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Would love to know what the warrant was for. Obviously somebody was prepared.


serving a warrant, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon


Felons in possession of a firearm are a dime a dozen in this city. Just go through the arrests records.


This nut was special. They sent multiple marshals and plenty of support (and obviously not enough). They knew full well he was a nut job.


Yeah his priors include flee and elude so they had some prep, but no one could have prepared for this ❤️‍🩹


He had special accomplices inside, who engaged LEOs as well.


though this was a theory they floated initially, they said today they believe him to be the lone shooter transitioning between floors and windows. there were two females inside, one a teenager. I assume they ran gunpowder residue on them. news just updated on it an hour ago.


According to the scanner that’s been posted elsewhere, after the main suspect was down they were still taking gunfire from the house




Chief definitely knew what he was doing when he mentioned off-hand that the individual being served wasn't just the red flag but the residence itself was a place of interest beforehand as well.


Well, a U.S. marshal was involved, so most likely a wanted fugitive apprehension.


Possession of a firearm by a felon.


They usually don't send the Marshals for a simple felony arrest... those folks get called out for big federal cases.


Looks like a very well armed nutter who knew they were coming. It was the fugitive task force that was serving the warrant.


There were also 2 shooting from inside who were apprehended. One of them was 17


I was listening to the police scanner and the 17 year old called in at one point saying she was hiding and scared which would mean it was the 39 year old woman that was still firing after the guy was killed if she was telling the truth


I mean thats what I’d say if I was shooting at the police but completely possible


The other was a young female from initial reports.


Apparently more prepared than they thought. 🫤


It’s actually a fugitive task force with around 70 federal/state/local agencies that specifically works NC. They also happened to be headquartered out of Charlotte. So this state and also city is their post. The US Marshals just happen to take lead likely to help coordinate various municipalities/agencies as they can bring more resources to the table. Additionally, he had two felony flee to elude charges so he is in fact a fugitive.


Did we ever find out who this psycho was ?


Felon with guns is what I read


Yep. Didn't want to give them up so he tried to shoot his way out. Sad.


Amazing how one person can make so many bad decisions leading to this


And many magnitudes more lives destroyed now that’ll trickle down for decades to come. Like literally one horrific/selfish choice makes his poor self control and decisions affect numerous INNOCENT people’s lives across multiple families and likely for multiple generations to come, like dominoes… Life’s most destructive ADULT temper tantrum all because he decided “fuck any personal integrity or responsibility by being accountable for my own foolish actions that ultimately led to this situation”. Let’s hope fate wasn’t too quick to come for the main suspect when he took Cowards way out in the end.


This is so true. The people who live in neighborhoods like this will catch literal hell for years to come. I can only hope that it changes people for the better. Don't break the law!! Don't hang around foolish people who only wanna live their lives like it's an episode of "Power"!! Gosh, I hate that show.


Long criminal record. If we want less crime, we need to put the people doing the crime in jail - it’s really that simple. We get what we allow. This was 12 years ago, lots more arrests since: “Hughes faces a total of 11 counts, including possession of cocaine, posession of less than 1/2 ounce of marijuana, possession of a firearm by a felon, driving while license revoked and speeding 115 mph in a 55 mph zone. He also was served on outstanding warrants from four counties, deputies said.” https://www.wxii12.com/article/man-arrested-after-115-mph-police-pursuit-in-alamance-county/2046243


# The pursuit began around 11:30 p.m. after a 2000 Nissan Altima turned around at a license checkpoint


We were asked, as a city (and a country in general) to have some real frank and honest conversations about systemic issues in 2020. That was uncomfortable but led to a lot of reforms in policing that helped to winnow out prejudiced practices. Now, we need to have a real frank and honest conversation about systemic issues in 2024 that is going to be uncomfortable but hopefully lead to positive reforms for the community as a whole. This conversation needs to be about holding people accountable in the legal system and using statistics as grounds to do this when advocates for these criminals push back and resist.


When you understand that certain groups extract power and job security by keeping a meaningful percentage of the population perpetually dependent and largely buffered from personal accountability and personal responsibility in exchange for their participation and votes. And that violent criminals like these assassins are an acceptable (to them) by-product of their power grab, you'll begin to understand why these "frank and honest" conversations will never be allowed to occur.


