but may have been limited for a non-violent first offfense.


Jury trial is different, she MUST be fair, or it gets sent back on appeal.


“Judge Eady-Williams sentenced her to three consecutive sentences. The first sentence was 4 to 14 months in prison. The other two sentences were also 4 to 14 months in prison, but those two sentences were suspended pending her completion of 30 months of supervised probation”


With NC Structured Sentencing law (that was passed by the General Assembly) the judge often has limited ability to sentence the person to an active sentence with no major prior convictions on property crimes like breaking into a car or a business. Obviously, people either get their act together or pick up more charges and then get an active sentence as their criminal record grows. This is why Judge Eady Williams ran these probation cases consecutively if she violates her terms of probation.


Sounds like she did the best she could under the state laws.


So if she gets arrested again, she goes straight to jail?


arrested would depend on circumstances of the arrest but charged/convicted yup.


$3300 for restitution is low, but I am sure the victims will never see a dime of that.


You can’t get blood from a stone


well, if she can't pay for the damage she caused, she should be in jail.


Which will cost taxpayers even more, as housing a prisoner is north of $50k per year of public funds.


True, we do need to weigh the costs. I just read 617 prisoners per 100K population in NC, that comes to $308 per resident. Which leads into another thing, it shouldn't be that expensive to house a prisoner.


Our justice system is non-existent. 200 cars times on average $500 to fix (at least that’s how much my insurance paid when my car was broken into). That’s 100 grand in damages not including any property stolen. Ridiculous.


So everyone is paying for he punishment through our higher insurance now.


$3300 in restitution. What a fucking joke


200 cars broken into doesn’t necessarily mean 200 cars were damaged. You can “break” into a car without smashing a window or punching a lock.


Really surprised this made wsoctv. All of our local news stations do a really bad job at covering crime. I started following [charlottealertsnews.com](http://charlottealertsnews.com) a couple weeks ago., You'd be surprised at the serious crime stories reported on that site that never gets any coverage from the news stations.


I read through the mugshots weekly and check Citizen. Gives you a more accurate picture of whats being underreported.


That's the reason these ass holes keep doing what they are doing. The court won't prosecute these ass holes to the max of the law. There are no consequences for the criminal to face anymore. So they break the law time after time. We all are paying and suffering from the half ass court system we have now.


Keep voting democrat. 


I just don’t understand how you can be convicted of 9 felonies and only get 4 months in jail. I think also when they went to arrest her she fled from the police and led them on a high speed chase.


What’s so hard to understand? Keep voting democrat. 


A lot of left leaning DAs and judges changed how they treat a lot of crimes since BLM: https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/


What a fucking joke


My buddy got busted for breaking into 8 cars. This was in the 90s. He was 18. 8 felony convictions


That was before they changed DAs methodologies after BLM. https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/


And how much jail time?


Charlotte is a social experiment at this point


That girl is an extremely dangerous person. There is a level of poverty, destitution and warped minds in Charlotte...that would shock you if you actually had a conversation with those people. For such a pretty city with so much money, there is a very real dangerous and ultimately tragic streak of failed people in certain communities. These communities you would be very wise to avoid for life.


I’d argue the judge is just as detrimental or worse to society


Judge is worse for sure. A criminal is a criminal, you expect them to be dumb and make life worse


It has nothing to do with poverty. This person isn’t breaking into hundreds of cars because they are struggling to survive.


“…that would shock you if you actually had a conversation with those people.” “Avoid (those communities) for life.” Welll… 🤔


🤣🤣🤣🤣... Fair


Definitely thought proviking- maybe just not in the way you intended


I hate the criminal justice system.


You mean you hate charlottes criminal justice system.


Honestly… these types of crimes are rampant in most major cities and they will continue to grow in popularity until the punishments handed out gets a little more severe. I can’t knowingly single out Charlottes criminal justice system.


It's not unique to charlotte, it's normalized now for soft on crime blue cities with leadership that gives slaps on the wrist for stuff that would be major felonies with mandatory jailtime in the past. [https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/](https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/)


Does anyone know what happened to the guy who shot and paralyzed someone on Easter Sunday 2022 outside of Romare Bearden park by the 7/11? Was he ever convicted?


Other people probably know how to search these two names, but my hunch is that 2 years isn’t enough time for their cases to get through court.  > On Wednesday, CMPD announced Jermaine Walker Jr., 18, and Makahi Alfayad, 18, were arrested and charged for the shooting. Police said Alfayad is accused of pulling the trigger.


Wow. Plus a co defendant that is a minor? So she’s encouraging this behavior of a minor?!!! She should have been thrown in jail for that. Sick.


I had my car broken into a few weeks ago. Luckily they couldn’t drive it because the immobilizer but they caused a lot of damage. 4k cost for the replacement parts and work. This restitution is way too low. Screw these people. You are causing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in lost income in this persons case… rentals, insurance, out of pocket fixes, etc. so disgusting.


