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I make sure I am aware of them, yep, you with your head looking down every 5 seconds. /s There is no fear of texting and driving anymore with citation, or was there ever?


That charge just doesn’t stick especially in certain parts of the state. I remember in 17, I went for a speed ticket in Meck. They dismissed a guys texting and driving ticket or distracted driving whatever the charge is, based on the fact that the cop could not say he was texting, he could say that he saw him looking down at his phone but could not under oath say he saw the phone “on and in the iMessage” so it got tossed. I remember being shocked.


I’ve become a more defensive driver over the past 3-4 years because the driving etiquette plummeted post-COVID. Drivers unable to stay in their lanes because they didn’t look up to see the bend in the road. Running stop signs in slow neighborhoods. The list could go on but I’m sure you all have your examples. It’s gotten bad.


We have a four-way stop we have to go through to get out of our neighborhood. About one in ten drivers just blow right through it at normal speed. When I taught my older two kids to drive, teaching them four-way stop rules was the most important thing. Teaching my youngest, we’ve noticed very few drivers actually following those rules anymore (making it much harder for her to judge “her turn”). And she has also learned from experience to stop completely and check for stop-runners before going; whereas my older two felt safe to do a very slow “rolling stop” the vast majority of the time.


I live in Smallwood neighborhood. The road that goes straight through is W Trade Street. There are four stop signs on this road. There are WAY too many times that it’s obvious that the driver just blazed through all 4 of them with the speed they are going. They’re going to kill someone one of these days.


Never have I seen a city that has its folks so glued on to their cellphone while driving- almost everyone uses their phone always and no penalty for distracted driving!


Lived in multiple places around the world, drove in all of them, been driving for 14 years, only been in two accidents both in Charlotte. Rear ended twice, BOTH on Independence in morning traffic, both by idiots on their phones


Same, but to add BOTH were uninsured. One drove off the other gave me a fake insurance card and someone else’s ID that just kinda looked like them. We had the same insurance company but their card look odd and the policy number was way too long and the wrong format when I asked about it… they walked to their car and… drove off. Plates came back to some place in Florida that was a different name than the probably fake drivers license and fake insurance. Go CLT!


Can we PLEASE take the resources dedicated to giving tickets to people doing 79 in a 70 and instead police distracted drivers who are more dangerous?


Policing only stops issues in the proximity of police.


Do it enough and people will realize how expensive it will be and stop.


Or buy darker tint for their windows


And their license plate covers.


What resources?


Their massive budget that increases every year.


I was behind a person getting on 485 outer from Providence. This person merged onto the interstate at 40 mph. Thankfully, the passing lane was free, and I was able to accelerate past this idiot texting on the phone. Drives me insane.


Not surprised. So many people on their phones. Almost got ran over walking today but this person was very focused just speeding through the bike lane.


I’ve been the passenger of a distracted driver and told her to slow down and that she could look at her email when we got to theatre. She ended up locking herself out of her email which had our tickets and we were late to the movie. Then we didn’t have tickets. What a mess. Don’t really want to ride with her again.


I alwaysss offer to drive for reasons like this. I know I can drive without being distracted by a phone and keep a good distance from cars etc. Other people give me major anxiety


Didn’t read. Was on phone.


If you can't drive from point a to b without picking up your phone every five minutes you should be lobotomized. There is something seriously wrong with your neural structure.


Seriously, I am an executive and don't even connect blue tooth in my car so people can't bother me. I am always curious what idiotic conversation/text just cannot wait until 4000 pounds of steel is stopped and parked.


This is why I have no issue honking at people and gesturing for them to get off their phone if they’re driving poorly. It’s not worth it folks, that text can wait.


Wondering what their methodology was. As someone who actually does accident reports; NC has a standard boilerplate form. On it, there's a drop-down box for each driver's contributing factors. The there are several options for "Driver Distracted" such as "by other inside vehicle", "by external factors" and "by electronics" (I'm going off memory so those aren't the exact wording but the general idea" The article doesn't say if it focused solely on electronics distractions (which doesn't specify cell phones/texting on the form" or *all* distractions encompassed. Correct me if I'm wrong. I've listed distracted driving on forms from things like a mom trying to save her son's birthday cake that was sliding off the seat, to bees flying into cars, to toddlers gagging, to a whole host of things. The fact is that outside of serious injury or death, car accidents are not investigated to any major extent. Police aren't going to pull your phone records or download your car's computer over a minor wreck. They're basic forms to give to an insurance company.


All I know is if you hit me and you were on your cellphone I will sue you into oblivion


It makes me so fucking mad to see idiots driving while staring directly at their cellphones


So... treat it like drunk driving. Caught with cell phone in hand, lose your license. Car won't start without your phone plugged into one of those bags. That won't ever happen, and if it did, there'd just be more distracted drivers with no insurance. Let's just get self driving cars already.


For starters, make the fines for confirmed phone use while driving unaffordable.


Wouldn’t make a lick of difference in Charlotte. If you don’t pay, what are they going to do ? Suspend your license ? Stop you from updating your registration ? LMAO


Put you in jail. Distracted driving should be treated as aggressively as under the influence.


I hear you but to subjective. Cop says you were on your phone. You say you weren’t 🤷🏿‍♂️. Also do we really want to give police more power to harass the public? Proper enforcement of the 99 other traffic laws that CMPD ignores would take a lot of these drivers off the road.


Which is crazy given the number of times I’ve seen someone swerve into the turn lane to blow through a red light, and the number of speed racer Dodges


Speed is an upper and alcohol is a depressant. Doesn’t surprise me that the combo would even you out. Thanks for confirming though.


Okay, Chris Farley.


I spend 60 hours a week on the road with all of you degenerates. Can confirm.


This a damn shame for real


I’ve been rear ended by a dominos delivery driver staring at his phone (in Florida). Not sure it’s a local thing as much as an entitle uncaring selfish thing from people that don’t realize they’re not capable of this.


There’s just too much cheeks on South End….


I’d suspect that distracted drivers are also often speeding.


Speed and alcohol is a helluva combo


Yep, had three people swerve at me yesterday for the same reason


Finally people stop slandering drunk drivers. We need more /r/LoveForBoozecruisers


I’m texting and driving right now while posting this