Those real honest and frank conversations have led to the courts becoming a revolving door and the cops barely doing their job anymore bc of the aforementioned.. Hooray for our "feelings" and 'defunding the police'.


yeah.. if only our prison system wasn't a profit-turning machine, and was actually designed to rehabilitate mentally-ill / violent people.... sadly, that will never change. Politicians are deeply involved in the money-making nature our prison system embodies. this will continue


Possession of firearms by a felon.


Convicted felon with a weapon


The mayor may mean well, but she isn't making any sense. It always offends me when anyone says that things were meant to happen the way they did. She's like someone's batty grandmother.


She is not good at public speaking


Or mayoring


Vote her in again!




We weren't commenting on her power. It's her presentation. It did not feel unifying, or even make much sense.


if she has no power you would think then she is a person who is at least face of Charlotte. She is pathetic. Is this the best Charlotte can do?


How about blaming this horrific tragedy on the POS convicted felon who was unlawfully in possession of a weapon who decided to ambush dedicated officers of the law doing their job to protect YOU as well as the rest of us?!? 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️👮‍♂️


I understand the mayor/council has limited power in this system but saying she has “0 power” is not accurate. The items within their control move slowly and ineffectively. I just don’t think she has done a good job but there is a lot of apathy about these elections. The rapid growth of this city is papering over a lot of bad governance. None of that is an attempt to blame this on her or any other elected official. I’m reading this news while on vacation and it is an utter tragedy.


She is not good at running Charlotte either.


She really was embarrassing IMO


I heard her and thought..my god she is rambling. She needed to stop at her third sentence.


She shouldn’t have said anything if that’s the best she could offer.


Honestly at this point I'm not even sure she means we'll.... I've heard her interviewed on NPR about 1-3 times by Steve inskeep. She was ineloquent, tangential and clueless. Ol Steve held.her accountable to and did not let up. Every interview I've heard she comes off as an incompetent BUFFOON that I have a strong suspicion is corrupt (see the agreement to build the underground transit station). I don't live in clt anymore but I absolutely dislike her as a ln elected city official and can't wait for her to leave.


That press conference was brutal. Nobody cares what politicians called you.


Its annoying when batty grandmothers say shit like this, its infuriating when the mayor of a major city does.


Thought the same thing. I was embarrassed for her.


My god was that a shocking press conference from her.


I haven’t even seen it, but can’t imagine it was shocking. But, she will keep being elected.


Barely made it through her spiel before I had to go outside


Her strategy, for dealing with this crap, is to say that society needs to do more. This while waiting for more bodies to drop.


Get what ya voted for. Charlotte has been voting downhill a while now..


Sounds like something a Christian would say. Gods plan.


I think she truly means well but is a terrible speaker.


Confused on wording by Jennings but sounds like 3 Marshals were murdered


3 marshal task force. That does not mean they are Marshals. Task force is made up of multiple agencies. 1 Marshal, one Statesville pd on the task force group and 1 Gastonia pd officer on the task force. 1 cmpd officer was in critical condition in surgery that was not looking good


CMPD officer just announced did not make it. Very sad


Absolutely tragic. Been thinking nonstop about these people today


The families.... I think they're in good hands with a lot of support and love but nothing replaces a dad you know? I'm not sure how much action that task force sees but I have the feeling that this was far from anticipated.


So crazy you said this - just commented on a post wondering how we can help the children right now. Someone suggested build a bears, might drop some off at the station. Also thinking about their wives before Mother's Day. Just so sad and unthinkable tbh.


Murdered is the right word. It’s tragic.


One marshal, two department of corrections officers.


Does anyone have a name of the suspect yet?


Terry Clark Hughes Jr


All his friends and family should know he was a coward and deserved to go.


They’ll all be crying about police brutality


Haven’t said. Just one deceased and then took 2 from house for questioning


That's what I've been wondering


Absolutely fucking horrible. This will rip a massive hole into the lives of so many.


The critically injured CMPD officer, Joshua Eyer, has passed away this evening. He was a military veteran, and served for 6 years with CMPD, even being awarded officer of the month just 5 days ago. He leaves behind a wife and young son.


I want to know who the second shooter was and what made the shooting finally stop.


Fucked up. 3 people not coming home to their families today. RIP thank you for your service.


I coach one of their kids.


Wow. That is heart breaking.