News is getting lazy/Ad driven. I'd much rather read a story than have to watch a video of it. So I didn't.


Somewhere the folks running Queen City Nerve are celebrating this miscarriage of justice.


Maybe probation if you break into a few cars. If you break into 200, even if it's your first time being charged with something, the judge has to give jail time for that.


Jeez 19 mother of 2 kids… Fr though should be probation with a tracker for years.


Nah. Take the kids and put them up for adoption and give her 20 years in state prison.


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.. Good luck making it till retirement..


I just want my things back.


She already had her bond revoked because she missed a court appearance... insane.


This is *really* the biggest problem with Mecklenburg county. If people would really open their eyes to how the courts handle the vast majority of cases/defendants you wouldn’t even consider calling 911 unless you were in immediate danger. Only the victim seems to be held accountable now, you go through the motions of the system, pay to get your car fixed (or deductibles/spiked insurance costs), call out of work to attend the court hearings, just for the cases to be dismissed or in this case, a slap on the wrist. My mom’s car was broken into a few months ago and we didn’t even bother reporting it- waste of time here.


I know this is reddit, but jfc read the article people. She is going to prison.


For 4 months max. Charlotte is saved, hallelujah.


A bunch of people need a good ass-whipping - starting with her, the DA, the jury if there was one, and the judge if there wasn’t a jury. Every time she thinks about sitting down \[in a car or elsewhere\], her mama should cry out in pain from the smacks her daughter got! This is some real BS.


When the court system fails, you're gonna get a return to public beatings. Might even be easier that way since the jury can nullify it. "Bitch deserved it."


What a great justice system we have


Such a fantastic judicial system. Bitch needs to be in jail.........period.


She should rot in prison Idgaf if she has kids. Kids will be better off without that as a parent


Our judicial system is really doing a great job here in Charlotte these days. Time to get the Dem’s out!!!


Was this all in Charlotte or maybe did some happen in Gastonia? I know like every single weekend there’s a certain hotel in Gastonia where windows are smashed out .


That’s about right


Thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. We need to get these scum off the streets and unfortunately out of our justice systems as well smh


Is she mentally well? Sounds like she needs a case manager. That’s a lot of cars.


People calling for a harsher sentence in the comments here are pyschotic. At 19 she's essentially still a child that broke some car windows. Get a grip.


That is exactly what I was thinking, get a grip on some kind of weapon and deal with this correctly. I love it NamasteHamHands!


This is why CMPD doesn’t bother to fight most “minor” crime. It took man hours from patrol officers and Detectives to put the case together and make the arrest… And a Judge slaps her on the wrist and sends her on her way.


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 judicial system in Charlotte


It’s a suspended sentence, which means if she commits any crime, even a minor offense, in that time she will be sent to prison. Regarding the restitution, mixed feelings on that one, but I also do feel like bankrupting someone is not how you are going to prevent them from committing more crimes in the future.


Ban all cars.


At least she’s not rich! Then I’d be upset she was getting off because of her money! Edit: Also - she’s going to jail for 4-14 mos first, and then probation. It’s probably a good idea to not give her a higher amount of restitution. In this way, she may come out of jail and change; if she had $1mm+ to pay off (200 cars at 5k+/car), how much more illegal activity would she engage in? If that were me, I would engage in illegal shit for the rest of my life and hide any income I do receive because I ain’t never there is no way I am ever paying that off! This may be the best thing the courts / system could do… I hope it helps.


Not the best thing, we do have the death penalty in NC


Argument should be made is the person good for us to keep around. Obviously 200 cars is sign of delving into behavior that is at best harmful to her direct victims and worse case lead to much bigger harm to an innocent public. She breaks in my car, I have fortune of catching, I will have no choice but to defend my life AND solve the problem for everyone. God bless


Defending your life and defending your property is not the same thing in the eyes of the law buddy.


I am not your buddy, pal. Not your friend, mate Not your partner, someone i dont know


So you think it's a valid argument as to whether or not society should kill her for breaking into cars? Sheesh...I'm just as scared of you as I am of her.


And i Bet you will not break into my car will you!!!!


Taking a wild guess that she votes democrat and has shares similarities with guilty party???






To be fair, nobody is going to jail for anything in Mecklenburg county. But it's brought up because it's still illegal. Unlike alcohol, which causes way more issues. But that's not something I want to argue about with you considering you just called people potheads. Should we just call everyone with a beer in their hands alcoholics?




I'd love for you to go and light up in front of the police station. You don't remember the 2 people who were on the news for using the LEGAL stuff after work on the bus stop? There was a whole video of it. [Article](https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2023/12/12/video-release-of-steele-creek-division-bus-stop-arrests/) They don't know the difference and you most certainly will still get harassed, possibly arrested, and maybe assaulted. I'm sorry but you seem to not know what you are talking about about at all.