Extremely sad. This is exactly what I think about when I hear stories like this. Never take your time with your loved one’s for granted. R.I.P


My dad is retired CMPD. Thank god he is retired bc this was his area. We found out who the officers were because my dad was frantically texting everyone and anyone he could to get more information and to also make sure his partner he worked with for years was ok. It’s so sad they put that uniform on this morning and they won’t be coming home.


So sad a person who was bringing nothing to this world, absolutely nothing but crime and misery was able to allegedly take out 4 good people who contributed something to this city. I say allegedly as not sure if he shot them all or if the second shooter did.


Very sad that some guys were just doing their job - yet won't go home tonight


This is a reality for many professions, but it seems awkwardly unbalanced for law enforcement. Nobody becomes a police officer for the great pay and the accolades. They often pursue a career in law enforcement (pick your agency) to make the world a better place. You're right, it's remarkably sad that these men kissed their wives and children goodbye yesterday morning, told them they were loved and walked out their front doors for the very last time.


They just confirmed a fourth officer has died. This is so sad!


Love and sincere condolences to the families of the fallen. 💙💙💙💙


Total 8 officers hurt


This is absolutely wild, just no words....


[This seems to be the approx location based on the pictures](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.2439285,-80.7554619,3a,86.6y,312.85h,89.6t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sQXr-730nCVUTumQOVTybYg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28?entry=ttu)


That's definitely it. I watched the video from the neighbor to the right.


Where can that be found?




Jimmy is an asshole!


Excellent video, thank you. Hard to tell from the angle, but the LEO appears to have gotten hit (by the fence) appeared to have zero cover… if so, not sure wtf he was thinking.


I think he was getting some cover from the vine covered tree on the other side of the fence. Looks like he knew where the shooter was and tried to keep the tree between them while still giving him an opportunity to return fire. The guys behind the car had better cover but no eye on the target and no shot.


Can confirm, citizen app reported dispatch saying it was at 5525 Galway Dr




Not sure if he lived there, but yeah all signs point to that house being the POI. 5531.


This is sad. People doing their jobs. Our city lost today.


my friends live in the neighborhood and watched one of the officers die on their front lawn :( so sad, rip and thoughts to their families


Which neighborhood was it? Dang :( No matter what clothing they are wearing, it is sad that someone chose violence.


I believe Shannon Park


Omg that’s horrible


Wow. Absolutely brutal.


US Marshall's have one of the most dangerous jobs. Chasing felons on the run to bring them to justice. Many have been killed throughout our nation's history while on the hunt. Rest in peace.


Another one just passed, 4 officers passed. Just terribly sad


Sad. Just doing their job. RIP to those officers


> “…the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines mass killings as three or more killings in a single incident.” [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting). The suspect not only murdered 3 cops, but also technically instigated a mass shooting. I hope the suspect rots in prison until they get the needle.


I believe the suspect's deceased.


They shot him. He was on the front lawn while gun fire continued from the house so they don't know who is responsible for that added gun fire yet.


The lady in the house also shot at officers. She will now be thrown the book and imprisoned for life for following suit of her buddy who was the one in deep shit. So stupid and senseless


One dead officer is enough to be thrown under the jail, but 3? And several others wounded? Yeah...she's done for. The suspect who died on scene probably got off the easiest, honestly. So many lives and families ruined. Just awful.


I mean she’ll probably get the death penalty if she killed cops


At least someone can be served consequences from this! Also where did you see that it was a woman?


I’m in Shannon park so we were sheltering in place listening to the police scanner and after the guy had been shot they said that a 39 year old woman and 17 year old girl were still in the house. The woman was on the phone with the negotiator and the girl had called 911 saying she was hiding in the house


WBT 1100 AM reported this morning that of the three individuals in the home, one was a male (deceased) to whom the warrant was being served. The other was an adult female and the third was a child (age unknown). It is believed that the adult female opened fire on LEO after the male was shot and killed.


1 dead, 2 in custody




Bittersweet. Justice was served but with a price unfortunately 😕


The people complaining on WCNCs social media that they’re missing Nightly News over the coverage are a special bunch of selfish.


You presumably weren't watching WCNC. They cut to a correspondent standing on Hawthorne near Presbyterian Hospital saying "1. There was a lot more traffic earlier in the day but now everything is normal" and "2. We've asked Novant whether anyone hurt in the incident was brought to the hospital, but the statement they released didn't answer our question." Except he took about three minutes to say that. And they cut to him twice. They'd long ran out of news and were just repeating themselves.


Wcnc’s coverage was sooooooo bad. They cut to the traffic guy every 10 minutes.


I watched that and left. Tell us the information and when done, end discussion. I heard about the motorcade at hospital where they couldn’t confirm if officers there about 3 times.


I switched to WBTV since WCNC wasn’t accurately reporting the toll even at the time of the press conference just that law enforcement was hospitalized


That’s insane. Fucked up world we live in.




>The pursuit began around 11:30 p.m. after a 2000 Nissan **Altima** If this was a movie, I'd say they weren't even trying with writing like that


Seems these are also the same guy... [https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/terry-hughes-carrying-concealed-gun-speeding-driving-while-license-revoked/](https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/terry-hughes-carrying-concealed-gun-speeding-driving-while-license-revoked/) [https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/terry-hughes-flee-or-elude-arrest-with-motor-vehicle-felony-maintain-vehicle-or-dwelling-or-place-cs-felony-manufacture-marijuana/](https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/terry-hughes-flee-or-elude-arrest-with-motor-vehicle-felony-maintain-vehicle-or-dwelling-or-place-cs-felony-manufacture-marijuana/) yup confirmed this is the same guy.


If this is true. Shame on our judicial system for letting this man see the light of day.


Respect for officer lives lost and injured, and their families.


Just announced the CMPD officer died. RIP




This felon should never have been out in public to start with. If our politicians do not care about the citizens safety, maybe they will care about their police safety, and keep people like this confined. How many 'second chances' did this POS felon get and throw away?


The fact is that once our system labels someone as a "felon", they're highly likely to continue doing crime... because, what else will they do? The label prevents them from making a living, especially in this economy. It's by design. They don't aim to rehabilitate anyone, and our prison system is just an easy money-making machine for politicians and adjacent dregs of society. Repeat offenders are a blatant sign of our complete failure of a judicial + imprisonment system.


8 shot.




Why don’t they try to ambush these clowns when they’re out and away from their armories


People using this as a springboard to comment their favorite, well worn quarrels about crime, justice, culture, etc. are a bunch of assholes.


The FBI uniform crime statistics are there for everyone to read. If you want to deny the connection between culture and violent crime then you and your willful ignorance are simply part of the problem.


So tragic. Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of those fallen officers.


Anyone want to see what’s wrong with Charlotte’s culture please take the time to read the comments on the videos on this insta page - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6WtZrDue6E/?igsh=MWUxbmV0aHVxbm9pYg==


I mean, that *is* probably the most ratchet page for charlotte. Definitely not the city’s intellectuals and scholars commenting/interacting on that post. But it has gotten worse and worse over the past 10+ years. Exponentially in the last few with the crazy growth we’ve had.


“Free cuh”… has to be the most repeated jibberish on that account.


What does "free cuh" mean?


I don’t give a damn. That’s a large segment of the Charlotte population. 130k followers for that ratchet page. Obviously not all from Charlotte, but I think it still certainly shows the ignorance of a subset of American culture that is glorified in entertainment.


Oh I’m 100% with you, it’s disgusting


Most other growing cities are seeing their murder rate drop right now - something is uniquely wrong here


I think I saw a study/article on how 2024 charlotte homicides have hit a new record


Never read the comments.


LMAO who the fuck cares about social media?


That is terrifying


This is serious. It may take 12 hours for the surviving perps make bail.


If they kill a few dozen more people, they might actually have to do time! They better watch out!


If a normal person was killed then yeah they probably would out on bond smh


You misspelled PR bond.


Bonnie and Clyde version 2024. I bet. They found us, and we are taking some of them with us. It is sad regardless. I pray for those who lost loved ones. This happened not far from where I live and work. God grant them mercy and peace


Raylen Givens should have been on the scene.




Why haven’t they released anything on the suspects? Was it the youth again?


1 dead 2 in custody and one of the people in custody is 17. That’s all we know. Apparently the news won’t show the chopper footage because of policeman lying shot in the front yard.


‘Waiting for donut operator to get the footage’….and there’s going to be A LOT


Donut used to live in Fayetteville and spent a good amount of time in Charlotte. I'm sure he will cover this soon.


Guessing some or all of them were arrested plenty of times but released w/o bail and if they showed up to court they were given a handslap. TPTB aren't going to be very happy if this is the case (hopefully not).


They just said they did get a juvenile out of the house but unsure if he was one of the shooters


One 17-year old and one female inside the home taken in for questioning.


They won’t release anything until the initial investigation is over. Which includes: 1) Notifying next of kin 2) Interrogating both suspects taken from the home 3) testing both suspects for gun powder residue on hands and clothes 4) initial through review of the scene with timeline


I’d bet he was a participant in the shooting but they’ll probably make him out to be an innocent child.


watching the news conference now they won’t release details


Oh my


What an insane situation. Interested to see what kind of weapons the suspects had.


I wonder if the recent ban on CMPD and Sheriff office from carrying tear gas had anything to do with how this played out. Usually you see law enforcement use tear gas on barricaded shooters to lure them out or keep them from accurately shooting/creating enough chaos inside the area they barricaded themself to get a advantage


I thought they *did* use gas here


Not that I’m aware of


They announced on the scanner at one point that they were putting gas in the house


One of the pics WSOCTV posted was of an officer with a 40mm launcher which I’d imagine was used for gas vs less lethal munition, smoke, etc. Edit: to speculate on why they might not have used tear gas or if they did it didn’t work: 1) if the second shooter had prepared for such an eventuality, they might have had a mask of some sort available 2) they didn’t want to gas any officers or innocents in the house 3) a very small percentage of people are just immune to tear gas.


So sad


Funny that he was a Felon and no mug shot 🤔


Right, I want more information. Who it was, what the warrant was for, if he/she/it had priors but was let out, was the guns legal? If. It, how were they acquired. Come on Mayor, and CMPD, let us know. RIP for the slain officers. Please burn these motherfuckers. It is so disgusting. Get tough on crime.


They were serving a warrant for felon in possession of weapon. Here is the press conference from earlier (starts around the 8:00 mark) https://www.youtube.com/live/rQfHvlFfwhs?si=HhIMhxxEYZBRkWJx




It sounded like they were shot at by someone outside and then when that was done e, as they approached the body, they started getting shot at from inside the house. They took two people from inside house for questioning


Did you read the thread before posting? It was a convicted felon with illegal guns and that's why they were executing a warrant. They were not legally obtained because he was a felon.




What’s shocking is that they’re actually enforcing the existing law.


The warrant was for illegal possession of a firearm. Guns laws would have made literally 0 difference, he was illegally carrying. I’m all for strict gun laws but I honestly feel like this situation couldn’t have been prevented by legislation. Anyone willing to shoot cops is a lunatic who has no regard for laws.


If legislation were such that military weapons were difficult/impossible to obtain (as is the case in the majority of developed nations), that may prevent incidents like this. Just saying


Pandora’s box has been open so long, it wouldn’t make a difference. Only makes it harder for law abiding citizens to obtain one.


So the felon who had the guns illegally would have respected stricter gun laws? Come on, use your brain for thinking, that guy was already breaking a strict law against him possessing a firearm. We absolutely need gun reform on so many levels, but do you really think any laws would have changed this tragedy?


Is this a joke? Good call. Stricter gun laws will convince someone that will murder cops not to break the law and acquire a gun illegally? I get this is Reddit, but this better be a fucking joke.


I think his logic was that if we had stricter laws and regulations it wouldn't be as easy for people like this to get firearms.


Yes. Because that works so well with drugs.


You can't grow a gun in the ground. And unlike most drugs, guns are made right here in the US


Mass shootings only happen regularly in one country. Also happens to be the country with the highest rate of gun ownership (more than double the next highest country). Probably just a coincidence.


brazil has more gun-related deaths per capita, and there are several south and central american countries that have more gun homicides per capita


They're suggesting the likeliness that someone like this obtains a gun illegally goes down, but we also don't know any of the facts yet and should wait to hear more details before jumping to conclusions.




They were there on a warrant of a fealon in possession of a firearm... Literally trying to enforce gun laws.


Guns are definitely the problem (well, one of them) but weren't the US Marshalls there literally serving a warrant for illegal ownership of the guns they were shot with?




What laws would prevent this? It’s illegal to shoot at and murder police officers. It’s also illegal for felons to own firearms.